Amphibians SWBAT explain why amphibians are described as having a double life; describe the...

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Transcript of Amphibians SWBAT explain why amphibians are described as having a double life; describe the...


SWBAT explain why amphibians are described as SWBAT explain why amphibians are described as having a double life; describe the metamorphosis having a double life; describe the metamorphosis

of the frog; describe the eating habits of a frog; list of the frog; describe the eating habits of a frog; list 3 amphibians other than frogs3 amphibians other than frogs

Amphibian DevelopmentAmphibian Development

Amphibian Amphibian From the Greek, means double lifeFrom the Greek, means double life Live in the water when youngLive in the water when young Live on land when adultsLive on land when adults Ectothermic vertebratesEctothermic vertebrates Go through metamorphosisGo through metamorphosis

Amphibian DevelopmentAmphibian Development

Describe respiration in amphibians.Describe respiration in amphibians. Gills – for breathing in the water in their youthGills – for breathing in the water in their youth

Take in oxygen from water and release carbon dioxideTake in oxygen from water and release carbon dioxide Lungs – for breathing on land as an adultLungs – for breathing on land as an adult

Take in oxygen as a gas and release carbon dioxideTake in oxygen as a gas and release carbon dioxide SkinSkin

Can exchange gases through the thin layer of skinCan exchange gases through the thin layer of skin

Zoology: The Frog’s TailZoology: The Frog’s Tail

How do frogs change during metamorphosis?How do frogs change during metamorphosis? Start out as eggs, laid in bulk in jelly coated Start out as eggs, laid in bulk in jelly coated

massesmasses They hatch after less than a week, coming out as They hatch after less than a week, coming out as

tadpolestadpoles Long feathery gillsLong feathery gills 2 chambered heart2 chambered heart Hard jaws and lipsHard jaws and lips No proper mouth or tongue.No proper mouth or tongue. Tail Tail

Zoology: The Frog’s TailZoology: The Frog’s Tail

As it grows, legs develop, the mouth changes As it grows, legs develop, the mouth changes and the tongue growsand the tongue grows

Anywhere between 13 days and 3 years the Anywhere between 13 days and 3 years the change in complete, depending on the species.change in complete, depending on the species. 3 chambered heart3 chambered heart Lungs developedLungs developed

Amphibian GroupsAmphibian Groups

List and describe the 2 groups of amphibians.List and describe the 2 groups of amphibians. Tailless amphibiansTailless amphibians

Frogs and toadsFrogs and toads Hibernate in winterHibernate in winter Estivate in summerEstivate in summer

Tailed amphibiansTailed amphibians Salamanders Salamanders