Amorican ot' T wino Go. - Memorial University...

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Transcript of Amorican ot' T wino Go. - Memorial University...




Guelph llorrliled by a Triple Orime-W ll Harvey Rilla H.ia Wife aud Two Daugh­ters (Their Dead Bodiea found in the Deserted l:iouae.-Thetlllturllerer Captured in Toronto.

Gutlph . • Uarclt 26.-Tble oity I~ io a fermeot~of ercitemeot, 11nd enrywhere theN' ia but· one topic or nooveraatlon-the terrible tralredy by which a wire aott har two d":urbte ... were mar· dored b-r •fond. loYintl'huabAnd and fftther. The whole affair Ia ooo of tho aatldeet that bu ner ocourred In Oanl\d11. A eenaltiYI\ mao It IIOOUII· ed of embeulin')r a few hunc.lred dollar11 . . Uo11ble to t>nrlure that hla famtly •hould know the dis· honor c.n11 pO\'erty ittenrl11nt ot. what be pro· tnated wu " ml11take. bat for wbloh he moat auf· fer. tlellberately catbered hla fl\mlly tojlet:1er thi~ morninll and 11hot them ooe after the other. 'fbi~ 1!1 tbe only re11~on hill friend• 11nd acquaint­anon can auls;rn for the murde:. Wm. H. Hllr· Y~Y 1h~ man whoae hloooy work baa rl e~olatod his fAmilY. wu" &oolt -lceeoer for T. W . Lton and 1be Wotld Pnbllahlnsr Company. He CAme to Guelph with hie family about ehrhteen moothe asro from Toronto. Be aooo bectme a retpeoted cititen, aod , connecting himaelf with St. Geor"e'e Church. won' ~teneral eatoem and confirleuoe. W hst, therefor!', wu the eurpri•e whon It waa l earned l11~t nlRht ~lr. Lyon haJ lnirl

TWO CRAR0£8 Of £)l8£Z.ZLE:.lltNT

p,ol of blood near tbe pillo~ pd the right .tae of the face our tbe ear Ia torn by a hu11e~ wo1mlt A r •he bAck of her be11r1. too. le the death m11rlt of bn father'• hullel ~be ... " '"'"' lflrl.

The body nf tbe eldttr Jllrl. tall •habt and lilrl-

. _::ew Advertise!fents

.Post Office ftotice. lYI.AIIiS ..

iah. "'"' fnuurl lyinsr betweeo the wall aorl a rnrle Ot&mO bod in a room ,.yidently uuoeed. Tbe fAce ie tb11t of " 11irl more tban merel~ py-elly. ._ with email, resrular ft~aturea. There le blood on the """ 1\lld ftoor whertl alae fell. and her head. \\'Ill be deep:atched from ~hie om. GDUI further too, beare tbe fatal bnllt~t. hole in the back of th~ notice for head. The wouude beinsr io the aame plaon In- Banta Harbor, Trinity, Oablf:na, dioate the 1nurde~rer muat hue oau11ht hla BonaYi•ta and KiD~'• OoYe, viotime And placed tb11 pletol aL their heacie All Every TUI!:~l>AY. cloainll at 9 &.111, an1t fo• 1eem to bue ft sd fro•u him, a• \here .,, nl- B&ndom and Smit~ So~ud\ deuce• "'hi~ QO to ehow thac Lillian •u dieturb· Brooldvn and Ill fe Town, ed wbilo performing hl'r work upetaire "-

TIU lJORDERER .UBESTI>I> !!;very THU.RSOA Y, cloeiDI{ a' e am. Toro11to, Marc.'Ja 26-1be Goolph morder•r J. 0 . F.RASER,

was arreeted here thla eunloll by Detective P?lt Na.ttr Ge11eral. Ulaok He wu etandinst unconcernedly on the Oeoeral Po11t Office. St. John ·a, t corner of Klnll and Yons;re atree~. ernokiosr a Ap1il 12. 1889. 5,.17 oiuRr when arreeted On bia pereon wu fonod a new 6vo-ohRmbered ro-rolver, wtth threo empty oartridllel recently diacllaraed. and two cbAmbera etill loaded Ha Ia a pparently ina&ne He bad ten\ a meaaage to hie IIOD, who worlie lo the city, ukln~r him to walk d o wn towo ao:i etay wlth blto o-rer nlabt 'l'be aoo had !JOn& to Guelph oil receipt of newe of tbl! murder, aud the eneaaa~re f!!ll into the htorl• or tlle polioe , ,thua eettlog tbeto oo lbner '• ttaok

IIARVEY "s POSITIOS IN TBK OtT\' :\tr Hnrvt~y Will" very promiueot mutober of

~t Gl.'orl(o'e Churoll &,nd WAI I!Jperluteudl!ot of the Suntlty t:cbool of thot chtirch "nd in Rnd out of ohnrob bo wu hlsrhly e~teemed He wu of a rotir inll diapo1itloo and wu a total aheta\otr He wu o.Jt ltuowo t~ haYe any txtrliYallllllt bah-

Pu.bllo N"oUoe! THE

BOAl~DOF HEALTH QIYe notice to all peraoua wbo have Dot been V•ooloated, that they are requlied by L"w to be V"cciDAted uudor '\ pl'naitj of fine or ion l)ri ~·mmeut ror ueuleot.

THE PUBliC VACCINATORS will Vaocioate all poreouo1 who are uoable to P"Y· rrt~e of 1\DY oharau uutil l htt .

80th DAY OF URIL. 1 bo 8o11rd baa reaanu to belin~ C,tarFreillhtere

a uri E •ntoloyura of l.o~~bour will ~ C..lll Pllraona to th., Fieb~try or Laurador lfhu lfA'd a,~tu lttotod to he V 1\Ccioatt'd ' ·~ 1

c;r ,\u~od 1--0 thia lut 1im~IJ •nrulnll ! T . Q.. BE~NJU'T, t'/a.airma11

llarbour GriiOil, 1:3do April, 1~89


LOTTEHt Uudt~r the p111ron11 1!e o l

tba Hev Fn1 ht~r ~11be ll c •

·· -Eatl\hlitht! rl l u 1 J.

Jllldt•r 1 ht~ Act uf Que · tteo . ~2 Vio .. chRp :w for the bufll•flt of tho J>i . a&ec"u ~ooil'lil'l of Col­o niz'ltiou of t he pro\·inco of Qnobeo.


l'be l!SI.I .\tonUdy. Ure•• in~ • ill talro ~Jfletl

1 Ueall.;atatt~ ·IOrth ............ fh.tt4 IJ 6,~ 1 rlu :t.OOO t .IX& I do ......... . .. 1.1100 t.00\1

WEDNESDAY, ltstil 4 tlo ........... . 600 'a·~ M 10 lte ,J £,1tAtl'a .. .. ............ SUO ~-.1

ay • RO lo'uruit11re ~11 ...... ....... .. 2110 8 ()('Q,

At.2 pm 60 du ..... . .. . ...... 100 6,0\1(.

2\JO Golti Watches ... . ......... 60 lO.~CJQ 'PRIZES, VAI;.U~ tOOO ~iiYttr \\ 11ohea ..... . .. ...... 10 10.01 0

lOOO foilt't Sete ............ ...... .. 6 6.0?0t

$50 000 00 TIOJtETS • • • • • • fl.OO •

' • , Olfllre are msdu to "II wi1o~era 10 P•1 their r-r i zt~s ouh, leu" co nou1ia•iou of lO p o.

CapitAl Prizu- ona It""' \Viooere' namt~.a uc.t publiaht~CJ uulttaa eplloiaiiT E11ate. worth •ntburized.

S E. LE~'E13VRE. Secretary. UffiCl>8. 19 S t. Jruoea At reet. Montrt!otl C• $5,000.00

·1'1 e"Wfoundland Fisheries.• THE

Amorican ot' & T wino Go. would can attention to their Manufactures for the sea­

son of 1889.'

()Ul{ r~TJ\.NDARD l-Jl~Hl~IN.G NETS, 40 to 60 Raps, made from the c' Shepard Gold Medal" 14/ 6 Twines, now

almost exclusively adopted in the Maritime Provinces. .. .

Blrl\ioat ~~ r. Hnrvey. 'fhe firat one ' Is for em ­boulloll tho eum of 9200 io April. 1888 a'\d the other oharu Ia for embenlinlf three dilft~root amouota. r&n"ln~r from 840 to over 1100 each, from October laet. Warrant& •ere luued laat ni2ht noon theae obaraes. and Baney wae arrut­crl. Afterward• be procured Or. Lett to go bla bRil for t2.000 to apoear to-day. \Vbeo, how­e~or, the ,cue waa called at the Police Court t•l· dRy Mr. Barvey rlld not appear and ~ oonatable wM deepatobed to hla house 10 bring biro. A her half -o hour the oonat11ble reported that there wu no ooe at HuYey'• II oaae. Tele~rrllm!l were lmmediat.ely aeot out bv the police to Bll the im­portant poiut.l In Canada ftnrl tbe border towna in thl' United St.ltt>a and Rbout S.SO Chief Rand"'l end Couatable E lliott proceerled to

ita 1\n.i with a ealary uld to be ,1,800 a yur ble fdon.Je 011uoot uudora.taod wlly be would •m. hcule lie told Cbief Randall that It waa all a mi•take, that It wu ao error lo tbe book• wade bv " preceding bookkeeper. for which he woulll ha\'tt to eufier Hie frie nds tbinlt that, koowioll be woald loee hie poaitloo, HarYOy lo~inll bia family eo well concelvl'rl the idea of sllootiug tbo:m ftll, ao th11t they IDillht not knl)w the pain and pov11rty of hie riit11raoe PUBLIC NO-;fiCE I COl), C.:\.PLIN & .HEl{L{lNG SEINE~.


oppoeito tho lbjlttlt C!:toroh. Tbe obiof fou nd t bo bonae ll)oksd 1\1 both rloor11. bu4l.!J1Rde hi11 wa• loeide th rou~h a window. Upataifti.the ftrat object on which h i• eye reate.! 1\11 h11 tarne•l 10 tho front w!\11 ~lr liarvey't~fatr -bllir~d t.lrl of 12 or 18 years lyiug on the floor io tile front bed­room wtth ber head

1:( A •ooL OP BLOOD

by tbe oloret rlnnr. The t-loody hole io hor bead 111 once tolrl the mean• by which 11he hAn met h~r deaLb. Tbl! oh1ef rftit~eli the li ttle one's head from ita orampen position auri l11irl it o n a p illo w. T urning from tblot "" fn l 1ich t he • e nt throullh the upper bs ll and in the back he!iroom found the eldttst dftUIIhter lvinll beeitie tbe bed elso at.ooe dead. 'to rri6er( the obief weot dow!r• aorl Jv tbe olo ,hea ronm off the kit.oben nd Mrt Han"Y atrot.obed &I full leo~rtb witb a l-Iar b"llot wound . S o traoo wu lound of the autho r of tbo

DltUOFlJ I.. T RIPI..& )lCRD ER.

Rev. G. A. H ~rvey . wh n is oot relsteti to L 1H~ murdere r althonch of the umfll n11ruo, Ia ou nte of t)t. Georlle'e r :. •• z11 . ~~~ I ••·l la tbe followio~t atory : AbonL g.16 o"o loolc thla moroin~r 1 Wl\8

told by one of ~r Joho M. 1\~od & Co.'• clerlu tbat Mr Har~ey ltad been arreeted th~ nhrbL bo · fore and tb11t be had jnet beea io their atore and purcbued a re-rolver, nod they feRrod what uae be waa aolnq to make of it. l telepbooed Cllief Rao<MII te: lio lt biua ahon~ ..-hat ~lr. Har~ey bad done.· ultioa 1f It would not hP "*ell to look lntn the ruetter. I .,eat up to ~lr Harv_,y·s hoo11. I me'' ~r. UatYt'y,1~~ •. lilney anti tbelr daoab· ta r Lllllao, about elif;t.eo ''"'' o!_t~e· and talk­ed eome time •ltb them EveJIYVainll aeemed thorou~rhly · ea"ti•fllotory. hla f•rnHy aaemeri to know oothinq of the Rrrou . and Mr. Barny &Ill k­ed "'uanal. u cep' tbl\t I tbou~rbt he eoeroed ua­ouy aod fldvetty. The whole family epoi• of their iottntio, to att~•nd my million meetlofr to• night. Thu war• a a:.oat

,UCUOL UD LOV~O VAWILT lo all their domee~c relatiooa. It wa11 nearly ~0 o'l'look w~eo l left the hou!e, ao<l 1 me~ t:hi~f Hnodall oominst to ..,l\rd {L. Abont an hou r ftfter­warde I celtphonerl to the obief 11nd ••ked the r~eul ~ of hia vltt fbe cbief'a'AI th!lt ~b. ll.•t uy h d faithfully prqm1111d ~at t be revolver aboul•l h retnrouol lO l\Io:ure. Hond & Co , sod th" t ~~ won appear At court "nd arrtlnge tbe ftMnoial tllffionl _!.l,!iefaotorlly Tbla aatlafted the chief.

1(1'0, u. Ch!.f RAn.Jall telle tl•e at y of Har·rey'e for·

reet-'for etnbeuleml!Of and t e anbuqnent t-erri­ble cUYtlopmeDII.~I bo~..fb~ lu~ UJID

who 11• Hauey ••• I'h01Jf{i Piereoo, a well· diget, wbo wae working at Ha"ef't ho&UI tbit x:2oroJfl~. lie uya that Abont 1.10 p .m. Haney pad paid hhn tl end ' toltl hlia Mi LJOD WllDted hfm to ItO down to hfa o8oe to do eome wort . Pleraoo weot to Lyoo. aod ftodinll &ha• be diti not wiut' blm, retoroed, bu~ did obt He Hat;.Y•Y •gaJo. pie~o he•rd oo e~ote Ore<J. to t~~~ iJ!e ~bqoti9sc 91n~t ~•tt bteo aft•r be l.t•d bjten JIOt OJSt ot tlie wa1 by tbe rute. (o fact, oo ooe eeetne to h .. e heaf\1 ebootlo1. not eveo cbe nut door oet11 hhor.

fBI SOUl Of TBI MORD&B. Oo eoterioJ the Lhcbf'n wu ueu the table,

diabee aud epoooe aad tlo oootaiJ•iua the uomntttd logredJ.ote of a cake. at wh1oh Mre Hanoey had beeo eopeed wb•o ealled or chued hy ber baa• bud 1rom &be ldtobla. ..l"be · oJ &he deN womaa w'l• JJJ'f ~ 1t felt! fe tlW of j tall, '..tiotlf .... or ,..... The

By Telegraph. -11--

RALIFAX, N .S, April 16.-T!Je l<'rencb Sen ­ate havo oommdnoed the trial of uoulao"er aod l>illo 11 witb closed rloura. ~mpr .. Ba vf Auatria ia ioeaue. ~be &OOUI<'I her ·

self of tbe de11t h of .Rudolph "nd triea tq commi t suiuide. Tt.e E•overor eulfure frotu ioeotpuia aad propoaea abrlloMioo. No·~ hMJ>een rsooi-red of the pteeeo,era

of t he abandoned ateamer lltnmark. Jnrlllo• of tbe Qoeeo·a Beach hue deoldod that

womu n t\r~ oot eligible to tbe Loudon County (.;ouuoll

S iJ Juliau Paunot~fote anilt!d for N11w York oo "aturda''· Tlo~ ~n~otlish m11ii lltdAII'er Santia arriYed oo

SAtUrtllly uist!lt with 646 puaeo~otere T he•Uirmlogham 10lectioo cooteet attrAOII ooi­

Yereal a~teotioo. Albert ~rl"ht ie ao uocQ~· promlainll Uolc nitt.

Lendioa comme rcial oo1eu of Londou (lAVIl a bao· quot w ::)onitb . leader of the Houae of (.;omwooe, prc pll t tiiiJry to hla rtttirinl{ to the Houae of ~rrle ltoachen will aucoeed Smlt h aa leader iu tbe Hon•e o f Commona.

William Q'Bt tt!O hna ootored an action for iibdl lll&ioat Lord ~~~liautHJ.

APRIL 0 -+lbllrt Brlaht h~ bet~n ,leoted to 1bo oontml cl lfl • loa of Uirmina!,aro ~y &hrae t~OQ• •and ru1jo rity over Bea• , tbe lt111datoul~u.

'fho Ua uadlan Oovl!rtJtueot lrfl\n~ twenty · ~Ye tbouaano l ponude eubt idy per year to ~~~"fP"I be~weeu Uritlah Cohuuloia end hu'atrallA ; t{fteeo tbouaand pound• to ateamere to Chloa aod J11p1o : eou half a willloo dollare/to wettily ateatutlre ou tho Atlautlo ro911, "l ' b11 ouptra~~ to Jut t.eo yel\f~.

qoaohep, Chao.cellor of t~e ~~toltequ11r. lalro­duoerl hJa b~djlet yeatarday. fh~ rfnoqe U• oeode the eetlmate by one rullltun ail buodreci thoound .,Ouudi. 'fhe ~~peo•litnre tell el;im of t.lil• ea1i1oate. l'be~• I• a aurii l1!" ~f ~~o 'lliiflqoe tff~t hoodrecJ aoJ elahty-ei~· Jh1!1J''IIJII !JOUolda­tbe lar~ee& for ~f~IIJ fll\rf It 111 ulimfttl'd the revuqut lot ~be curreut yenr will ue wiJ1biJ-6Ye UJllliout, tbe oxpeoditur11 oe:arty eil(loty .JI!Y80 milliona ·}·~e dt~ftoit of uttarly two mllli ·•n• h due to iucrea1ed a rmy and nl\\' )' fl"tioo•~'~"•· qoe· chen propoeet to loorllu e thd 1 t>t th dU'iee oo lariJe eatatee aod to add 1htt on<! foq n doat4 p~tt or" penuy per jlalloo on beer. .

JltARBIAGB. At I be re.tdeo041 of tile br ide a felber. 818 Klo~t atrMt,

LoQdon, oo Tallld"l• Mareb 26, b.Y tlev J A llarray a"latlld by U.. B.-r 0 L Meubchnle, brulbft'-lu-lnw of tba bride, !leY G A TboBJpaoo1 If. A, k 0. Pb Q, leti of '1hrbor U,.ce, N••foaucUaod tq r.111op. 4• lfbtar of Wm 8te-relr. P.~. ·

'ia. ...... =- .,, .,. '!If.,,., ~ II'*• 'I'M .. lc. .... lA wldl&a.. .... udlr .. .., .... tarW Ul ._. litton ,.._.,. of ........ ...,. . ...... .. ...... .... of ......

Til~ Publio are herehy 11<itl6ed that by tho Proriai n1JI of Ch11p1 "' 71 of th• Cooaolidated ~tAtulea. t hey are re~uitad tu k!klp their

Yards and Premises frt~t! frotQ all oox ioue oai"nc .. 'ao1 filth wbiolt are liielr to 'tujure ' tbe f.Ublic b~hb.

• Thare will be

A THOROUGH INSRECfiON of the Towu on T,;eo~y aecopd day of April 11nd froul dny lo dey unlit it ia ao.11opl11ted

Tb11 ., ,.nere I)( J.treolilet found io bad condi­tion will lie h11Llo to a 6ue of

Twenty,.Ffve Dollars. ·r R flE~~H~TT,

· SUpendi41J Magiltrate Pollue OtHcu. f{llrbor U• ftC~ . t

April \ 6, 1889 S

-4'r THI!~

FANQY & TOY~~AZAAA fiiclq,-iq Strut 1 ----~a$~r Qards,

Merchant and Fisherman cau depend upon getting a Seine from will fish well, handle easily, and wear satis(octorily.

The Bank Fishennen are now using lnrgc quantities of our

US that

'' A~IEhiCAN" OF LINES lightly and evenly tn.rred.

COTTOX XETTING n' S h \!Cts, tor \\'i nter 'York and Repairs.

·' SHEPARD GOLD MEDAL " TVVINES, soft, Half-Patent and Patent, oll sizes.

'rE a1 o 11ow prepared to upply nli tho nbove ~oods nt short notice nnd our ~cwfoundlnnd pntrons can rt ly upon LO\VEST RATES. Cor· respondence solicited and samples cheurf u Uy given.

ESTABLISH!j:D 1842. CAPITAL $350,000.

Highest nwnrda at Boston, 1869, Philadelphia, 1876. London Fiah ... erics Exhibition, 1883.

American Net & Twine Co., .

Hqme O.ffwe, 34 Commercial St., I \ ew York OffiCe, Bo.ston, 19 9 Fulton Street.

Birthday Oards, Traced and Shaded ~ats,

~r~WQol. 4· ~ 4- Ql~IT~ JJei~.

April ~0 . BAIRD'S $ 100] ONEl$100::::nn

J () H N 1>£~!~~ N t~: H, FRENOH OINTMENT Hundred Dollars Cash It li d A l M bl Th11 Ointment h111 becu ueetl with thllllfel\teu a an an mer cao ar 8, euooeu io the spe01ly our~ of uil u up110111 nriaioll

SOArsTO Mtt ,1., froru au 1m pore ftAle of tbe bloor\ 01 tbat m•y . . ~ iU~ ~g bavo be eo imparted by ooutact. with dll!lllli'cl por -

.. - -::- aoue. Whott!Ve r tl10 e ruption. or breukiog 0 11t

MON~~IENTS, HB~\DSrrONGS, UURBING, ~: ~~iJilit~d~r"~~~j,!;1;v~;,: ~~ch,~;,~::; ~:t·~:; &c e:reouted in Orimnal· dt~~lgne kiod,q cure may be rel~td upon. It 11lao a11m ulate1

-FOR-lu NewfouudiAud who aeod (until 8lu Jul1) tho l ~~rsreat number nf W oodil)'e Gorman Hak­injl Powrlor ( blue) \Vmpper11, 111 followa:

$50 to the 26 familiae eftch seodlna Wrllp• pore repreaeotinll oot le .. nine tbao Jl.20.

'· 11

"" ' tha aotioo of o ld or wdolent U I cere , ~·eve r So re• English nnd American plane furnleqed obetluate Sorea aod W o unda, &o. , loenlinll theru $lS

to order. Carvings, & ap8cial~y, lu oaany caeee imtol!dia •d y aud aouurlly . N ~B t Stock Ar~,m;, d S b ta Pri.oo SUS cent. a Boll:. At all Dealers.

()NE to tho l?b ramlllea eaoh l<~odlu~: Wrap.

pera roprtt• eotiog not leu Yalue thao 00 <leOti. 0 es • ~rw "'Il U 8 n· W · 11. 'L'llOMP~ON & UU. Ilsrbor G mce . tial Work guara~t@e<l. HUND ED Price Lie .. aq4 Speoi~IIQ Qoolta unt qu ap·

pliCAtion to ftDT addreet ' Bet~ atteotloo gl ,eu to or4-rw r•oolyed bf

mall or otberwl~. · All work •J~cuterl qti4er f>'lrtO"•J euperrie1oo

O.E•J~~'l' '"d PJ-4~Tl$~ J'41JJ~ tor"''· --T_. •• lfOV=--4-Jtll. WOaD, ~~ t, • · lou'•· . . '»ot~ ..,.


New Church, Spani~rd's Bay· All tbe ~("m\umt uf tl~~ ~~nroh uf EnglKud

in Spauia1d'M ~~1 ,re t~hollt t.o erect. a Nttw Ch~ro~, ~i1trjbtttion'l onft berehy eolici~d and ~jO he t.h~tnkfully reoeivi'Ci by Re•. J. A tthnr gvan11, ' 0.\Gmnnn of Com,_ll,_ i llr. J~tl).)l) 0 JMk MOd ~fr. JKDJI!S u.IL.,I•ing•, 0/tu.rcA-JYarthiU ; M.r. J. V; Hl~t~ppanl, r,_.. ....,. ; Mr. 8:\n'-, ~.

spq~arcLI- a.,, ,., .. :.a. 1888.

For Sale by Private Treaty $25 T \, AT \VEJILL·KNOWN FARM

to tb11 60 f111uiliee eaoh eeodio 6c Wrap· pere repreaentlog oo& leN value tbaQ 80 COUll,

C06HRAN E DALE P.: You~~~! ~~!~OODlLL'S,

G~RMAN UAKING POWJJER, lo paper paok. •au. ar 6, 12 11od ~• cente.

Adctrea ordllrA to \V. M. O. PEAKltA!i,

{clltiiiUOJlly C16lltt'-' Tti.E GOUl.D~.} oon,talninB ~Jhou t !!Ut hundred aqre'f of l.tlnd, (41ne hqJld&·e4 of wh\oh ue 11ndet oultiv~&tion) eun~unclod by t he batt road!f in tho oonntry • 'fbe Rnllway Line t.o CIQI k~:~'• Beaoh ie •u•· ..

. Halifojl, N . •• Te,red right. through tbe Prol)erty, rhe Maroh~7 Gould!\ River al"o Jlltlllletl rhto•tgh it. - ------------r-----

A. mus\. tlellil'lthiA plar.o tor". M udf'l Prtno. BAIRD'S I'''INIIEN"r, 1tuot l!olcl "' thl+ s ... t .,r J liM, will ~ di.. .. I '!

vided •Jlti sold in lote, --- ' 4pply tc) G. !1 A ltlNSON, (&tabltahed 188e:)

liarl>or Omoo. Will Cure angthbrg tlant ca11 be curtd b!l t1itf bon

Li11i1Mnt, a11d in ku ttJH, ll triU CtUe 11CDf tJalf19' lMJl RO otlaer un/1. Jt if C1 part/1

Vtgd~lll'- Ctn~~poud.



POWDER Absolutely Pure.

This powder ne\rc ~ varies. A marvel of pur ­ity. strength and w~olesom~nosa.-More econo­mical than tho ordmuy ktuda, and cannot be 11old in competit ion with tho multitude of low rtJEt. short weight. alum or phospbnte powilera. Soh/ (lnly i11 ca11s-HOYAL BAKISG PoWDER Co., 106 W~<li-Rtrect ~ .Y . Apl21 ly '


Medical Ball. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. ____ ,

WHOLESAL.E & .RETAIL. Tht~ S ,tbRcribcr has ngain added tQ his large

1\nd va ried Stock, a fnw of the newest. le"diog P tt tent. ~l edicines 11nd Sundries, aR follows : 0 •·een's August Flowe r, Warner's Safe Cure Lirue Fruit. Juice. Boschee's German Syrup, Eno's Fruit Salt., Holloway a Corn Cure, <..!>~ner's Liltlc Liver Pills, \ Vi,·'s Balsam of Wild Cherry, \Vyeth'a Liquid Mal t ExLract, llazeline Mother G raves' \V o rm Ext.Arminat.or, Liebi .-r's Extract ot Jleat, Drainage Tubing. P ear'; ~onp,l:'enr'l> ~h rHing Stioks. White Enamel (for tilling Leeth,) Benzine (for clenn!ling purposes,) :MI\tt.son's F omily ::ly ringC's. Le mon Svrup, R tlBpberry Sp up, l >t·. Wil,~n ·~ H (' t b inc Biltct·s, J c, hnson's Anodyne Linimen t, Tllmar Indien (tor cofni,·cness), Eno's Me·li l:tllPtl :-;n~ ,l r ( lor worms), Outtnl's H nrr d yP, T r ico ;>he ro us 'l'P~b<• r.· \· T ooth P owJer , i\1 urrlly;s Fl uid :\[a~nesi,l, HP.ef Iron nn•l \ Villi', K orlhrop & L)"ffif\1• ' :~ Y o>gctablt~ Discovery

do d ,l <.J ttl totiiO \Vine , 1\. C' li• Jt.:~'s AR l hltl. ~ H t>tnt'Jy

do rrl . :-;nufi. D~ttfv 's E ti '< i r , lf op BttL•' r" Or. \V nlk('r's \ ' ' "'',;(" ,. Httti' ril Putman'o~ ,; , ., n E:\ 1 r ... ·t•W

Keatin~'i In s,.~_t p .. ,1 •lP r ;-o.i rtb1·op & Lyul:<ll .!l EllJ u, -;tor Ap·r's Stu-:~ol l '·u·ll• >< . Pnu .. •r'R ~;lllulsion

do ~ IJer ry l:'ectoral Pierce's Golden ~ld ic1ll Discovery

Jo Purgnti vu Pellets do NaRa l InjcctOI'R

Waterproof~nrsing A p1·one do Spon~f! l>ttgs do Bil.s ( fot· cltilrlrAn t.oething.)

l~ellow 'Cou pound -;_, rll t• S~erl ,,~~., · ,. 'PI•c t l tug Po wders R~bb<.'r Tubin.!! l nr F•·edor11 Ayrr''l llnir Yt~.>r, Bay Hum Allen''l Hair R el!tt"lror , OhiiJ 's Truaaea Adult's Truasa!', llinArd's Liniment Caivert's Carbolic :-:5onp, F ul ler's Earth Oried Savory, Dried ~ttgl• . Dried Thyme \Vright's Untcnnentc <.l W in e Burdock Blood Bilte t·a Ke?ler's Cod Liq>t· Oil and M&lt. Eeeence ot Sptuco, Alle n's Lung B&le&D1 J11d.aon'11 Goid P.dut., J ml~;on's Gold Ink Citrate of Magnosia, Caye1me T..ozengea

·- ALSO-

DRlAH.,P!PB , A ~I BE~S,P~RFOllh:RY H•ti r llnci Clothes~H C ~H F.S . z~crpthuta r;nrefully c" mpouoded and

whb pu "\ clrugo~.


~RTH IERN .Assumnce Company.



tliOOIIR A..'CD I'OKD8 (1887) : ~ . . UO'TOOO FIN Premlumt ..•.... ..... •·· ..... ·•• ··• •

I4te Premlama .. ..... .... ... ............. lri"',OOO tltec'Mt .• .. ... ..... .................... . .. 148,= ~·ted~~ ... ..••••....•. £8,481,



L-egislative Coun·ci~l / ~.:.v..oAT1 liuob J&b.

The HoUle ~net at balf·.,.U roar o'clook. The Hon. A. W. U.Uvar pNMatN a nomer·

nuely al~foed pe\ldo• f..Om ~babltaa&e of SL .Jnho'e, praJIDif f<n l.,tal&tion fa ameadmeo' of tbe S&. Joba'a Maalolpal Acl PMNd laa& ... too. Stcond &odbtg of LU BUl to .4.nwrul tM lA111 for tM ~timt of tltl Salt qf Illtozicotbag LU}IUWI. Bon. J . S. Prrrs aald Utt obJao• of tbla blll wu

explahred by ita title. It propoaea ~ repeal the Temperance Act of 18'71 and eublequeD' enao•· mente made In amendment~ oltht meuure, and it oontalna additional provlaioaa for tbt further­ance or tbe objaot It hu In view. He , abould briefly polot oat the alteratloua wblcb the bill propotcs to elreot in tb"e law· upon the eabject lieretC'fore In force. The third aectlon ie an Im­portant one in r(ltatioo to the procedure to be arlopted in oarryin~ tbe act Into effect. and le ~e­aigned to remove mlaunderetandlng u to the In­terpretation of t.he oorruponding eection of tbe law oo the Statute Book. It preaorlbe• ~be pe· riod durio~ which thu election fa to be holdeo to dt.oide upon the adoption or the ptrmiuive prl~­ciple, protldin~t that the poll eball be taken to one of the months of October, November. De­cember, January or February next after t!ln ~e· ceipt or the petition for i. by the f;onroor-tu­CouncU. If the eleotloa b11 not held in one of those mootba, the petition ia to be conaidered void aod of oo dfecl .It will be retoembered that, in regard "to the recent election io Ba~bor Grace, a petition calling for a poll was recetved twelv11 mootba before tbe proclamation waa iaau· ed autborizin~t a poll to be taken ; and it Will

contended tbat the election was null and voiti because it was not held io one of those mouths specified and next eucceodin~ the .receipt of tbe petition. Whatever ro~m extsted to tho law for ambhruity upon tbi• polot. is oow remo~ed by this clause which clearly d<J6o!s the lotentron by makinfe the· boldlo~ of •the election with!n the time Ppeoified imperative. The eighth aeotton of tbie bill provide• for the application or tbo ballot system in carrying oat tbe eleetlon to be belll under it. Thill ia a new feature. lnumaoh u the ballot principle bad noeo beeo adopted at the time of the enactment of the Jut leglalatlon upon the aohjeot of the ealu of llqaer. Subeeqaeot aec · tioos relate to tbe oarrJiog out of thla eyetem Seotl9n tblrteen providea, u he~etofore, tbllt the protlaiona of the ao• aball remain In force for tbree Jean; and at &be uplraUon of that period for three Je&rs more, and ao on, prot<lded a pe· tition be not forwarded to lhe 6overoor-lo-' Counoil a.lllog for a new poll. It alao doee away with a r•qnlrement oontained In tbe former ls w whlob maae it oeoeaury to iaaue a proc}a. matioo for oootlnnanoe of the prnention of the ~le of intos:icatlog liquon after the uplntlon or tbe three yeara term, evea when no petition for a new poll wna 11nt Ia : Tb~ foarteeotb ~la?•e r.ootains aQ important alteratton of the es:tatro~r la w. It provfdea tbat wheo a petition aball hne beeu pre1ented by the oleotore of aoy diatrlot re· qoirin~r n poll to be taken fJr tb~ repeal of the o pet atioo of tho act, It moat be 81jl~ed by a IDI· jMity of two-tblrde of the duly _qualified ele?tore or the BAld diatrlot. Uereln tbra meuure d1frers from the exiating law, wblob gave power to one­third of the qaaJifted 'VOtera to demaod a poll. This. it will be aeen, ie a very conaiderable chau~re. but wheo the olrcumttancaa or the ro­ceut eiP


ctioo In Harbor Grace .are conaidered, it wou ld appear not of aooh, imp~rtaoce u m,illht otbuwiao appear. A prov!sion 11 also ooota1ned io this bill. proTlding that the money to defray e xpens~a uf an eleotion to be bold uncier It shall ho d<'poaited witb the Returnin~r Officer, to jletber with the petition, and oot •ubaequent ly: as Wt\8

permiuible under the precedtng aot. 1 heee are rho nmendmentl the mauure oontalna. and tbey are of auob a nature u be tboujlbt would recom· meu.J tbemaelvea to the good aenso nf tht! bouae. He truated tbey would be paaaed whhout oppoai­tioo. There were t.-o or tbree lmtllaterial ameodmeote ueoeuary, whioh be aboold pro­poae wl1en the Rooae eball cro toto committee upou the bill. In the meantime he beaaed to moYe tbat it be now read a eeoond time.

Boo. COLOSlAL SECiliTARf had no objection ~ the aecond reading of &ble bill for the cooaolilfa. tion of thP varloae temperance act. upon tbe Statuto Book and for the purpoae o! promotllli tho cause of t~mperance. There le, bowner, one point lql lt wb1ob contained " proYialon that wu contrary to hie 'Viewa of aooad principle 1 and to that be bad a daolded objeotlon a~d ahould pro. poae ao amendment opoo It wbao tbe bill oomu bofore committee of the •hole. What be tMk exception to wu tbellhao~ere~ulring a two-third, lnetead of, u prorided by tb• former act, a Olll· tbird nom~r of the eleotort. u beln(l neoeaaary to demeud a poll to telt tbe --~~- or • dlatrlct u ~ tbe propriety or a coatiouetloo of the pro­vialoau of tbe aot after a period of thr11 yeare of their operation ahall have expired. 'fbe very large majorltJ Jo fnor of continuing the provi•· looe of the aot. at ~be rece~>t election held lo Harbor Grace waa, to bla mind, no evidence Gt all ooo way or other u a«eotlna the prioclple be rete• red t.o. Wbal he dl1poted wu the correct. ueaa and fu•&loe of allowloa or admlttll}g tbe principle t6a' a minority lo aoycommQnity alaould ride tbe majorl&J lu illt& oommuolty, in any catt Jllfeptiog riahta }lrtvlooaly eoJoJad &ad reprded u ~~ or geoeral rtabta. !low, fa prevfoatly roaldog a oJJauge to pro'Vlde for tbe reatralot or prohlbhfoo of Jbo l&le o! lutosloatJn~ llqoora) ;h wu •iaely oonald~tred aod en,aoted that aom•· tbinr more tbaa 1 bart maJority wu oeceaaary for Jhc aonroaoce of tile ~mmuohy lo wbloh tbe ,.rmlaive prlaofple Q)laba be applied. Henoe ia tramlor preoedwr lealalatloo ~ carry out Lbat priRIIfple I& wu aeoerally &dmltt.ed •nd wlaely 1aaote4, ~be ooaeldered, that a two·tblrcl. majority 1F0014 11f J ~oable proportion to wltom to ,tn $he PP•., of lmpoeioa the rt• JtrafD&a of &h• JaW QpQfJ lU ~hJOrf'J or fel­Jo•a. '!'bat pro'ViefoD •u tl~ ~ad~ •pplloable, •bea af&er $bree JO&II1 OperlltOD or ~o permla­elve J~•. a poll ahoald be demu~d J~ ~t. &h~ fHllDI of tt.e dlatrlol al':to ~ta repeal or eoa"oqa. lioa No" hewaYet, we are a.aked &o ~·a• &o a obnr• &b~& wolllcl Jltt oae-tbfrd of the eleo'-' oni of • dllerl9t power tD ooowol tb• other two-&bfrcla. OOD~ to die rtOOPiled prfa. ofple of -~ DJ .. GtldODI IUb· •leaN tothe OIJJIJ le. 'l'o bla a1ecJ


-.-.~.&ftlnaOGa ..r.. '' J ,&ld Mri G. to Mre. D. ('"rwu o'if.a oap or IDe Bobea): '

• Oaf. p,.tty boateu yoader, a. piMa- lookt.aarprialnaly ; ~he ... aa well u well oaa be I,

W~ Ia tbe OMM, I tfoiMler.'

*1d ~ u:&o Mn. G., • • 8h.e'e cbaapd ,indeed. but $ben, )Oil Me,

Sbt pat aelde obJeotlon, And tried tba& famoll8 rewed!". Whloh did ao mach f06 Joa aod tne­

PltrOt'a Favorite Preeori,.doo. ' J'or bflllonu .. and alt>k headaohe. hiliRMtioo.

.-oil coattlpatloo, there II oo NtmedJ equal to Dr. Pleroe'a Uttle l'elle&e. --HoU~IDd!l'l Pilll.-1'be GreatNecuJ.- Tbe blood ia the life. aod o~ lt.e purify our health u well as onr edetenoe depen<ta. '£hue Pille tboroos;cb­ly olellnae tbe tlt&l ftold from all c~ntamiMtiooe. and by that meaoa atreo(ltheo ~and iovl~rora~ the wbole eyatem, bealthllyatlmnlatealua~b. oraana. repr ... over.excited notion. and eatabliab &rder of circulation and secretion throtlllbout e \'ery part of the body. The bal•omio nature of Hoi· lowoy's Pille.exeroieu rdanell..lUI power fo aiv. ina ton& to debilitated .lnd nervous coDttit~tioo•. Tbrai Pilla dlaloge all obetruotiooe, botb to the bowela aad eleewbere. And are. on that aooount. mooh eooghtaftarfor promotln~r reauluity of ac­tion in yooolf ftmalee and dellnate penona •bo are naturallJ weak, or bue from eome oau1e be­oome ao.

Oonawnption Cured.. FnoH ANDREW AROIIER. of Fairfield, Mo.

• Seeing nuweroas certificates io thfl .\Jaine Farmer, endorelng tho Great Lung Remedy. WISTAR'S BALS.Ul OF WILD CHERIIY". I take great pleaaure in aivin~t publicity to the arrat cure it acoJ rupliebed in my family In the year 18M. l>urinll the summer of that year my eon, Harry A. ArcHer, now of tbia pl~e •aa at­taoied with spitting of blood, oou~rh, weaknes• of lunge, aod general debility, 10 muoh so t hat our family pbyaiolan declared bim to have a • aeated ooneomptlou.' He wu under medical treatment for a o11rober of mootbe. ba t rect~ived... no beneftt. At length, from the eolicit&tloo of bi011elf and othere, I wu induced to purohau one bottle of Wm4R's BALS,Ul or WILD Cu&na\·, which bene6t&ed blm •o muob I obtained aootber . which lo a ehort time re1tored him to hie ueual at.ate of health, I oao eafelJ recommend thia re­medy to otbera ln like ooqdhlon, for it Ia, I think llllit parporta to be-Till ORI4T LtTNO HE· MEuT'roa TDTtWU I The above et.atemeot, geu­tlemea ia my voluntary o!erln~r to JOU In ruor of yon; Bf.LUM, aod le at JOUr diapoeal.'

60 cent.t and 8la bottle. Sold by d•lera {len­erally, and bJ T. MoMardo 6 Co., 8~ Jobn'a, Nftd.

vivm WlLITDlG. A little deaoriptlve piece entitled ' Uter tire

Gone," from the Detroit Fru Prw, of wbiob we give a peragrapb, remioda ue that grea.t adnr· tieere like 1:1 H. WaPner ct Co., propr!SlOrl or War~rr'a celebrated Safe Care, might aea 'a hint from it.

Here ie the paraarapb : • Shoot to the ri~rbt or left, onr the anne or

onder them. Strike wbere you will, but etrike to dellroy. No• cbe bell earaea dowo, eYeD to tb.e wlndo•• of tbe old farm-bouae-now baol. n~tler tlte apple treea and beyqnd them. Dead 10en are under the ponderoue wheel• of tbe guns. mad detila are elaahiog aod ehootiog aoroae the bar1el•. No one aeemt to k:oow friend from foe . Shoot, elub, kill aod-

• Hut tbe bell le diaolved. The amoke Is lift· lng. ebri.eka and aoreams grow fainter, an~ twecty or thirty liting men pull tlt e cl o~ad bodrl!a away from the guna. Three bunclreJ dcl\d nud wouod­ed on the single •ecre. They tell of wAr Rnd glory L ook over tbl& h.:;l l'a ACril .\od tinct the ll\tter.' And In joat u deadly a etrife. thon11 h nllleelell, are men falling at our righ t and loft to·day. Ia h war? Yee, war or the blood . Ulood loaded with poiaon tbrongb Imperfect kid­uuy action. And I• there oo power to etop tbia awfol elaogbter? Jet, Waroer'e Safe Core, a tried a,,ec16o, a paoaoea that bAa brool(h& lire ""d hope to huodreda and tbo)Juads of dyloa m"n aatl .tromen.

Ba eollated tbarefore. IQ th.e great srQ~y of Iiv­Ia~ men and woQJan wQo !!are beeo ruoued from dlteue aud premature deAth. aud be erernally aratefal lbM ~be mfal)l of life OlD 10 "ully be yoara. --~tM B~ or Oider-Wblcb t

Wbetber tb1 'propoa,ed oonatltgtlonal amend. lbeot Ia Muaa.ollgaatte a,aloe& ruQ) lea leo a~rawe& older, is belug, u Jt cu~rb~. well agitated. \fe belleva frDit-lf1'1)1Jtre feel abo~Jl ID&D~faotnrioa a home beveraae tQmett~t IJ~• the wom•~ •~om the learned IJr. ~bernat~y once rtqJouetrated .with for motil•tlq~ ~er bUJband'e f~e aoc;t head with her flo gar JJtflt In • f•mlly lar. Said tbe worthy rloctor,~• &Jada~. are yoa oot aehamed, treating the head of thla farully t-hue 1-ln fact,

·yoar boact, madam.' . The Jlrawo rtltorted ~eroe-ly • Welt doctor, ll that be true, bue'? t 1 a riRht to ao'r~tob my ow" bead 'I' It eeame to ue prubloltloo ad',00&'-1 ehoald re4eot that, ao long u bntnaultJ. ia ~UJ4tted \q Ita aorro~odlng• aod ooadltlone o·r life, ao long nil wJil e~let, aud humab beloaa fOQlleblr trr tQ ' drown, OJfaery' wlt,h lttOn8' drfn~. QQ~ loOr,Ue uqtDIIJ .bappf• neu &y '"·'" po .. ible ~11"11'; letaeo ~bat_,(Do­tber'a b11rdeo lha~ •be IJJIJ be•r more btfaJthy ohlldreo 1 tbeo ametlorete their buoaar. dla""''· and paiD by better pbyaloalat well u moraltraiu. Ina aod JOil will ba" plucked out the mo~t detad· Jy 'tang of t~e cpooeter-Jotemperaoce, wblle farmart •o4 rnllt- rowerJ are left to poreue an booeet oallbJif. •O&Joa Qr.Qa tb{f p~e)>t1 ., would ao farther 'udpJ'qo ei~ tb~t-tltqqaanda of fawillea art now ao«erlng- wl~ troubl~• tbat 100ret of peraoll8 bave tei)Mtedl1 ~rled to, retlev~ whb .woag drink. • Bot lemoaade .w.hb a e&lck, • ~k ano rt•' are familiar nolplte. 1 ewperaoce pfopiJ -JbqQ14 ~ o~p'J &o tlo4 anme betr.'r remedr lor h.;,)l"' po9~ brqo.oh~lllimtatlona. datarrlaal ~~~~~ rb•n•~aa. ~"<l'''9'll· p tbao wblth,. ij;ld a ••ll·ho•o lJo•top marohaat, notPJIJ, to • l*lt or ~ttl · 1 aed &o I'Mr& to •lltdej .ra. • whli rbea...-. 1 ooald ,., jdraok,

bat ··:~=~~=-~tao· a ttl• • ..... •UJ ....

. Mr.· I'OTiiER. OF·' tEXAS~ I ............... _A_d_v~ertt1• • .,.....188D_en_q.......;........._ -++- I THIS. YEA~··

BOOB: m .-.& WOIU.ll'8 BA'I:'l'L1 1VJ y t • • • 'J' L E OHAPT~XV!.

... WUTOlf OTatOR ln'IUKU IlL Y.t.Jf Coo-t', "" ThA liUie chap ia bent on pleaaing her, and

finally, (lr hia Antla. are q·nite amalling u a monkey'a, t.he ·glrl gi "'" him & melAncholy 11mile or two, which ao enooaraaee blm thAt on tbe tl'l'lin tetween o .. r.u and Boaloane Van .:Oott aotna1ly atka her to marry blm, callin~her hiA 'tleAh ~all' ' hU. floweret of the W'f'llt.,' Aad other end.,aring term• thAt. put Mia& Potter in a · fMrful ra~e.

She. beoomeA ao malioiou& that. a diabolical· ly orne! idea st.rikea her. · Sbe (livfll Van Oott " ~ritt that. is a I moat a scowl, and uya to him : • Sir, the man who wishea my hand must first ap!tly to my fa.thor I'

. ou~ and ;!?LUG



T~ & >R. (Ill BRONZB)


POST OFFICE NOTICE I • Ob, · raptura, my own love I' onea Van

Cott. in ciell~ht, and wol\lcl, filled with ardor ancl joy, e tT.belliab bia suit with 11ome little

pr .. CtiCftl oar8R.IIell, but thf're ia something in Pll!lllrcel 'most to c~n~ ~ 11!111. Misa P otter'A ey& that stops him. So poet, Ql Ja QI-QI~"' ponin~ hia R omeo attitude for the preeent­M:r. VanCott, on anivin!l at Boulogne, oriea: • !•11 see PRP•'· ·'•·nit-won't kee}> you waiting long, pet I' >t tt ol 11tarts in pursuit of t.he pi\· ternnl Pott.Pr, whiiA the young lady loolca after his retreating figure, and grimly won dora how much there will be left of the orl!ntnre aft~r Samp11on has fln.i sh ed witb bim.

j ... __

On Mr. V anCott's declaration Potter atares at him a 11econ<;1 in nnbelief, and then ~~aye hoar~~~>ly: • 'Eilo. here's !Jiore bad luck.' The nAxt instant tbe little cbap tlrlnks a locomo · t.ive hl\8 seized him, for Potter graba him by collar, nnd runs him through tbe wine­shop and into a little privatp room at the rear of it w hsre theN~ is a small table and a obair or two, llnd sinking into one of these gasps out. nt him : ''Tain't. possible I'

• YRII, perfectly po11tible. She bu at laat brought m e to book I B •tt I wish you'd be more caref11l of my onffa, they're quite orum. pled,' returns Vasn Cott, who imagines that Potter's ' 'l'ainl poaaiblP I' meana that he can­not. believe in suoh good newa.

'Never mind yonr l(ewga.._,•aayatheTes:an. ' It's q niet u.nd retired here. Tell me all about it-and if it ain't the truth-

Hero Mr. Potter's jawa lOAf! ominoualy, for be can't believe that hia daughter would ht~.\'8 eent anyone to him on auob an errand, sh~ being on gaged to A rt.bur Linooln ; lea1t of all t.ltie lit.tle oreatnre, wh~>m be now re· garc.Ja Ill an abominaLion.

• Ob, ye11 I it's till settled. She brought me 'o"er aA her escort to Boulogne.'

• Yon "dou' t. SRJ I' iute1:jtjcts P otter· grimly, and then mutter .. , looking at the ruaaa of good "lothes and fine liMn atanding before him : ' Sbe must ba\'6 bean bard up for a young man 1'

'Now,' goo~a on VanCott, who doesn't seem to see th 11 t the paterna l P oUet· is in a very 81\ ' ·nge ~tod un C it ri,;tittu condition of mind, • I preRume you 'll mttke tbe settlements all t·i~lrt. You know l'w bt·other-in haw .to L ord S~tnds<,Lown, and \Ve o!d fttmilies always es:peot HelD ofies to do tbf! liberal I

' And my rfnner conslnted II) marry you I' grunts the old num, who still will not bt-lieve

• W ell , not cuclly yet ; bu1 abe told me to com~ tt.> you ~od you'd tix the matter with llJt'.'

• And eo I will I' A.ud ll grim amlle il· lamina tes the sottrrad and b•tttle-seared fea­tures of the frontier 'Y'arrior,

· Bu t from her manner, IJil-' • Th~ Honcrab~ Mil1 Potur, Sir I' '£hia

oonectioq. is ampbui&ed by euoh a tremend· oue thump on the lit.tle table that ~n empty J,ottle fntl eome glasetta upon It danae a jf", Rnd ae,·er~tl waiters l'lome to the :ioor upeot· ing au ord~r, but th_. app'taranoe ot )lr, :Pott'!.~,. IIUoh tha~ they all io •.• ., without -.~&yidg a word, .

P !RCELS NOT EXC.l!iEDII\'G 4 LBS. IN WEIGB1' will, on and froiJI lit Janoary.

1889, be rroeived at any Po1t Offioe and Way Office io Newfoundland for transmlulon to t;ao. ada.

PABOEL POST .. CHARGE. Section A-Maritime Provinoea and Quebeo.

Rllte 80 ott. "per lb or fraotloo of a lb. Section 8-0otario, Rate 86 oenta per lb or

frao tion of a lb. ' Section 0-Maoltoba and North.\Veet T er­

ritorlea, Rate 40 ots. per lb or fraction of a pound. ·

Section 0-Brltl~b Columbia, Rate 46 ot1. per b. or ffllctlon of " lb.

Dll\lENSIONE;. A parcel mu1t not• xoeed two feet Ia leogth

by one foot in widtl, or ciepth. PREP A·Yl\J RNT.

The poatage moat In all ouee be patd In ad . vance. and' hy means of Poetege atamp, whicb moat be affixed bJ the 1en~er.

. MODE OF POSTING, &o. Eaob Parcel moat be plaloly dlreoted, with

tbe foil addreaa of the per1on for whom tbe parcel le intended. The worda ·• Parcel Poet " abnld be •rittea In the upper leh uaod coroer of the P"reel, and also the name and addreae of the Sender, and the date of postlnq. A Parcel mOJt not be posted lo a Lertor Boex, but maet io all oue• be taken Ia to a Poet Office, aod preaeot. ed at the wicket. ·

CUSTOMS' DROLARA TION. P"rcoD will be liable to C~etome' Dutiea and

regulatfoo•, and tbe Sender of eaob Parcel will be rrquired to make a Cuetome declaration furoleblng-npon a apeolal form t provided for the pnrpoee wblcb oao be obtained at any Poe~ Oflloe-lln ACcurate etatement of the cootenta and nlue, t~e d"to of po•tiug. and the ~eocler'a allllt"tur" and place of abode. Caatoma' Dutlea will be colleoted on doli\'ery.

.FORBfDDEN ARTIULES. A Parco I muet not cont11in any exploelve, oom­

buetible. or dangerous ertiolee, nor any article of a periabablech"raoter, nor liquid• or matters ltke· ly to injare other pucela or mail tr"oamieaiooe.

, PACKING OF, PARCELS. Parcels ehould be ee'3urely and aubttantially

paoked, oloaed and aealed" by the aeudar. GF.NEHAL.

Where oot repugnant ·to tile forlllfOio~ rolea, tho General Regnlatioue of the Inland Paroel &' P ost will apply equally to tbr Parcel l'ott &o 1 Caooda.

J . 0 . FRASER, Po1t-Mruttr G111eral.

Generel Poat Oflloo. St. Jnhu'a} 060. 19 1888 22


A~~llfmi~~ G~mJ~Df FlltE AND Lll4.,E. --• O( cont·so, tbe Honoraul" }Jiu Potter,'

said Sidnfly, rather nervouely nqw, '~~ld ESTABLISHED A .D. 1887 be vteaaed tO mllrry into a fAQ?ily Hke mine I'

' She would, would abet .A.r~zQil. A mer{- H~AD OFFJOE: 0'111 or 6re you Eoqlia~. ~· •ij; lJl~oe.r Van. lOS OA.N NON STREh.'T, JJOYDC?•, E .. o Oolt 't' · · .~ ' ·' · '· ., •

• "!l1 birt.b, nn!orL!fqA,telJ., t-;~ IJ&'ld~ly Capital : £1,000,000 Stg. J ~ut. by Uio~i•ti~~ ati1d · ~'f.rf•~ ~nglish, dec1~edly Engh~h , ruy,_ "!•tf!r,. ~~· a·ierl a lord, But my ex11ct ntuloniU_!..y. wqqfd require conw!d~:~ration~I- ·l!l tii~~la~e •. ." u~n it I' . .

• Phen I •ll tell yo~ without m e<J it.atlon,' oriea Potter . ' You ill a nobody from no­w bar. ~bllt'tt •h"t yo~ U. I'

• Sir, pleue be calw I' ruurmu,. Vam Oott, e<,lgiug tQ ward the door.

'lou ia "'~"meu ro be Han~eriOilu and you ~tli~ Bengliab I' yella Pvt.ter{ b:eaide bim.elt wit~l'lage. 'AqtJ you 'ad the wpertineoce to 'biok the Honounable Mia Ida Po~ter or Oornanohe, would mal't'y • mix• ture of notbinga hke yon I'

' ' Sit·, tbiJ i.nanlt.~· • '~bu•a a~gbt1Qow YI?U.'re talking up to me.

~ow we•J~ get to oyeif?.eaa soon 11 aaya Pott~r, dte light of battle ooming into bit e1e. • Yee, it ia an iQaul~ for 10u r.o pat yo~r no nation eyea on a' Jll'llhane 4ower li~e tbe Roborable .. i .. Ida Po"er·• .

. r. i~ ,. criea v un Oott, "bo bu got ver, au~rr r~n<l Jitre ~t men b~~o~ IOD)e kind ot oqoa,.ge i~ hJ.e .bJ,qoc! when to~. ''f0\1 're • l;liofiiJl&n to lalk to ~r~• &• an4 be 4uh• on~ aqd al"" }Jr. Po•ter.b!- opiAioo of hhD, tell· ina bi• ..,., ·bi ~ _. &baa a.. ~·•

l)as ooase

Inauranoee eft'eo ted on almoet Rll kiD<J,a ()( property in N ewfoundiand at' lotreet poaiblfl rate..

J. A UQUSTUS OLI.FT. faloLtOtToa, ST.· J omc's.

Ag"" lor NN!oundlo.ruJ. E. B. THQAIPSOl.i, Ag~ot for Hat·Lor Qra~.

STEWART MUNN & Co., Shipping and Oo~mtasion

•erohants, 22 St. John Street,· Mon~~J. . .

Speoi&l att.flatioo givep to ~b~ aale of rilsh and ~i.ab Oils. · . AI~, to t~e buyiqg a~d ebi~ping of Jrlolp

and PtovitioD.I and Oen!!ral ?FO<luo,e. g-O.Iole •ddreea-)Jaullt Mont...._).


After aome r~-u4 .. '• hv/-1(,;,. '" tht' Hiil fr-um Mt·K~r" .\lotrp'•Y ,,..,, "'' , .. ,. t l iltwoli•H• "'''' 11•0

Plld.PLEB TO 1 SCROPUX.~ FOR JHM!L HouseoJ~embly -AND-

nmNALUSl anronu u ·~GS

·~ .... TtlaDu, March '9.

( COJI,tiAutd.) Mr. MoaRJS mo•ed &be aeoond Nadina of tbo

Bill regardhig tbe Lito -of lleobanioa on wol'lt p.rlormed bJ ·them. Tbe objec' of tba Bill, .. lte title ludioatu, le lo create a etatntory lien in !IIYOr of meohaoioa. oootraotol"', aub-oontract.ora ualoart and laborn11 oo 'b• work upon which, rrom Ume to tlwe, tlleJ pperat... At pruent u. rhe Jaw etaoda tb11e cluau bare oo auoh lien. und lrne no prott~ctlon wbatner ht &be event <?f dae lo,•olnnc.1 of tbow with whom they ooutraol. When we go Into oommlttue and tblrt uo oacb particular eectlon of the Bill, h11 etl11ll addreae •·imeelr more partlculiul1 t.o tbt eubjeot walt11r •. f eaoll.

I ... ,J Ult diYtltltlll W Ill I•" ! J'i,~rt' l\ jtJI<!I\fVIl fur t!tt-8 ulirm . HI. IUl·•lit - r it I ;, -t\~ t..Tio\11114 : (M tht' ruolioao -1\l .. rs. Scull , li rnne. O 'Marl\, CAlla bAn, MnO .... uttll. Mnrrill. ~lu<ir"t b. H(l111l, Mnr phy. 1111•1 .\lurilfOII

A Poaitive Oure for every Skin. SoaJy and Blood Dieea;M exoept loblbyoeia.

P10rituu 8 ytar1. Head, arJM. and brunt a lOUd iccb. &clc corH!rul withMTru &., docto,..tutd -rMdicinu fitil Curtd bv C11t&c11ra RttrtuliA • al a cu.-1 of 88 76.

Golder's Patent Victoria. Anchor and Oil Buoy.

~ .·

Meura Callab11u, MurpbJ, and Soou eopport· l'd the meuure : after which the Bill '""' reAd " eecood tl01e. aud ordered to be oommlued to "o11mmilteo of tile wl:ole houu to-morrow.

Mr. Monnts movud the 11oooud re11dln1t of the Bill for the re~ruhuiou of lll.!rlluuusnta hotwe.tu ··rowe OU$flll• d in the Hank 6ehery, and explain . t'd the proviaione of t ile 8111 wblo!J are few uu~ iruporu.ot. Tbu fi n~ a~ction eoacta thllt ~:very ... t~mbllr of a baokiu11 crew aball bofore his de­parture for the voya~o~e rt~celte a copy of t.laalolp­ploi paper, Tbd aecood tbat crewe aball not be <.'barjled with any proportion of the lou incurred ny the accidental doatruotion or loea of a ehip'a 1.!8Ar at the bnnk n~h~ry. T he third thl\t when bait Ia caught IJy t r.e oNw ou tlotJ H11.nk11, 111\lf the vnlne of tho b11it ralreo 1hllll be cro•llted to the Crew, 'fiJe foun h jlrovtdee II(Caiult ovorcbar6!d& upon ou tflle and enpplita 1u.lvauced. T ho prio cipal obJeCt of this section ia to do awAy with rhe uaurione charge of tw ·ory per cent. uow frequently levied uP.ou advl\oooa made ~~· •nl'rn­bora of thO crt'w. r hG aixtla aec tiou O!l llCt'l th:t! or ithio " oc rtl\i u tlii iOUur of Lour• nrter tbr' o1"9" of the voyl\1(1'. e11ch rutlll be r of the 11re"' ahall tu· fur ol11ho•l with 11n ACCO llllt. rlur11 iling e11c'' pM­ticular cllllfiCd madt~ a~ealuat him for bai t . e tc . . 1111ol nl1o the pardcuhHI of the turn ou t of el\cb lnnrl · iog of fiah. The ae~tnth ,,ectiou i~ uirecred "l(ainst all allempca to liruit the allow11nct- of food to tho crew. He tru;,ttld that the Hnue~ -.ill set! the "i&dom of olouypg thoee engt.ged iu tbe iwt•c rtnnt but porilona atlrenture of tho Bank Fiahery with ever1 protection w~lch the law cnu throw aroaud tbew. Be bad oootulted eeveral pereooa lotera11ted in tblot daherJ. both ownere, m11atore, 11nd membera of orewa of baok~re .. upon th ia rual!ur. and be had tbe eatiefactiou of being

liJ'"Orrlera for the I:Suoye t.o be bad ot JOHN llhle to !ta(e thl\t the1 cooourred with blm io l he

M d I Awarded I M Ut\N & Co. Hsnbor GrRcfl . wiadom of pR81ing tbla Hill e a s . . I F. \V. GOLDER, Inventor, .Mr MORIN£ eecontled the motion, and a&id . • : : - 1- -. , lt'' . , Lat~ ofotr of A . A . T . Co. S. S lllinia. ti>llt &lthoul!h ho uid no~ agree wltb all tbe pro

lat- f tr e ·' 1 C I U It .\ A_:\ C 1 I 0 111 llu t .,,_ · and rtcipitnt of tlu Gold Medal and viaiooa of th11 Uill1

be t-bonght- it contaluod peoially 11daptc1l fnr any pn rll!'n i:H. but tL·try clau I Diploma /or rrwdtl.c ot tM FiJJMrit• eeveral matters wort by of cootideratioo. of VI!Mtla. from 1 he f}reat f.tvt rrn t? thu !lory. 1 Frhibition. ~-c . 1883. Mr Ew£r.SON e&id that tbie hu not ooe. but

2nd-It auperaedea all o thoJra . aa lt baa more I aeveral prinoiplee ranoing throagh it, and tbllrv Mbllz:,i·l:qr.pou•tr than any other twenty per ceut. GUtiJEil'S VlllOUU PATENT ou BUOY i.e not oue oi tl•Oie prioolpiH butiaeitber bad iu

~ I itae lf or eleo. if It be aood, il already prorlded Rrd-lt C!lnnot br f ordtd by C!\blea ever it or Awardttd A Gold Medal at the B-.roelona for, by 1 be coon moo laW'.

IU'tpl by ira owu Exhibition, 1888• Mr McGitATR uirl be wo.ein accord with nearl.) ~tb-I~ ~tote' in ono-fonrfh the room o o deck 1'\ od now nsed ny the Io rge fleet of eailioq, l or. all the pro..-aeicna of the BtU, tbouuh he did uot

C'r rail, ouly pro jectinll abou t a f oot from tho eil(o ~nd b&nltinli( V taaelll _out of tbi• port. It agree with tloe one that enaotl that every riJ/\n vesael'l eic.le " II en ItO II' eLl. I hall f,CI\"611 (: euer .. t ead-factloo, teetlmontala COW• ehould be provitieri with a copy or btl agree moot i

6tb-Ir. can b11let flO Stock and F:uJ:to from the iog iu dRily. tbla bo clid oct tl!e the ue~l~1 of. rail by ruoaoe of a Tumbler. ;\ 1) cod:. b,,'/inc. I Mr HRADSUAW, who wu largely lnterestetl in bill-board.1 or iron on bur~ neccas&ry. TESTIMONIALS. thoJ b'l~i n PI4 , diol not aee thG nead of tn trottucioll

Gtb-lt cannot pouibly fo•li tht' fi>re-(t>tll o r The followiul( tl'&timonia la are from Cap~ HAW· 811\lh n 1111·~ 1ru na the B!Jove; tbia 18 thf tiret prinlr: tbe bow wbi!Pt boJillt.: ll'CUreri . KISS of til e bauk injl rcbooner Eppie, aod Cnpt time th:H llu lmo beard tllat aoy or our bault 03h.

7th-l t is euier to cat &od foh ~~o nJ 1 1111" tl.nn H uusos nf tbe aoho;)ner &lina. both of Har- e rmen were bn.lly treated. If we go on paMIOlo(

aoy oth~r anchor· 1 b" r (; rnrt• - l11w1 nool html'urlng tile operation• of tbe bank · 8tb-flo.o Fluke 0;'-0 bo tnlun out ""rl rtplnw l ! S1u -1 t.a1•o uaed tho V ictoria Oil Buoy lu~t induKtry, .. .., aball eoon bave our flee t of

n • felf mruutea. :Spare F lu ltea cnn '-'~ eu ppll!!.t. l t l.o p8!1t aeMon wbtlat enga~red lo tho Hank Fien- banlter11 m'orc1l Rt tbe wbanu loSt. John'• anrl wbl~h'ia of yren t adva11tay~. by aenrl 111 ~t Unl!lboJr err anct . Juno ~: tbe nry he&vy atorn.a e .. rouu· lylt•IC up. of 111e. . tt!rcti. hi\\'& found it to be all th11ot fe rleaireJ and , ~l r. \\' o\TSf•~ hni'Od rbat 110 ODe will aoonte IJ~on

9tb-'l'bla Anchor ~p 1•1 lh·<J hun1.1reol w.•tQ:IH • wh~<t Ia claimed for It -whether laylolt to or 1 of t\ wnut ot aynt!Jillh)' witb our tlaher roeu , II& ca~ be thnrO<~!Jhly rtparud by any •Jr_J 11mr.IJ , bltuk-


ro~ oning, In h ~avy aoa, or rid log at anohor on the 1 uv~:r i lo1 cu he hau hden iu tho oolony be hi\A been lmrth, woeroas thd cornn1on nn uho r 18 'I ""~- Bl\olce- -tloero is porleot tilfety while you have l usooi'ltt'd wi th thll b~~r.l workln~ flahormen of ll11 when one~ '•r-:lt r n / tho Oil 13uoy afioa t. [wou ld 1101 now be wir \:· ~owfou•ocl l olud Dnd {f ht! hnd any eympnthy It i•

lOth -Tho S~nolt of tho •. v: c ro HT A .\ s . out II at 1111 COlt. You cannot ottimBtO the with tlou ti•bllrUJIUI IIQIIIOSt hie employer. l n a! . CHOR" Ia leu than Oil$ · half ae !cull ae the 11tock ' uvinl( by lhe uae of tho Oil llu\>y. temptin)l le~eielntion 111•on the Baok 6ahery he of tbe coromon anchor. aod if needed lu a hurry ~H'EPHEN HAWKINS, tbooabt """should b.-r . Ju mind tbat ut the


OlD be ~rowo over ~q,ithout Atock. aud i t wall be J. hl~~otu t 1 une our p.:ovle are 'dolng Yery well wirb foaod fu~t u avall&ble. No anchor of the dAy Ia I have aeed the Patent Oil Buoy tble Millon on that ti11hury. whioh wlthln. tbelu' few yeare bill! to eul y cllnred nf rhoi''· tbe Uaoke· and 0110 teetify to lte uaeful~teu. ~uti 1oac:te atupoodoue atridea and enjoyed a ph~o

N. ij.-l'lte V lO l'UltlA ASCHOlt i11 the ouly woolJ not w be without it, aalt ofteu .-red omeo&l a rowtb. U11 did oot 'bervroro tlJ111 k anchor of the rlrty .til for yeulltmtn'l !JG<.'hl• .wlleru !Df • euel 'tfhillt rldiUI( Ill llnohor. that •tbie HooeG would bo aotiog wieoly wer <! hol4ing powtr oo•nbiued wi tb liyhtnunod rltatuu• HU UE!l r II u USQS thO)' IO piUhl le~rlelatlon e&loulated 10 blltn jl6t te the tkmand Sobonof'r &Una tbo•e wile tn~t lbe put6Uere for the Rahvry. lie

COUld not llll Wh.&t po•lb\t iOOd t iJO prUPIIt meUU\'0 0110 &C0001pJilb, AI all ltl f&llCU rU worth odoptiua llue bNo ebe•o to be al re11Jy tbe law of thu lan•1. while oo the other baurl l1 i11 pouliJlu t h11 t an<'b a Bill "' t)lll may do rual hattll to 'our tr~<rlu.

llr MoiUIObl •"Ill th•' all.boaab he J ld r.or •arat wlth, every tllloiJlo the Hill, be yea tboul:!ht n ou"ht to wu to ll aeuond Nadlna. 'fbe neoee­aity of (ltOtectlDfl flebe~tll aaalDI' Unfair treat · moot a& the b"ude of tbelz tmP.iDJere has bPeu recogniae4 o•dr and oYer aplu bJ tbie Le~iela­tute.

Mr. Soorr could oot uode"taad wby ao cnueh oLjeoriun hu tx-en mad& to the aeoood re&dtOil of tbia Uill u In ordinary cuee tbe objectione of th~ kind uow belcw taken ar:a reeerved for COUf41it teu. Unr banlr: Jlahery at pr11ent 11 In a very flooriahing oouditlod aod we ehould gira enry protoctiou to t iJe milD tbd ,lak their live• In lte pru~eunoo and eo~etlm11 uoder~eo the 1ef1reat bardahlpe We abo old a leo be e&refltl leet onr le(tielatloo aboald ban aa efteot ·•bloh we did ooL' loteud and I' woahl bJ wall In the. enacrmen~ of, !awe to coo•14er wba& would be euitalllt to tht! oatfttter u ·well u to tbe pereoo• e101ployed He thooj~b& *• oa"h' ~ accept the ~oood rearilng of tbe Bill, o10 tbal we eball be able to mako It p11rfeot In commlttoe of the wbole

The boo ATTOilM&Y GPEB4L aid be wu eorrJ be could oot agree whb the obknadooe of tboae • bo adYooated tbe ecoood readloll of tble 0111 ; be bad ll•teued atteotinty; tnd bad yet failed

P t I N t 1 f to bear auyth iOil I rom · thl'm tb•& wouJd warrant ~ 5 a 0 1 C e · · ae tu vroout~'-'i"tr to leaci•'·'ie upon tbe mauer. : ~ - nt. ~ To .SU.B~~- · RIBE. RS hie a meuurtt •hich contalua not. alone one

N ~At: I - \,;i priucl~ht, but lllllllf. IW p,u oott tt·ctlun haa any SUI ftrrangeme . ooaueotlon Wllh tb .. 'otla•r i allll bttfore ..... oom-, • _ We wo-.ld rawUid aU our fJI~ben(oew and wit oune:"l•e• to the adopt-ion nf either of th•m.

&be ~ORTD F.RN OVER· old) Uaa• oar oler to olub Ute Tornto BII!Jiirt we uaull uk oorulna: lobe qlletllon-do he "•Ill ~ t.leapatcbtd oo tbe aod tbe Foailt Hlt'Oid ud W«lif 8ttJr trill OOft• facta, ai atatetl, •ho• ••1 u.oelll&f for protto-

;.o;,,.-~~~~-=&~1 iaatead of TlJES· duu• ,~tood. 'fboae wbo nqalrt &uwte paptl"' tio&i' at our ll.orte 7 to a~ o eomt leiiWl folie•• :- ma.t .,tfe- boo 4uoruq Gt~ne"' ·.aearlt proud llaa• eo . A ril 8 ror tbe aad• lbt prallt.t ... !'~··D· tala fal'or ol f I p f "' ror .... tbt lrtWI ol Ollr ba'DkiOt-:1'-'t J &bll. aDd•

AJlniua• the tll'•tinr• - l l t)o.hlo• Pre111it>r. fo()o 1\ttor,, .. ; '*"'"'"1. hnn lll:'ceivur 0 l'llt:t!ll. l :lmir· mau Roerd of Worl:11, the l:o'in~<noL,I $~c•1•tnry. Ml'M~ .,.,t~r•. Ur••lah"w. C1rry, Vl'itOh, \Vat· IOU, GrteYe, LeMl'ottUri~. (:in,Jdoeo . ~tllroh and Rolle. c ~o It llllqt~• l In the ocg"t lve.

1\tocl tLo ll oua~ I aviull Mt t&ft~r 12 o'cluck.

W £0N£SUAY. :'lhrch 2(). The hon \ he Gr.strtAL ruo,•o 1 t nM n

Supply be vrnntorl rn llcr Majuaty. On Jtlntion. it "'M ordorefl th 1t the o '"tiii UTI\ •

titln t lterl'of be •lt'ft•rrud until ~lou.ltov. thu 2f•~h inat .. nnd to BIRnoi flra r on the order of the do~ .

Afte r llOouo no r ice~ of ruotloo bl\•1 ht.~n rund<!. • n•l cortnin ruolutiun• tu be l~id bdore thu Cornm i r ro~ of thd \\"hnll! Bonae. on tho llolhJI'Ct u( 1\rltiah ri::ht11 1\nd Freunh r.laintR 011 thl\t part nY the C11nat '"or N t>co rnuntllaud o•• which tho FrPUCLI hll\'6 • rt 'empnnu~· fiL!ht of flehr ry ; 11 wua ord orerl thAt Mr (;,.,r r y'11 notice of motion fur commi ttee of tho wholtJ he deferred uuttl Tud~­dny next , :~.od to elAnd flrat u poo t!lo urdor of the d•y

Then the Hooae adjourned t ill tlda day at 4 o 'clock

WI!O~F:SDAY , March 20 \.lnu11e oponed at <I 11 m

1 have ua~d the CUTICUI~.l R &lU.DIU with Uaat bee~ ret nita. [ uard twd butlll'la of \he Cu IICU14 RISOLU~<'T. thrse boxee of CUTICUitA, ruolt CMNI

oalte of CurtcoRA SoA'l'. arlrl am oured of " ..,.: rible eltiu and ecalp rlieeu• lwo•n ~ ~. · 1 had it for e l11ht Yll"fl · lt _.,luloi "t ~ wol"'e aot tim ~~a Sotnot illll!l my h~ti .wonlrt.,. a 11olld aoab, and wu nt tba lltUII 1 IM!il"ll ~ ·• of the CUTICOHA R&Mt:Oa£!1 My AJ'IIII ""d~_.. orcd "itll acaiJ& frulll U•! elbowa t.t ab,nfdiJft my brt!Ut wha nlroo11' ooe enlld .1o0ab. am~ "' l>adc coverl)J with aoru~ voryi··~ iu al%& 1r.tllfl (I

poooy to 11 du!lorr. [ bn1l doctoru•l with a \1 the bo:~t dor.IOrol with uo rulid. and aaed many d i!l'lf• eu~ mt~dlcino'l ... •Il l. out ul!ec~. My 011111 wu her•· duar\·. and . I bet:lln 10 chink, loo•trll&lt. bnt 11. lwun~ to ht'l\l lro" ' the I\'1Rt !l.;lplio-'t i, n "'Can· CUIIA. ARCUI!:R RU~SELL.

Oeshl, r, Ohio.

Skin Dtsca se 6 Y 9ara Oured. • J nm thoukfnl tu any thi\L ( h11ve ual!d rbe CIITI• CUilA I{ ElH:on:s for ~tbou t t:igh~ montua wit h l!fll\t IIUCo,.,s, nud cou .. ic .,r ruy1eH tlll tirely cured rof Al\lt rboum. fr o1n whiob 1 have eulfer11d for elx year• 1 t riotl 8 numh .. r nr roedlclnn And t.wo of ~ho beet doctorll in tho uonn t:y , bnt. found DO· tblog tL<It ·•·ould elTcot n ouru unu l I oaed JOUr romodiea.

:'\Ius. A. ~·ccLAFLlN , More tto . Mo. Mr E)tensos !Jr•·o~•w tuti ll putuloo from J~>l.n The W orst Oa!!e ot Sorofula Oured.

Brarlsh11w , Tbna Crn··<'he r nnu o • burR. or !'lncen · 1 \\' \) Ita .-u ul.'•·n ..• •'hn;!, nu1 Cu r1ounA R v.M£01 u ti" Tho petitioull re 0•11ll(Jikio of the pn ~t·nt aya Cor , •• ~ r~. nu•! h •Yt.l th ,· th at oomplnlnt yet to re· rem of nrbi trntion in 01•' 0" \\hore thoJ lo.nols ni cc · 1·u fr.,m o\ pnrchM._.r Uuo uf tbu wor11t oa1e1 llfiV"tl' individ_nnls tlrl' rnku n lo r (Jllblic f11HIJ011U8 i nf Scr •• ruL. I, 1.'\'o•r ~ll"' """" CUrdd by the uae or nntl nu•le r whrch P\'~''"" ' hi' In ntis req 1111 ,.<f fo r til·e t>ot.l .. ll of l tJTICL'I!A Rt:SuL\'£NT, CUTIOOilA, •nii"IIV pnrpo~o·a 111 Pl~tC~:II ri l\ will be .. rl•Hr.••••J :-rnJ ClTTtCt:!IA :-\o,\1' for. Thei r CIHuplaint, -.•loich ia R rno~L rl'nt~ou- 1':\ YLOH & 1',\ YLO~ Ora(l~ta. llhle Oil<' , hM, 1)11 li' Ort• thllll 0 0(.' occaeinn. runllol ~rl\oltfort. Kao. dlt:pre~&ion in thi~ ll on~<u A &ystllm whiuh ~til' t' ll Outioura Remodiea.

Curl' ll \' ••ry apect<'ll o f 1\l(OUitinlt, humililtiulf, it cloll•,.! buruw s::. ~ ·Hlp. 1\0d pimply dteeaael of rho• 11l::u . .. .:n ip, nnol blnoti. witb loro.a of hair, from piln!Jict~ll' dcror ula. cxcop\ fJOBJi bly ichthyoeia.

:;,,ld •t V··•ywtt.,r.:l . Pt~c.s Ct:rrCUttA. 7~o; SoAP. :!.Jc . . . f':VI.Vf:~ l , .31 !)0. Prepared by tho POT· Tt. ll 1J1:1:t • . \Sil C IIU!IC AL CorrrORATION, Bost~o .

rhe Got"orom.•u! t wo nrhitmtora. thu .1• \'l!yor ' G eoernl nod anoth,•r tiov.Jroroent nom.m!•• 'lnrl qi9ell onlv ono-1\rhitrntor to 1\ ntAD .vho11t1 lkud ia hein~: tllkon by the Govornm unt, ie mnn1f,•1nly n nf~~o i t . Tho prinoi!J IB i11 iucqnitablu nnrl unj:t-.t, and t hou2h &rbitraton nppoi::. tl!d undur tltc exi•t · inl'l .-\oL tU i~ll t nc~ joetly tnward por11onA whoae lno.(h IH d taken. it ill 011ly 111\tnral tl1"t thi!~U portae& eloould fc.:o l tli&Aarl!ofieti with t ho tlcciaion or a bnllrd or nrhit rt\IOTR th .. t Wl\8 10 Ullfllirly C•lll· PI jHII'Lf. -;. bl:\ck-hu•otl.<, rei! . ronl(h. chapl)lld, lltitutod li e tru ,teol tiii\L tile hoo AttOrlll'V c;.-.. . .VI 1\1111 oily akiu prdfODtOJ by CtrrtCUilA er11l ,...ill. w!teo tloo .\ rbitrar ion Act will couoo ~ !l.l ! ' h .. f (\f t> the ll o•t8(l ro~ I'JIHflliJ'l~iov. llt.'O th>\1 1\ I - __ W_E_A_K __ P_A_Ila_f_U_L_ B_A_C_K-=-s=-pl'iuoiplo •u i ~~tl <' re,sihle a" thl\ t wh ich nuw ••l• ! fib · 11 t tAioa in Go~·~rnrn l'n r tlriJitmtion• will uo lo:'l!:" r I .. f . , . \\' " diaurnce tloe S111 tu:d BuoL;. 11111i should bu fnr o lo Ka.luey ao•l Ute_nne 1 am~ nud "' ~-•no..-u in lfld <Ul\Uer. ht> ehall oona•der it It!~ du ty VI uc" 01. relrovo~• l ao one tnlUtHe t>y t e to teat tho aooAu of tho llou11u on the qnc <riou Out.lcur!l An ti-Pain, the fir11t ao~ ool1 which the potltioours hnvo ,·,•ry pr\>pllrly brouj:tltt ""'" killin l{ plaster. New. iuetaotanvO lltl, wfal• uuoler our notroo 1 llu. ,•. llU Ct.'DIII,

Me1sre Groenu aod l' 11 raona s r roo~ely au1>porr- ====================== ed the pelition .. s1

~l r G RSF:SE prneurud :1. poltiliou from thd n.,l. I <J:) ~ ........ _ _,.,..;q \oo.J L'vcrekl!r. J ulon \r in.Ja..r .Toho ~l orry Thllmllfl I en = = ~lorn· . It 11 \V hllt1. :lltutln D.•vt!reRnt. nu.l ow er ~ I :J inbaiJiL'\nt~ nf Fl'rryl.~ttd. T hu IJi!llli,, ,, ihllll O•ll I ---' I eJ thl\t IU ouy of li lt! ll>lnlu l•.l < lf I h ,• U•lfl h Blo)u uf - 1:1 the hou l>o r nav., c.l .. t!ll ·uh·,.utn:{u of 111<~ \ c.: r ic· u ~ · turl\l A.: t of I ... ~ 1\1 I . 1\",• t•l,·n r•·d ••. , ··•AI ,.,.,, .• l r ~~Uit ' J'f1•1 \.• 1~ CI V 14. ~!,t i O ( l tu••+itt ul hld rr•l•' ' l

t,1 tht· huu! un ll.' '"~"•ll "rt1i l" lou"'"' ·'' ,,( tu loll· ~ 1111( tol auuro: !lo.,ro•tu l'11t! 8•1111 uf Ol•u hnn irt•cl <l:') •IlK. li\ 11.11 thllt •- ", ;; .. ,j ,,, ,. ,rn· .Jill l lllo ""'Y .,,..,. ~ t•al worl{ o\11.! no> h•',Jfl• l 1·\u dn;n)~ Ullf•ll l •·O r >'lu t= l!lllht I\ Ill l. , l l lJ • t • ... IO:II l Ill 10 l'fl' t' •' 11l -( 111(1 -

l ' (!f\' j.t.;t !\fliJ IIC<\lli to I f. l h,HII Z 1\C . ... . . ,j 10


~l r l;v. e:~:):t: fll ol•l' ll'•·d • pr1iriuu fr •\111 .\ lr Hl•·h· &rJ !1rl.-u n. l vlll"r II>IL\ Vll \Ill ~ rl! t •• u lt t·; .:r fi i.'IIJ ()! l' L\I •t• ll r()\"l o• 1HII~•I l( ! .. r lllll 11, t 111•111•}'

f(l o,,~n n. rtl ll '·""I ·· - :n~&,. C..J l iUUH , , .. . , t\ ' tuo htHHI ol !lw bu tl •. r t!,. .. uu 11 •r .. ·· ., ( o,: tnl I .\ ~r •·

u culturlll Inn,! ilu • •• •u iJ ,j,, Ioi ii utUh'~: ' ' !lc:l ' -tho Road Act io h.·loru tho li..t•ae ro> l.uu aoulO 1 C\:) prOYIIiou llll•lu l \J LOcO~ thO IJr )'t! f of th lol prll- I t: tlon. C..

.\lr G IIEI:SI-: l' r.?aouto.\ & potitiou from ~lr \Vm """"" II l'c.rLer. t: .. , H.•v. r'nthoJr \',r.•l(., r :1uJ oth or """"" inbablt11ot1 of 1 •I! roaruo r of FerryiBn•l. prayiuj;! . 4::;:: for a vt~ry .. mall 1\ollto 11 f u.oney to ml\lco A rol\rl I "­leMilotl froou thtJ :\J.:c r}' Hlo'Plinjl rolllll. 0 oi181&DCO 1...1..1 of 1\bOIIt 011,. hl\1! 1nliot (rn:rl thu 111•110 roud.l' \V htw tha ro11d l;rtl ""111\ll hofurl! thu I j ,,u~o) h11 G.-. will do hi• beat tu l ua t!l<lt ' tiJII 111 Qyo~r •If 11111 pad · 0 t ion&l'll li carrldd out. I L..&...

(Til IJl ccn li>lllffl .)

~ ~ t: I t:IL:J f H I ..

too-~ PERRY DAVII' ..e1

PAIN-KILLER c \ l'.\luttl. CATARI!II.\L L>I:;.\FN S3::i, IL\ Y 1-'~\'Ell

I ~ ltP.COlfllBI!IDEO If .A NI('N llOlll': TltiUTUitST. ' ·

• .JI]l~iiCH'''• · .1/i ,listtrl . .\l{llionQrlu. Managtr• of . S offtrers are no~ 11enerally &.-&ro thaL thulll I' • }'ortori .c. 1Vork· •ht1[1f . Pfa,.talior1A. NuriU. .irt

c.J aauePuli. re ouutt\ or th~t tl:!~y lire d~e- to H01•pit ·1•.-iu 11/iurl. ttltrybod!t .tveryii'Mrll t hl'l l'reeuncu of lt~11111 portulles 111 !h<J hnllllf wlw ha• tt•('r giuln it a trial. membratHJ of tho uoao 11ttd euatrtchano r ub•l.l. ~1icroeoopio roeearch bo" dVUr hM provotl tlli, I T.\ 1\&rs I NT~:fl.'>ALL\' m:u:o WITB A WINE ·OL.Ut ~O bot 1\ fact, ftUd rbu re-ult 'aa tloiLt 11 AIOij>lt' I lllo' MI!.R A:O:U IIUOAR IT WILL DE f OUND romeoly hrH beun fo: mUio~t t!J whtJruhf f .\t.lrrl. , I " SEV £ 11 p,,I!.IN() CURE FOR

cat&crhl\l d 11afnen 11nd i~RY fo~ver 1tr,. IJ~I " '"""'utly i :ll: I > J> K~J t :oLOS UIIILL$, CONGESTION cured In from on"' to JlHt:u •iro!Jiu uppl il'Jtioua Ott S 1 OPP Ati ~ OF ~lRCOLA.TION, maul! at bocod by \bo p~~ot icnt OOOil in tWt• Wl•llk>i I CltA~P::>, ~.U.-For Olitllrrllul dieoharlt(l18 peouhar I U (I}· L'AlNt:i p ; l'li E t:>TO.\lACH. suat.\lEJt AND malu l whlf4!•) t lola rd'llO•Iy 11 a llpeoiflt.: . A pnm · UO l\' i!:L CO UP LAIN'l'S, ~OKE pblet u plalofog tble uew treat mt~ut il• auuL OD TH HOA'1', &c. reoelpG of too ot~uu. tJy A. I l. Drxos & t:iON Al'PLt ~o £XT£RHALLY, SOH \\'en Kru" ~·· · rorou to Cauada. -~cientifia BXPEilU::-10" liAS P RII\ 'l:M IT TBK MOlT KPr&OTIVI Amtrlrun. A • .'W Dto: T LI'Jil1£1'o'T ON URTR JM JliXa\'11!10 r"Sufferora troou ol\t.nrrb troobl111 i lhHthJ oarg. TU& PAIS ARISINO raol( fully r11ad tbe •bovo. :,P llAlSo. BRUISES, NiEOMATlSM, NlDU·

-- lt A I.<H A. 'SWf.L~EL li'ACE. ,'JOO'l'll· ACI:l~.


C. C. luoru nns .~ Co CJ4',ll , - 1 wna curorl of 11 eovure lltt..ok: of rbeu ·

mfttitw by uaioJi lit ~ AltO S L(NI:UI!:NT, after 'fliU~,t all otbt~r rom•diell for 2 yel\1'1.

. G£0110£ 1 JNOL&\', . Albert Co., N. 13. ,.

0, 0 . KJCRARDS & 'cb.

BURNt;, FRO~r BITES. &o, 60 26 Ct lltl pet" bottk.

W BewaH of .ImitatioD.t, .8



aDd 1a ... ,...._. be wo-. T•· ... :~·~d· .... " ...... .. • &Ia • .,...,. .,.. ...., o•. n.& wlalob

G1111.1.-I hid anh&a~e ••h 10 had 'Wltb maoae, l fnftd l woOIJ loae h. 1 ta•d Mll\ARD'f:f LlNlU&N 1' aad I• cared lalm like 0\l(rlo.

• . OlllllrOJBU ti.\IIJfOtcd . I Dalboaala.



'atbOt fWrau. &taabat~ ~0 mroazt•f JU.~~-_,!,_ ~


, Two \U1 urgen' ... ~.,....., u we &old our

CONCBPTJON B.-tY .-turn mTTSBR. •·eaden ou SaturdaJ'J't•tel1 •m• up before ."..........,._,..,......, ............ ~ ........ -.~-- the Houee of A..embly •aod ,.,. de&altely

W.l!.l>~ESDAY. i\PRTL 17TB IAA9. ..ettled-ho~ ia a DWUler whlob, webeliete, oauno' fail &o give paeral 1atiataotioa &o all reasonable pereoos. l !the tlrat of .t.heee wu the one ot the propoeed "mtndmeuta &o the St. J obu'a Municipal Ao~. debate upon which eoppd· attention ot the lower lnuee all Thunday ni&ht., and np to 9.SO o'olook on 'B'riday morning, when lhe reaolu­tiona were Adopted by a vote of nine l.o aix­wiaely ao, we anbmlt., u iaue will allow. As was oletrly pointed out by the boo. At­tot·ney UenerAl, it were aurely not the part. of wisdom nor ot reuon~~oble men to pau a& act one seaaion of the Legialature-after the gt· care h'ad , been beatewed upon it.a construction, and e•ery opportunUy given for free di.aoueaion of ita detail•. terwa, eto.,-and then, before any adequate time had been al· lowed to teat ita working,to attempt. to repeal it, und substitute therefor aome~biog totally

TRAT ~ne ~Hoot " " C:::?::£7n;~~;~7n this auLlllnany apherfl i~ 1t11 ,, phorism u old na.d 111,11 biolinl! attt·'' the great globe it.sulf.'' Here Wf\t'O cJ .. • inlu, l•it-1\nt.A of " tho af.t:ona city" for the J ,, s~ tw,l ,,r th1 ~o weeb 1·•.\'iug the ftat.l t>t i 1g 1111uLiuu to their sonia tl utc they blld Mt'o•n LltP. wb,st., yeu even the Ia~'~. of the dr&HIPtl it~f\•ct:iou ; when, lo I yea· t «·rJ •r ufte rnoou • ItA 1114111.!1\il\o tu.ticipation wa-. rud.d \' mart otl lty t llll in t ... ll i!.:etlce fast '·ruite.l nt·o•nnd •own, to the n'f .. c:~ lh~t~ small · pox had tnude it-11 unwelcomo "l'(>t:ltntUce at B ea•r's Co\'O, 11 t tho lowor. tlau e:~~tern end of rhe harhor. Cttrufnl examin~ttion Qy the doo­lOt"R ser-retl t" c.mfirut 1h,1 H'JlOr.t, nnd to re ­\'C/1 1 the nnfo rtuthtto fact. tbott tt young girl named H erald, of about 14 SOHNI of og<?, wa.s rlown with tbll dit;f'ttse, an•l th.t.~ i t. was iu1· pPrutive tbllt ~ho be pl'llmptly reruvv\!d to the ho' was done after night-fall.

Nor Wl\.8 pllblio anxieLy relieved by- the o tllot· rej;trettable f~tct, viz.,that last night a girl nnmcd Cleary harl to he br·ou~~ over to the t.o-.pi r~:~l frotu Bryant's Cove j she, too, was liuffi •. ring from t.he in11idions <.listmnper.

In counection with the CI\SA firMt mentioned (r' " n unfortunate circumsta nce Wl\..'l B[>}>arent, \I \ ,·iz., tb•1t tho ~irl Herald hnd n ,)t heen vaccin·

HIP~. This, h·owover, wns not so as re~ards thP other person.

I icre we cannot foi'IJear from expressing ~• stoni :~bment at the mnn·cllous npathy and can~lesRneSll Jis plrtyed by many, unfortunately t N l m Rny, of nur to wospe<Jple-in. view "sl"'ci ~t lly of t he v£:ry sig nificaut circumstance rltt<t smallpox hnd been present. in Lhe near n"i!!hb01·hood fo r nearly three months past; :o w! tLt~ t no fe we r than twelve per·sons bad ' " c.·u rnlaed t.o its dt>ntlly nt.lacks. One would naturally have thought th:1t if anything was !.:red to sti r the people up, and torce them to n•·ui l of the g riat lf'C\"entive,-vncoination,­... ,tch \VOuld mor.t R<isnrPdly be furnished by dH! ~tbo\·e serif's f unfortnAAte occu rreuces Bnt, S tl'ILII!,!P to r. ~hi s \VtU\ not the CllBC­Lhe 11resenoe the fE'II tlit~tem pe r did uot ha\·e any suc,X an "ffect; t\nd, regrettAble aa t h t• fac t r:· ·-( ru ust no vcn·Lhe les11 he ad mittR.d re now \'ery m~tny pet·soos in tb tl4 town wh lm\"1' oi thc r lwt!n ~oo t eckiE'ss or elsf' too ca rt>lt>ss to grt dH·wscl ves nnd their fnm ilirs well ,·accinntPCi, and' tbns to n ltl.l'~O e-t ttmt sa fP;:_;unrrled from tlw fatnl m vages of tlw distemper. R <>nliziug .the grnvity of t his, tltP H >tr bor Gt'ftce B o:trd of H ealth, at its last IIIC'I'tio~ on F r i,ln.\·, df'r-meJ it. iffipe ra tively nece!l!ltt t·y t u nrt'!lllC<'l l httt public norice!l be i•s tPr! for th with, 1111d well c i rcu la~d. '' g i\·ing " llOtico to ull pe r11ons who ha ve not bee n " \'ltcci·Htted tltnt they 11re required by law to ' · bC' vaccinn!R<.l unde l' 11 penalty of tine or im· " l'''iP•mme nl for nt>g iPCt ;" and thllt " ~be '• !'IIIJ! ic ' 'IICCillt\tOI'!! will \' IICCinttte 11JI pe rBOUR " 'Ito 11 re l aRbl~ tv pay-free o f charge am~ '' l i l the 30~b day of Aptil." ( Vide notio~ P.l~ewhere.)

In ac.:orrhmoo with the a f<n egoing rho pub · lie •·accinatot·e-:\lessre. E. B. Thompson 1\0d G. Webber-ha \•e been buRily at work eiuce :\I onday last, and b~t ve vacoinatPd a very l 11 ge nnmbet· of persoiUI.

Now that the diEeas~ Las unfol'tuoately ~~ mo so cloRe to the ~wn proper, it is ardent-

. h· to l>e hoped thae all those ot ~lte towns· 1;•ople who up to tho pre11ent tir.oe hav9 un­wiKely , inexcusably , yet& crimin~tlly ort1itted to avail themselveA of the s ignttl benefit of the great preventive, will instantly haat.en to •lo 110-and \thua make at leaat some amende fnr their_ u~ter wnnt of forP.aight "nd the •nost ordinary pruieoce in the daya peat. \Ve again ea.rnes•,ly impresa upon thew the nr~ent need tbat now perbapa more than ever hefore exis~" for prc:> mpLly taking advantage ..,f the means at preaenl w ithin easy reach of P.11fegnarding and prot.eoling them11elvea and t lteir families from the app•·oaob of " the ,,uisomo pe•~il ence." It they be 11eiU1iiJJe per· Kons, they will act without deluy I

\Vo cannot close without addin~ t.ha.L, aa t.lto two caM:A refe rred to b~n r€'movorl to the hoap\fal, 11 here tbo greatB c11ro and :t , tent.ion 11h\lll , bA OO.t.owed, it will not be wise nor yet pr dent c.o tillticipate tbt&t ~be oliAtemper will an furthAr spread i teelf. W A

11hall not t.berflfo go out to meet ellia appre· hended danger-::-ti e enough tll talk abont it when it comea I a our people have done rill tLIOll8~ will tt!J!Y'cilntinutt to hope tot • he but.-~~ the only eenaible oo•1rae c.o adopt t ·

~----~·~-~ .. ~··------

. ditfea-ent. Nor were the obaervationa of -the boo. the Pt't!mier J .. ooient or leaa reason­able and aat.itfaotory. Tbe Government, be t~ffir01ed, would decline to oonaider or to open up tlle queation now, for the ·good and sufJi· ci .. nt r&laona tha~ ample time has not elapsed to aho"V' whet.her the Act. be fllulty or not; and further that, it tomA alterlltiona or amend­meuta be deemeJ neoeaaary, it will be time. 11nougb next year to consider the:tw, wllen tile light of experience would be had to guide any deliberations to that effect.

The Mtion taken on the above mllttt-r and d ae reasons llft'oc dad for a ncb will, we firmly b!!lieve, commend tbemaelvaa to the Kood s~nso of the St. J olui'a members as .v~ll as of ~heir oooatitut1ote ; . both ot whom will before very loni be ready t.e admit that whu.t hat boe11 Jone bu been done wisely, done dis · oreetly; they will alto be prepared to thank ~he Oo~roment for no~ aooeding to what on rP.flection cannot be regarded a' other than unrea11onable, not tully oonaidered propoaala. -

The aeoond and doubtleea more important mttttc>r lately before the AKaembly wu the one of Manhood Sufl'tage, that engagM at­t.enLion on FLitLly evening, at wbiob time Lhe H ouaa went int.o committee Df tlle whole on ~ho Bill, When the tint aeotion wua pro­l'osed for adoptinQ, Mr. W •taon moved in ameud ment t hat 2~ )'Mrs be substituted for 21 yt!a r:~ ua age at. •hioh all young men, not h•)tH.ehoiJ.e rR, be permi~ted to vote. 1!~ ex· pluined that he offered .•t •• a co~proml8_P­l1 compromise upOn whtch the vanous aeotton& of the House might. uni~. This tbe propoeer of the mttaaure-.Mr, Morine-uocepte-J ; but lw B>tid bfl wottld not. do ao, had the members I 91111\iO~ un•niaJOUaly iu r~ vor of the Bill

it s tood, u they had abowtl t hemael V61' to be on tlle tlrat ~ion of going i~Jt.O commit l-ee upon it, fii.O. ae re~arkeJ fut·ther that ,.o.neLhing waa d1~e ~rom buu t.o t.he o?n•erv~ Li \'(' s11irit of tbe opponents of the 8•11 as tt .. tood. IJ as oid uot like the amt~ndmsQt, for lt created u~Jf~ir diatinotiona ; but if lhose who(D tbe amea.4ad bill would enfranohiae

.,. ro \·e <.l intalliient votaTI, ._a be believed they would, it would be posaible bereinaf•..ea· to p~a the bill II! be bad ori~inally introdnced lt. He bad atm~ a~ ldd~ug l8,000 voter11 to the IJat, aud tbebill u amenJ!eq would add 1 ;.a lte believ&ft be would lo-o ~11 by" demanding .J), and aa • half a loaf wu bet.ter 1 han no br&ad,' b. wonld accept the amend· m.oot." furt.her remark• from ~on. mem~ bars, a..~me in favor o~ lhtt ooruiWODJlse, ao~e. agaiDBt it, upon the dulal~n, 2Q vo~ for lt, 8 "gai011t. it-M81t.ra. Morme, Movatr~Q1 S!lea 1\nd MaGrath nti.oa withtha.J.Dajorit.y. Tb.e Bill w.w read 1 a ~IJi.rd timeT on S~&t.urday. Wheo puaed tb• I•• •Jll be at follows, viz., (1) Every boueeboldar of ~~ , ,nd over will bo B voter. (2) &•ery ~r•oQ of ~I) ~nil over, not a bouaebolder, wOI al.o be J vq~t!

The abov1, then, ia Lhe Manb~ iju1Jrage .Bill alit ~ the Auembly ou 8at.ur1Jily. 'fhat it ta a deql«Md ·impr~ement. on tfte ulle tirat propoeed, M~~ be denied The \'oti~ liate 11.t. the geoertf -l.egtio~ noxt fall will now comprite about -iO,OOO ~-fully ooe-tiftb ol ~he eodre popult&t.loa, · T~~' ~~~ ~.uredly ia a u rp. liberal fr.tnob\ae; •ror~&l ~orualiet~ edatio1 Jo the old one hue thu• IJeell •·emoved1 .aad dM "'ot . rendered more gene .. lil1 aatiafaol.or7. BoUJ ~be AMer..bly lln'J the Go•eromeo' lulu 0~ ~M muter Also act.ed .,;,.ly, aad are 81\.t"-t U1 ~n" thank• of tbe pabJio-'fhloh, we donbs AQt, they will reooive. __ ..,.. __ _

TB• Noft'IGLU OoDriSHQf.-Tbe lat~~~L we ha •• in ,..,.,_.. &0 the aboYt ,..,., Ia up t.o tbe18'h 1• 1 then the report. wu c.b•t to that date la &ANPWi only 81 million tiah (a UW• ov-.r 610,000 qaipt4la) u •pinat 4/J milllOaa (aboat 760,000 for .Lhe oorreepoiullac period of ,..,, 'f!Jl.,, ft will be IMilt fa pearly llftt per .at, lower than &be UIOb of M1 prtYioul MMOD-. bJg delloi.t..

• • • ' .. t

.. Late~~ .b.. Head'• ~1lf I .--~ ' 1'

... ~ ~ . • t

'RepiJ ol tM a... Artbar 0. W-.rbo\'De~ (ope ol&he ,.._.,_,.. to tbe adclNia of tlaanb pre· .. a &eel to tbe ....._,at &Itt ncl of tbe mla· alon bJ the' OOIMI~a,u• of St. Loke't, 8oUI7 OoYet- ' •

• Nn Bu.oa. April e. 1889. To 1M RIV. 0. &. BMITII. 1M CbreA Olbn. o"d

C0f1111Uloat. of&. L.b•t, 8cillf C.'ow : Dua Fas.o~,-Yoo koow lao• thal oa tliat

TbaradiJ monalog •b~tn very be~atilal aad to,cblolf addreta of thankt to 01 .... read ia your acboolroom, after mu Jut ooma1anloo to­~etber, our hPr&e ••re too fall for words •e could not thao !al•e yo a a 8ttlolf reply. 1 feel aore that OJlr breth-ren tbrouahout the diocese. botb of the oltray and laity, •Ill abare In tho deep feellnga of thaokhllo.. that there ftlled oar heart., aad like oaraebea, will tbaok God, aud take ooara~te .

I aeem to aee apeclal rtftiOna for rejoloiosr at the glorioaa reaalta of God's work amon~rat you at the late mLaalon, and am ao cheered and tbank_ful tba' JOU eapeclall1 atate that io the pereooal aod printe ioterviewe with aa. io wblob, u the Prarer BookAoggeata. you receive from na " srhoatly ooaoael aod adyloe. ''you found "aym • pathy aod ooneolatlon"; let this eucooraJre yoo and otberr to make a more frequent o11e of tbit meaoa of Graoe. Muob u we were obeered by tho •Iaible proofs of God'• bleuloa on oar work. ocr at.ay 11moo,.t you wu far too ahor~ to enable ua to renp the haneat. that we believed awaited ua. Do yo11, dear frientle, 011rry on olur work; complete an -1 perfect tha& whlob wu laokinsr on our ptuUI. Aal aalrl when faoe to face with you, we leave you to represent 01: uay, to repretent Jeeaa Chriat and His Churoh to your brethren. Let each oue of you become a '' mlaeloper," a• io fact yon mu" be if yon are real Chrlatlana, aod deepen the lmpreulon '•blob God h&t late· ly mnde upon yonr owo ruinJs flrtt, and tbe " atrl!ngtheo your brethren " I fear we fRiled to urge apon you aufliclently that tbla be the oaae, if $be " mi11ton" baa done yon t " real jfood" you declare lt hu. ' ' Lord wilt thou have me to do?" Yo•t tememher hymn we a.og o'o Wedneaday ni~tht :-

rt' "Oin11rd tberolore plhtrlm brotbeu ,

Onward wbb the Oro .. our old: Beu Ue eb&me and ~tht lea battlo, rill we ree«. 'NaNLlJ Ia. thade."

\Vbatrtlol~tiOIJI have you made u to yo or dntiea to God aod to yoor neigbboura, at Co your tbouqhts, word a aad d"4a, and your ornlulooa or ougleo~ . your fatniUea.ronrcburob •ud prle•c, nur neigh· bvta; the meaua of Graoe-u the re1alt of the "ruiuion"? Uuleu it .b~ougbt Jon to a etoad­fut resolve to lead & bett.,r, aud you be~rio at on~ to lead a ne.,. life. J fur it hu oot done much for yo~. Don't forget too that an eaaootia part of real ooueraioQ and repentance ia tb earueat resolve to try to "'ake ftmende for . aod uodo (11 far u poulble) soy mieohief or wronSt that yoa may ba,e dooe lo tlwea put. 10 ~ho body, eetate or IOIJl of any one . I,et oooo p~­aume to aay that tblt baa nner been their caso. Re$d the ~ad and Srd robrioa beforo, tlud t l.ts lirat e,bortatjop io, the (.;oQJmauloo l:;ervice. see Exodua, tb• ~2od 9bap ~'t and -l.tb v. : Lev vi. ob, ~ ·*·*·'·; Nam. r ob .• 6th and 7th v. &':zek., xuiii, o., 16 v-tblek of Zaccb19u1, Publloan (Luke xix c., 8 v) rbnuk God .- e ba been abltt, you tell us . to tmpre11 ole~rly u po your mlod11 'he two l cadlo~r faota .oo which tb Goapel . "od Salntloo rcnt-oalllAly-the aiuful· neea of m~. and yorpo1 eapeoially. and God'• io­linite Jovo ~Qc) tneroy. .ticver d ouot t lteee two poiota-.-let ll)aQ or deyil lilY what they will-~nd you r»:Jit live Cbrieli~to liree, and 10 ot Jut be Mvect if )'Oil onty br Gorl'e graoe, aot upon them

The hy:no UJ1 truly ~oever doubt i!-wbeo it eaya : '

'· .\nd aou•, 0 I Lord, bare p11rf110t ro&t, For none are wholly free from ain ; Aod they who fain would aerve Tbeo be.t Are oouoloua molt of wroar .wltblo;"

Yo•J ar~ br Haptleal. membert of God'a .ll Sal~a1joo 4~71 &~e Holr Cathollo Cbaroll •bifb now, .. of old, ile atidt dally, tboae are belnr .-ved. (.,_pl JI f~). 4• aucb pledaed "maof;lly tQ flt~t qQder Hia. l\JCalo•t alo. the world and tbe cJeyll, aod to on tlou~hriet't falthfa1 eoldler and aervaot on yuor life 1 end." l>o thla, a ad you are eure Heano u..tboaab you were already there. ",lo~llf. lJrethreo, farewell . He perfect,

of goo4 R0'1}1o~. btl of ooe mind, live In "JJ'l &~e ilocJ q_f 't.o1e t~4 pe~• aball be with yo {2 Oor. XUJ., H ,erae).

fo.ara aleotlqq•teiJIQ ~iat, ARTaaa 0 . WAqnoRNe.

New Harbor, April 9th, 1889.


~IIJ<J 1 f) lo., ~o epaC1e In JOUr p• per to coo •oy tiAP~r- UJ•~~ ~q fqur IJon lP4Pil• io ruy cchool), v)a .• ·M~r• Jr. Sh••fi, fl l!' runob, aud W. Bradb~r11 for thetr volontarfly rendered, u t.BIIohere at my free tJCbuol, alven . by me tbr. l wln&er to t Q~lldren Of &bla' p~ irre~e •tbe or rltMU-... 1

•u~ .. pi pblob it ~ltbob~ doab' due to ,., ~ere1t l8fl ~4 ~o.eriJ. , •

o-,~rfll~.~!J ffdltrp, &utcr, 18~9 MT l>a.u Bon.- qrck of. JJJIQe otoao~

preu tbe tbaokt I •Ia to •o~rey to Joo at. 'h dme, for you I"" ltiodatU, aatirioa Jeal, a wllllor eoeriJ nlaa&arlly afveo by you·s aoa &14 fM aod aaal"ed, aod tendered by yoa doabt•lfl Gocl hPrta.

I aball ... ;·,;i,w~r ~b· nlab• tba& JOtl came and offered u JQ9r Jeni.~ll ; h •lit obtrlabtd b7 me at oat of the.,.,,. joy a qf Jlft, for ln 1,, tbert ud tbu, ,1 •• fdr ~~~~ &rme ~ frat• of eorv of 1111 put labour.

roa • .,, g~aoloaJ, and aUe.otlve to all aoder yoar care, I ioQl• ~ot tberefore ba' feel ~rrateful &o yoo •beD 1 •• "~otr QOUe and lofinll yon aiJ •ere to God'a poor llttl'• ODff, 'ad Ito• '10U dtWH J~JP.,..I•• ol1b• af&er alab6, nuer mfQ,. iD" ob.o61Q1 #f.t a.rm. ' )lot, •r dear boys, loQr reirwd Jf ..P.; ,._. ... ~k of Proverbt It l• qaoted, ¥ """ ,..,..W/. q, l:t!J9orilr ~~ to ~~ Lilfd. I& It at- JU' fl04! ~ ffll IIICIII'I ~ ... t.l ~ ~ " • • .,1, ~ t '

Uft'a P-tb II filii ~ .. -et .. ., =•• ~&o wra..,.., .. te ..., ....

..,101upp1 ..... aod Ia .

APRID 17, '89.

. . ~

anr•IJ 11 'he hoy wbo II•• In fdleo~ plt~het peonlu. ~q~ok• an~ a~re. Ia J)Nparin~ fot &he 'lfe of a naat.ond. A• &he &wf~r Ia . ben&. tile ,, .... laotloed." and It aboald eater •ell Into yoor caiOGiatloot tba' JOlt ve 1000 to be men, and are layfor &he foaadatloo for maahood wbllat yo" •re yet boyt. ·

That t.hla life, Ulu• brief. tbaaaofmportllat, Ia Jfl& a f'lreparA~Ioo, for a hillher aod mi'N eadar-' ln~r edtteooe· lo a home •here deatb cfoea no' oome, where monmlna Ia not betrd. •here tb.e perfect •~tao~ dealed here I• promlaed to tboae wh'o esro U In tbia brief 10joara oa Prtb. It Ia bnt a brief time yoa ..til ba.e In which to sralo tbil bliuful eternity, and none 'aboald be ..... eted lo rioting or e'!'il.

It ebould alwava be kept io mind, not aa " terror, blat lUI a wiee ldodoeu of your H•avenly Fachar. that yon oannot know the day oor the ho:u "hen yoor brief 011reer will otoae. and the llltea or eternity be opened for you. You will die, and be forgoUeo here : bat eaob word aod act of yoor abort aojoorn •ill ioftueoce the fu­ture hfe for wbioh you are preparina.

Let your life then be puud io uaefal deede aod llOOd io8oeocea, tbat you may live a. little .while aa" ooloved memory, aod earn tho Kioa· 1Iom of Heaven for Lire-everlutlna.

Hoplnr that God will bleu you moat abno· dantly, I remain, your lvviug Teacher,

J ~·. B . P S.-Grat•fnll v. too, do I re•oember all the

kind friend" w': " ''"'pelf aa directly "nrlln 1irent­ly. eapeciall.v rt .. I thank the Re•. W. C. Shears, Chl\i rmftn of tbu School Boud. anrl the mombera thereof. for the boob, &o .. furoi•hed u~. to help Qn the aoorl work. Also John Jardine. ~8q .. who left Ul a IIUbstAntiaJ reeoJieotioo Of hill vial~ in tbe abapa of a nice parcel of booka J F. n.


C=right, Nvv. 27 . )s.q.q , (TO Til£ EOlTOII OF TH£ ITANOAR[I ) I

rn.-~h O•J irm.•ll•:o• ~ nt tl li!' earJv da tu this

ctpiatle Ia uol I; I: ., ·· be li ~ai>~hed till ooar Chriet­maa tittle. Tbe arnval of a eteamer ftt C'art­.,rillht at this lime or the year fa a thinll un­hcf\rd of before. aod vie feel tbaokful that abo al id oot-.eutore dowo a week later. for h11d abe •lone eo, we "t aoy r&te would oot have had the p llli\IUtb of ceeloll her. In the daya of Auld Syne we need to Qive the Jadjlo tho cred it of brinainR bad weather with him. to the out · p.lrta ~ 10 now "e may give Mr. Rerteau, credit tor brinlliDI( ua the froety weather. the dfty ho left thl11 tbe 1!'1111 ato · 2° abo e z.oro and from that it gradually fa lo"er tbroullh t.ho wuelc till it re~ched 8° belo whe It n:oved up· w11rde a~aio a little. The co equeoce of a "''"'lc of auoh weather baa that the whole fhy ie covered wltb ice. In f t there eeeme to 'le wore aod atroo~rer toe o now than there wl\8 ftt Chrletmu la~t ye4r. te ed ita strensrtb two day• asro loy llOinll to arad e. lo tho very ho llom of the I~Af, wit the doll nod comoti<' . L 'l8 t year nt thia tim the Bay w quite t> pen . nnd I u111v oJd that obodr eve r e!llbilr& ita uoiosr frozen over aoon before.

Mr Bortean'a wn11 a rul11iou of c rlty lle chme, a\ yoa are doubtleu aware. to enq11ire 1\A

to the 1tate of the folk lu tbla neighbourhood a nd l<l leave Ul 20 brla. of flour wberewlt~ to relieve thll wanta of the needy OOPI. I 80e 'f'er1 little n~c in thie bein~e clone yeu after yeu , for unlee, thu Ooveromen t 1\rO rloing thla till they soo thei r

I· #

AP&kEI 17.-N•• 'nPWA rt'f''ll P,.omark of the puae~gen •nd qrew of tbe tteau1er found aband0aed ·in a ainldog cop clition.

The Non Sootia Legislature will be .pl'O . ro,rOed &o-aa,, •

· The Halifax Chamber of Oqmmerce aoanla moosly d&manda tllat Halifax be t~ae winter port for Oan.ula. The Andenon• will pro· ba '>ly 11e0ure the oontr.ot fur t.he f""t Atlantio aenice. The Allaut mcule no tender.

' Local and other Items.

- -Thl! S S luland, Cap' Wln110r, left.l;.t ui~rht at 1r o'oloelt for i'dol'a Ittlabd, wberi abe will land her eealiog crew

-Musra. John Muon dt: Oo'a. hank:ery left St. John's on MondRy morning Jut for the Weatward (or thel~ supply of bait.

-Friday next, being Oooll .Friday, the d1\V wm be observed io town Ill .a. holiday. Dfvine Servioe will . be held in aevertll plncea of worship at the usual hour.

DANOINO AssEKBLY.-A oomwitt~ of our vonng men bll!l been formed and arrang,ementa have been made to bold on the evenio$t of T ue11d"y next, 28rd inn., in the Maaonfc H ttl, a aooial fc(athering of our vottnl( fulks. Dnno ing will commence at 8 o'olock. Refre11b~ tt.ents will he eArvau in the British H all from 12 to 1. Tbn vrioP.s of admis1410n aro : lady and gent, Sl .20 : lady, 40 cents: Mr. P . D. Knight ia seot\lt ary of the comrntttee.

----0BIT,-The mell\ncboly intelligtmoe w.~

received by telegraph thia moi'Ding tbtit Mr. WilH•un B 11dcook, elde11t son of M•·· Robert 'Badcook, Sr., of thi11 town, d ied llt Catalina last night, after a very ah~rt illness, in hie -Hat yoar. Tbia ia all that is yeb k;town re· tpeoting the unfortunate ooourrenoe. The STANDABO baMtens to convey ita waa·m aym · J)&thy to the he•·eaved pRrenta, r &lativea ani! Mende, We may add that ~be late Mr. Batloook: was a oorreapoodent of tbia paper. We regret hie unexpected, t'id oemiae.

-r--?tleura J oaepb & William H opki011' new

banking aobooner Premw, left this mot'Oing (or Witless Bay, (Trinity B"y) in search of bBit · 'be 1\oo Brothers belonging to the 1mrne 6rm ' sailed at the 11amll time for the same plac~ . The other vesl4ela of out· Banking tleot are at s~. John's, for attppliea ; these are -the E. B. P~iUips, Cllpt. J 0. H opki?s ; R. S. Newcomb, Cupt W. Lever; J. Hophru, Cl\pt. E. Le~t~e ,· and B. Steel, _Capt. Edg.u H opkins. We wish ~be Beet thts y ear evety suc.-:c88 in eecurinsc a goot.l oatoh

The Ohuroh of Ensland Board oflducation has recently op~ned a new School at Sontb· et n Cove. The acbool iR conducted by Miss Sophia M oore. 't'he te11oher hl\s tlnder bf'r ccnt.rol twenty 1\1' ·thirty IJU)JiiA who no <I o n ht will receive the bt'ne6t IJf het• teaching. -Com. Heart's Content, April ! (]. A':ly ole11r to remove the pe.,plo from fl: q coi\H , __

it is but llavin(l off tho day of 'tarntion I there lb:TORN or TB£ ,. l\!AST1 FF. " - Tbo only 11teamor will be loft to starve If tbie reliea ~tivco f 1

tbcliO people wM bnt a thin~ affordecl one proseoutinlt the Gqlf noai flehery ro:n tb 1 port cnr in len or twenty. lo order to help those who the pre1,eo~ eorio~e returned here early yetterday

11 to be in waot, tbrouglr 1 failure of the fidh- morning. She unfortollr.tely mot " lth oo good rortnoe uot havioa- bad the emalleu luck.

ri ce it would be thoo@ht little of; but it baa What I~ a f(reat aatiafaotion to kM w, tho.u~tb. i• become "thing looked for, and [might aafely 11dd the pleuiug oiroumataooe rbat her ore• bavo lllloded by aome every year. I preaume that boeo well dorloa tho whole ooarae of \be aprioa­there were needy families ou the cout long be· -all tbo at•temeota to the cootrary. not•itil· fore aoy Government relief wu eeot do•o. who

T b b b I d b ataodlnlf. did not atarvo. lleae moat ue uo e pe Y The Mcutif!'left Chaonel 0~ thtt lOtb Marob otbere. [t follow•. therefore, either that peo· Up to the l7tb nothing uoueual occurred l o pie are nll eo badly off oo w that that )!are enouah tho mornlnll of that tlay tbe s S PolyniiJ came to do to provitle for their owo, or th"t they be- along 1\0d both eteamera ~rot 011aeht to a he,vy tieve h to be a part of the Goveroment't duty to 'am of lee l'ho Polynia ~tnt clear Ia the eveu•

')rovide for t bo•o In oead. MJ OWl) impreuion J iff h I" r t'l b , I in2. but the Ma1ti wr.a e •• aat "" l t e o -le that lhe pretent cry for Goveromeot. floor ro · lowioll day Both velfela were theo aa neota •ttt ltt from holb theu olrcatn,tancea. Bad Heh- proved. ou tbe tl'l'ck of a botly or teala, aod orioa are nolhlng new to the people I but whoa owi•tll to tbe Polgnio ~eettlog clear, 1be wu eo• auch came In ycmu f'l\~t. there were not eo maoy ablt~~i to ••oore " · loarl Tb, rewaluder or tbu to be autforere . An looreue In the timo wa• apoot In frultlell aeeroh for "'''· population without •uob to tbclr reaoarcel hu "n<l lut ""'It the ateamer wat turned fqr home 1nado sll 10uch poorer than thoynaed to bt, and Thll Ni,~od wu Aeen lut week; ·~•. b~ the.o thare aeeroe to be oo re~edy for the erll ercept about 7000 anle, aud reported bavtoi bearq t h r~t of remo•lni the· peqple fro~ 'tbe aout. I froiD tbe LtopqrcJ a ahort t ~me pre rio~ •. but eue osn •realt for tbe P.OOple oo tbla·part of ttieabore, ""'I altbO\llJ~ there hu beeu eq.ob ao o~tory about . lla~~E~e~; AN .Aco1~\\·e are todebtwd tq

e coodLUoo of tboee to tbe aouth of thi,, 1-do a L:,bradoroorreapondeo~ for the aubjoltltd it&Q'Il not lmagloe that tbeyaro 10 !l)noh woree o! th&o Wrilinll from Dove Brook, aoder cfate Dec. 27. tltolr nehrbboorl. There ,, DO denylost tbtf'fa&cl ho uy• tb .. t II a rew ~ay• arro Mr. Hol~ea, tbe tb&~ the fteber111 oauno' aod "Ill oo,l, of thotD· ~lothodiet Mllllooary, had a v8 rt uarrow eaca.,. 11olves keep the preeent poout,tlpn of the Lab- from a ud death Qo Saturda.J, the ~~tb. be rn<lor. feer afk!r year there will htS ' '' '·' ' very aueulpted to croll Eaquim~tux Hay from Oooole ueedy onea ~pOD the 0011~. wb~;» will b.are lOk ~lrue l.o Leeter'e l!olot In bo~t. with doi•· oome. co tho .<Jonr~~»ent qr. to the better· ttt·do · -lo tio. eta., ·and crot canjlht In rhe alob. aDd wu help the11·o~or tbe wluter'. loan po.iot. to • ~ .., dri,.eo 001 to Geor~ee'e lalaud. reaohJu" h oo the f11mil i., who hare been it,a<tbeJr preaen~ obroua3 fo llowina morning There he remained ~o~l ~tatl! of ponrtt, for ,t'•• PJ'at t,q. teart or more. W edneaday. and . tbeo thiukjuJ:t to reach the ln rhe put the flndev•~ B-y: Ooaap!'DF Ot other t f h 1 1 d b • waa driven aoatb t-dere .• t r tteterl lll~ltl " fo the fall . aoli wbeo In tua nlaod le ' t e I 10 • u. . •• ag•lo rill be reaobed the outel•le tal11od of lode~

the aprlog tbO\' .... ,,.. to be fo need. ~elr oehch· pe odeot. 'fbere .be left bla bot;t. do,., ~o .• aod bonre helped tb~· !'he former Iiiii ont and the with a mao truelled t.o Oape Porcaploe ou t~e lilt tar n.qw oannoa 4o '" ·hey dJd in fqrmer yeara: freebly-tnade loi Ahtr several oarrq• ttOapet tQd aq &be people aa!er, The ijoverument draws from drownln~. t~ev' reached the abort lo aafety. llome tho"tao4• of dollara frq'1? na dl,reotly, Clr J HI• friend' will be.5rlad to learn that be 1;1 eol)e IDay 10 say) throagh the Oo!l)pen, an{ o.oadlau the WQra• of hie mlabap. aod waa able tq prq· ~erw, and ladireotly throng~ tlloN ~e,rfouud· ceed 00 hla joaroer to l.utar'• pol~& o~ laodera who do bnata•• on &be oout. bJ the tbe followlorlllorolaa. ~ ohibt ~n abe ooeao to rennoe 1taxtt, and not trouble lbemltl•u Ytry a aleepjnrc-~. whb lodlau ~tal io lin npoo, 1 •,, "~ut ut bejond oolleotlnll the moat". bu lo hq war a!e~rell bl• be"l'b or da~J?ped ~If \fe '"' :• ~;~oboclJ't ohUd.'' aobodt'• ~iatriot , o ardoar .io the aood, work ln whlq~ be ~ •naa,.e~. f34t c riloolia paJiDi' .PH~PI ~o~ Ia prqportlqn ,. . c.o tbe aam eolleeted for olllol&lt and o•oera 01 Paor. Wx. R. n,;~tc. M.ll., 9f the f.fni:-the alate thao ~toy otbfl:, d'-trto& •e aeldom aee Yeraity of the CltJ of N'ew York lt.JI that ~ore aaob aod hllVt no• a paid ollofal on &be eoua411Jt• adulta are oaaried off. in able oouou1, b1 obroaio oep& oar poetmaa •ho traYela from Caf&.,.lrh& lcldntJ dbeMt &baa bJ aaJ otbtr ooe _maladJ,

DaUlt Harbor ••toe la tbt wtawr· for 160 : ucop& aoaaampUoa. aorl 1,, ...,, peoplt loot &be eobooi~CD..._ wbo• ..,..,.. .-n, aa ul diiBo 1 r ooOM

nnunda. &I tbt (lftYtroaln& t.ak• oar ·upon a·lllaht k DfJ 11 &J • 0 • • ~-:- • 1 t qaenee • l>cbtN take Wareer'a Sale Oare and

• a~odfJt. •tmt,bt rMaoaab 1 upeo roruovt any poaalbh dao«tr· Wbeo-~idntJ die ~ to ~elp'~~ ~.tedt C?G" ''' 0 ' beooaa• obnaalo,.oi Bdtrbt'e UIMMt." be~ • ~ U.oUatd, ~tt *.a ..... ~r- •. _... """'"' -'*"" 1 r -- T -· · qa &No ( -~~ t..vr~-,.. a ~-J ,..,,..... i 'ta6.\'~ ·

rtn .... ~&r.'"MPDfff~,.,ec ~---~T~)Mf . • • . OJ: ft1 ·1f4Jit;.p~ -.

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