American Salvage Association - Sl RSalvage Response and ......Sl RSalvage Response and Resourcesand...

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Transcript of American Salvage Association - Sl RSalvage Response and ......Sl RSalvage Response and Resourcesand...

S l RSalvage Response and Resourcesand Resources

in the U.S.Presentation of the Presentation of the

American Salvage Association (ASA)American Salvage Association (ASA)American Salvage Association (ASA) American Salvage Association (ASA) September 2009September 2009

ASA Mission

The American Salvage Association is the trade association promotingtrade association promoting

professionalism and improving marine casualty response in North

A i t l d i l d tAmerican coastal and inland waters.

ASA PrioritiesASA ObjectivesASA Priorities• Work to improve standards in the

marine salvage/marine firemarine salvage/marine fire fighting response

• Assure an effective, successful responsesuccessful response

• Strengthen relationships bothStrengthen relationships, both domestically and internationally

ASA’s Membership16 general members, corporate associate, associate members, and affiliate members

• American Marine Corp.• Associated Marine

Sal age

• Ocean Group, Inc.• Parker Diving Service

Salvage• Bisso Marine Corp.• Donjon Marine Co Inc

• Resolve Marine Group• SMIT Salvage Americas,

IncDonjon Marine Co., Inc.• Foss Maritime• Global Diving & Salvage

Inc.• SVITZER Salvage• Titan, a Crowley g g

• Magone Marine Service, Inc.


, ycompany

• T&T Marine Salvage• Marine Pollution Control • Weeks Marine, Inc.

Where ASA’s Members AreAre…

Ocean Foss





SMIT Titan

American T&T Bisso

Magone ResolveSVITZER

Associated Marine

ASA’s Four “C’s”…In Environmental Protection, ASA has initiated its 4-Cs program:initiated its 4-Cs program:

CCommunication,Cooperation &Cooperation, &Competent CompletionCompetent Completion

What is Marine Salvage?Salvage?

“The process of rescuing a ship, its cargo and sometimes the crew from peril. Salvage can encompass analytical salvage engineering deep water search andengineering, deep water search and recovery, rescue towing, refloating a grounded ship, shoring, or patching orgrounded ship, shoring, or patching or repairing a ship, fire-fighting, lightering, stability and stress management, jettisoning of cargo, and post-casualty risk assessments.”

Salvage ResourcesProfessional salvors bring:

Experienced personnel– Experienced personnel • Salvage Masters

• Engineers

• Divers• Naval Architects• Technical SpecialistsTechnical Specialists• Operations Personnel

Salvage ResourcesProfessional salvors bring:

Equipment– Equipment • Cranes, Winches, and Heavy-lift Equipment

S i li d B d W k Pl f• Specialized Barges and Work Platforms • Transport and Towing Capabilities

• Ship Assist Escort and Support Vessels• Ship-Assist, Escort and Support Vessels• Pumping and Lightering Equipment

Fire fighting Capabilities• Fire-fighting Capabilities• Commercial Diving, Surveying Equipment

A d• And more

Salvage ResourcesProfessional salvors bring:

Expertise and Software– Expertise and Software• Emergency towing calculations• Stranding and re-floating calculations• Structural stress analysis and failure mitigation• Wreck removal/demolition/disposal• Deep water recovery• Pollution abatement and control• Design and construction

Salvage Resources gcontinued…

• Naval Architecture, Civil, and Environmental Engineering

• Project Cargos and Logistics• Marine Logistics• Emergency response and repair (welding,

h d li bl ti hi h t )hydraulics, blasting, machine shop, etc.)• Video survey acquisition and analysis

When to Call a Salvor?Salvor?Any time a vessel incident occurs!

Vessels required to maintain a– Vessels required to maintain a Vessel Response Plan (VRP)

V l t i d t i t i VRP– Vessels not required to maintain a VRP

No incident is too small!No incident is too small!– Salvors evaluate the condition of the ship

and protect / recover remaining cargo onand protect / recover remaining cargo on board to minimize the impact to the environment

Activation During ResponseResponse

For Salvor and/or Marine Fire-fighting Resourcesg g

– Vessel Owner contracts with the named salvor/marine firefighting organization i h i V l R Pl (VRP)in their Vessel Response Plan (VRP)

– Insurance Underwriters can contract directly with salvage and fire-fighting resources for their interests

– FOSC, in their duty to protect the environment, can activate salvors and other resources to respond to an eventother resources to respond to an event

Salvors and the ICSWhere salvors fit in the ICS depends on the situation since responsibilities vary

• Operations: Salvage Branch or Group M i T t ti R U itMarine Transportation Recovery Unit

• Planning: Technical specialists to plan l tisalvage operations

• Logistics and Finance: POC for obtaining their resources and funding mechanismtheir resources and funding mechanism,

• Command Staff: POC for Liaison and Safety OfficersSafety Officers

Salvors and the ICS

Guidance for the Chain of Command– Salvors are highly-specialized, contracted

resources with valuable expertise during the emergency phase of a response.the emergency phase of a response.

– Decisions on salvage operations must be made quickly to mitigate the impact of an q y g pincident.

– Unified Command and/or Incident Commander may need direct communications with the salvage master in early stages of a grounding or collision.y g g g

U.S. Salvage Regulations

U.S. Salvage Facilities Act of 1948, as amended in 2003


amended in 2003and

10 USC 7361-7364These are legislative codes for the Salvage− These are legislative codes for the Salvage Industry. 10 USC is for Navy Supervisor of Salvage (SUPSALV) not commercialSalvage (SUPSALV), not commercial salvors

Not a regulatory framework for determining− Not a regulatory framework for determining salvor structure and capability

U.S. Salvage RegulationsRegulations

Oil Pollution Act of 1990Passed as a result of the Exxon Valdez− Implemented in February 1993 − Required Vessel

Response Plans (VRPs) p ( )for Tank Vessels only

− Included the naming of gthe following in VRPs:

- Clean Up Contractors- Salvors- Firefighters

Salvage RegulationsUSCG Notice of Proposed Rule Making Salvage and Firefighting:Salvage and Firefighting:

− DOT Docket:, enter the Search page, and access docket 34173417

− Over 100 different written responses to the NPRM 10 years in processthe NPRM, 10 years in process.

− Published Dec. 31, 2008 in the Federal R i tRegister.

Commitment to the EnvironmentEnvironment

Salvors have been called theSalvors have been called the “ultimate environmentalists”

“Protection of the marine environment is an important component of a salvor’s everyday

lif B k i ll t t t i d ilife. By keeping pollutants contained in a stricken vessel, you remove a significant

portion of the environmental impact of any p p ycasualty. If contained, and subsequently

removed with the vessel, a pollutant carried by a stricken vessel cannot impact thea stricken vessel cannot impact the

environment.”--John A. Witte, Jr., ASA President

Resources and InformationInformation

For More Information…

American Salvage AssociationAmerican Salvage Association

801 North Quincy Street801 North Quincy StreetSuite 200

Arlington, VA 22203Phone: 1/703-373-2267