American Revolution and the United States Constitution UNIT 2.

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Transcript of American Revolution and the United States Constitution UNIT 2.

American Revolution and the United States Constitution


Causes and Effects of the AM Rev

• British tighten control over the colonies

• Colonies protest British policies and taxes

• Colonies create civilian militias

• Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776

• British lose colonies• US borders extend to

FL in South, and Mississippi River in the West

• First US gov’t =Articles of Confederation

• Inherent weaknesses of AOC lead to the creation of US Constitution

Albany Plan of Union

• When:

• Where:

• Why:

• Who came:

• What happened:

Who created this political cartoon? Was it successful? Why or why not?

Influence of the Enlightenment• The “Enlightenment”

era in Europe during the 17th -18th centuries saw the development of new ideas about the rights of people and their relationship to their rulers.

• John Locke was political philosopher whose ideas, more than any other’s, influenced the American belief in self-government.

The Ideas of John Locke Locke wrote about NATURAL RIGHTS   ex: “life, liberty, and

property” • that rulers cannot take

these away AND must protect them as well

   Power comes from “the people”

• A “social contract” exists between people and gov’t:– Gov’ts exist to protect

people and their natural rights

– In return, the people promise to obey the laws and rules

– This creates “ordered liberty.”

“Revolutionary” Ideas of John Locke

  A government that fails to protect the people’s natural rights, it breaks the social contract

• Then the people have the right to change it or overthrow it

• Locke’s ideas about the sovereignty and rights of the people were radical for the times

• Most of the world was used to absolute rule by kings, emperors, and tribal chieftains.


Pre-Revolutionary thinking • Thomas Paine was an

English immigrant to America who produced a pamphlet that challenged the rule of the American colonies by the King of England.

• Common Sense made more colonists support the idea of independence from England

• Message: “Thinking people want Independence”

Only Morons want to stay colonists!!

The Revolutionary Period • Anglo-French rivalry

leading to conflict with the colonies

• The rivalry in North America between England and France led to the French and Indian War

• Ie: The French & Indians vs “The British”…(that’s US as colonies)

British Acts & Colonial Opposition• Proclamation 1763• Sugar Act• Currency Act• Stamp Act• Quartering Act• Townshend Acts• Tea Act 1773• “Intolerable Acts”

(Coercive and Quebec Acts)

• ISSUE /Cause for each?

• Effect or Reaction from Colonists for each?

Sons of Liberty…Modern

Stamp Act Congress 1765

9 colonies sent representatives to say, (basically):

“ONLY our colonial political representatives can TAX us…not British



Of all British goods

The Road to Revolution Resistance to British rule in the

colonies mounted, leading to war:

• The Boston Tea Party was staged.

• The First Continental Congress was called, to which all of the colonies except Georgia sent representatives, the first time most of the colonies had acted together.

• The Boston Massacre took place when British troops fired on anti-British demonstrators.

• War began when the “Minutemen” in Massachusetts fought a brief skirmish with British troops at Lexington and Concord.

Differences among the ColonistsThe colonists were divided

into three main camps during the Revolution:

Patriots:• Believed in complete

independence from England

• Inspired by the ideas of Locke and Paine and the words of Virginian Patrick Henry

• Provided the troops for the American Army, led by George Washington, also of Virginia

“Give me liberty, or give me death!”

The Declaration of IndependenceThe eventual draft of the Declaration of Independence, authored by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, reflected the ideas of Locke and Paine

Road to Independence• Colonies as part of the MERCANTILIST

economic system

• Salutary Neglect

• French and Indian War

• Proclamation of 1763

• ACTS, ACTS, and more ACTS

• Colonial Boycotts

• Boston “Massacre”

• Lexington & Concord, Bunker/Breed’s Hill

The Declaration of IndependenceIn Congress, July 4, 1776

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political

bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the

separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent

respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the


The Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by

their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence

“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers

from the consent of the governed…”

..That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right

of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government…

The Declaration of Independence“…laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and


John Locke’s ideas:

Thomas Paine’s ideas:

The Declaration of Independence

• Jefferson then went on to detail many of the grievances against King George III

• Paine had earlier described many of these “offenses”in Common Sense.

Differences among the ColonistsLoyalists (Tories)• Remained loyal to

Britain, based on cultural and economic ties

• Believed that taxation of the colonies was justified to pay for British troops to protect American settlers from Indian attacks

Neutrals• The many colonists who

tried to stay as uninvolved in the war as possible

Factors leading to colonial victoryDiplomatic• Benjamin Franklin negotiated

a Treaty of Alliance with France (SARATOGA= turning point)

Military• George Washington, general

of the American army, avoided any situation that threatened the destruction of his army, and his leadership kept the army together when defeat seemed inevitable.

• Americans benefited from the presence of the French army and navy at the Battle of Yorktown, which ended the war with an American victory.

The Articles of Confederation• Provided for a weak national

government• Gave Congress no power to

tax • No power to regulate

commerce among the states• Provided for no common

currency• Gave each state one vote

regardless of size• Provided for no chief

executive • Nor a judicial branch • **No power to ENFORCE

laws in the states!!

The Articles of ConfederationThings that the Articles DID manage to do:1. Call the country “The United States of

America” (has a nice ring to it)2. Northwest Ordinance:

• Provided method for adopting new states and settling NW Territory

• Outlawed slavery in the new territory

3. Land Ordinance of 1785• Area west of Appalachian Mtns was divided into 6 x 6 miles

squares called townships and subdivided again into 1 sq. mile plots *1 set aside for education

Shay’s Rebellion, 1786-7

SHAYS’ REBELLION(Left) Rebellious Massachusetts

farmers close the courts to prevent confiscation of their lands for unpaid back taxes.

(Below) The insurrection caused George Washington to question

if Americans were capable of governing themselves.

Key leaders of the Constitutional Convention• George Washington,

Chairman of the Convention, seldom participated in the debates, but lent his prestige to the proceedings

• James Madison, “Father of the Constitution,” (Virginian) led the debate and kept records of what transpired at the Constitutional Convention.

VA Plan: Favors BIG pop. states

• The Virginia Plan• 3 Branches – with the legislature that would chose

people to serve in the executive and judicial branches.• Legislature: Two houses (bicameral)

– House of Reps elected by “the people” – Senate was elected by the state legislatures

• Both houses to be represented proportionally by state population.

• Other Powers– legislature would regulate interstate trade, strike down

laws deemed unconstitutional and use armed forces to enforce laws.

NJ PLAN: Favors small pop.states

• 3 Branches – (leg, exec, and jud) – legislature appoints people to serve in the executive

branch and would have only one house (unicameral) and States would have EQUAL REPRESENTATION, (all states would have the same power)

– executive branch selects the justices of the Supreme Court

– Other Powers:• The national government could levy taxes and import duties,

regulate trade, and state laws would be subordinate to laws passed by the national legislature.

Compromises Made

1. Connecticut Compromise (aka, “The Great Compromise”…..took parts of both the VA and NJ Plans– 3 branches of gov’t (Thank you Montesquieu)– Bicameral legislature; 1 house based on state

population, the other house based on equal representation

Key issues of the Constitution

1. federal law is supreme law of the land

2. Balanced power between large and small states

Senate (equal rep as in NJ plan)

House of Reps (based on

population as in

VA plan)



House of Representatives

• Representation was to be based on a state’s population– How to “count” slaves?– North wants slaves in South counted for

taxation ….South would pay more– South wants slaves counted for more members

in the House (Southern influence would be stronger in federal gov’t)

House of Representatives

• Compromise: for every 5 slaves in the South, the gov’t would count “3” for both taxation purposes AND representation in the House

• Known as “the 3/5 Compromise”– (The issue of slavery itself was not debated at

this time….too touchy)

3 branches = Divided Gov’t Power



• Each branch gets to “check” the other 2 branches….which “balances” political power – Balance between the

branches– Balance between populated

and less populated states– Balance between “people”

and “government”

Legislative “Bicameral” Balance

• Outlined in Article I

• Senate (where each state gets two senators)

• House of Representatives (with membership based on population)

• Override VETO by executive with ¾ vote

Executive Balance of Power

• Outlined in Article II

• President appoints justices to Supreme Court for lifetime terms

• VETO power over legislative branch

Judicial Balance of Power

• Outlined in Article III

• Lifetime appointments

• Can declare Laws passed by Congress UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Final draft done….but will it “pass” the public approval test for ratification?

“Federal” Stuff to keep Straight• Federalism = division of power between

national and state gov’t

• A Federalist = – Before ratification, a Federalist was a supporter of

the constitution as it was written at the convention (without a bill of rights)

– AFTER ratification, a Federalist was a member of the political party of the same name

• An ANTI-Federalist = person who thought the constitution gave too much power to the central gov’t and not enough protection to the people

“Federal” Stuff to keep Straight

• Finally, The Federalist Papers were a series of essays written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison explaining the benefits of the stronger central government created in the constitution.– written public relations campaign to get public

support for ratification– 9 states were needed to ratify it

Federalist Position (pro-ratification)

• strong national government (sharing some power with the states) – to facilitate interstate commerce

– to manage foreign trade and relations

– national defense

• checks and balances already exist

Federalist position (pro-ratification)

• They argued that a national Bill of Rights would be redundant– Constitution itself

protected basic rights

– most states already had bills of rights that clearly defined basic rights that the governments could not abolish

Anti-Federalist Position (anti-ratification)

• Thought the consitution as written had WAY too much power and would take power away from states

• Rich people will abuse power

• national Bill of Rights was necessary

• *Anti-Feds had no alternative document to offer public

States and Ratification

•Which states ratified first?

•Why would VA and NY have to “be on board” even if 9 states ratified without them?

States and Ratification

• First:

– DE

– PA

– NJ

– GA

– CT

• Then…– MA takes some

convincing….(promise the Bill of Rights)

– MD– SC– NH– VA– NY

Finally: “all the pillars in place”!

• NC and …..

• ….eventually and by a narrow margin,

• Rhode Island comes on board

• After Ratification, the payoff (The Bill of Rights) needs writing, revising, editing, and amending

Principles of the Bill of Right

• Virginia Declaration of Rights (George Mason…VA)

• Reiterated the notion that basic human rights should not be violated by governments

Principles of the Bill of Rights

• Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (Thomas Jefferson…VA)

• Outlawed the established church —that is, the practice of government support for one favored church

Principles of the Bill of Rights

• James Madison…VA used TJ’s Va Declaration of Rights and the VA Statute for Religious Freedom when drafting the amendments that eventually became the United States Bill of Rights.

“The Bill of Rights”

1. Freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, assembly

2. Right to bear arms

3. No troops in homes

4. Unreasonable search & seizure of property

5. No self-incrimination, no double jeopardy, etc.

6. Speedy trial by unbiased jury, legal counsel, witnesses must attend in presence of the accused

7. Jury trials for civil cases over $20.00

8. No excessive bail/cruel unusual punishments

9. “more rights than listed in constitution”

10. Powers not given to federal gov’t go to states/people

Nice “layered” slides on the Bill of Rights? Extra Credit anyone???

Washington’s Administration• 1789-1797• Sought advice from

trusted, talented men who became his “CABINET”– T. Jefferson to

Dept. of State

– A. Hamilton to Dept. of Treasury

– H. Knox as Postmaster Gen.

• Hamilton’s Financial Program…led to…..

• Emergence of first political parties began with “vision differences” between Jefferson and Hamilton

Hamilton’s Financial Program• PROS

• Fund national debt at FACE value

• Federal Gov’t assume the debts of ALL the states

• Establish a national bank (Bank of the United States)

• Spark economy with subsidies and tax incentives

• Raise revenue with higher tariffs on imports and….

• Taxes on Whiskey

• CONS• $ Benefit would only go to

speculators who bought debts at low prices

• (Original buyers should get something from the deal

• Taxes would fall heaviest on small farmers

• “The whole program is designed to make a small group of already rich men RICHER…and it ain’t fair!”

Federalist Party “platform”

•Strong central gov’t

•Only wealthy, educated men should vote

•LOOSE/ broad interpretation USCon.

•National Bank

•High tariffs & whiskey tax

•Alien & Sedition Acts necessary

•Opposed Fr. Rev

•Support base: manufacturers, business, coastal ports

Alexander Hamilton

Democratic-Republican Party “platform”

Thomas Thomas JeffersonJefferson

•Stronger State/Indiv powers

•All landowners should vote

•STRICT/narrow interpretion of USCons.

•National Bank idea stinks!

•No or LOW tariffs

•Alien & Sedition Acts are WRONG!

•Fr. Rev is GREAT!

•Support base: rural small farmers, big planters, French

Foreign Affairs under Washington

• “Jay’s Treaty” (prevents war with England)

• Issues: – England won’t leave frontier posts (NW

Terr) as per Paris Peace ending Rev War – Practice of Impressment (making

sailors serve in British navy)

• Terms: – 2 yrs to get lost

– Pay for ship seizures

– Some trade with West Indies

Foreign Affairs under Washington

• Pickney’s Treaty (aka: Treaty of Friendship, Limits, and Navigation Between Spain and the

United States) • Settled our boundaries

with Spanish territory

• (“we get to navigate the Miss. River”)

• Later, we buy FL from Spain in Adams-Onis Treaty

Washington Leaves Office• Farewell Address: letter written to

Americans refusing a 3rd term in office

• Warnings:– Political Parties and “party politics”


– Sectionalism (N,S,E,W) is


– Foreign Alliances should be avoided

– (we can’t have a moral country devoid of religion)

1796 Election

• Federalist John Adams

becomes 2nd POTUS– X,Y,Z Affair with French

diplomats over bribes

“A million for Defense,

not one cent for tribute”– Presides over a “Quasi-

War” with France

Alien and Sedition Acts 1798

• Designed to make criticism (by Dem-Republicans)

of the government and getting citizenship TOUGHER

• “Alien”: – Naturalization Act, passed by Congress on June 18. This

act required that aliens be residents for 14 years instead of 5 years before they became eligible for U.S. citizenship.

– Alien Act on June 25, authorizing the President to deport aliens "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States" during peacetime.

– Alien Enemies Act, was enacted by Congress on July 6. This act allowed the wartime arrest, imprisonment and deportation of any alien subject to an enemy power.

Gov’t sux!Dude, watch your mouth!

Alien and Sedition Acts 1798

• Sedition: declared that any treasonable activity, including the publication of "any false, scandalous and malicious writing," was a high misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment

Is this Freedom of Speech?!!

VA and KY Resolutions

• Said that the Alien and Sedition Acts were garbage and “unconstitutional”– Said, “states and NULLIFY” bogus gov’t laws– Authored by:

Election of 1800

• Dem-Republican Thomas Jefferson becomes 3rd POTUS

• **Important election because America showed the world political power could transfer peacefully from one party to another…”our democracy works”

Jefferson as President

• Dem-Rep Party takes over from the Federalists

• Shows the world a peaceful transfer of political power (his election is also called “The Revolution of 1800”)

• Jefferson’s style in office is less formal than that of Washington and Adams

Jefferson as President

• Jefferson's vision for government is:– Small federal gov’t– Limits on federal power– STRICT CONSTRUCTIVISM (rigid

interpretation of Article I of the US Constitution) ie: follow the rules as they are written, (ENUMERATED)

Jefferson as President

• Limits on Federal power:– Attempted to IMPEACH Federalist judges – Repealed Act that gave the “Midnight Judges”

offices• Lead to est. that IMPEACHMENT is to be used for

CRIMINAL ACTS only! (not politics)

• Lead John Marshall to use JUDICIAL REVIEW with the MARBURY v. MADISON case

Jefferson as President

• Territorial Expansion: Louisiana Purchase– 1803 US buys LA and French debts for $15

million• DOUBLES the size of the United States

• Gives US control of the Mississippi River

• Shows that Jefferson can use IMPLIED Federal Powers to make a purchase……

Jefferson as President

• Lewis & Clark and the Corps of Discovery explore the new territory– Sacagewa was the female Shoshone guide

who went with them

Jefferson as President

– Politically: The LA Purchase spooks the Federalists…some want to take New England OUT of the United States

– Political fight turns deadly:• Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton get into a

serious argument, challenge each other to a duel and Hamilton Dies…Burr leaves the country

Jefferson as President

• Economic Policies – EMBARGO ACT OF 1807

• Attempt to deal with shipping attacks and IMPRESSMENT of American soldiers by the British

• Cuts off trade with Europe

• Embargo hurts USA more than Britain or France (North: killed shipping profits, even though some still had business…passed the cost on to customers…; South : hurt farmers)

Jefferson as President

• EMBARGO: people hate it, it hurts their MONEY$$$$....Jefferson’s approval ratings go waaaaaaaaaaay down

WAR of 1812

• Also called “Mr. Madison’s War”

• James Madison (Father of the Constitution, author of some Federalist Papers, is a Democratic-Republican elected to be 4th POTUS)

• Madison declares war on British

WAR of 1812

• Support in Congress comes from – WAR HAWKS:

1. South and Western regions wanted war because trade restrictions hurt their people who relied on shipping farm products (Eastern coastal and Northern merchants could stay in business by passing increased costs on to farmers)

2. Westerners also blamed British for selling weapons to Indians (to discourage further Westward expansion)

Native Americans on the frontier

Tecumseh“The Prophet”


WAR of 1812

• Battle of Tippecanoe: future president Wm. Henry Harrison is a hero of this bloody battle with Tecumseh’s brother

• Invasion of Canada failed (lack of soldiers)

• Commodore Perry on Lake Erie

WAR of 1812

• Washington, DC is burned (Ft. McHenry is where Francis Scott Key writes “Star Spangled Banner”)

• US win battle on Lake Champlain

WAR of 1812

• Hartford Convention: Federalists don’t like the war and meet to discuss seceding New England from the USA…..

• Treaty of Ghent ends the war in 1814– (Federalists are seen as traitors, fall from grace, and end

as a political party)

WAR of 1812

• Treaty of Ghent:– Restores pre-war boundaries– Gave the USA “prestige” as a country that

battled the British twice and won both– Gave the USA “self-esteem” and “sense of

growing patriotism….book calls it “nationalism” but beware of this definition compared to the nationalism that tears up Europe and continues to haunt the world

WAR of 1812

• Treaty of Ghent does NOT– Address the issue of attacks on shipping– Address the issue of impressment– Address the issue of selling weapons to the


WAR of 1812

– Last Battle of the War of 1812, happened after the Treaty was signed……news traveled much slower to New Orleans

– Battle of New Orleans: Great victory for the USA over the British…..makes Andrew Jackson a war hero

• Inspired a fun song by Johnny Horton…..”In 1814 we took a little trip, along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip,..we took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we beat the bloody British at the town of New Orleans….”

WAR of 1812

• End of the war brings relief

• National Pride

• International …..”OK…you are the “USA”

• Thus begins the so-called


End Unit 2

• Complete Unit Comps….use concrete evidence for your support

• Review and memorize Vocabulary

• Review homework in the order it was assigned

• Review Bellwork Journal entries!!

• Read previously NOT Read sections