Post on 04-Jan-2017

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Fellow Legionnaires:

A big “thank you” to Commander Steve Greenslet and Bennington Post #13’s entire staff for hosting the 2018 Mid-Winter Convention. Likewise to Adj. Don Tetreault and Secretary Melodie Ashford for all you do. It takes a lot to put this all together, and I thank you for a job well done. Friday Night’s Banquet was well attended with members from the SAL, Auxiliary and Legion. National Vice Commander, Larry Marcouillier from Harrington, DE and VT U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders were Guest Speakers. Senator Sanders asked if I knew who the Boy’s State Director was and I gave him Dave Cobb’s name. Bernie wants to see both Boy’s and Girl’s State programs grow. He also talked about the VA and its funding. National Vice Commander Larry talked about the American Legion Family all working together. He also spoke about National Commander “Denise Rohan’s” American Legion’s Family First. Here is what the card I received in the mail from National Vice Commander “Larry Marcouillier” said. Dear Commander Jerry Stewart: I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome that your Department gave me during my visit. It was a pleasure and an honor to be part of your program. Again thank you for the invitation. Larry Marcouillier, NVC Thank you to Ballard Hobart Post #36 for the fine job posting the colors. Thanks to Fran Betit for a job well done as Sgt-At-Arms. Fran and I visited both the Auxiliary and the SAL meetings. Both were well attended, and thank you for allowing me to visit you. Thank you 1st District Commander Bill Schmitt for the new banner. Nice job and Thank you again. 1st Vice Commander Dave Woodward; keep up the good work with membership. We made our 85%! Area Commanders, County Commanders, District Commanders, Post Commanders, all members of the American Legion, we are all members of the membership team. If we all work at getting membership in, we’ll reach our next goal and it would be great to see the Department of Vermont at 100% before Convention in June. (Continued next page)

DEPARTMENT COMMANDER – Huzon “Jerry” Stewart

I pledge

allegiance to

the flag of

the United

States of

America, and

to the

republic for

which it

stands, one

Nation under



with liberty

and justice

for all.

(Cmdr. Continued) The Eagle Scout Banquet in Montpelier was held on Friday February 9th. 12:00 PM. Northern Area Commander Ronald Larose - Boy Scout Committee Chair, Job well done. There were 76 Eagle Scouts from Vermont. This year, with about one half of them at the banquet. The American Legion is proud to support the scouting program in the State of Vermont. These are our leaders of the future. Other Legion members there were Northern Area Commander, Ron Larose, 1st Vice Commander Dave Woodward, Past NEC man Frank Killay, Department Historian, Raymond St. John and myself. Donations are needed to keep this program alive. Let’s keep working on getting Post Evaluation’s done and sent into Department Headquarters. I have been in touch with Roger Martel - Chairman of Post Evaluations Committee and he is working on this. In closing. I would like to thank all who have donated to my Commander’s Project. The American Legion Family Assistance Fund is greatly needed. It could be you that needs help. God Bless the American Legion and God Bless the USA.

Hello all, I would like to thank everyone who attended our Department Mid-Winter Conference, there was a pretty good turnout and our National Vice Commander Larry Marcouillier was in attendance for the weekend. Also Senator Sanders was able to attend our dinner Friday night and there was a good turnout for that as well. At the Mid-Winter Conference there were a lot of memberships turned in, and we have reached our 85% goal for National and I am appreciative of all the help from people around the state. Rutland Post 31 submitted 200 renewals, way to go Commander Tom!

The American Legion

Department of Vermont

P O BOX 396 - 126 STATE ST.

MONTPELIER, VT 05601-0396

TEL: (802) 223-7131

TOLL FREE IN VT: (800) 501-7131

Fax: 802-223-0318



Department Officers:

Commander – Huzon “Jerry” Stewart

Senior Vice – David Woodard

Adjutant – Donald Tetreault

Finance Officer – Dennis Minoli

Chaplain – Kenneth Coonradt

Historian – Raymond St. John

Dept. Service Officer – Milton Willis


SENIOR VICE – David Woodward

Our National Commanders Project this year is TAL Temporary Financial Assistance Program and the Legion Service Officer Program. I am sure just about everyone in TAL knows what our Service Officers do however; I have received several questions about TFA and although I have written about it in the past. I thought I would write a little about it again. “TFA awards cash grants to minor children of veterans who are eligible for American Legion membership. These grants help families in need meet the cost of shelter, food, utilities and health expenses, therefor keeping the child or children in a more stable environment”. Some requirements - the child must not be older than 17, or 21 if still enrolled in High school or is physically handicapped. The minor child must be the biological child, stepchild, or in legal custody of a qualifying veteran. A qualifying veteran is someone that is serving under Federal orders current under Title 10 of the United States Code, inclusive of all components, or any veteran possessing an up-to-date membership in TAL. It is a single one time non-repayable Temporary Financial Assistance grant up to $1500 will be permitted for the minor child(ren) of a qualifying veteran. No child is considered eligible until a complete evaluation is done at the Post or Department level, a legitimate family need is determined and all other available assistance resources have been utilized or exhausted. Additionally, the TFA application must originate and be filled out by someone at the local level. One last thing on membership, almost everywhere I go now people are showing me the membership packets that I have put together. It is great to see that people have them and are carrying them around. The next challenge is to use them. Please reach out to potential members, that are not yet members and talk to them about all the great things we do. Also realize that we cannot do all those great things without a good membership base, and we all know that our numbers are what matter when we are talking to people in Montpelier or Washington. For God and Country,

Do you use the emblems of the different entities within the American Legion? Did you know they are protected

by the Federal Government, Congress and the National Organization? If you need to duplicate these emblems

on anything outside your Post, you need to fill out a form requesting permission from the National Adjutant.

When your form is finished, send it to Headquarters for approval and forwarding to the National Organization.

Additionally, the name American Legion, Legion are also protected in the same manner. If you are in doubt

about the use of these items, call Headquarters at 802-223-7131 for clarification.

We will be looking for a bid from any Post or Posts that would like to host the 2019 Mid-Winter Conference. You

may host the conference anywhere you choose, as it doesn’t have to be in your Post. If you are interested, call

Headquarters for further information at 802-223-7131.

Birthday events for the American Legion are now being planned. If you are going to invite any Department

Officers, get your invitations out early to increase your chances of having a Department Officer attend your


A reminder, Committees that plan to send any flyers or information out to the Posts in the Department, are

reminded that everything is sent to Headquarters for distribution. We will send your information out using the

ADJUTANT – Don Tetreault

most economical process such as email. We will only charge your budget postage for mailings to non-email

Posts. This procedure ensures that information is correct and factual for the Department.

I reported at Mid-Winter that many Posts had not been evaluated prior to January 1, 2018. That list is still

outstanding as of this writing. A copy has been sent to the Department Commander per his request.

Department bylaws Article IX Section 3 requires Posts to send in their memberships in by the 1st and the 15th of

the month and that includes a check for the proper amount. Failure to do this results in late notices being sent

to your members who have already paid their dues and they in turn notify National or Headquarters in a very

distasteful manner. Not only does that happen, but your Post could be liable for misappropriation of funds.


It’s time to start thinking about being a delegate to National Convention that is being held in Minneapolis this

year at the Millennium Hotel for the Vermont delegation. Rooms are $137.00 plus 13.4% tax. The Department of

Kansas has reserved a cruise on the Mississippi River aboard the Minneapolis Queen and have offered some

seats to other Departments. I have contacted Kansas and will pass the information on to you as soon as I receive

it from their Adjutant Jimmie Foster.

Sons of the American Legion as well as the American Legion Riders must report their fiscal decisions and a yearly

report to the Post that you are housed in as a member. They will use the report to add to the finance report of

the Post for submission to the IRS. Don’t let this task go by as it could bring disastrous results to your Squadron

or Riders Chapter.

If you have questions about what should be done or not done with regards to procedures, paperwork, etc. give a

call to Headquarters and get the straight answer. Headquarters in Montpelier is the home of your American

Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, and American Legion Riders and can provide

whatever you might need to get the job done. We welcome any and all inquiries and will never tell you we are

overwhelmed and cannot do the job you ask.

************************************************************************************ DEC MEETING 1/27/2018 (Condensed)


Commander Stewart convened the meeting at 12:41 P.M.

Roll call was read and a quorum was present.

Motion by Normandeau to accept the previous minutes and seconded by Andrea Taylor. Motion passed.

June Kelly of Brandon Post 55 proposed that the Alzheimer’s Association and the ALS Foundation be added to the list of charities that District Funds can be used for distribution.

PDC Farmer reminded the County Commanders and District Commanders to speak to their posts about the Consolidated Post Report. Those figures are used when we have to testify before the Legislature in Montpelier.

Motion by Sparky Ferris and seconded by Tom Scanlon to allow the request from Post 55 to be forwarded to the Finance Committee for consideration. Motion passed.

Commander Stewart closed the meeting at 1:04 P.M.

Howdy Legionnaires, Our recent Mid-Winter Conference here in Bennington was in my opinion truly for God and Country. From the beginning to the end everything went smoothly and professionally. I am always impressed by the way our Past Department Commanders and Officers conduct themselves, the way they set an example for everyone else. It was a pleasure to be a part of and observe the entire conference. We're fast approaching Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday and Easter. On Ash Wednesday we reflect and repent and remember that "FROM DUST WE CAME AND TO DUST WE SHALL RETURN" on Palm Sunday we celebrate the Saviors entrance into Jerusalem, we mourn His death on the cross and on Easter we celebrate His resurrection. More importantly we remember that as believers, while our mortal bodies return to the earth, our souls enter that great Post Everlasting. Many of the Posts will be holding ceremonies to remember the Four Chaplains. It was on 3 February 1943 that the troop ship Dorchester went down in the icy waters of the Atlantic. These Four Chaplains, a Catholic Priest, a Reformed Minister, a Methodist Minister and a Jewish Rabbi gave their coats, gloves and life jackets to others and went down with the ship. They were observed arm in arm, praying at the rail of the ship when it slipped into the water. Members of Posts 13 and 67 will conduct the Four Chaplains Ceremony at the Veterans Home in the Chapel on Thursday, 15 February 2018 at 3 pm. The finance folks at the Vets Home tell me that substantial funds have been received for the Activities Department in memory of Past Department Commander John Heald. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Mrs. Heald was moved and appreciated the Post Everlasting Memorial we held at the conference for John. She plans to come to the dedication of the re-done guest rooms at the Vets Home soon. You will recall that John solicited funds in the amount of 30,000 dollars for this purpose. Praise God. Say a prayer for our troops.

By the time you read this, the Eagle Scout Luncheon will have been held and Eagle Scouts from across Vermont will have been recognized for their achievements. There is still plenty of time to send in your donations towards this luncheon. Remember, Department of Vermont pays for each Eagle Scout's lunch. I thank those Posts who have already donated and hopefully others can follow suit.

The Scouting Salute to Veterans Parade will be held in Barre on Saturday, November 3. The Legion's attendance in this parade continues to dwindle. As I said before, you do not have to march in the parade, just show up at the ceremony location and show your colors. More details on the parade will be coming out later.

The Annual Banquet for the Chapter 1 Ex-POWs will be held at Bristol American Legion Post 19 on Saturday, June 2 at 1:00 pm. The ranks of these heroes keeps dwindling. Think about making this date as something special on your social calendar for these gentlemen.

For God and Country,

CHAPLAIN – Kenneth Coonradt


My Fellow Legionnaires: Mid- Winter Conference has come and gone. The banquet was hosted by Bennington Post #13 at the Elks Lodge. Thank you Elks for an outstanding dinner. It was nice to see Past Commander Heald’s wife Joyce at Mid-Winter. It was a beautiful remembrance ceremony in honor of PDC Heald performed by our Department Chaplain Ken Coonradt. John’s presence will be missed by us all. Post #13 Bennington hosted the Mid-Winter Conference on Saturday at the Bennington Elks Lodge. I wish to thank you Post #13 for all your hard work. Mark your calendars for Saturday March 10th, 2018, 10 AM – 3 PM, Contest begins at 11:30 AM (snow date possible March 11, 2018) Building #44 at the VA Hospital, White River Junction, VT., for the Department’s Final Oratorical contest which is coordinated by Chairman Karlene DeVine. All the department officers that were nominated for the upcoming year, I wish to thank you all and what you have done in the past and, will continue to do for The American Legion in the future. I have decided not to pursue any future Department positions. I have enjoyed my tenure as a department officer, all the posts I have visited and the Legion family along the way. I will miss all the camaraderie made throughout the Legion family. I ask that you continue to support the Veteran’s Home in Bennington, and all other programs we as The American Legion are built upon by the Four Pillars and stand for. For all members of the Legion family, God and Country, and all our Veterans especially those in harm’s way

Greetings American Legion Family

“The Behavior You Walk Past, Is the Behavior You Accept” I started to write about how as every snowy day goes by, it brings us one day closer to the nice days of opening windows and airing out our houses of the dark days of winter. I’d like to use this space to move us toward a different kind of ‘clearing out the stale air and letting in the fresh’. Unless you live under a rock, no one could have possibly missed the seeming daily barrage of complaints about sexual harassment levied against politicians and celebrities. We see these playing out on a national stage in front of us. Let’s begin to think of this as how our local Posts can be poisoned by this. You’ve sat there, you’ve heard the conversation, you’ve rolled your eyes upon hearing the topic and the words keep on coming out of the mouths. Now you look around and see the same face on others that can hear the “innocent chit-chat” as you have on your face. The offenders don’t think there is anything wrong because it’s “a private conversation”, but when it is over heard, it’s no longer private and its sexual harassment. Every now and then you want to say something but there is a fear of offending someone.



Part of the reason I wanted to talk of this was driven by a conversation I had with a person I’ve known for a good number of years. I asked if she was a legion member and she said she was a couple of years ago and dropped her membership due to being harassed at the post she where she was a member. She stopped in to meet a coworker there and while she was waiting, she was angered by the way another Veteran was talking to her. She moved away to a table after telling this person he was out of line. He followed her to the table and continued. The bartender was alerted to the unacceptable behavior and did nothing. We lost another Legion member that was preventable. Conversations that are demeaning hurts the American Legion Family. Re-read that last sentence. Yes, it hurts us all. It hurts us when we lose a member or two because they didn’t like the way ‘those guys’ were talking and were made to feel uncomfortable. Veterans take care of Veterans. We aren’t taking care of each other when we drive them away. Some would say they need to grow a thicker skin if they’re going to be in here. Well we do have thicker skins than most anyone we know, but thick skins can still be cut, and the cut hurts. When an allegation gets out, we are all painted with the same big, wide brush. We are people with a military background. We are better than that! We need to set the example! We need to have the internal fortitude to say STOP IT! The best way I have heard this was from the Sergeant Major of Canadian Forces about ten years ago when he said “The behavior you walk past, is the behavior you accept.” As a fairly recent U.S. Army retiree, I can assure you all branches of our Armed Forces do not condone the “innocent chit-chat”. Sexual Harassment training is a regular event among the regular and reserve forces. There are strict regulations and consequences for violations. I have been in ear shot of some of these conversations where the ones involved didn’t realize they were being heard by others. At the time a well place and subtle “At Ease” was enough of a trigger to stop the behavior. I didn’t have to use my ‘Sergeant’s Voice’ but it was enough to correct the bad behavior. You too can be the person to help stop this poison that can kill an organization. Be the person that helps to make our Post inviting and welcoming for Veterans and families. We all know right from wrong. Let’s be the reason our Posts are friendly for all visitors. Remember, “Meet Me At The Legion!” For God and Country

Mid-Winter is behind us. 4th District was represented well with nine posts attending; Bennington Post 13, Arlington Post 69, Pownal Post 90, Rutland Post 31, J. Claire Carmody Post 39, Fair Haven Post 49, Crippen Fellows Post 50, Brandon Post 55, and West Rutland Post 87. Thank you for taking the time to attend.

On Saturday, February 3, at Post 87, we held the Post Oratorical Contest for the three contestants in our District. Thank you to all who supported this contest; from Post 50, PDC Royal Sheeley, from Post 87, Commander Alan Decato, 1st Vice Commander Steve Dotson, Legionnaire and Clarendon State Representative Dave Potter, Squadron 87 member Carl Wener, and Fair Haven High School Social Studies teacher Mike Bruce. This was a practice run for each of the contestants to help them prepare for the 4th District contest on February 24, 2:30pm at Rutland Post 31. We are very excited to have three contestants from the 4th District and look forward to their participation in years to come. Thank you to the posts who are sponsoring our contestants; West Rutland Post 87, Castleton Post 50, and Fair Haven Post 49. The winner of the 4th District contest will represent the District at the State contest in White River Junction on March 10.

Keep an eye out for a package from Department with copies of the Consolidated Report form, Children & Youth Report and The Maynard Pietryka Department of Vermont Color Guard Award form. Please take the time to tell us all of the

4th DISTRICT COMMANDER – Catherine Tester

great things your post does for your community, youth and veterans by filling out the forms and returning them to Department. If you need help completing the forms, help is available from Rutland County Commander Bill Furman, Bennington County Commander Steve Greenslet or feel free to drop me an email at or give me a call at 802-989-3755.

It is not too early to begin thinking about the election and installation of Post officers. According to the Department of Vermont by laws, all installations are to be conducted by the District Commander. Please drop me an email or give me a call to let me know when your post installation will take place. If I am not available, I will coordinate with the county commanders.

Mark your calendar for the Department of Vermont Annual Convention at the Holiday Inn in Rutland Vermont, June 22-23, 2018.

Let’s stay connected throughout the 4th District - like the 4th District Facebook page at 4th District American Legion Vermont. I am here to help you with your legion programs. Drop me an email or reach me on my cell. I look forward to hearing from you. My contact information: email -, cell - 802-989-3755 home phone- 802-948-2841. For God and Country,

To all the Windsor, Windham County Commanders and all the 5th District Post Commander’s keep up the good work and continue to reach out to those members that may not have renewed their membership. Membership recruitment and encouragement to our members to renew is one of the most personal and difficult pieces of work we do for our organization. To all the members, I would encourage you to take a moment and read the mission and purpose statement on the Department of Vermont Website, simply it sums up what we as members and an origination are about in the service to our fellow veterans and our community and it gives one an insight of what it means to be a member of the American Legion.

I was not able to attend the Mid-Winter conference because of a very bad cold/flu and certainly did not want to share that with anyone. Thanks to Dan Hillard, Windsor County Commander, for sharing his insight and words of wisdom from attending to the Windsor County Post Commanders. I certainly am looking forward to Spring weather when I can get out and visit many of the post in the 5th District.

On January 26-27th I attended the Mid-Winter Conference in Bennington. Post #13 did an excellence job putting the event together for the second year. One of the highlights was the presentation by Al Faxon from the Vermont Veteran’s Home. He focused on the quality of life and care of the veterans and thanked the Vermont Legion for our support. Despite being one of the highest rated facilities in the country, funding from the state is always a struggle. Veterans have one major fan in Gov. Scott, but our voices are not very loud in the Capital. There are only 13 vets out of 180 in the legislature and special interest groups/lobbyists live in the statehouse always pushing their positions on the legislators.

5th DISTRICT COMMANDER – C. W. “Bill” Mattoon


The Department is fortunate to have PDC Dick Farmer and PDC Barbara Bushaw representing us as our legislative team. During the next several months as I make my post visitations around the county I will share some ideas that should raise our visibility and influence with our elected officials. Here are some samples: Post commanders should invite your House reps and Senators to Post events. Don’t be bashful about writing or calling them. I will supply contact information. No bashing. Be positive. We need to support free instate tuition for members of the Vermont Guard. Some states do not tax veteran’s pensions (New York). Vermont should pass a bill to phase out those taxes. Continued support for the Veterans Home. No cutbacks. Currently The Adjutant General (TAG) of the Vermont guard is elected by the legislature. The governor in most states appoint a veteran to the position for a term (2-4 years). There is a movement that would allow a non-vet to be elected to head the Vermont Guard. A progressive from the Burlington area opposes the new aircraft that is planned to replace older fighter jets in the next year. We should all be concerned and troubled by the lack of support for the military and veterans in Vermont. Do not expect the situation to improve by being silent on these issues. Political activity is no longer a spectator sport. Time for full contact with winning results! Be well and look out for those in your world who need your help.

Greetings all American Legion Riders, Just a quick note to ask you all to set aside the second Saturday in March, March 10th for the Annual Meeting and STATE OFFICER ELECTIONS for the Riders. The meeting is hosted by Barre Post 10. Persons who are interested in running for office should send the information to me at this e-mail address or to Janet Pringle (Mrs. Keith Arlund) at Nominations may also be made from the floor at the meeting. Please consider being a part of the leadership of our organization at this level. I will be running for a third term as State Director. Coffee will be available from 10:00 am and the meeting will begin at 11:00. Lunch will be macaroni salad, potato salad and chips at a cost of $7.00. My personal thanks go out to the 16 Legion Riders who attended Mid-Winter Conference in Bennington last weekend. It was great to be able to introduce them to the rest of the assembly. People seemed mildly surprised that we had so many members there. Looking forward to seeing you at our meeting.

February is Americanism month, however, we celebrate Americanism every day of every month. As I think about Americanism within the Department of Vermont, I think about all of the programs and reflect on the mid-winter reports.

LEGION RIDERS – Lewis Graham, Dir.

AMERICANISM – Catherine Tester, CH

At least 16 posts have registered or are in the process of registering their American Legion baseball teams and are preparing for their season.

Our Department and the Boy Scout Council are in full swing preparing for the Eagle Scout Luncheon and this year’s Boy Scout Veterans parade.

Applications are being received for Law and Order.

Posts and Auxiliary units are interviewing and sponsoring high school juniors for Boys and Girls State.

Seniors are completing scholarship applications.

High schools students are developing a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution preparing for the oratorical contest.

Flag education programs are being taught in elementary and middle schools.

These are just a few of the many programs happening across Vermont that are all part of one of the four pillars of the American Legion. What is your post doing? As spring approaches, it is also time to complete your annual reports. Keep an eye out for a package from Department with copies of the consolidated report form, children & youth report and The Maynard Pietryka Department of Vermont Color Guard Award form. Please take the time to tell us all of the great things your post does for your community, youth and veterans by filling out the forms and returning them to Department. If you need help completing the forms, help is available from your county and district commanders or feel free to drop me an email at or give me a call at 802-989-3755. For God and Country, **************************************************************************************************


The Americanism Committee launched a new initiative - “Flags Across Vermont”.

The goal of this new initiative it to:

Provide a flag to fly at town halls/offices

Provide a flag for veterans memorials

Ensure every veteran buried in the state is remembered for their sacrifice with an American flag placed on their


Organize a group of Legionnaires to participate in Wreaths across America


Early in February, the post commanders and adjutants received an email from the Americanism Committee sent by

Department requesting information. Please take a few minutes to reply to this email. For those posts without email, a

letter was sent to collect information.

If you did not receive an email or letter, please contact Catherine Tester, Americanism Chairman at or

802-989-3755 to have a copy sent to you.

The committee looks forward to sharing additional information and updates on this project at the Department Executive

Meeting in April and in June at convention.

Americanism Committee Members 4th District Commander Catherine Tester, Chairman PDC Barbara Bushaw

Joseph DeGray Windsor County Commander Dan Hillard PDC and Past NECMan Frank Killay PDC and NECWomen Marlys Lemnah Sr. Vice Commander Dave Woodward

Oratorical: I wish each candidate “Good luck” and will see you soon. Karlene DeVine, you are doing a great job with this program. We have our Law and Order Program that Tom Scanlon works tirelessly for; putting information out to schools and to the Posts. Please help by encouraging students to apply for this program. They are only allowed 36 students and will be going to the Pittsfield Police Academy once again this year. This program is always held in June right before our Convention. Boys State will be at Lyndonville College, in Lyndonville. The paperwork for this program is in the schools now. This program as well is held in June before our Convention. Our Legion Baseball Program has started putting teams together and the insurance and registration for each team are due in next month. Good luck to each team! Each one of these programs are essential to the framework of the American Legion, please support them in your communities and at your Posts. This year the Children and Youth Program Project is raising funds for the National Commanders Program - Temporary Financial Assistance. This program is imperative in helping our children of both soldiers and Veterans that are in need. I hope our Posts within the State will send in $50.00 towards this program. These funds can be given at the National Convention in Minneapolis this year. Thank you for all you do for our young people. For God and Country,

CHILDREN & YOUTH – Barbara Bushaw, CH

Legionnaires: The bills which pertain to the Veterans and have been introduced are: H744 – Omnibus Bill

(1.) Appointment of the Adjutant General will be by the Governor. Establish minimum qualifications and create a

nine-member board to review and recommend to the Governor.

(2.) Veterans getting financial assistance by the Department of Veterans Affairs will not be charged fees for

registration of motor vehicles.

(3.) Facilitate professional licensing for veterans and of U.S. Armed Forces who have relevant military credentials.

(4.) Exempt military retirement pay from Vermont State income tax.

H – 72 Create National Guard Educational Assistance Program to enable Vermont Guardsmen to attend the University of Vermont and Agricultural College or Vermont State Colleges tuition free………. phase out interest free loan educational program currently available……………. Both of these bills are endorsed by the Governor. If you agree with them, contact your representative. As of this bulletin, there are no bills on “rip-tickets” that pertain to private clubs. Sometime it’s best to let “sleeping dogs lie”. I will try to keep you informed. For God and Country,

Post have all received the Post Data form, please fill this form out whether you are increasing your Post dues or not. These forms get forwarded to National so they have up to date information regarding your Posts. If you are increasing your Post dues remember that $35.00 is required at HQ’s for each membership. As of today’s date, HQ’s has not received the Consolidated Report form yet. As soon as they arrive I will get them out to each Adjutant. I will be sending the forms to your posts regarding Adjutant of Year, Service Officer of the year and etc., soon. I also will be requesting Year End Reports from Chairmen at the end of April for our Annual Report at Convention. Pick #3 Raffle is ongoing and we have a few more folks this year compared to last year. I update the website every Monday morning with the winning number on Friday night and post the name of the winner; if there is one. Our website is If you are interested in an extra ticket or two, give me a call at HQ’s 802-223-7131, we still have numbers available. Respectfully,



Greetings from the forest; Time is moving quickly... The month of October started with high hopes for a remarkable foliage season that didn’t come to pass. The days started out warm and very dry causing the leaves to turn brown or develop pale colors with many trees staying green. After the first week we got a few mornings below freezing and then several hours of heavy rain. This caused the trees to develop brilliant colors for about a week. The hill sides were alive with color where ever you looked. These conditions didn’t last as we had several frosty mornings with’ brisk winds. The trees began to shed leaves so rapidly it looked like a brown snow storm. By the end of the month the trees were bare and the weather turned cloudy and seasonably cool. November started with dark gray skies and morning temperatures in the mid-twenties which is typical conditions for the forest. Several important events occurred in that month. The celebration of Veterans Day with parades open houses of a number of Legion and VFW homes to the public. There were dinners honoring veterans and U.S. Flags on display throughout the kingdom. November 12th was the start of Vermont’s rifle season for deer, considered a high holy day by many Vermont hunters. The first measurable snow covered the forest on the 17th of the month and stayed for about a week. We then experienced a few days of intermitted rain and snow squalls that iced up the gravel roads and left the black top wet but drivable. November was slightly warmer than usual but little sun. The last month of the year arrived with some light dusting of snow and below freezing mornings. This was a time to practice your winter driving skills. This was a time to get together with family and friends to celebrate the Christmas Season. The area residents were decorating their homes and property with colored lights, Christmas trees and plastic snowmen. The local weatherman were predicting a change in the weather pattern and the forest could have a snow storms of six or more inches. This insured the forest a white Christmas. We’ve made it through January, cold then warm, then cold again! We are almost over the hump and Spring should be on its way. I bet Winter has a few more plans for us here in the forest though. Say a few prayers for our veterans and our service men and women protecting our rights around the world.

“FROM THE FOREST”.....PDC Frank Killay

NAME ……………………………………POST

LUMAN, ROBERT ........................... 01 CHOINIERE, FABIO B ...................... 01 GAGNE, NORMAN G ...................... 01 DURKEE, SR HERMAN J .................. 08 SOMERVILLE, DALE ........................ 08 SKRILL, STEWART ........................... 09 SARTORELLI, UGO J ........................ 10 WILLARD, ROBERT ......................... 10 PEREZ, JOSEPH J ............................. 10 WELLS, JR WALTER R ...................... 10 GINGRAS, GERALD R ...................... 10 FROST, WESLEY L ........................... 11 MARTIN, SR KENNETH M ................ 12 SHEPARD, BRUCE J ......................... 14 RANDALL, LAWRENCE H ................. 14 FAY, MABEL M ............................... 14 REYNOLDS, CALVIN ........................ 14 JONES, WAYNE S ............................ 14 MCINTYRE, GEORGE ....................... 17 FULLER, PAUL A ............................. 19 ATKINS, LLOYD H ........................... 19 BARAW, RICHARD H ....................... 21 GRATTON, JOHN P ......................... 21 DAIGLE, CONRAD H ........................ 21 SPARKS, WARREN H ........................ 24 PHELPS, DONALD C ........................ 28 CAVOTO, ALBERT ........................... 36 CARPENTER, RUSSEL B ................... 36 SPAULDING, DAVID H .................... 36 RAMSEY, JR GEORGE E ................... 37 RATHBUN, LEONARD C ................... 39

OAKMAN, GEORGE ........................ 39 PURCELL, JR ALFRED J ..................... 39 HUGHES, GREGORY W .................... 39 HEALD, PDC JOHN B ....................... 39 LAROSE, ROSAIRE C ........................ 42 BONK, VALENTINE W ..................... 42 BELL, BERNARD D ........................... 63 ARMSTRONG, JOHN ....................... 90 BERNARD, SR RICH L ...................... 91 DUNBAR, GEORGE A ...................... 91 NYE, RANDALL M ........................... 91 GILLIS, SR RICHARD A ..................... 91 CLARK, LAWRENCE ......................... 91 PORTER, CLAYTON ......................... 91 ROBERTS, LEON ............................. 91

POST EVERLASTING....Gone but never forgotten


Huzon “Jerry” Stewart’s PROJECT for 2017 - 2018

Legion Family Assistance Fund

With your help, Dept. Commander Jerry Stewart’s project this year will be to raise funds for the “Legion Family Assistance Fund”. This fund; through

the DSO Office in White River Jct., assists Veterans and others with housing needs, fuel bills, electric bills and many more emergency issues that face

all of our Legion Family members.

Please consider donating to this worthy project that touches so many Vermont Legion Family Members. Commander

Stewart has earmarked $12,000 to raise.

Send your donations to: American Legion, Dept. HQ’s, P.O. Box 396, Montpelier VT 05601-0396

Please write Commanders Project on your checks memo line.

Thank you.



YEAR: 2018 - 2019 The Legionnaires listed below have been endorsed for the following offices

































SOCIAL – 5:00 P.M.

DINNER - 6:00 P.M.








OR FOR INFO CALL GAIL @ 207-590-0204