American Colonies Emerge Intro. Illustrated Timeline.

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Transcript of American Colonies Emerge Intro. Illustrated Timeline.

American Colonies Emerge Intro.

Illustrated Timeline


• Create a timeline with the dates and events provided• Events SHOULD NOT be proportional (evenly space them)

• Alternate between top and bottom of the timeline

• Each event must be labelled with appropriate title and date(s)• Choose 5 to illustrate; choose 5 to describe

• Yes, it must be colored

American Colonies Emerge

• 1492-Christopher Columbus lands in the Americas

• 1521-Cortes Conquers the Aztec Empire

• 1540-Coronado explores the American southwest

• 1565-St. Augustine established by the Spanish

• 1585-English establish colony at Roanoke Island

• 1607-Jamestown established by John Smith and other English

• 1620-English “Pilgrims” establish the Plymouth Colony

• 1630-English Puritans establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony

• 1664-English take New Amsterdam from the Dutch

• 1681-William Penn receives charter for Pennsylvania


-Describe the first meeting between the Spanish and

the natives according to this picture.

-How does this interpretation foreshadow the relationship between

the two groups?

Take out a blank sheet of paper and fold the

left side to the middle.

Draw a line down the crease.

The Spanish Empire

“God, Gold, and Glory”

Spain’s explorers

• Juan Ponce de Leon

• Vasco Nunez de Balboa

• Ferdinand Magellan

• Hernan Cortes

• Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

• Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

• Hernando de Soto

Ponce de Leon

• Hidalgo- • low ranking noble

• Named Florida in 1513• Searched for mythical

“fountain of youth”• Given Puerto Rico, but

replaced by Diego Columbus


• Landed in Panama

• First known Europeans to see Pacific Ocean

• Condemned to death on false charges of treason and Native American abuse


• Portuguese, but hired by Spanish King

• First to sail around South America and to the Pacific

• His men were the first to circumnavigate the globe


• Aztecs governed 20 million people • 200,000 in capital

• Cortes joined enemies of the Aztecs together

• In three years destroyed Aztec empire

Cabeza de Vaca

• Explored Texas area after being shipwrecked

• Spread Native’s stories of seven golden cities• Pueblo villages

• Lured further explorers to North America


• Searched for golden cities

• Explored Southwest with 1400 men and 1500 animals

• Allowed for Spain’s claim to entire Southwest

• Found guilty of atrocities against Native Americans

de Soto

• Landed in Florida, to “conquer, populate and pacify”

• He wanted golden cities

• AL, FL, TN, MS, OK

• Recorded Native tribes

St. Augustine

• Needed defensive bases to protect ships carrying gold and silver

• 1565, St. Augustine established

• Presidios, or forts, developed but most not maintained

Encomienda System

• Hidalgos-most conquistadors-low-ranking nobles

• Goal was to gain wealth and prestige

• Rewarded with control over portions of the Empire

Spanish American Society

• King splits empire in America into viceroyalties

• Leader known as Viceroy

• Didn’t find gold; lots of silver instead

• Haciendas-Large ranches to feed miners

Spanish American Society

• Peninsulares-people born in Spain; highest

• Criollos-Spanish parents, born in colonies-middle

• Mestizos-Spanish and Native Am. Parents- lower middle

• Other

• Based on: birth, income, and education

Moctezuma and Cortes

First Meeting

Moctezuma and Cortes-8 mins.

• Who was Hernan Cortes?

• Who was Moctezuma?

• What happened when Cortes met Moctezuma in 1519?

Document A-10 mins.

• Who wrote the document and when was it written?

• Who was the recipient of this document?• How might this influence the content of the document?

• According to the document, what did Moctezuma say to Cortes?

• Does this document corroborate the textbook document?

• What is one reason Document A would be a reliable source to understand what happened when Moctezuma met Cortés?

• What is one reason Document A would not be a reliable source to understand what happened when Moctezuma met Cortés?

Document B-10 mins.

• Who wrote document B and when was it written?

• Who supervised the writing of document B?

• How might this influence the content of the document?

• According to document B, what did Moctezuma say to Cortes?

• Does this document corroborate the textbook document?

• What is one reason Document B would be a reliable source to understand what happened when Moctezuma met Cortés?

• What is one reason Document B would not be a reliable source to understand what happened when Moctezuma met Cortés?

• How does Document A compare to Document B?

Document C-10 mins.

• Who wrote document C? When was it written?

• Based on this information, do you think this is a reliable account of what happened when Moctezuma met Cortes? Why or why not?

• According to Document C, why did Moctezuma tell Cortés that the Aztecs had been expecting him?

• According to Document C, why did Spanish missionaries claim that Moctezuma believed Cortés was Quetzacoatl?

• How does Document C’s account of what happened when Moctezuma met Cortés compare to Document A and Document B?

Summary-8 mins.

• What is one reason why you might believe that Moctezuma welcomed Cortés into the Aztec capital?

• What is one reason why you might NOT believe that Moctezuma welcomed Cortés?

• Based on these three documents, how confident are you in knowing what happened during their first meeting? Explain.

English Exploration and


John Cabot A.k.a. Giovannia CabotoA.ka. Juan Caboto

• Arrives in 1497

• First Englishman, second European

• Explores the Labrador Coast• Claims Canada for England

• Doesn’t come back from second expedition..

Sir Martin Frobisher• Expeditions in 1576, ’77,


• Looking for the Northwest Passage

• Thinks he finds gold, then iron ore

• Hired as privateer• Shot trying to steal gold

from a Spanish fleet

Henry Hudson• NW passage again

• Explores Greenland, Northern Arctic, eventually Chesapeake Bay

• Explores up the Hudson River

• Dies after mutiny

England’s Sea Dogs• Privateer- Hired by a

government to harass other countries’ ships

• Raided Spanish treasure ships

• Spain is Catholic, England is Protestant

Sir Francis Drake

• Starts as slave trader

• Privateer in 1572

• Known for raiding Spanish settlements and stealing gold/silver

• Basically causes the Spanish Armada

• Dies of dysentery

Settling the Americas1. Need a base to sail from

2. Still looking for a Northwest Passage

3. See the natives as a new market for trade

4. Send unemployed and homeless to America

Settling Roanoke• Established by Walter Raleigh in 1585

• First attempt, people are starving and go back to England

• Second attempt, everybody vanishes

• Only clue left is word “Croatoan” carved into a tree

The Colonial Charter System

Granting Settlements

•The King offered charters based on reason for settlement

•King James I, 1603-1625

•King Charles I, 1625-1649


•Organized as a corporation

• Investors fund and run company

•Profits and losses shared by investors

•Ex., Jamestown


•Granted by the King

•One person, or a small group

•Had full governing rights

•Ex., William Penn’s Pennsylvania


• King appointed Governor• Governor served as chief official• Colonial assemblies approved laws• The King converted most colonies to Royal by early 1700’s


• Independent of the King and of corporations

• Separatist religious groups

• Developed their own government

• Ex., Pilgrims- Mayflower Compact

On a separate sheet of paper..

• You will translate the Mayflower Compact into Modern English

• Then in 3-4 sentences:• Explain the importance of the compact on the

development of the colonies


• Draw a line across your paper at the 8th line

• Read the document on the settlement of Jamestown

• Above the line, illustrate what’s going on in the colony according to the document

• Below the line, describe the colony of Jamestown in 10 sentences

• Choose 5 key words from the document to write around the image


Jamestown• 16 years after Roanoke before another attempt at


• 1606 the Virginia Company gets a charter from King James I

• Charter called for a joint-stock company• A company funded and run by investors, who

share the company’s profits and losses

Jamestown• 1607, Virginia Company sends colonists• About 100

• First settlers included many gentlemen (36)

• Also barber, tailor, carpenter, mason, and laborers

May 14, 1607:Settled 60 miles up the James River- Why?


• Jamestown nearly failed• Native attacks

• Not physically prepared for labor

• Weather, swamp, diseases

• Initially no firm leadership

• All this = famine and death

There is hope…

• Powhatan Confederacy trades with settlers

• More men and supplies arrive

• Captain John Smith developed into strong leader

Captain John Smith

• Captured by Natives, released as a friend

• “He who does not work, will not eat”

• Strengthened defenses

• 1609- Injured, returns home

Starving Time

• October 1609 to March 1610

• 70 survive

• Eat whatever they have• Horses, dogs, cats, mice, boots or

anything of leather

Jamestown Moving Forward

• Marriage of Pocahontas to John Rolfe eases relations with Natives

• Rolfe planted tobacco seeds from the Caribbean, sweeter and milder

• Tobacco makes Jamestown profitable

Tobacco• Demanded laborers

• Indentured servants- • Work for a master to pay for

their voyage, usually 7 years

• System of Headrights• Gave 50 acres to those who

paid for passage or bought stock

• Additional land for bringing family and servants


• 1618, begin electing own assembly for law making

• Virginia government includes:• Governor, 6 councilors, 2 Reps from

each of the 10 colonial towns• Assembly called House of Burgesses (bûr'jĭs)

Epic Fail

• Tobacco money not enough

• 1624-King declares VA Company bankrupt

• Converts to a royal colony

• First in the New World

The Separatists and Plymouth

Separatists v. Puritans

• Cut ties with Catholic Church

• Anglican Church created after Reformation

• Many feel Anglican is too similar to Catholic

• 1 group wants to separate; other wants to Purify from within

What’s the Difference

Separatists• Membership in a false

church dooms own soul

• Start a new one with our own beliefs

Puritans• Persecution is test from


• Want to remain with Church to purify from within


• Leave England 1608

• Go to Netherlands

• Dutch people are open to all religions; doesn’t sit well with Separatists

Bigger Issue

• Truce between Spain and Holland expires in 1621

• If Spain takes back over, Separatists will be persecuted again

• Must leave in 1620

The Mayflower

• Look for purer place to settle in 1620

• Ship is 1/3 separatist, others just looking for fresh start

• Jamestown is up and running; looks nice

Where to settle?

• Land at Cape Cod

• North of Virginia Company borders

• Winter is approaching

• Settle in abandoned Womponoag village

Help from the Natives

• Squanto is intermediary

• Relationship allows pilgrims to trade with various natives

• Pilgrims taught to grow native crops

• Better friend to English than natives

Running the Colony

• William Bradford is governor

• People submit to laws based on MC

• Colony grows with supply ships

• Peacefully expand in the beginning

• Leads to friction later on

In your notes..CAUSE EFFECT





Massachusetts Bay Colony

• John Winthrop

• Massachusetts Bay Company (J-S)

• Transfers company to New England

• Authority to set up own govt.


• 1630

• 17 ships in first year

• Capital of Boston

• Plymouth included in Colony

Running the Colony

• Church and government are close

• Officials have duty to carry out divine law

• Swearing, theft, drunkenness, idleness all illegal

“City Upon a Hill”

• Beliefs:

• Should be an example for society

• People were not capable of earning merit in God’s eyes

• Predestination-God already knows what will happen to your soul

• Live by divine law or you were not one of the elect

“City Upon a Hill”

• “Some must be rich, and some must be poor”

• Extend right to vote to all stockholders and church members

• “Freemen” voted for the General Court

• GC elected the governor

The Family

• Most who made voyage were families

• Take care of your family or community will

• Bad kid? No punishment? Kid goes to more “God-fearing” home

• Arguing with spouse and can’t settle it? Both of you to the stockades

Roger Williams

• Controversial minister

• “Forced religion stinks in the nostrils of God”

• Govt. should not punish settlers for religious beliefs

• English settlers don’t have divine right to land; must purchase from native

Roger Williams

• Banished

• Begins settlement at Providence

• Guaranteed religious tolerance

Worse than Williams.. A Woman!!

• Anne Hutchinson

• Worshipers didn’t need the church to interpret Bible for them

• Rhodes Island then New Amsterdam

• Gets massacred by natives

Thomas Hooker & Connecticut

• Leads group out of Mass. in 1630’s

• Needed land for cattle

• “Foundation of authority is laid in the consent of the governed”

• Fundamental Orders of Connecticut















Take out your terms and people

• Study on your own for 5 minutes

• Spend remainder of class period with a partner quizzing on your Terms and People for tomorrow!

• Quiz will give 16 options for 10 questions..

Who settled New York and what was the city

first named?

The Middle and Southern Colonies

Middle Colonies• Very diverse- Included Dutch, Swedes, Germans, and others

• Dutch West India Company wanted to develop trade in North America

• Traded goods ($24 worth) with the Natives for right to use Manhattan

What was New Netherlands like?• New Amsterdam- Present day

New York City

• Trade open to any country

• 18 languages spoken

• Religious tolerance strictly enforced

• First “New World” synagogue

So What Happened?

• English jealous of Dutch success and want to link colonies

• Dutch have no strong forts or army• English send in four ships with 400 men, King claimed land belonged to Duke of York- Who else!

• Dutch give up without a fight

Other Middle Colonies

• Hi.. I'm in.. Delaware....• Delaware- New Sweden, then taken by Dutch,

then captured by English, William Penn- gets rights to it to have a port for his Pennsylvania

• New Jersey- Divided into East and West, united in 1702

Pennsylvania• Proprietor- William Penn

• Saw colony as a “holy experiment”

• Land use agreements with Natives

• 50 years of peace with Natives

• Quaker ideals- equality, religious toleration, pacifism, right to vote (men)

Maryland• Catholics

persecuted in England

• Lord Baltimore-wants haven for Catholics

• Maryland Toleration Acts

• Protected anyone who believed in Jesus

Southern Colonies

• The Carolinas

• Divided in 1691

• Thrived on trade

• Furs

• Tobacco

Georgia• Led by James Oglethorpe

• Haven for the poor to start over

• Also created to protect from a Spanish Invasion out of Florida

• No slaves, no liquor, and peace with Natives. Short-lived

For the remainder of the period..• You will create an ad with the goal of populating your colony• Either a colony we’ve discussed or your colony for

your group (GA, SC, NC, VA, DE, MA, NJ, NY, CT, RI, MD, NH)

• Image should take up 2/3 of the page (should be colored) with bottom 1/3 describing what to expect in the colony

• These were not always truthful, however, they must be historically accurate (NO PROMISING IPHONE 6’S TO ALL TRAVELLERS)

Bellringer.. Grab yours on the way in and get started!

• What is this image and how does this image convey European ideas about settling in the New World?

Conflict with the Natives

Pope’s Rebellion/Pueblo Revolt

Pequot War of 1637

King Philip’s War of 1675

Pequot War of 1637• Smallpox devastates NE tribes• Pequot not hurt by plague, become

dominant tribe; ally w/ Dutch• Pilgrims and Puritans start out friendly w/ natives

• Mohegans and Narragansett ally w/ English; don’t like the Pequot

Pequot War of 1637

• 1634-Capt John stone killed• Eng demand those responsible

• 1636-English sailors attacked, killed

• Moh. and Nara. push for war w/ Pequot

• May 1637-Mystic River Massacre

Mystic River Massacre

• +500 Pequot live in MR• Bigger than expected

• Set fire to both sides of village

• English shoots those trying to escape

Continuing Fighting

• Go from village to village

• Survivors sold into slavery

• Surrounding tribes submit to English

King Philip’s War

• Metacom begins selling land to buy guns

• Father was first to sign treaty with Pilgrims

• Takes Christian name of Philip

• One more chance to unite and push Eng into sea

King Philip’s War

• 1675-76

• Narragansett ally w/ King Philip

• John Sassamon accused of murder; catalyst for war

• Benjamin Church America’s first action hero

End of King Philip

• BC and men kill Philip while he’s in hiding

• Drawn and quartered

• Head put on display ~30 years

• Ends native resistance in NE

Spanish in America

• Stories of golden cities lead Spanish north

• God, gold, glory

• Conquistadors in search of gold

• Friars travel with conquistadors to ensure peace with natives

Spanish Response

• Pueblo city in 1599

• Spanish take hostages to extort food

• Natives kill 1, take 12 hostage

• Spanish attack killing 800/1300

Spanish Response

• Men 25+ have one foot cut off and sentenced to 20 years of servitude

• Men 12-25 and women 25+ sentenced to 20 years servitude

• Economic exploitation and religious/cultural domination take turns dictating Spanish control

Buildup to Rebellion

• Pueblos continue practicing own religion

• Accused of bewitching a friar

• Governor arrests 47, kills 4

• Pueblo take Trevino hostage to secure freedom

The Rebellion

• Pope is one of the survivors

• Plans a widespread revolt; August 12

• Organizers all Pueblos in revolt

• Able to drive Spanish out of Santa Fe

Closing thoughts..

• What precedent has been set by the conflicts we looked at today?

• If the natives try to resist expansion, the we will fight and kill to get our way