Amanda Barrilleaux 8th Grade French II 2012-2013

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Transcript of Amanda Barrilleaux 8th Grade French II 2012-2013

8 th Grade French II

Madame Barrilleaux

Bonjour! My name is Amanda BARRILLEAUX and I am originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. I have taught French, Spanish, English, and English as a Foreign Language in the United States, Europe and Africa. I hold a Master of Arts in History with a specialization in Public History and am currently working on a PhD in Anthropology.

My first two years in Egypt have been amazing and I have the BEST students! I am the faculty advisor for the Key Club, a service organization, and the students at AIS have been very active in community service projects this year. Some of these projects include planting a garden at an Egyptian public school, donating clothes, blankets, vitamins and supplements to the South Sinai Desert Relief Project, hosting a course and becoming certified in first Aid by the American Red Cross, planting gardens at the school in Garbage City, and raising money for the cancer hospital, Resela, and the food bank. This year our theme is Education for All. We have opened 5 little free libraries in South Sinai, sponsored a Read-a-Thon and hosted a guest speaker from the United Nations who addressed the Middle School. The students’ sense of social justice and willingness to help others is inspiring and I could not be more proud of them! We are the first Key Club in Egypt, Africa and the Middle East! Please check out our facebook page for more information.

Contact InformationStudents and parents are encouraged to contact me should a question, comment, or concern arise. My preferred method of contact is via my school email at For answers to many questions, please refer to my website at I believe it is essential that teachers students and parents all work together to make sure everyone achieves his or her potential. Both students and parents are free to call me any time before 9pm should you or your child have any questions about 01207070986.

Classroom Rules1) Be respectful of others’ time, personal space, and differentiated learning styles.2) Tardiness will be accounted for and discipline will be concordant with the AIS

student handbook and all AISE Middle School policies.a. When the bell rings, you must be in your seat. This classroom and the

time allotted during the period will be used to the fullest. Remember that your decision to waste time negatively affects everyone around you including the teacher, and as such, will not be tolerated.

b. If you are tardy, please come in, sit down, and do not disrupt the class. If you are not asked immediately to give the reason for your tardiness, please wait until the end of class if you feel an explanation must be given.

3) Students are expected to raise their hands to be called upon unless otherwise directed i.e., debate, Socratic discussion, etc...

4) The room will be clean before students depart for their next class.5) Please sharpen pencils before class begins. Sharpening a pencil during class is

distracting for everyone. Please bring two pencils in case the point of one pencil breaks. A dull pencil does not need to be sharpened. Best course of action: bring a small sharpener.

6) The space under the desk is to be used for books and/or materials. It is not, nor will it ever be, a trash can, drink holder, Kleenex/tissue container, drum, etc.

7) The teacher desk(s) is not to be touched by a student at any time unless otherwise directed.

Class MaterialsStudents are required to bring the following materials with them to class:

Textbook (When issued) Binder :3 inch preferred A writing utensil Spiral bound notebook to be kept either in the binder or with the binder at

all times. Loose leaf paper is acceptable but only if it is contained within the binder.

All articles, handouts, or other in-class materials.Policies – to be discussed within grade or subject teamsAll assignments are due on the due date given in class. The acceptance of late assignments will be determined on a case by case basis. Please notify the teacher in advance of any known absences that you may incur during the school year. The student, NOT the teacher, is responsible for his/her make-up work should an absence occur. The due date for all make-up work will be set in accordance with the time allotted all present students to complete the specific assignment.

If, for any reason, you would like to discuss a grade received on an assignment, please schedule an appointment with the teacher at the end of the day. The teacher will NOT discuss grades during class. Human errors will happen and efforts will be made if corrections are necessary.


Achieving linguistic fluency and cultural understanding is a long-term endeavor, requiring experiences beyond the classroom setting. Within the scope of the level of study, students will be able to perform with reasonable success in each of the following areas:

Effective Communication

• Students will learn to communicate with others in a language other than English.

• Students will improve their understanding of and ability to communicate in the English language by comparing and contrasting another language with their own.

• contributions have shaped international perspectives.

• Enhanced Cultural Understanding

• Students will develop an awareness of and an appreciation for another people’s unique way of life, the patterns of behavior that order their world, and the ideas and perspectives that guide their behaviors.

Students will learn about other cultures’ contributions to the world and how these

Person-to-Person Communication

The first strand focuses on the communicative skills needed to exchange information in the target language with another person. When demonstrating skills in the person-to-person strand, students demonstrate their ability to initiate, sustain, and close a conversation or an interactive written communication, such as an e-mail exchange.

Listening and Reading for Understanding

The second strand consists of the communicative skills necessary to comprehend speaking and writing in the target language. The student’s level of communicative competence is indicated by the degree of comprehension of spoken or written language, together with interpretation of other visual and auditory cues given by the speaker or writer. This strand differs from the person-to-person strand in that the skills involve understanding one-way communication with no opportunity for clarification through interaction.

Oral and Written Presentation

The third strand centers around the communicative skills needed to present information in the target language orally or in writing to an audience. This set of skills calls for the student to be able to organize thoughts and deliver presentations to a variety of audiences. These skills involve both spontaneous and prepared presentations and, again, differ from the person-to-person strand in that students do not interact with the audience.

Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products

Understanding the culture of native speakers of the target language is an integral part of learning any language. Students demonstrate their understanding of the inextricable link between language and culture by developing an understanding of the perspectives or viewpoints, practices or patterns of behavior, and products of the culture(s). In-depth understanding of these elements of culture improves the students’ ability to interact appropriately with native speakers of the language and to function successfully within that cultural setting.

Cultural and Linguistic Comparisons

The process of language learning causes students to reflect on their own culture and

language in a way that increases their understanding of the nature of language in general and of elements of their own language and culture. As students become more knowledgeable about the target language, they increase their skills in their native language by making frequent comparisons between the target language and their own. The insight students develop into their own culture helps them increase their understanding of and openness to people who speak other languages and who may view the world from a different perspective.

Integrated Unit: Making Connections through Language

Topics addressed in the foreign language classroom provide an opportunity for students to connect information about the language and culture(s) they are learning with concepts being studied in other subject areas. In addition, students are able to enhance their knowledge of other subject areas by accessing additional information in the target language. This reciprocal reinforcement and enhancement of curricular concepts increases students’ in-depth understanding of the total curriculum. Students will connect with other disciplines through foreign language study, enabling them to reinforce and expand their understanding of the interrelationships among content areas. Students will access information in more than one language, giving them a greater range of resources and a richer base of knowledge. Increased Global Perspective

Course OutlineFrench, Level II In level II foreign language courses, students continue to develop their communicative competence by interacting orally and in writing with other speakers of the target language, understanding oral and written messages in the language, and making oral and written presentations in the language. They begin to show a greater level of accuracy when using basic language structures, and they are exposed to more complex features of the language. They continue to focus on communicating about their immediate world and daily activities. They read material on familiar topics and write short, directed compositions. Emphasis continues to be placed on use of the target language in the classroom as well as on use of authentic materials to learn about the target culture(s).

The following is a month by month pacing guide of the class, including all vocabulary lists and worksheets:

septembre- Unite 5 Lecons 13 et 14

Objectives: Students will be able to ask and give directions, and to describe their city and their home. They will be able to talk about various places they go during the week and on week ends, describe their house or apartment, discuss future plans and say what they are

going to do, talk about their friends and families. They will be able to use the verbs aller and venir, the prepositions a, a+ indefinite article, chez,de, de+ indefinite article, possession with avec, possessive adjectives, ordinal numbers.

Unit 5 Vocabulary p.238 -239

Vocabulaire et Culture- La vill et la Maison p. 194

Vocabulaire et Culture- Ici a Toursp, 195

Vocabulaire- Ou habites-tu? p.196

Notes Culturelles- Le nom des rues p. 196

p.196 exercises 1 & 2

Vocabulaire- Ma Ville p. 197

P. 198 exercises 3 & 4

Vocabulaire- Pour demander un renseignement p. 199

P. 199 exercise 5

Vocabulaire-Ma maison p.200

P. 201 exercises 6-8

A votre tour! p.202-203 exercises 1-5

Conversation et Culture- Week -end a Paris p.204

Note Culturelle- a Paris p.205

Le verbe aller p. 206

P. 207 exercises 1 & 2

La preposition a; a plus l’article defini p. 208

P.208-209 exercises 3-6

Vocabulaire- En ville p. 210

P. 210 exercise 7

La preposition chez p. 211

P.211 exercises 8 & 9

La construction aller + l’infinitive p. 212

P.212-213 exercises 10-12

Prononciation-les semi-voyelles p. 213

A votre tour! p. 214-215 exercises 1-5


octobre- Unite 5 Lecons 15 et 16

Objectives: Students will be able to ask and give directions, and to describe their city and their home. They will be able to talk about various places they go during the week and on week ends, describe their house or apartment, discuss future plans and say what they are going to do, talk about their friends and families. They will be able to use the verbs aller and venir, the prepositions a, a+ indefinite article, chez,de, de+ indefinite article, possession with avec, possessive adjectives, ordinal numbers.

Unit 5 Vocabulary p.238 -239

Conversation et Culture -Mes Voisins p. 226-227

Note Culturelle- Les Animaux Demestiques en France p. 227

La possession avec de p.228

exercises 1&2 p. 228

Vocabulaire- La Famille- p. 229

exercise 3 p. 229

Les Adjectifs possessifs: mon, ton, son p. 230

exercises 4-6 p. 231

Vocabulaire- Expressions pour la conversation p. 231

exercise 7 p. 231

Les Adjectifs possessifs : notre, votre, leur p.232

exercises 8-10 p.232

Les Nombres Ordinaux p. 233

exercise 11 p. 233

A Votre Tour ! exercises 1-5 p. 234-235

Tests de Controle exercises 1-5 p. 236-237

Le cinema p. 240-241 Comparaisons culturelles

Tin Tin et ses Amis p. 242-243

Bonjour Osmane p. 244 Comprehension et Activite d’ecrire

MC Solar p. 245

novembre- Unite 6 Lecons 17 & 18

Objectives: The students will be able to name and describe the clothes they wear, discuss style, shop for clothes and other items, talk about money, make comparisons, point out certain people or objects to their friends. They will be able to use the verbs acheter and preferer, l’adjectif domonstratif ce ,l’adjectif interrogatif quel?, le verb mettre, les verbes reguliers en -IR, les adjectifs beau, nouveau, et vieux, les comparisons avec les adjectifs, le pronom on, les berbes reguliers en -RE, et l’imperitif

Unite 6 Vocabulary p. 298-299

Quelques faits p. 246

Le Paris Traditionelle 248-249 Activite Culturelle

Le Nouveau Paris p. 250-251 Activite Culturelle

Salut les Amis p. 252

Paris en Bateau-Mouche p. 253 Activite Culturelle

Paris Project: Using subway and tourist attraction maps of Paris, students will plan and describe a week end trip to Paris. Students will use aller + infinite to describe future plans. Students will give acurate directions to 6 different paris attractions via subway and by foot. Each set of directions ( subway and foot) using aller+ infinitive is worth 10 points. If any portion of the directions is incorrect, the entire set of directions is wrong. This is worth 60 PROJECT POINTS

Vocabulaire et Culture- L’achat des Vetements p. 256-257

Vocabulaire- les vetements p. 258-259

exercises 1 & 2 p. 259

Vocabulaire-d’autres  vetements et accessoires p. 260

exercise 3-6 p. 260-261

Vocabulaire- dans un magasin p. 262

Les Nombres 100-1000 p. 263

exercises 7-8 p. 263

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-6 p. 264-265

Conversation et Culture- Rien n’est Parfait p. 266- 267

Comprehension p. 267

Notes Culturelles- le grand magasin p. 266

Les Verbes achater et preferer p. 268

exercise 1 p. 268

Vocabulaire- Verbes comme achater et preferer p. 269

exercises 2 & 3 p. 269

L’adjectif demonstratif ce p. 270

exercises 4 & 5 p. 270

L’adjectif interrogatif quel? p. 271

exercise 6&7  p. 271

Le verbe mettre p. 272

exercise 8 p. 272

exercise 9 p. 273

A Votr Tour! exercises 1-4 p. 274-275

Test lessons 15-18

decembre- Unite 6 Lecons 19 & 20

Objectives: The students will be able to name and describe the clothes they wear, discuss style, shop for clothes and other items, talk about money, make comparisons, point out certain people or objects to their friends. They will be able to use the verbs acheter and preferer, l’adjectif domonstratif ce ,l’adjectif interrogatif quel?, le verb mettre, les verbes reguliers en -IR, les adjectifs beau, nouveau, et vieux, les comparisons avec les adjectifs, le pronom on, les berbes reguliers en -RE, et l’imperitif

Unite 6 Vocabulary p. 298-299

Conversation et Culture- Un Choix Dificile p. 276- 277

Comprehension p. 277

Note Culturelle- Les Jeunes et la Mode p. 276

Les verbes reguliers en -IR p. 278

exercise 1 p. 278

Vocabulaire- Les Verbes reguliers en -IR p. 278

exercise 2 p. 278

exercise 3 p. 279

Les Adjectifs beau, nouveau, et vieux p. 279

exercises 4 & 5 p.279

La comparison avec les adjectifs p. 280

exercise 6 p. 280

Vocabulaire- Expressions pour la conversation p. 281

exercises 7 & 8 p. 281

A Votre tour! exercises 1-5 p.282-283

Conversation et Culture- Alice a un job p.284

Comprehension p. 285

Note culturelle- l’argent des jeunes p. 285

Comparaisons Culturelles p. 285

Vocabulaire- L’argent p. 286

exercises 1-4 p. 286-287

Le prenom on p. 288

exercise 1 p.288

Vocabulaire- Expressions pour la conversation p. 289

exercises 6-8 p. 289

Vocabulaire – les verbes reguliers en – RE p. 290

Les verbes reguliers en -RE p. 290

exercises 9-11 p. 290-291

L’imperitif p. 291

exercises 12-15 p. 292-293

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-5 p.294-295

Tests de Controle exercises 1-7 p. 296-297

Unit 6 Test

janvier- Examen semestriel ( Lecons 13-20) + Unite 7 Lecon 21

Objectives: The students will be able to discuss week end activities, talk about individual summer and winter sports, describe vacation and travel plans, describe where they went or what they did yesterday,last week, ir last summer, narrate what occured at any time in

the past,use les expressions avec avoir, le passe compose des verbes en -ER, le passe compose forme negative, les questions au passe compose, le verbe voir, le passe compose des verbes reguliers en -IR et -RE, le passe compose des verbes etre, avoir, faire,mettre et voir, le passe compose negative ne…jamais, et les expressions quequ’un, quelque chose et leurs contraires.

Unite 7 Vocabulary p.352-353

Vocabulaire et Culture- Le week-end et les vacances p. 308-309

Vocabulaire- Le week-end p. 310exercises 1-3 p. 311

Vocabuliare-les vacances p. 312-313

vocabulaire- activites sportives p.313

Note Culturelle- les sports d’hiver p.313

exercises 4-6 p. 314-315

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-5 p. 316-317

fevrier- Unite 7 Lecons 22 & 23

Objectives: The students will be able to discuss week end activities, talk about individual summer and winter sports, describe vacation and travel plans, describe where they went or what they did yesterday,last week, ir last summer, narrate what occured at any time in the past,use les expressions avec avoir, le passe compose des verbes en -ER, le passe compose forme negative, les questions au passe compose, le verbe voir, le passe compose des verbes reguliers en -IR et -RE, le passe compose des verbes etre, avoir, faire,mettre et voir, le passe compose negative ne…jamais, et les expressions quequ’un, quelque chose et leurs contraires.

Unite 7 Vocabulary p.352-353

Conversation et Culture- Vive le Week-end p.318-319

Et Toi? p. 319

Note Culturelle- Le week-end p. 319

Les expressions avec avoir p.320

Vocabulaire- les expressions avec avoir p.320

exercises 1&2 p. 320

Le passe compose des verbes en -ER p.321

exercises 3-6 p.322-323

Vocabulaire- expressions pour la conversation p. 323

exercise 7 p. 323

Le passe compose: forme negative p.324

exercises 8-11 p. 324-325

Les questions au passe compose p. 326

exercises 12-15 p. 326-327

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-4 p. 328-329

Conversation et Culture- L’alibi p.330

Comprehension p. 331

Et Toi? p.331

Note Culturelle – les jeunes Francais et la tele p.331

Le verbe voir p.332

exercises 1&2 p. 332

Le passe compose des verbes reguliers en – IR et -RE p.333

exercises 3-7  p.333-334

Le passe compose des verbes etre, avoir, faire, mettre et voir p.335

exercises 8-10 p. 335-336

Vocabulaire- Quand? p.336

exercises 11-13 p.336-337

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-4 p. 338-339

mars- Unite 7 Lecon 24 + Unite 8 Lecon 25

Objectives: The students will be able to discuss week end activities, talk about individual summer and winter sports, describe vacation and travel plans, describe where they went or what they did yesterday,last week, ir last summer, narrate what occured at any time in the past,use les expressions avec avoir, le passe compose des verbes en -ER, le passe compose forme negative, les questions au passe compose, le verbe voir, le passe compose des verbes reguliers en -IR et -RE, le passe compose des verbes etre, avoir, faire,mettre et voir, le passe compose negative ne…jamais, et les expressions quequ’un, quelque chose et leurs contraires.

Unite 7 Vocabulary p.352-353

Conversation et Culture- Qui a de la chance? p. 340

Comprehension p. 341

Et Toi? p. 341

Note Culturelle- Les jeunes Francais et la musique p. 341

Le passe compose avec etre p. 342

exercises 1-4 p.343-344

Vocabulaire- quelque verbes conjugues avec etre au passe compose p.344

exercises 5-7 p.344-345

La contruction negative ne…jamais p.346

exercises 8&9 p. 346

Les expressions quelqu’un et quelque chose et leur contraires p.347

exercise 10 p. 347

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-4 p. 348-349

Tests de Controle exercises 1-5 p. 350-351

Unite 7 Test

Objectives: The students will be able to talk about their favorite foods, describe the different meals of the day, prepare a shopping list and dp the grocery shopping, order a meal in a restaurant, set the table and ask people to bring them things. The students will also be able to use les verbes vouloir, prendre,boire, pouvoir et devoir, connaitre, dire et ecrire. L’article partitif: du de la et dans les phrases negatives. Les prenoms complements me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui, leur et dans l’imperatif. La place des pronoms a l’imparitif.

Unite 8 Vocabulaire p. 410-411

Vocabulaire et Culture-Les repas et la nourriture p. 362-363

Vocabulaire- Les repas et la table p. 364

exercises 1-3 p. 365

Vocabulaire- La nourriture et les boissons p. 366-367

exercises 4-9 p.368-369

Vocabulaire- Les fruits et les legumes p.370-371

Note Culturelle – Le Marche p.371

exercises 10-12 p.370-371

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-4 p. 372-373

avril- Unite 8 Lecons 26 & 27

Objectives: The students will be able to talk about their favorite foods, describe the different meals of the day, prepare a shopping list and dp the grocery shopping, order a meal in a restaurant, set the table and ask people to bring them things. The students will also be able to use les verbes vouloir, prendre,boire, pouvoir et devoir, connaitre, dire et ecrire. L’article partitif: du de la et dans les phrases negatives. Les prenoms complements me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui, leur et dans l’imperatif. La place des pronoms a l’imparitif.

Unite 8 Vocabulaire p. 410-411

Conversation et Culture- a la cantine p.374

Compehension p.374

Et Toi? p. 375

Note Culturelle- A la cantine p.375

Le verb vouloir p. 376

exercises 1-3 p. 376

Le verbe prendre p.377

Vocabulaire- verbes comme prendre p.377

exercises 4 & 5 p.377

L’article partitif: du, de la p.378-379

exercises 6-12 p.379-381

L’article partitif dans les phrases negatives p. 381

exercises 13-16 p.382

Le verbe boire p. 383

exercises 17 & 18 p.383

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-4 p. 385

Conversation et Culture- Un client difficile p.386

Comprehension p. 387

Et Toi? p. 387

Note Culturelle- Les restaurants francais et la cuisine francaise p. 387

Les prenoms complements me, te, nous, vous p. 388

exercises 1 & 2 p. 388-389

Vocabulaire- les services personnels p.389

exercises 3 & 4 p. 389-390

Les prenoms complements a l’imparitif p. 390

exercises 5-8 p.390-391

les verbes pouvoir et devoir p.392

exercises 9-12 p.392-393

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-4 p. 394-395

mai- Unite 8 Lecon  28

Objectives: The students will be able to talk about their favorite foods, describe the different meals of the day, prepare a shopping list and dp the grocery shopping, order a meal in a restaurant, set the table and ask people to bring them things. The students will also be able to use les verbes vouloir, prendre,boire, pouvoir et devoir, connaitre, dire et ecrire. L’article partitif: du de la et dans les phrases negatives. Les prenoms complements me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui, leur et dans l’imperatif. La place des pronoms a l’imparitif.

Unite 8 Vocabulaire p. 410-411

Conversation et Culture- Pique-nique p.396

Note Culturelle- un pique-nique francais p. 397

Comprehension p. 397

Et Toi? p. 397

Le verbe connaitre p. 398

exercises 1&2 p. 398

Les prenoms complements: le, la, les p. 399

exercises 3-5 p. 400

La place des pronoms a l’imperatif p.401

exercises 6-8 p.401

Les pronoms complements: lui, leur p. 402

exercise 9 p.402

Vocabulaire- verbes suivis d’un complement indirect p. 403

exercises 10-12 p. 403-404

Les verbes dire et ercire p. 404

exercises 13-15 p. 405

A Votre Tour! exercises 1-3 p. 406-407

Tests de Controle exercises 1-5 p. 408-409

Bon Appetit, Aurelie p.412

Comparaisons culturelles p. 412

Allo Pizza p. 413

Et Vous? p.413

Le petit dejeuner en France p. 414

Comparaisons culturelles et activite ecrite p.414


You will write a children’s story and animate it using Photo Story. The book may tell a story or explain how something was done. The story must be at least 9 pages and each page must contain a visual, highlighting text- 3 sentences per page. to review the examples of the finished products shown in class please refer to

step one: brain storm

step 2: use elements of a story worksheet attached to plot out the story. If you are writing a story explaining how something was done, I need all ( minimum nine)of the steps typed out in French

step 3: fill in story board attached with text and pictures

ALL 3 are due to me ____________. ( Rough Draft) 30 points

ALL 3 revised are due to me WITH the first 3 noted copies ______. SIX PAGES TOTAL 30 points

Final Video due _______.

at least 9 pages WITH ANIMATION AND 3 LINES OF CORRECT TEXT 90 points

Title page and Credits page 10 points

Unite 8 Test

juin- Revisions + Examen semestriel ( lecons 13 a 28)

Virginia Standards of Learning for 6 th -8 th Grade French

In ClosingIt should be your goal, as you enter into Middle School at AIS Egypt, to put forth your best effort in every subject. Education is a partnership between teachers and students. We both work for the same goal – success.