Am Rev

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Transcript of Am Rev


Class Notes 4:1 The American Revolution

Modern World History, by Dan McDowell. Teaching Point, ©2004

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Factors for Success The North American colonies were primarily

populated by people of European heritage Intelligent, well educated in America or Europe,

exposed to the classics and the new Enlightenment ideas

Strong feeling that the colonies were part of the British Empire and should enjoy the rights of all British citizens

Strong colonial institutions created quality leaders with vision

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Roots of Revolution

Proclamation of 1763 – After French and Indian War or Seven Years War, land west of the Appalachians was declared off limits to colonists

Taxes – A series of taxes to pay for the French and Indian War were implemented, including the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and Townshend Duties

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Roots of Revolution

Colonists believed that because they were not represented in Parliament, they could not be taxed fairly

The Boston Massacre – In 1770 British soldiers fired on protestors

Intolerable Acts – Closed the Boston Harbor after the Boston Tea Party was staged to protest a tax on tea

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Discussions of Revolution Most colonists wished to remain part of the

British Empire Colonial leaders saw their financial holdings

threatened by continued British crack downs Combined with Enlightenment ideas of John

Locke on the purpose of government, independence was considered

First Continental Congress – Members of 12 of the 13 colonies met to discuss problems, a national identity began to evolve

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Precipitating Events Battle of Lexington and Concord – British

attempted to confiscate arms stockpile outside of Boston, met with resistance from Massachusetts Militiamen

Common Sense – Thomas Paine’s pamphlet spurred notion of a national identity deserving independence from the tyranny of Britain

Second Continental Congress – Members appointed Thomas Jefferson to draft a declaration of independence