Alzheimer's disease

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Alzheimer's disease


General Description

Alzheimer’s disease is a mental deterioration known as dementia that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks

chromosome error?

Alzheimer’s is found on the Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene, which is found on chromosome 19. However, in early-onset Alzheimer’s, there are three genes that are different from APOE which have an effect on the early onset of the disease which are found on chromosomes 21, 14, and 1.


•memory loss that disrupts daily life•difficulty completing familiar tasks•confusion with time and place•misplacing things and losing the

ability to retrace steps •changes in mood or personality•withdrawal from social activities


There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. The average life expectancy for someone with Alzheimer's is 8 to 10 years after the onset symptoms.  It takes patience to take care of someone with Alzheimer’s, because they forget basic tasks and people.


 This disease affects approximately 27 million people worldwide. In the United States alone, 5 million people are living with Alzheimer's, a number that the Alzheimer's Association says will rise to over 13 million within the next 50 years. 


There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that any particular group of people is more or less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two types of medications — cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine  — to treat the cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.


The Alzheimer's gene is autosomal dominant.


Alzheimer Europe. (2010). Alzheimer's Disease. Retrieved from Health. (2011). Alzheimer's disease basics.  Retrieved from Institution on Aging. (February 19, 2010) Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet.  Retrieved from Clinic.  (November 5, 2010).  Alzheimer's Disease.  Retrieved from