Altered Fates: An AU Legacy, Chapter 17

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Altered Fates: An AU Legacy, Chapter 17

Hey what do you know? I’m updating! Well it has been nearly two months right? And I do hope I have enough pics to make an update. Anyway, last time I replaced my heirs in new hoods because I didn’t want to rename all those character and lot files…*cough* and my fourth gen heirs got new spouses. And of course they each have three kids just to keep things small so here’s hoping they get the required amount of nice and mean

points…I mean I CAN fix so they do but…anyway moving on.

Seems all is well here.

La Shawn: Pips!! Pay attention!!

Pips: But I have to watch the same movie over and over again.

Get back there and wait for the baby!! Sheesh…Romancers man.

Pips: Oh fine, see I’m here being useless like every other birth witness. This is why I wanted to watch that Mime Cat movie again. It’s productive.

La Shawn: OWWIE!!

You’re Family, you wanted this and guess what? I have the Trips and Quads hack so

just know that I will use it…

She’s…she’s GREEN!! WOO!! Brown hair and brown eyes are boo but GREEN!! Yay!

La Shawn: Aww nooboo, green nooboo. But I don’t think I’m done…PIPS!!

Pips: Oh for the love of criminy…

Baby two and baby three, yes I chose Triplets. Saves my heir from three -5000 fears. He can deal with one since he’s perma-plat. I am too nice to him…really. Anyway, we have

two girls and a boy; Pips is holding Azura who was followed by her sister Tela and brother Lichen.

Apparently I missed the placing of the second one on the floor. But Tela and Lichen both have the black alien eyes!! They have the same hair colour though, black.

Still can’t see them…oh well. These two are Tela and Lichen, Azura will go last. Only because her siblings are cooler with their black eyes. ^_^

And I have a severe lack of toddler pictures. This is Lichen strangling poor Cara.

Cara: Nine lives, flashing before eyes, can’t breathe….mommy?

Lichen: Kitteh!!

So sorry, I didn’t take that many pictures. So the triplets were chained to the table their entire toddler hoods, it’s no different then I usually go…so Tela is my fifth gen heiress

since she beat her sister with having one more nice point. Also alien eyes… Tela (red) Lichen (not the heir) Azura (purple) Cancer Scorpio Leo 8/6/4/3/6 7/3/10/3/2 8/9/2/3/5

Lichen: So I have no chance as heir because I’m too mean? That’s not fair.

Azura: I missed out by having one less Nice point so it’s not fair either.

Tela: Come on guys, I didn’t ask to be born with six. It just happened.

Azura: I could be a good heir…why should points decide everything? It’s because I don’t have daddy’s eyes isn’t it?

*cough yes*

Tela: I didn’t ask for that either!

Lichen: I say we rebel, we choose for ourselves who’s the best heir. Maybe a geography contest?

Azura: Geography? How does that help?

Tela: I don’t like geography.

Mutineers; Tela is heir!! Voice has spoken! I’m going to Duality B…but I’ll be watching you.

Alema Rar: Whose a good Blacky? Yes you is!! Mommy’s fur baby!!

Umm hey?

Alema Rar: Not you again.

How’s pregnancy treating you?

Alema Rar: Fine now go away. You’re interrupting my fur baby time.

Why are you running? That can’t be good for the baby…

Alema Rar: Gotta pee!! Move!!

Yikes, cranky heiress is cranky.

See I told you it wasn’t good for the baby.

Emmet: Mistress? Are you in pain?

Alema Rar: YES!!

Emmet: Is it exquisite pain? Can I share it?

Freak…go date the telescope and you can experience it for yourself.

Alema Rar: It’s over.


Alema Rar: Oh fine, this is my daughter Rayna She looks like me and has my eyes.

Nice to see the Force lives on…

Okay, beginning to think those pale purple eyes are just a tad creepy now…

Alema Rar: Why of course, how else are we Betas supposed to strike terror into the hearts of our enemies?

What enemies?

Alema Rar: The ones that are too nice for their own good…

Aww, I missed the caking…

Alema Rar: Then pay better attention!

Rayna Beta Sagittarius 2/9/10/10/4

Future Romancer this one…but so far so good a bit too nice but that can be encouraged to change.

But we need more so fast forward a few days and birth time. Alema Rar still wants three to graduate from college.

Emmet: Such pain, such beauty…

Alema Rar: SHUT IT!!

Emmet: Yes Mistress.

Random twins this time, no choosing.

Alema Rar: They have my eyes.

They do. Looks like more creepy Children of the Corn then. A boy and girl, Lane and Liane.

Rayna is still around, and for once Blacky actually looks happy. Unlike poor Cara.

Rayna: Puppy!!

Blacky: The things I do for this family…

Twins birthday, let’s see if we have a competition for heir in Duality B…

Emmet: I married a good one.

You did. Toss those babies.

The verdict: FAIL!

Lane Beta Pisces


Too many nice points!! Bad Lane!

One last chance, verdict: FAIL x2!!

Liane Beta Pisces


Why? Why did you have to be born here in Duality B? Looks like Rayna wins heirship.

And one more for the road, Rayna is heiress and now it’s time for some Mean training.

Alema Rar: Yes, about time. The other two are such disappointments, all those nice points, sickening. My heiress will be groomed to be the princess she is.

I hope so. Till next time!

Next time on Altered Fates:

Well with my Duality A kids planning to thwart my choice for heiress, and only having one Duality B choice for heiress is it any wonder why I fear a mutiny in the ranks?