ALSA LC UI Newsletter (February/March, 2012 Edition)

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The first edition of ALSA LC UI's newsletter!

Transcript of ALSA LC UI Newsletter (February/March, 2012 Edition)

Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:

ALSA LC UI’s Board of 2012 and Director InterviewWith the start of the latter half of the school year comes a new beginning for our organization, ALSA LC UI. The Board of 2011 has successful ly completed their duties in December 2011 and stepped down from their position to make way for the new Board of 2012. Along with this change, comes new expectations and challenges for the current members of the Board: not only to do their jobs well but to also live u p t o t h e p r e v i o u s B o a r d ’ s accomplishments.

Making this happen will not be easy; there will be many bumps along the road. However, as this team steadily bonds together, we have high hopes on what the Board of 2012 will eventually achieve. As you may have noticed, due to a change in the organizational structure there is an increase of the number of people involved within the board, both on the managerial level and among the staffs. While this abundance of human resource can definitely be seen as an advantage, organizing a bigger amount of people than before can also be seen as a test.

We wish ALSA LC UI’s Board of 2012 the very best of luck in serving their term! Always be one J

Speaking of the current board, who is better to give insight to it than its very own Director? We interviewed Bang Ferdy Prawirakusumah (2009) on his

position as Director and his hopes for the coming year ahead.

Q (Question): What made you want to take up the position of Director?

A (Answer): ALSA was the first organization I joined at FHUI. I got a lot out of my experience at ALSA so far, and I’d like to get other people to benefit from their ALSA experience like I did. This is why I decided to run as Director.

Q: What do you most want to achieve the Board of 2012’s current term?

A: What I really want to achieve is to extend the benefits and positivism from ALSA, not only to be exclusive for a certain group of people, but also to all ALSA LC UI members and everyone at FHUI as a whole. I also hope to raise the profile of ALSA LC UI so we are not only acknowledged on a local level, but also nationally and internationally.

Q: How has the current Board’s structure changed from the previous Board’s?

A: There are three major changes this year. First is the changing of the ALSA Debating Club division into ALSA English Club. This is done to widen the horizons of ALSA LC UI members so they can take pa r t i n Eng l i sh competit ions other than Debate.

Second is in the Legal Research and Development division. Now, it has external and internal subdivisions. The external subdivision is in charge of legal research involving parties outside of ALSA LC UI, such as video conferences and legal visits. The internal subdivision takes care of legal research inside of the organizat ion such as table discussions. The third change is in the Finance division. Now, it also has two subdivisions, which are merchandise and partnership. The merchandise subdivision makes and sells goods on a local, national, and international level while the partnership division scouts out funding from working together with prospective partners.

Q: What are your hopes for this current Board?

A: I hope this year ALSA LC UI can be beneficial to many people, both now and in the future, and that this benefit can also be felt not only in the local l e ve l , bu t a l so na t i ona l l y and internationally.

Q: Any messages for the Board of 2012’s members?

A: To all the board members all the way to the staffs: use this year wisely, make the most out of your involvement in ALSA this year, and do not waste the opportunities you have now. Let’s all work together to make a better ALSA LC UI this year!


Page 2Director’s LetterFrom the Newsletter Team

Page 3Legal Research and Development

Page 4Law Profile

Page 5Alumni Profile

Page 6Event ReviewUpcoming Event

Page 7Books ReviewMovie ReviewMusic Review

Page 8GamesTips

ALSA LC UIFebruary/March, 2012



Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:

Director’s LetterDear ALSA LC UI Newsletter reader,

I welcome you to the First edition of ALSA LC UI’s newsletter. After a long, hard process of selecting board and staff members we finally elected the new board (including staff) of ALSA LC UI 2012. This year we received huge numbers of applicants, and we really do appreciate all of the enthusiasm from the people who have applied. I hope that everyone, not only the board, but also all of the member of ALSA LC UI, can contribute in their own way to improve ALSA LC UI in the future!

This year there will be lots of new surprises from the board of ALSA LC UI, with a few changes in the structure we hope that this will lead ALSA LC UI to be even better. There will be lots of project waiting in the future, and I personally can't wait to work with each and every one of you!

Welcome aboard to all of the new family of ALSA LC UI 2012! ALSA Always be one!

Ferdy PrawirakusumahDirector of ALSA LC UI











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From the Newsletter TeamHello FHUI and beyond!

After a few months’ break from our last issue, we’re proud to say that the Newsletter is back for a brand new year. For 2012’s first issue, we’ll get a glimpse of the new board of ALSA LC UI, along with our other regular articles such as Alumni Profile, ALSA Event Review, a guest column from the Legal Research and Development team, Entertainment Reviews and Tips.

Also, to ring in this new period we have several new upgrades, including a new design concept and the online edition of the Newsletter! That’s right, the Newsletter can now be read online at ALSA LC UI’s official site, There are also some very interesting topics lined up for our next editions so stay tuned! We’re looking forward to delivering the latest info on all things ALSA this coming year and we hope you’re looking forward to reading all the editions of Newsletter and Magazine too. As always, we’re open to reader’s comments so you can help us improve. Please send them in at

To end this note, we’d like to wish all of you readers the best year possible! Here’s to making the most out of 2012.

Warm Regards,The Newsletter Team


The Newsletter Team:Manager: Winandya Almira | Vice Manager: Cyntia Catharina

Coordinator: Naila Rahmania | Vice-Coordinator: Erika SaraswatiReporter: Joanna Maleriluah | Editor: Dhan Partap Kaur | Layout and Design: Rizqi Tsaniati Putri

ALSA?ALSA (As ian Law S tuden ts ’ Association), is a non-political association, is a newly rising student o r g a n i z a t i o n w i t h g r e a t developmental potentiality, and its influence in Asian law students is ever growing. Now, ALSA is composed of 12 membership countries and regions, including China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, J a p a n , K o r e a , P h i l i p p i n e s , Singapore, Taiwan, Thai land, Malaysia, among others.

Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:

Wastes, in definition, are material g e n e r a t e d f r o m p r o d u c t i o n activit ies, such as industrial, household, mining, agriculture and other forms from it. Whether in forms of dust, gas, liquid or solid, as long it is highly intoxicated, it could be considered as toxic wastes. Among the various types of waste, B3 was te t ype i s t he mos t dangerous. Included in the B3 waste are anything that could be considered as hazardous that are no longer used that requires the need of special treatment and processing. These materials should meet one or more of the following c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : e x p l o s i v e , f l a m m a b l e , r e a c t i v e , t o x i c , infectious, or corrosive. These wastes are highly dangerous for the environment because they are difficult to degrade or neutralized and require high cost to manage. Many industries with waste usually operates on a country that has weak environmental regulations implementation. It is not a must for them to buy machinery or develop the technology to manage harmful substances caused by the B3 waste, which are economically disadvantageous. The increase in B3 domestic waste rise along with

economic development and growth of the industrial area, and therefore the amount of B3 waste is now increasing out of control.

Government permits waste import if the waste can be used in the production of other materials, while B3 waste must not under any c i r c u m s t a n c e s b e i m p o r t e d Indonesia. Wastes was found in 113 containers in the port harbor of Jakarta, imported through HHS.Co, which clearly violates the ratification of the Basel Convention on waste import license to carry. The Basel Convention is an initiative of the UN c o n v e n t i o n , h e l d i n B a s e l , Switzerland at the end of 1980, which is t ightening the draft regulation on toxic waste disposal following environmental impact of derivatives on the 1990. This convention was immediately ratified in Indonesia due its relations between the high cost of destruction from wastes disposal produced by industrial countries.

Under Act 32 of 2009 on the protection and management of the environment, the stakeholders engaged in the export B3 may be subjected to a minimum penalty of 5

years and a maximum of 15 years and fines of at least 15 billion dollars. PT. HHS may be subjected to lisence removal. The container 113 which contain a B3 waste must be returned to the importing country.

It is ironic to see our country domestic production of B3 waste alone is more than 20 million tons. The government should increase the barrier of entry to imported goods at the port and be prepared, so the government would not panic from an ‘accident’. Keeping the environment in check in our country, Indonesia, will help advance this nation. Healthy evironment would bring good impact to the humans.











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2 Legal ReviewHazardous Toxic Waste

3 for information about B3h t tp : / / ia indones ia .com/ read /2012/01/29/294793/89/14/Perusahaan-Pengimpor-Limbah-B3-Langgar-Konvensi-Basel (case)

Diaz AdhikatamaVice Coordinator of External Legal Research and Development

Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:

With the American presidential elections looming at the end of the year, all eyes will be on the incumbent Democratic candidate, President Barack Obama. He won the 2008 elections thanks to his progressive views, pushing for change in the American poltitical landscape by heavily engaging the youth voters during his campaign. However, his presidency is not without its challenges. He has faced ha rsh c r i t i c i sm f rom opponents and supporters alike for how the American government has handled the financial crisis and the gap of living standards between wealthy and ordinary Americans. In this edition of Law Profile, we take a brief look at this prominent former attorney’s journey from his humble beginnings all the way to become President of the United States.

Barack Hussein Obama II, known as Barack Obama, is the 44th and current President of the United States. He was born in Hawaii on August 4th, 1961 to an American mother, Ann Dunham, and a Kenyan father, Barack Obama Sr. His biracial heritage is a big

influence in his life, as noted in his best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

President Obama went on to Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. Before he earned his law degree, he was a community organizer in Chicago. He worked as civil rights attorney i n C h i c a g o a n d t a u g h t constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

In 1996, President Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate. He was reelected to the Illinois State in 1998, defeating Republican Yesse Yehudah in the general election and was reelected again in 2002. In 2003, he became chairman of the Illinois Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee when Democrats regained a majority. In 2004, he was elected to the U.S. Senate. He gained national attention by giving a rousing and well-received keynote speech at the Democratic

Convention in Boston. He strategically used the momentum and exposure gained from that speech, and three years later on February 10th, 2007, Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States in front of the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. His candidacy was a success as this young former attorney triumphed over Republican candidate John McCain by a clear margin. On, November 4th, 2008, President Obama won the presidency and made history as he became the first African American to be elected president . He del ivered h is presidential election victory speech in Chicago’s Grant Park. In the White House, he is accompanied by his wife Michelle and two daughters Sasha and Malia.

On April 4th, 2011, President Obama announced his re-election campaign for 2012 in a video titled “It Begins with us” that he posted on his website. Only time will tell if he can succeed.











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Barack Obama10 Facts About Obama1. His name means “one who is

blessed” in Swahili2. He is left-handed3. He would have liked to have been

an architect if he were not a politician

4. His late father was a senior e c o n o m i s t f o r t h e K e n y a n government

5. He worked in a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop as a teenager

6. He keeps on his desk a carving of a wooden hand holding an egg, a Kenyan symbol of the fragility of life

7. His favorite artist is Pablo Picasso8. He can speak Spanish9. He has read every Harry Potter

book10.While on the campaign trail, he

refused to watch CNN



Law Profile


Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:

This alumnus is no stranger to a large majority of FHUI students. She’s one of the first lecturers we meet in class, teaching the Introduction to Indonesian Law. For this edition, we had the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Fully Handayani, talking about her university experience with ALSA LC UI and how it has influenced her life. She also gives a special message to us as the current generation of ALSA LC UI. Here’s what she had to say:

Question (Q): What position did you take at ALSA LC UI back then? Answer (A): I joined ALSA on my very first semester in FHUI, first at the English Club, and then progressing to Staff of External Public Relations, Assistant External Manager, and finally External Manager.

Q: From when you were an active member up to this day, what is ALSA LC UI’s characteristic that can still be seen? On the other hand, how have we progressed from then until now?A: ALSA’s outstanding characteristic is its global perspective. Back then when I was involved in ALSA, we had affiliation with the ASEAN secretariat, so we could learn all about organization and interact with students all over ASEAN. (Now, it stretches to Asia and even far-flung regions like Europe! –Interviewer’s note)

Now, ALSA has progressed to having much more variety in its organizational activities.

Q: What do you think were the most m e m o r a b l e m o m e n t s y o u experienced in ALSA?

A: I had many experiences in terms of learning how to work in an organization, managerial skills, and interacting with foreign students. Internally, I learned a l o t a t e v e n t s s u c h a s M u s l o k (Musyawarah Lokal) , Pre-Munas (Musyawarah Nasional) and Munas. Not to mention other events such as social w o r k , b l o o d d r i v e s , E c o m p , Conferences, and Workshops. These experiences really taught me how to think outside of the box.

Q: After graduating and entering the workforce, how did the ALSA experience benefit you? What soft skills were applicable to real life work situations?A: Prior to teaching, I worked in a Non-Governmental Organization and a Law Firm, thanks to ALSA. Due to my experience, I had skills in presentation, analysis, and speaking. I can also be confident in expressing my ideas in English.

Q: The problem many current University students complain about i s h o w h a r d i t i s t o j u g g l e organization, academic, and social life. How did you manage all of those back then?A: The cha l l enge i n ba lanc ing organization, academics, and social life as a student is actually a valuable lesson in self-management, to be independent and have a clear plan in time management. It teaches us how to be responsible for the choices we made. Having an active organization and social l i f e i s n o e x c u s e f o r s l a c k i n g a c a d e m i c a l l y . B a c k t h e n m y concentration was in Transnational Law, and my involvement in ALSA has

actually helped me in my academics as it taught me how to analyze properly, make decisions, finish my coursework and handle incoming proposals and organization work at the same time. I graduated on time, and although I did not graduate cum laude that was no barrier for me to start my career.

Q: What was the biggest lesson learned in you university experience? And if you can do it all over again, would you have done anything differently?A: The biggest lesson I learned was to be wiser and also to present my ideas well. Due to this, thank God I could complete all my duties in ALSA smoothly until the final report.

If I could do it all over again, I would join international conferences that I couldn’t back then due to the economic crisis.

Q: What message do you want to give to the current members of ALSA, especially those from batches 2010 and 2011 that are currently serving as members of the board and staff?A : N e w s t u d e n t s s o m e t i m e s unfortunately see ALSA as exclusive, even though we have such a wide range of activities to choose from. Don’t be afraid to join and take part!

For the current board and staff, please continue keeping good relations with other local chapters and other chapters across Asia, and also the alumni. Get more active and hopefully a member of ALSA LC UI can contribute in a position like Secretary General or President in ALSA Indonesia. Remember to achieve more!











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Alumni Profile


Mrs. Fully Handayani


Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:











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ALSA LC UI holds the National English Competition (ALSA E-Comp) annually as a means to fulfill its vision of developing the use of English in daily communication. ALSA E-Comp is a compilation of competitions for high school and university students in the linguistic field with English as the language of communication. ALSA E-Comp 2012 will be held on April 26th – May 1st 2012 in Universitas Indonesia, Depok. What makes ALSA E-comp 2012 different is there will be E-Scrabble and TOEFL Test Simulation as Pre-event that will be involving Universitas Indonesia students. ALSA E-Comp 2012 has eight branches of competition, which are Debate, Speech, News Casting, Spelling Bee, Battle of Brains, Story Telling, Paper Presentation, and E-Comp Model United Nations (E-MUN). To join this year’s competitions, registration will be opened until March 23rd 2012. This year’s tagline is: “Increase the Curiousity, Gain the Ability” which means with big curiosity, the participants will take advantage of the chances and opportunities to develop themselves. After we increase our curiosity, we can open up our minds and enhance our potentials. For further Information about ALSA E-Comp 2012, go follow our official twitter @EComp2012 or visit our website

ALSA National Moot Court Competition 2012

ALSA National Moot Court Competition 2012 was held in Makassar by ALSA LC Universitas Hasanuddin. There were 15 teams from all over Indonesia competing to get the Mahkamah Agung Trophy. ALSA LC UI sent a team of 16 delegates that was lead by Ichsan Zikry (2009). Not only that, we had 14 additional supporters that flew with the team to cheer them on. Of course, the team was very happy and honoured to have those people there. Although the team had performed to the best of their abilities, unfortunately they didn’t pass through to the elimination round.

Aside from competing, the team and the supporters also visited attractive places in Makassar such as Trans Studio and Losari Beach to experience Makassar and take in the sights. At the end of the day, the team might not get the trophy, but the team believes that all of the valuable lessons and friendships that they got because of the competition are the best thing that they earned from this journey. Hopefully next year we can bring home the top prize!

ALSA International Conference 2012: ALSA NC RI Gets the Gold!ALSA International Conference (AIC) was held in Malaysia in 10th February untill 17th February 2012. A variety of events were held, including international mooting competition, Model United Nations, Symposium, Seminar, and Workshop.

The Indonesian Team from ALSA LC UI won the international mooting competition, with team members Aregina Pernong (2009), Artna Btari (2009), and Bagus Joko (2010). Alongside them are other ALSA LC UI delegates; Made Grazia (2009), Dian Bella Ester (2009). Taruli Astrid (2009), Aulia Layinna (2009) and I Gede Argatista (2009, ALSA International Board Academic Activity Coordinator). Everyone here at ALSA LC UI would like to express our congratulations to the winning International Moot Court Competition team, who delivered a victory in their first ever appearance! We are so proud and we hope this outstanding feat can be done again next year.

There were also many fun moments such as a splendid gathering for the welcoming party, cultural night, and farewell dinner. The participants also had the chance to explore Malaysia, with trips to the high court of Malaysia, Putra Jaya Mosque, Genting Highland, Malacca, and many other places. During the course of AIC, the ALSA LC UI delegates had the amazing opportunity to meet and mingle with ALSAians from all over Asia. Overall, it was a very enjoyable and extraordinary event!

Event Review

Upcoming EventALSA E-Comp: April 26th - May 2nd 2012




Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:











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2 Book ReviewDivergent

Author: Veronica RothPublishing Date: March 1, 2011Pages: 478Genre: Science Fiction

In a future dystopian Chicago, the society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor the honest, Abnegation the selfless, Dauntless the brave, Amity the peaceful, and Erudite the intelligence. Sixteen-years-old Beatrice Prior, or Tris, has come to her time to select a faction where she would dedicate the rest of her life. Being raised in Abnegation, she knows she was more than the faction everyone thought she belongs in, but the cost of being who she is would be leaving her family for good. Will she make the right decision, as well as surviving the competitive initiation that follows? Will she be able to hide the fact that she is different—a Divergent?The concept of futuristic society is not foreign in science fictions. Written in first point of view, Tris’ character is able to take readers into some unexpected realizations about growing up and seeing the flaws in adults, especially those with power, even in a seemingly perfect society. The plot was a little slow at first, piling frustration from the building tension in the story, but it picked up quickly. Regardless of some flaw in the book, like how the idea that human beings would sublimate their natural instincts to live in a society of only a single virtue is farfetched, the story has excitement and action with scene after scene of nerve-wracking physical and mental tests, leaving readers wanting more. “Insurgent”, the second book of the trilogy, will be published the upcoming May 2012.


Album: Mylo XylotoSinger: ColdplayRelease: October 24, 2011 Genre: Alternative Rock

“Mylo Xyloto” is the fifth album of British alternative rock band, Coldplay. The album is led by their first single “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall”, which was released on June 3rd 2011, as it successfully enchanted people with the spirit and elements of the song. The second and third single was “Paradise”, released on September 2011, and “Charlie Brown” that was released on January 2012. Coldplay also made an RnB song titled “Princess of China” featuring Rihanna, which is actually an interesting way of settling Coldplay’s position in the widest music market nowadays. Coldplay has experienced some changes in their music. First, they amused us with the balance of every music instrument they have, but then, just like everybody in music industry, the band had to follow the flow that led to this time. The mix of the original music of Coldplay and another additional elements can still be heard in the song “Paradise”. Coldplay is still consistent to their rich colors of music and a touching lyric. They haven’t lost the touch to awaken all the listeners and move them by the mood the song would bring.

This album is another proof that Coldplay still has everything to win against another British rock bands and settle to the era of music industry. This band is always able to produce the exceptional.

Producers: Len Wiseman, David Kern, Skip Williamson, Gary Lucchesi Production: SONY PICTURES Director: Mans Mårlind and Björn Stein Stars: Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Rea, Theo Jammes, India Eisley, and Michael Ealy

After 12 years, vampire Selene is freed from cryogenic suspension and escapes Antigen, a corporation that tried to make an antidote for the virus that creates vampires and lycans. After escaping, Selene receives weird visions, which she believes will guide her to her lover Michael. However, upon following her vision, she meets David, a fellow vampire. In her encounter with David, she chanced upon another vision that leads her to Eve, the daughter she had with Michael. However, Eve was kidnapped by the lycans. Would Selene, with David’s help, be able to save Eve?

The 3D action of the movie is amazing, however the movie is not the best of the Underworld series. It failed to keep up with the original pace of the first movie and lacked the thrills and surprises as an ending.

Music ReviewColdplay

Movie ReviewUnderworld: Awakening




Email: | Facebook: Alsa Lcui | Twitter: @alsalcui | Website:











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TipsHow to Make the Most Out of Your Organization ExperienceTaking part in organizations is a major part of student life in FHUI. Whether you’re a freshman just starting out as a staff member or a sophomore taking your place in the board of executives, it’s important to make your efforts worthwhile. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind!

1. Work as professionally as you possibly canUnfortunately, sometimes we can’t choose what and who to deal with during the course of the year. You might find yourself having to interact with people you personally dislike and do things you’re not good at. While you don’t have to fake your way through being friends with the people you dislike, try to keep your head down. Do your best and keep your emotions from going overboard.

2. Get to know the people you work withWorking together on a project is an amazing bonding experience. It’s also easier to work with the people you know instead of strangers. Say hello and be nice to the people in your department and beyond!

3. Learn from others’ experienceChances are you’re not the first or only person to carry out this duty in your organization assigned to you. Talk to seniors and friends who’ve been there before and follow their footsteps when they’re making achievements and avoid repeating their mistakes.

4. Enjoy the ride!Have fun and remember you’re not alone in this! Don’t let the stress ruin what can be a great experience to remember, even after your university days are over.Have fun and remember you’re not alone in this! Don’t let stress ruin what can be a great experience to remember even after your university days are over.






Send your answer to ALSA’s room between March 12th-March 16th, 2012. First person to solve this puzzle gets a special ALSA merchandise! Contact Puput (2011) at 08176838953 for more details