Allylis og afof a thriller movie moprni 2

Post on 24-Apr-2015

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so apperntly this isn't good enough anyway because it need words and i just planned saying them out. theres also no music. still it doesn't matter anyway cause lauren aint in.

Transcript of Allylis og afof a thriller movie moprni 2

Analysis of a a thriller movie Opening

By Lauren and Jason

Our movie....

• The movie that we have chosen to unaus analogised analysingif callrd EXAM. A basic outline of the plot would be that it’s a movie about eight candudates fighting for the perfect job, when thy take the final task, prusambly after extenseve exhaustive trails they recieve a questio pape with nothing on it. They nowhave to find out a way to gind the answer to the question. It counts as a thriller because it’s a subversion of a normal exam with being the fact no question is givin, your not allowed to ask questions and you can talk to the other candidates. The examees are givin free will to tear up the the exam room in search for answers and freequenly distrust and coporate with each other to tackle the riddle presented to them. There presented with a rediclous exam – one witch you have to activily search for the question, but they comply because to get so far only to fall at the final hudle would be unumagial.#

• The film also fits the thriller’s criteria of extrodinary things happening to ordernary people – when these people arrive there dressed smartly in buisness dress, prepared for a written orthadox exam, coplely unprepared for what was to come. But over time it becomes apparent that they too have secaretes

• The title sequence begins with the standard company logo

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