Allison Leachman-Make A Difference

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Allison Leachman-Make A Difference

Make A


Allison Leachman

If you’re someone like me, getting involved with others is something that I enjoy doing. In the past, I have been involved

with a variety of missions, whether it be with my church, my family, or with my friends. I try to encourage others to be involved as well because it gives you a new perspective on they way you live compared to others. It makes you realize that there are many different people in the world who live vastly different than yourself. As one may realize, there are different projects that you can do with different ages of people.

projects are also a positive way to be involved in your area. Performing a trash pick up project or going to volunteer at a soup kitchen helps the workers feed the poor or low-income fami-lies. Even if you’re a college kid trying to fit in with the crowd, most college com-munities encourage you to get involved with their so-rorities and fraternities. This can allow you to do com-munity service with some of the friends that

Going to visit elementary schools in your area and volunteering to read to the chil-dren or having fun playing tag with them on the playground can be a positive way to be involved with the younger generation. What youth don’t realize is that the children in your community follow the footsteps of the older generation. Setting an acceptable example for these soon-to-be teens could change the future.If you’re less of a kid lover and enjoy connecting with your peers, getting together and being involved with community service

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Don’t be afraid to get connected with people your age and finding different ways to help out your community. There are literally hun-dreds of different service projects you can get involved in. Reach out to other people, serve the community, and teach others how they can get captivated into helpling others.

with people other than the nurses or people they see everyday in the room with them or next to them. Don’t be afraid to talk and visit with older people because they love to interact with new people.

can’t forget about the people who have paved the way for our generation- our elders. Older people in nursing homes thrive for en-tertainment, especially from younger people. Elders love visitation and communicating with others. For elderly who are kept in nursing homes are especially known to wish upon visits from family members and younger people because of the absence of interaction daily,

you meet. Although some sororities and fra-ternities aren’t focused on lending a hand, you could be the one to encourage others in your sorority or fraternity to act on service in your area and provide a positive outlook on youth and the college you’re attending. Along with the children and youth in your community, you

It’s unbelievable how many lives you can touch by just helping out the community. Picking up trash, painting buildings, or even playing with

kids on the playground are all ways you can mis-sion in both your community and in other places

around the world. It’s a great feeling to be a part of a mission team and serve others in many different ways. Going on mission trips can have the capability of changing your life, giving you

a new perspective on life and realizing what you have and how you live, compared to what other countries have and how they live. You learn to

appreciate more and learn to not take what you are given for granted.