ALLIANCE PIPELINE L.P. · Alliance USA is also providing the opportunity for current shippers...

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Transcript of ALLIANCE PIPELINE L.P. · Alliance USA is also providing the opportunity for current shippers...



by its Managing General Partner, ALLIANCE PIPELINE INC.

(“Alliance USA” or “Alliance”)


March 28 – May 30, 2018

For: Capacity Expansion, Capacity Turn Backs, and Term Extensions

Note: Capitalized terms not defined herein have the definitions set out in Alliance USA’s FERC-

approved Tariff.

Binding Open Season Elements

Capacity Expansion

In response to expressions of interest from customers for additional capacity, Alliance USA is conducting

this open season for additional firm transportation service from one or more designated receipt points

to one or more designated delivery points on the USA segment of the Alliance Pipeline system

(“Expansion Firm Service”). This open season is intended to provide interested parties with the

opportunity to make firm commitments to Alliance USA for Expansion Firm Service in support of an

Alliance USA expansion project, and will also provide a methodology for allocating the available volume

amongst the interested parties should the sum of requested service volumes exceed the volumes made

available as a result of an Alliance USA expansion project.

The Expansion Firm Service would be made available primarily through incremental compression along

the Alliance Pipeline system to provide approximately 400 MMcf per day of Expansion Firm Service

capacity, subject to the limitation that only about 20 MMcf per day of the total Expansion Firm Service

capacity would be available from a receipt point on Alliance’s Tioga Lateral. It is anticipated that the

Expansion Firm Service capacity can be placed into service on or about November 1, 2021.

Turn Back of Existing Firm Service Capacity

In conjunction with this open season and in accordance with the rules of this open season document,

Alliance USA is also providing the opportunity for current shippers (“Shippers”) holding Firm Service to

request to permanently relinquish (“Turn Back”) all or part of that service. In the event that Alliance USA

elects to proceed with a Capacity Expansion, and as part of that project accepts a request(s) for Turn

Back of existing Firm Service capacity, any such Turned Back capacity would be allocated to Shippers and

prospective shippers requesting Expansion Firm Service in this open season.

Term Extension of Existing Firm Service

Alliance USA is also providing the opportunity for Shippers holding Firm Service to request to extend the

term of their existing Firm Service contract(s) at Shipper’s current negotiated rates.


Binding Open Season Process

Request for Expansion Firm Service

This open season document describes how Shippers and prospective shippers may submit a request for

Expansion Firm Service and the process Alliance will follow to evaluate the requests for service and to

award service. As outlined below, the submission of a request for Expansion Firm Service (“Request for

Expansion Firm Service”) (Attachment 1) by a Shipper or prospective shipper that has not been

withdrawn prior to the Closing Time in accordance with 3(f) below will constitute a formal and binding

offer to contract for any Expansion Firm Service that is awarded by Alliance to that Shipper or

prospective shipper in accordance with this open season. Accordingly, any Shipper or prospective

shipper that submits a Request for Expansion Firm Service and is awarded Expansion Firm Service in

accordance with this open season will be obligated to execute and deliver a Precedent Agreement for

Firm Transportation Service (Expansion Capacity) in the form attached to this open season document

(Attachment 2) in respect of the service so awarded.

Request for Turn Back of Existing Firm Service Capacity

Current Shippers may submit a request to Turn Back their existing Firm Service using the “Request to

Turn Back Service” form (Attachment 3). As with a Request for Expansion Firm Service, the submission of

a Request to Turn Back Service will constitute a formal and binding offer on the part of the Shipper to

Turn Back the service that may be accepted by Alliance in accordance with this open season.

Accordingly, any Shipper that submits a Request to Turn Back Service which is accepted by Alliance will

be obligated to execute and deliver, in the form provided by Alliance, an amending agreement to the

Shipper’s existing Firm Transportation Service Agreement (Firm Service Agreement) evidencing such

Turn Back.

Request for Term Extension of Existing Firm Service

Current Shippers holding Firm Service may submit a request to extend the term of their existing Firm

Service contracts for a minimum of 10 years from the in-service date of Expansion Firm Service using the

form titled “Request for Term Extension of Existing Firm Service” found at Attachment 4. The

submission of a Request for Term Extension of Existing Firm Service will constitute a binding offer on the

part of the Shipper to extend their contract term, and accordingly, such Shipper will be obligated to

execute and deliver, in the form provided by Alliance, an amending agreement to the Shipper’s existing

Firm Service Agreement evidencing such extended term.

Decision to Proceed

Notwithstanding any other term herein, the decision to proceed with any expansion to Alliance USA’s

pipeline system pursuant to this open season, the volume of any expansion service capacity, the nature,

size, configuration and timing of any required expansion facilities, the decision to accept any amount of

Turn Back capacity, and the decision to accept any amount of existing firm service for term extension,

will be determined by Alliance in its sole discretion based in part on the requests for service, requests to


Turn Back service, if any, and requests for term extensions of existing firm service agreements, in

response to this open season. Further, any expansion service and facilities shall be subject to the receipt

of all required approvals from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) and from the

National Energy Board (“NEB”) for the matching expansion capacity in Canada, and to the other

conditions set out in the attached form of Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation Service

(Expansion Capacity) (Attachment 2).


Capacity Expansion

1. Description of Service

(a) Alliance intends to make available approximately 400 MMcf per day, in aggregate, of Expansion Firm

Service, consisting of Expansion Firm Service (EFT-1) from a Receipt Point that is listed on Third Revised

Sheet No. 289 of Alliance’s FERC Gas Tariff (Tariff or tariff), or from a proposed new receipt point, to a

Delivery Point that is listed on Second Revised Sheet No. 290 of the Tariff, subject to the limitation that

only about 20 MMcf per day of the total Expansion Firm Service capacity would be available from a

receipt point on Alliance’s Tioga Lateral. Expansion Firm Service will have no contractual renewal rights

upon expiry of an Expansion Firm Service Agreement, provided however that a Shipper or prospective

shipper may request additional term by notifying Alliance one year prior to expiry of the term of its

desire to renew, and Alliance may, at its discretion, accept the request to renew or agree to negotiate

with the Shipper or prospective shipper to extend the term of the Shipper’s or prospective shipper’s

Expansion Firm Service agreement. EFT-1 shippers will not be entitled to request the staging of their

Contracted Capacity.

(b) All expansion service will commence on the later of (i) November 1, 2021 and (ii) the actual date that

Alliance is able to commence providing such service. Where Alliance is able to provide a portion or all of

the requested expansion service in advance of November 1, 2021, Alliance may allocate such capacity,

on a pro rata basis, to those expansion shippers who wish to take the capacity earlier.

(c) Although the new capacity is planned to be placed into service on November 1, 2021, Alliance does

not guarantee any in-service date and will have no liability for any delay or change to any in-service date

or for any cancellation or change in scope of any proposed expansion facilities.

(d) The minimum term for the expansion service under this open season is 15 years. The expansion

service will be awarded to prospective shippers in accordance with the procedures outlined in 4. below.

(e) No Shipper or prospective shipper may request or be awarded Expansion Firm Service in an

aggregate amount exceeding 100 MMcf/d of capacity. This limitation applies collectively to each Shipper

or prospective shipper and their affiliates, unless a participating affiliate has an independent business

reason for submitting a bid, such determination to be in Alliance’s sole discretion. In the event a

Shipper or prospective shipper submits multiple bids for Expansion Firm Service, each bid will be


deemed to supersede every previous bid and Alliance will evaluate only the last received bid from that

Shipper or prospective shipper.

2. Transportation Rates

(a) Alliance will submit to the FERC for approval the negotiated rates specified in the Precedent

Agreement for Firm Transportation Service (Expansion Capacity) found at Attachment 2. Negotiated

rates for EFT-1 shippers will be subject to a Recoverable Cost Variances Surcharge, but will not include

Rich Gas Credits or Debits.

(b) Shippers and prospective shippers that are awarded firm service in this open season will be obligated

to pay the negotiated rates set out at Attachment 2 , and such other charges as may apply from time to

time, and provide fuel in-kind subject to the system fuel requirements, in accordance with Alliance

USA’s FERC-approved Tariff.

3. Submission of Requests for Expansion Firm Service

(a) In order to request Expansion Firm Service in this open season, Shippers and prospective shippers

must complete and submit to Alliance by e-mail, a Request for Expansion Firm Service, in the form

attached to this open season document (Attachment 1), at the following address:

(b) Requests for Expansion Firm Service must be received by Alliance at the e-mail address specified

above prior to 12:00 noon (Mountain Daylight Time) on May 30, 2018 (“Closing Time”). Alliance will not

consider Requests for Expansion Firm Service that it receives after the Closing Time. Alliance reserves

the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any Request for Expansion Firm Service that is incomplete,

modified or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of this open season document.

(c) Alliance will, via e-mail and as soon as reasonably practicable following receipt of a Request for

Expansion Firm Service prior to the Closing Time, either confirm to Shipper or prospective shipper

Alliance’s receipt of the Request for Expansion Firm Service and assign an identification number to the

Request for Expansion Firm Service, or advise the Shipper or prospective shipper that the Request for

Expansion Firm Service fails to conform with the requirements of this open season document and will

not be considered. Alliance will have no obligation to provide any advice to a Shipper or prospective

shipper when Alliance receives a Request for Expansion Firm Service within 3 hours or less of the Closing


(d) Shippers and prospective shippers must specify in the Request for Expansion Firm Service the

requested Receipt Point(s) and physical Delivery Point(s), or in the case of a new interconnection site,

the location of the new receipt point or delivery point, as applicable, as well as the Contracted Capacity

for the requested expansion service. For any new receipt point located on Alliance’s Tioga Lateral, the

associated Expansion Firm Service would also be subject to the applicable Tioga Lateral charge specified

in the Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation Service (Expansion Capacity). Alliance reserves the


right to reject any Request for Expansion Firm Service that does not meet the interconnection provisions

stipulated in Alliance’s Tariff.

(e) Shippers and prospective shippers must also specify in the Request for Expansion Firm Service the

minimum Contracted Capacity that would be acceptable in the event that pro-rationing of Expansion

Firm Service is required. Shippers and prospective shippers may indicate a minimum Contracted

Capacity of any volume equal to or less than the maximum Contracted Capacity requested, down to and

including zero (i.e., no minimum).

(f) Shippers and prospective shippers may submit one or more Requests for Expansion Firm Service,

provided however that each Request will be deemed to supersede every previous Request and Alliance

will evaluate only the last received Request. A Shipper or prospective shipper that has submitted a

Request for Expansion Firm Service may withdraw its Request for Expansion Firm Service at any time

prior to the Closing Time by giving notice of withdrawal to Alliance.

(g) All requests for EFT-1 from the Receipt Point at the Interconnect with Alliance Pipeline Limited

Partnership will be deemed to be conditional on the award to the same party or its affiliate, or to a

counterparty with whom such party has made supply arrangements, of corresponding transportation

service on the Canadian Pipeline. Shippers and prospective shippers must also indicate in their Request

for Expansion Firm Service whether their gas will meet Alliance’s tariff gas quality specification for

hydrocarbon dewpoint, and if not, such request will be deemed contingent on the availability of a

hydrocarbon dewpoint waiver. If, in Alliance’s sole discretion, a hydrocarbon dewpoint waiver is

operationally feasible, Alliance may apply for FERC approval of such a waiver, and if approval is granted,

such request will be binding on the Shipper or prospective shipper, as applicable. Alliance will not

consider any Request for Expansion Firm Service made by a Shipper or prospective shipper in this open

season that is otherwise contingent or conditional.

(h) The submission of a Request for Expansion Firm Service constitutes a formal offer by the Shipper or

prospective shipper to take up any expansion service that is awarded to such Shipper or prospective

shipper by Alliance in accordance with this open season, for a Contracted Capacity not exceeding the

Contracted Capacity specified in the Request for Expansion Firm Service and not less than the minimum

Contracted Capacity, if any, specified in the Request for Expansion Firm Service. Any Shipper or

prospective shipper that submits a Request for Expansion Firm Service and is awarded Expansion Firm

Service will be obligated to execute and deliver a Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation Service

(Expansion Capacity) in the form attached to this open season document (Attachment 2) and provide

financial security as outlined in paragraph 5 below.

(i) Alliance reserves the right to terminate, or extend the duration of, this open season, in its sole

discretion, at any time prior to the Closing Time.

4. Allocation and Award of Expansion Firm Service

(a) Subject to the qualifications below, Alliance will allocate the Expansion Firm Service first to the

Request having the highest total economic value, and then to other Requests in descending order of


total economic value until all the available capacity has been allocated or until all valid Requests have

been accepted by Alliance. The total economic value of each Request will be the sum of the total

economic value of the requester’s Request for Expansion Firm Service and the total economic value of

any such requester’s corresponding Request for Term Extension of Existing Firm Service. The total

economic value of each Request for Expansion Firm Service will be calculated as the specified expansion

firm negotiated rate multiplied by the requested contract term and Contracted Capacity, and discounted

to determine the net present value. The total economic value of each Request for Term Extension of

Existing Firm Service will be calculated as the specified existing firm rate multiplied by ten years and the

Contracted Capacity being extended, and discounted to determine the net present value.

(b) In the case of Expansion Firm Service capacity that is otherwise allocable to a Shipper or prospective

shipper that has requested a new receipt point, and such receipt point does not meet the

interconnection provisions stipulated in Alliance’s Tariff, Alliance may allow such Shipper or prospective

shipper to select another receipt point that is feasible and viable for Expansion Firm Service, and

Alliance will award the allocated Expansion Firm Service capacity to such Shipper or prospective shipper

at the agreed receipt point. If such alternate receipt point is located on Alliance’s Tioga Lateral, the

associated Expansion Firm Service would also be subject to the applicable Tioga Lateral charges.

(c) In the case of Expansion Firm Service capacity that is otherwise allocable to a Shipper or prospective

shipper that has designated an existing receipt point in its request, and the receipt capacity at the

receipt point has been determined by Alliance to be not sufficient to accommodate the full amount of

the requested Contracted Capacity, Alliance may allow such Shipper or prospective shipper to select an

alternative or additional receipt point that is feasible and viable for Expansion Firm Service, and Alliance

will award the allocated Expansion Firm Service capacity to such Shipper or prospective shipper at the

agreed receipt point. If such alternate receipt point is located on Alliance’s Tioga Lateral, the associated

Expansion Firm Service would also be subject to the applicable Tioga Lateral charges.

(d) In the case of Expansion Firm Service capacity that is otherwise allocable to a Shipper or prospective

shipper whose gas does not meet Alliance’s hydrocarbon dewpoint gas quality specification, and

Alliance determines, in its sole discretion, that a hydrocarbon dewpoint waiver is operationally feasible

for such gas at the requested receipt point, Alliance may apply for FERC approval of such a waiver, and if

approval is granted, Alliance will award the allocated Expansion Firm Service capacity to such Shipper or

prospective shipper at the agreed receipt point.

(e) If the total economic value for two or more Requests are equivalent and there is insufficient

Expansion Firm Service to meet the aggregate Contracted Capacity requested, Alliance will allocate

service as follows:

i. Alliance will award the available Expansion Firm Service to the affected Shippers and

prospective shippers pro rata on the basis of the Contracted Capacity specified in their Requests

for Expansion Firm Service;

ii. should the volume of Expansion Firm Service allocable to a Shipper or prospective shipper be

less than the minimum Contracted Capacity, if any, specified in its Request for Expansion Firm


Service, no Expansion Firm Service will be awarded by Alliance to that Shipper or prospective


iii. should the volume of Expansion Firm Service allocable to a Shipper or prospective shipper be

greater than the minimum Contracted Capacity, if any, specified in its Request for Expansion

Firm Service, the Shipper or prospective shipper will be deemed conclusively to have accepted

the Expansion Firm Service awarded by Alliance to that Shipper or prospective shipper; and

iv. any remaining Expansion Firm Service which has not been awarded in accordance with the

foregoing will be allocated to other Requests for Expansion Firm Service in descending order of

total economic value.

(f) Alliance will, as soon as reasonably practicable, notify each successful Shipper or prospective shipper

of the Expansion Firm Service awarded to it and forward to such Shipper or prospective shipper a

Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation Service (Expansion Capacity) in the form attached to this

open season document (Attachment 2) for such Expansion Firm Service. Such Shipper or prospective

shipper is obligated to execute and deliver to Alliance the Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation

Service (Expansion Capacity), without modification or amendment, within 10 business days of receipt of

the Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation Service (Expansion Capacity) from Alliance.

5. Credit Requirements

(a) Shippers and prospective shippers will be required, as a condition to the award of any Expansion

Firm Service, to:

i. demonstrate to Alliance a credit quality acceptable to Alliance, in its sole discretion, through the

provision of financial statements and such other information as Alliance may require;

ii. if the Shipper or prospective shipper is unable to meet the criteria in subparagraph i. above,

provide to Alliance a guarantee of payment in form and substance satisfactory to Alliance by

another entity which meets the criteria in subparagraph i. above; or

iii. if the Shipper or prospective shipper is unable to comply with subparagraphs i. or ii. above,

provide to Alliance, and at all times maintain:

a. an irrevocable letter of credit in an amount determined based on the term of the

Expansion Firm Service as follows: for a 15 year or greater service term, an amount equal to

12 months of reservation charges and other charges and surcharges plus an additional one

month for each year by which the contract term exceeds a 15-year term; or

b. such other alternative financial security acceptable to Alliance,

provided that Alliance reserves the right to limit the expansion service available to such parties

which provide letters of credit or other alternative financial security,

all in accordance with the following schedule:


1. within 7 days of receipt from Alliance of the Precedent Agreement, 25% of the LC

amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or 25% of such other alternative financial security

identified in 5(a)iii.b.

2. within 7 days of timely executing the Precedent Agreement, an additional 25% of the LC

amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or an additional 25% of such other alternative financial

security identified in 5(a)iii.b.

3. immediately following a positive final investment decision by Alliance USA, an additional

25% of the LC amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or an additional 25% of such other

alternative financial security identified in 5(a)iii.b.

4. within 7 days of receipt from Alliance Notice that Alliance USA has accepted its FERC

regulatory approval and Alliance Canada has accepted its NEB regulatory approval and

both Alliance USA and Alliance Canada are proceeding to final construction, the final

25% of the LC amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or the final 25% of such other alternative

financial security identified in 5(a)iii.b.

(b) Alliance reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any and all Requests for Expansion Firm

Service which fail or are unable to meet the requirements prescribed above.

6. Supply and Demand Markets

Shippers and prospective shippers submitting a Request for Expansion Firm Service are responsible for

securing any necessary upstream arrangements for supply, if applicable, and for securing any necessary

downstream capacity or marketing arrangements on other pipelines connecting to the Alliance Pipeline


Turn Back of Existing Firm Service Capacity

1. Alliance will, in conjunction with this open season, consider Requests to Turn Back Service from

Shippers holding existing Firm Service that wish to permanently Turn Back such service or portion

thereof effective on (i) November 1, 2021 or (ii) the actual date Alliance requires such Turned Back

service in order to commence providing Expansion Firm Service pursuant to this open season. In the

event that Alliance, in its sole discretion, accepts a Request to Turn Back Service, the resulting Turned

Back service will be allocated by Alliance to Shippers and prospective shippers which are awarded

Expansion Firm Service in this open season.

2. Alliance may elect to accept Request(s) to Turn Back Service in such a manner as to result in Turn Back

being staged (i.e., with multiple Turn Back dates).

3. Alliance reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any and all Requests to Turn Back Service

submitted in response to this open season. Further, Alliance may accept for Turn Back a volume of

service which is less than the volume requested to be turned back in a Request to Turn Back Service and

Shipper shall, in that case, be deemed conclusively to have agreed to such lesser volume of service Turn



4. The Turn Back of existing Firm Service may, depending on the volume of existing Firm Service that

existing Shippers wish to Request to Turn Back and the requests for Expansion Firm Service received by

Alliance in this open season, affect the need for, or the nature, size, configuration, or timing of, any

proposed expansion facilities.

5. Any Shipper wishing to turn back existing Firm Service must do so on an unconditional basis. No

conditions to the Request to Turn Back will be considered or accepted.

6. Shippers wishing to turn back existing Firm Service must complete a Request to Turn Back Service, in

the form attached to this open season document (Attachment 3), and submit it to Alliance via e-mail at

the address noted above by the Closing Time. Requests to Turn Back Service which are not received by

the Closing Time will not be considered. Any Shipper that submits a Request to Turn Back Service which

is accepted by Alliance is obligated to execute and deliver to Alliance an amending agreement to the

Shipper’s existing Firm Service Agreement evidencing such Turn Back in the form provided by Alliance,

without amendment or modification, within 5 business days of receipt of such amending agreement

from Alliance. Any Shipper that fails to execute and deliver its amending agreement within 5 business

days of receipt of same shall be deemed to have forfeited Alliance’s acceptance of Shipper’s Turned

Back capacity.

7. Alliance will, via e-mail and as soon as reasonably practicable following receipt of a Request to Turn

Back Service, either confirm to Shipper Alliance’s receipt of the Request to Turn Back Service and assign

an identification number to it, or advise the Shipper that the Request to Turn Back Service fails to

conform with the requirements of this open season document and consequently will not be considered.

8. A Shipper that has submitted a Request to Turn Back Service may withdraw that Request to Turn Back

Service at any time prior to the Closing Time.

Term Extension of Existing Firm Service

1. The minimum term extension (“term up”) period for existing Firm Service will be based on a new

expiry date for such Firm Service that will be extended to the date which is 10 years from the service

start date for the Expansion Firm Service, regardless of the current expiry date of such existing Firm

Service. For example, if the service start date for Expansion Firm Service is November 1, 2021, the expiry

date for the termed-up existing Firm Service would be extended to a minimum of October 31, 2031.

2. Existing Firm Service that is termed up will be modified to have no contractual renewal rights upon

expiry of the extended term, provided however that Shipper may request additional term by notifying

Alliance one year prior to expiry of the extended term of its desire to renew, and Alliance may, at its

discretion, accept the request to renew or agree to negotiate with the Shipper to extend the term of the

Shipper’s Firm Service Agreement. The negotiated rate for Existing Firm Service that is termed up will be

modified to not include Rich Gas Credits or Debits.

3. Term up will be prioritized by existing Firm Service expiry date, with term up being first applied to the

earliest expiry date and progressing to the latest expiry date. For example, if a Shipper requests term up


of two tranches of existing Firm Service, one that expires on May 31, 2019 and one that expires on

September 30, 2019, the term extension would be first applied to the May 31, 2019 Firm Service with

the remainder, if any, applied to the September 30, 2019 Firm Service.

4. Any Shipper that is awarded at least 50 MMcf/d of Expansion Firm Service and that terms up 50

MMcf/d or more for more than 10 years from the service start date for the Expansion Firm Service will

receive a discount as follows:

Service Discount for each additional year of

term up exceeding 10 years for

Years 11 to 15

Discount for each additional year of

term up exceeding 10 years for

Years 16 to 20

$US/Mcf/d $US/Mcf/d

FT-1 $0.00619 $0.00155 The discount will be applied to a shipper’s existing rate using an energy conversion factor of 1.100Dth/Mcf

A Shipper will begin to be charged any toll that is reduced by virtue of the terms of this paragraph on

November 1, 2020.

5. The rates applicable to termed-up existing Firm Service are Shipper’s existing negotiated rates,

excluding Rich Gas Credits or Debits, as adjusted, if applicable, by the discounts identified in paragraph

4. above.

6. Shipper shall within 30 days of tender by Alliance execute and deliver, in the form provided by

Alliance, an amending agreement to the Shipper’s existing Firm Service Agreement.

7. Alliance reserves the right to decline any amount of existing Firm Service for term up, in its sole

discretion, at any time prior to or after the Closing Time and irrespective of the result of this open

season for Expansion Firm Service.

Additional Information

Should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this open season, please

contact your Business Development Manager or Jason Feit, Manager, Asset Optimization and

Development at or (403) 517-6361.

All credit inquiries can be made to Sharon Chen-Zue at Alliance Pipeline at (403) 517-7738 or

Summary of Key Dates and Deadlines

March 28, 2018 Open season commences.

March 28 to Noon (MDT) May 29, 2018 Shippers will have an opportunity to consult with

Alliance representatives.

Noon (MDT) May 30, 2018 Open season closes and Requests for Expansion

Firm Service and Requests to Turn Back Service


and Requests for Term Extension of Existing Firm

Service must have been submitted prior to 12:00

noon (Mountain Daylight Time).




To: Alliance Pipeline Inc.

1. Requester Information

Name (full legal entity):


Contact person:



2. Expansion Firm Service Request



(in years)


November 1,

2021 or in-

service date –


term of 15





a thermal


factor of

1.100 Dth

per Mcf)




(net of fuel





(mcf/d) (net

of fuel








tariff gas









at ACE


EFT-1* 19.9091

EFT-1* 19.9091

EFT-1* 19.9091

EFT-1* 19.9091

* All requests for EFT-1 from the Receipt Point at the Interconnect with Alliance Pipeline Limited

Partnership will be deemed to be conditional on the award to the same party or its affiliate, or to a

counterparty with whom such party has made supply arrangements, of corresponding transportation

service on the Canadian Pipeline.

+ □ By ticking this box, Requester indicates its interest in discussing with Alliance the option of a

delivery point further downstream of the Alliance delivery header


3. Acknowledgement and Representation The undersigned acknowledges and agrees on behalf of the Requester that the submission of this

Request for Expansion Firm Service is a binding offer to contract for any Expansion Firm Service that

is awarded by Alliance to the Requester, and confirms on behalf of the Requester that the Requester

will execute and deliver to Alliance a Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation Service

(Expansion Capacity) in the form attached to Alliance USA’s Binding Open Season March 28 – May

30, 2018 document, without amendment or modification. The undersigned represents and confirms that he/she has the capacity and authority to submit this

Request for Expansion Firm Service and to bind the Requester thereby. Dated this _____ day of ___________, 2018 Name of Requester Per: Signature Name Title

4. The terms and conditions specified in Alliance USA’s Binding Open Season March 28 – May 30, 2018

document are incorporated by reference herein and govern this Request for Expansion Firm Service.








(“Precedent Agreement”) is made effective as of the ___ day of ________, 2018, by and between:

ALLIANCE PIPELINE L.P., a Delaware limited partnership


- and –

[NAME], a [jurisdiction] [type of legal entity]



WHEREAS Transporter owns and operates an interstate pipeline that transports natural gas from the

Canada-United States border near Sherwood, North Dakota to delivery points in the Chicago area, and

that falls within the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any replacement or

successor regulatory or government authority having authority over the approval, licensing,

construction, operation or rates of inter-state pipelines in natural gas transportation service (the


WHEREAS Transporter proposes to offer natural gas firm transportation service that would be made

available primarily through incremental compression along the Transporter’s pipeline system to provide

approximately 400 MMcf per day of new firm transportation capacity, subject to the limitation that only

about 20 MMcf per day of the total Expansion Firm Service capacity would be available from a receipt

point on Alliance’s Tioga Lateral (the “Expansion Firm Service”);

WHEREAS Shipper, by the commitments it gives in this Precedent Agreement, indicates its agreement to

contract for one or more of the Expansion Firm Service awarded to Shipper through Transporter’s open

season for the Expansion Firm Service (“Open Season”);


WHEREAS The commitments provided by Shipper via this Precedent Agreement and by other shippers in

precedent agreements with Transporter will be used as support for Transporter’s regulatory applications

and for the construction and operation of the facilities for the Expansion Firm Service;

WHEREAS Transporter is willing to continue its efforts to develop the facilities for the Expansion Firm

Service and to proceed with obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals and authorizations of the

Expansion Firm Service; provided that Transporter, in its sole discretion, has received sufficient

commitments from prospective shippers and has attained sufficient commercial support; and

WHEREAS This Precedent Agreement has been executed as evidence of the agreement between

Transporter and Shipper that, upon satisfaction or waiver of the conditions precedent set forth herein,

the parties will enter into a Firm Transportation Agreement (“TA”) providing for the Expansion Firm

Service to be provided by Transporter to Shipper.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein, the receipt and

sufficiency as valuable consideration of which is acknowledged and agreed to by each of Transporter

and Shipper, Transporter and Shipper agree as follows:

1. Effective Date and Term of Precedent Agreement

This Precedent Agreement is effective as of the date first stated above and shall remain in effect

until the earlier of (a) the execution of a TA for each of the Expansion Firm Service awarded to

Shipper through the Open Season and set out in this Precedent Agreement; or (b) the date specified

in accordance with either Shipper’s or Transporter’s exercise of its termination rights pursuant to

this Precedent Agreement. Where Shipper and Transporter execute a TA, the TA shall terminate on

October 31 of the year in which the TA is stated to terminate.

2. Estimated In-Service Date of Expansion Firm Service

Transporter anticipates that the Expansion Firm Service will be ready for service on or about

November 1, 2021 or such later date as reasonably practicable following satisfaction or waiver of all

conditions precedent (the “Planned Service Commencement Date”). Subject to Shipper’s express

termination rights in this Precedent Agreement, Shipper agrees that it shall have no claim or cause

of action against Transporter for any delays in the Planned Service Commencement Date.

3. Expansion Firm Service

Expansion Firm Service (EFT-1) is firm natural gas transportation service under Rate Schedule FT-1 of

Alliance’s FERC Gas Tariff (Tariff or tariff), from a Receipt Point that is listed on Third Revised Sheet

No. 289 of the Tariff, or from a proposed new receipt point, to a Delivery Point that is listed on

Second Revised Sheet No. 290 of the Tariff. The minimum term for an EFT-1 TA is 15 years.

Notwithstanding its obligation to pay reservation charges as a subscriber to this service, in order for

a Shipper that sources its gas from Canada to utilize its EFT-1 transportation, it or its affiliate (in the

case of Canadian Expansion Firm Full-Path Service), or a receipt counterparty (in the event of

Canadian Expansion Firm Delivery Service), must hold a Transportation Service Agreement (TSA) for

transportation service on Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership’s pipeline for a volume matching the

Shipper’s EFT-1 volume (plus the associated fuel requirement for EFT-1).


By executing and delivering to Transporter this Precedent Agreement, Shipper submits a binding

offer to Transporter to enter into a TA for the Expansion Firm Service selected in Appendix A to this

Precedent Agreement. Shipper’s offer cannot be amended or withdrawn other than pursuant to

Shipper’s termination rights specified in Article 9, or pursuant to the amending provisions in Article

14 hereto.

By executing and delivering to Shipper this Precedent Agreement, Transporter accepts Shipper’s

binding offer to enter into a TA for the Expansion Firm Service selected in Appendix A to this

Precedent Agreement. Transporter’s acceptance cannot be amended or revoked other than

pursuant to Transporter’s termination rights specified in Article 9, or pursuant to the amending

provisions in Article 14 hereto.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Precedent Agreement, the design and capacity of the

facilities for the Expansion Firm Service and the form, substance and timing of Transporter’s

applications for orders, certificates, approvals, authorizations, licenses and permits shall be

determined by Transporter, in its sole discretion.

4. Conditions Precedent

The obligations of Transporter to provide Expansion Firm Service to Shipper are subject to the

following conditions precedent which are for the sole benefit of Transporter and may be waived by

Transporter in whole or in part:

a. The determination by Transporter, at its sole discretion, that a minimum threshold volume of

firm service and turn back commitments has been received by shippers on each of Transporter’s

and Transporter’s affiliate, Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership’s pipeline, individually and

collectively, to economically construct and operate expansion facilities and provide the

Expansion Firm Services;

b. The determination by the board of directors and senior management of Transporter’s general

partner to commit to the construction and operation of expansion facilities and the provision of

Expansion Firm Service;

c. All engineering and design criteria required to construct and operate the expansion facilities and

provide the Expansion Firm Service are acceptable to Transporter, in its sole discretion;

d. Transporter and Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership, obtaining all governmental and regulatory

orders, certificates, approvals, authorizations, licenses and permits and other applicable

authorizations, in form and substance satisfactory to Transporter or Alliance Pipeline Limited

Partnership, as applicable, in their sole discretion, required to construct, operate and maintain

expansion facilities in Canada and the USA, provide the Expansion Firm Services in Canada and

the USA, and to levy the associated tolls and rates;

e. Acceptance by Transporter and Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership, in their sole discretion,

and the satisfaction of all conditions or modifications contained in the orders, certificates,

approvals, authorizations, licenses and permits referred to above;

f. Procurement of all necessary rights-of-way, easements, other surface and subsurface rights and

permits in form and substance acceptable to Transporter and Alliance Pipeline Limited

Partnership, in their sole discretion;


g. Receipt of financial commitment(s) from financial institutions or investors, on terms acceptable

to Transporter, to make the capital expenditures necessary to enable Transporter to construct

and operate expansion facilities and to provide the Expansion Firm Service under the

Transportation Agreement(s) in the manner contemplated in the Precedent Agreement;

h. the determination by Transporter, in its sole discretion, that none of the pipeline system, the

expansion facilities, Transporter or Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership have been or could be

materially adversely affected by any prevailing or future economic, regulatory, financial or other

circumstances (including, without limitation, Transporter’s rates and rate design); and

i. Transporter, in its sole discretion, shall be satisfied that all the conditions precedent to Alliance

Pipeline Limited Partnership’s obligations under the precedent agreements respecting

Expansion Firm Service on the Canadian portion of the Alliance Pipeline system as contained in

such precedent agreements will have been satisfied or waived.

5. Transporter’s Obligations

Transporter shall, subject to the terms of this Precedent Agreement:

a. Construct facilities necessary for the Expansion Firm Service;

b. Following satisfaction or waiver of all conditions precedent, notify Shipper of such fact, and of

the actual in-service date of the Expansion Firm Service; and

c. At least 90 days prior to the Planned Service Commencement Date, tender Shipper a TA for the

Expansion Firm Service selected by Shipper in this Precedent Agreement, which specifies the

Shipper’s Contracted Capacity, a primary term of a minimum of 15 years ending on October 31st

in the final year of the term, the applicable negotiated rates agreed to in this Precedent

Agreement and approved by the applicable regulatory authorities, and which incorporates

creditworthiness requirements consistent with those in this Precedent Agreement and any

other applicable terms and conditions in this Precedent Agreement and such other terms and

conditions as are codified in Transporter’s Tariff for the Expansion Firm Service.

6. Shipper’s Obligations

Shipper shall, subject to the terms of this Precedent Agreement:

a. Within 30 days of tender by Transporter, execute and deliver to Transporter a TA for the

Expansion Firm Service selected by Shipper in this Precedent Agreement;

b. Commencing on the actual in-service date of the Expansion Firm Service, pay Transporter the

applicable negotiated rates set forth in Appendix A (subject to FERC approval) for the Expansion

Firm Service during the applicable term of the TA and such other charges and surcharges set out

in this Precedent Agreement as may from time to time apply to the Expansion Firm Service, and

provide fuel in-kind subject to the system fuel requirements, in accordance with Transporter’s



c. Support and cooperate with, and not oppose, obstruct or otherwise interfere with, the efforts of

Transporter to make all necessary notifications, tariff filings, applications or certificate filings

and to obtain all governmental and regulatory authorizations and/or exemptions necessary for

Transporter to construct, own and operate and maintain the facilities required for and to

provide the Expansion Firm Service at the negotiated rates set out in this Precedent Agreement

and to perform its obligations contemplated in this Precedent Agreement, and, upon request by

Transporter, will express its support in the manner specified by Transporter, which may include,

without limitation, support in the form of a written submission, or support in the form of an in-

person submission or appearance at a hearing, for any such notifications, tariff filings,

applications or certificate filings, authorizations and/or exemptions;

d. Possess, provide, and maintain such credit as is required by Transporter to satisfy Shipper’s

financial and contractual obligations under this Precedent Agreement and under every TA

executed pursuant to this Precedent Agreement; and

e. Execute and deliver such documents and do such acts as may be reasonably requested by

Transporter to effectuate the terms of this Precedent Agreement, and agree to provide any

information that is reasonably requested by Transporter in preparing, submitting, and

conducting applications to any regulatory or governmental body in connection with the approval

and authorization of the tolls and terms and conditions of the Expansion Firm Service.

7. Creditworthiness Requirements for Precedent Agreement

(a) Shippers and prospective shippers will be required, as a term and condition of this Precedent

Agreement, to:

i. demonstrate to Transporter a credit quality acceptable to Transporter, in its sole discretion,

through the provision of financial statements and such other information as Transporter may


ii. if the Shipper or prospective shipper is unable to meet the criteria in subparagraph i. above,

provide to Transporter a guarantee of payment in form and substance satisfactory to

Transporter by another entity which meets the criteria in subparagraph i. above; or

iii. if the Shipper or prospective shipper is unable to comply with subparagraphs i. or ii. above,

provide to Transporter, and at all times maintain:

a. an irrevocable letter of credit in an amount determined based on the term of the

Expansion Firm Service as follows: for a 15 year or greater service term, an amount equal to

12 months of reservation charges and other charges and surcharges plus an additional one

month for each year by which the contract term exceeds a 15-year term; or

b. such other alternative financial security acceptable to Transporter,

provided that Transporter reserves the right to limit the expansion service available to such

parties which provide letters of credit or other alternative financial security,


all in accordance with the following schedule:

(1) within 7 days of receipt from Alliance of this Precedent Agreement, 25% of the LC

amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or 25% of such other alternative financial security

identified in 5(a)iii.b.

(2) within 7 days of timely executing this Precedent Agreement, an additional 25% of the LC

amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or an additional 25% of such other alternative financial

security identified in 5(a)iii.b.

(3) immediately following a positive final investment decision by Transporter, an additional

25% of the LC amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or an additional 25% of such other

alternative financial security identified in 5(a)iii.b.

(4) within 7 days of receipt from Transporter of Notice that Transporter has accepted its

FERC regulatory approval and Alliance Canada has accepted its NEB regulatory approval

and both Transporter and Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership are proceeding to final

construction, the final 25% of the LC amount identified in 5(a)iii.a. or the final 25% of

such other alternative financial security identified in 5(a)iii.b.

(b) Transporter shall be entitled to demand and receive payment of, or draw upon the guarantee, letter

of credit, or alternative financial security for, the full amount of credit support required by this

Section 7 for any Shipper or prospective shipper that:

i. becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or ceases to carry on business after the execution of this

Precedent Agreement and before the provision of credit support for a TA; or

ii. fails or refuses to execute the TA within 30 days of tender by Transporter or fails or refuses to

provide the required credit support for such TA.

8. Creditworthiness Requirements for TA

Shipper shall upon execution and at all times after execution of a TA for Expansion Firm Service:

a. demonstrate to Transporter that it has a credit quality acceptable to Transporter, in its sole

discretion, through the provision of financial statements and such other information as

Transporter may require;

b. if Shipper is unable to meet the requirements in subsection a. above, provide to Transporter a

guarantee of payment in form and substance satisfactory to Transporter by another entity who

meets such requirements; or

c. if Shipper is unable to meet the requirements of subsections a. or b. above, provide to

Transporter, and at all times maintain, a cash deposit or irrevocable letter of credit in favour of

Transporter (and/or its lenders) issued by a financial institution and in form acceptable to

Transporter in an amount equal to the sum of 12 months’ plus an additional one month for each

year by which the TA term exceeds a 15-year term, of demand/reservation charges and other

charges and surcharges for all Expansion Firm Service to which Shipper has subscribed or such

other alternative financial security acceptable to Transporter.


If Shipper is required to provide security for its financial and contractual obligations under a TA,

Shipper agrees to furnish such security to Transporter at least twenty (20) days prior to the service

start date for the Expansion Firm Service, and such security shall be in an amount that is consistent

with the creditworthiness requirements set forth in this Section 8.

9. Termination Rights

a. Shipper may, at its discretion, with no liability to Transporter, terminate this Precedent

Agreement only if Transporter has not commenced construction of expansion facilities

necessary to provide the Expansion Firm Service within one year of its receipt of all requisite

regulatory approvals. In such case, Transporter shall return to Shipper any credit support

provided by Shipper under this Precedent Agreement and neither Alliance nor Transporter shall

be liable for any losses that relate to or arise out of this Precedent Agreement or its termination.

b. Transporter may, at its discretion, with no liability to Shipper, terminate this Precedent

Agreement at any time during the term hereof by giving written notice to Shipper if any one or

more of the condition precedents described in Section 4 of this Precedent Agreement have not

been satisfied or waived by Transporter. Upon the giving of such notice, this Precedent

Agreement shall be of no further force and effect and each of Shipper and Transporter shall be

released from all further obligations under this Precedent Agreement. In such case, Transporter

shall return to Shipper any credit support provided by Shipper under this Precedent Agreement

and neither Transporter nor Shipper shall be liable for any losses that relate to or arise out of

this Precedent Agreement or its termination.

10. Exclusions and Limitations of Liability

a. Transporter agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to receive all required approvals and

permits to construct expansion facilities necessary to provide the Expansion Firm Service.

Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of the Precedent Agreement, Transporter

will not be liable to Shipper for any damages, howsoever incurred, arising from Transporter’s

inability or failure to construct the expansion facilities or to provide the Expansion Firm Service

contemplated by this Precedent Agreement.

b. Transporter will not be responsible nor will the Precedent Agreement or any TA provided

hereunder be subject to cancellation if Transporter is unable to complete the construction of

the expansion facilities and commence the Expansion Firm Service by the Planned Service

Commencement Date. Transporter does not guarantee the Planned Service Commencement

Date and will have no liability for any delay or change to the Planned Service Commencement

Date or any cancelation or change in scope of the proposed Expansion Firm Service.

c. Transporter will not be responsible for any business decisions or contractual commitments

made or inference drawn by Shipper in reliance on this Precedent Agreement or in reliance on

actions taken or disclosures made pursuant to or in connection with this Precedent Agreement.

d. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Precedent Agreement, neither Transporter nor

Shipper shall be liable for consequential losses that relate to or arise out of this Precedent

Agreement or its termination regardless of whether such losses arise pursuant to contract, tort,

strict liability or other fault of either Transporter or Shipper. Reference to “consequential”

losses shall include all consequential or indirect losses, loss or anticipated loss of profit, loss or

anticipated loss of revenue, loss or anticipated loss of business opportunity or business

interruption. In no event shall reference to “consequential losses” include direct losses or direct



e. Failure of either party to pursue any remedy resulting from a breach of this Precedent

Agreement by the other party shall not be construed as a waiver of that breach or any

subsequent or other breach of this Precedent Agreement.

11. Representations and Warranties

Shipper represents and warrants to Transporter as follows:

(a) Organization and Qualification. Shipper is a corporation, partnership, or other valid legal entity

duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its

incorporation or organization, with full right, power and authority under its organizational

charter and, if applicable, by-laws and under the laws of its jurisdiction to enter into this

Precedent Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder;

(b) Authorization and Enforceability. Shipper has taken all necessary corporate, partnership, or

entity action to enter into and perform its obligations contained in and contemplated by this

Precedent Agreement. This Precedent Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by

Shipper and constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of Shipper enforceable in

accordance with its terms;

(c) No Conflict. Neither the execution and delivery of this Precedent Agreement nor compliance

with any of the terms and provisions hereof conflicts with, breaches or contravenes the

provisions of its organizational charter or, if applicable, by-laws of Shipper;

(d) Litigation. There are no actions, suits or proceedings at law or in equity now pending or, to the

best of Shipper's knowledge, threatened against or affecting Shipper or any of its assets or rights

which could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the right or ability of

Shipper to fulfill its obligations hereunder.

12. Tariff Terms and Conditions

Shipper acknowledges and agrees that Transporter will apply to the FERC for approval of

Transporter’s expansion negotiated rates and revised transportation tariff, and that such tariff will

specify existing and additional terms and conditions that apply to the Expansion Firm Service

selected by Shipper in Appendix A. Expansion Firm Service will be subject to and governed by the

terms and conditions in Transporter’s existing tariff applicable to FT-1 with the following exception:

i) EFT-1 Shippers will not be entitled to request the staging of their Contracted Capacity.

and Shipper agrees to be bound by each of such terms and conditions as are approved by the FERC

for the Expansion Firm Service.

13. Assignment

This Precedent Agreement may be assigned by Transporter to an affiliated entity without the

requirement of Shipper’s consent. Shipper may assign this Precedent Agreement to any party that

satisfies Transporter’s creditworthiness requirements, but then only upon Transporter’s prior

written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.


Transporter shall have the right to pledge this Precedent Agreement and/or any security provided

by Shipper to Transporter pursuant to this Precedent Agreement, including any of Transporter’s

rights thereunder, as security for any indebtedness incurred by Transporter in connection with the

financing or refinancing of Transporter and to assign this Precedent Agreement and any security

received hereunder in accordance with the terms and conditions of any agreement with third

parties pertaining to any such indebtedness, and Shipper agrees to timely execution and delivery of

such documents and certificates as are reasonably requested by Transporter or its lenders in

connection with any such collateral assignment or pledge.

14. Amendments

No amendments may be made to this Precedent Agreement except by an amendment in writing

signed by both parties. Subject to Article 9 (termination rights section), Shipper’s offer and

Transporter’s acceptance of Shipper’s commitment to contract for the Expansion Firm Service

selected in Appendix A to this Precedent Agreement may not and shall not be withdrawn, revoked

or amended except with the mutual consent of both Shipper and Transporter. Shipper’s offer and

Transporter’s acceptance of Shipper’s commitment to pay the applicable rates set forth in Appendix

A herein shall not be amended except in the event that the applicable tolls approved by the FERC for

the Expansion Firm Service selected by Shipper are less than the rates selected by Shipper in

Appendix A, and then, in such case, subject to whether Transporter exercises Transporter’s

termination rights in Section 9.b. herein, Appendix A shall be deemed amended so that Shipper’s

obligation shall be to execute a Transportation Agreement which reflects the FERC-approved rates

for such Expansion Firm Service.

15. Choice of Law

This Precedent Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of the State of

New York, USA, including the federal laws of the USA applicable therein.

16. Further Assurances

Transporter and Shipper shall enter into such additional agreements as may be necessary in

furtherance of this Precedent Agreement.

17. Counterpart Execution

This Precedent Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts (which may be

evidenced by electronic copies of counterpart execution pages), no one of which needs to be

executed by both parties, and when both parties have executed a counterpart hereof, all such

counterparts shall together comprise one and the same agreement and this Precedent Agreement

shall be binding upon the parties, with the same force and effect as if both parties had signed the

same document, and each such signed counterpart shall constitute an original of this Precedent



18. Notices

Notices under this Precedent Agreement shall be addressed:

To Transporter:

Alliance Pipeline Inc.

c/o Alliance Pipeline Ltd.

800, 605 – 5th Ave. S.W.

Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 3H5

Attention: Vice President, Commercial Operations

To Shipper:

13. Currency

Unless expressly stated to the contrary, all dollar references contained in this Precedent Agreement

refer to United States dollars.

14. Entire Agreement

This Precedent Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the

matters specified herein and supersedes and cancels any prior or contemporaneous arrangements,

understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties relative to the subject

matter hereof.

This Precedent Agreement is offered by Shipper for Transporter’s acceptance as of the date first stated

above, by:






Accepted and agreed to by Transporter as of the date first stated above, by:


by its Managing General Partner, ALLIANCE PIPELINE INC.





Appendix A

to Precedent Agreement for Firm Transportation Service


Alliance Pipeline L.P. (“Transporter”)

- and -


Shipper’s Expansion Firm Service terms:



commencing later of

November 1, 2021 or in-

service date

Rate* ($/Dth/month) (assuming a

thermal conversion

factor of 1.100 Dth per Mcf)

Contracted Capacity


Receipt Point

Delivery Point






* In addition to this rate, Shipper agrees to pay all applicable charges and surcharges set forth in

Transporter’s Tariff applicable to the Expansion Firm Service, and provide fuel in-kind subject to the

system fuel requirements, in accordance with Transporter’s Tariff.

Expansion Firm Service Rates Table

Service Rate ($/Dth/month) (assuming a

thermal conversion factor of 1.100 Dth

per Mcf)1, 2, 3

Forecast Fuel Rate (Assumes Regulatory Approval

of Rolled-In Fuel Rates) EFT-1(Mainline) 19.9091 2.85% EFT-1 (Tioga Surcharge4) 15.3114 $0.12/Dth

1 Recoverable Cost Variance Surcharge: Transporter will apply a surcharge to recover i) costs that are

incurred by Transporter in excess of forecasted amounts for pipeline integrity costs (including any pipe

replacements or re-routes required to comply with applicable codes and regulations), property and

business taxes, FERC cost recovery charges, and environmental levies, and ii) new costs that are imposed


upon Transporter by governmental authority, including without limitation pipeline abandonment

charges, fuel and carbon taxes, and environmental levies for greenhouse gas emissions.

2 Interruptible Transportation Service revenue will not be credited to shipper’s negotiated rate.

3 Expansion Firm Service Shippers will have no contractual renewal rights upon expiry of their Expansion

Firm Service TA, nor will they be entitled to request the staging of their Contracted Capacity.

4 The Tioga Surcharge is incremental to the EFT-1 Rate.




To: Alliance Pipeline Inc.

1. Requester Information

Name (full legal entity):


Contact person:



2. Request to Turn Back Service

The undersigned hereby requests Turn Back on a permanent basis, effective the date of in-service of

Alliance’s Expansion Firm Service, of the following existing Firm Service Capacity held under the

following Firm Service Agreements:

Contract # Receipt








Expiry Date

Contracted Capacity

Shipper Requests to

Turn Back (Mcf/d)


3. Representation

The undersigned represents and confirms that he/she has the capacity and authority to submit this

Request to Turn Back Service and to bind the Requester thereby. Dated this _____ day of ___________, 2018

Name of Requester Per: Signature Name Title

4. The terms and conditions specified in Alliance USA’s Binding Open Season March 28 – May 30, 2018

document are incorporated by reference herein and govern this Request to Turn Back Service.




To: Alliance Pipeline Inc.

1. Requester Information

Name (full legal entity):


Contact person:



2. Request for Term Extension of Existing Firm Service

The undersigned hereby requests the contract term be extended for the following existing Firm

Service Agreements:

Contract # Receipt



Point +






Expiry Date




Expiry Date

(minimum 10

years after in-

service date of


Firm Service)

+ □ By Ucking this box, Requester indicates its interest in discussing with Alliance the option of a

delivery point further downstream of the Alliance delivery header


3. Acknowledgement and Representation

The undersigned acknowledges and agrees on behalf of the Requester that the submission of this

Request for Term Extension of Existing Firm Service is a binding offer of the Requester to contract

for any Term Extension of Existing Firm Service that is awarded by Alliance to the Requester. The undersigned represents and confirms that he/she has the capacity and authority to submit this

Request for Term Extension of Existing Firm Service and to bind the Requester thereby. Dated this _____ day of ___________, 2018 Name of Requester Per: Signature Name Title

4. The terms and conditions specified in Alliance USA’s Binding Open Season March 28 – May 30, 2018

document are incorporated by reference herein and govern this Request for Term Extension of

Existing Firm Service.