All Saints Lutheran Church The Trumpet 2015 Trumpet.pdfSquad Leader. 6 months later, I was in...

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Transcript of All Saints Lutheran Church The Trumpet 2015 Trumpet.pdfSquad Leader. 6 months later, I was in...


All Saints Lutheran Church


The Trumpet

The Trumpet June, 2015

2 Weekday Childhood Ministry Council Highlights 3 WELCA, Relay for Life update 4 Saint of the Month, Summer Help Needed 5 Birthdays and Anniversaries Wednesdays Together/Youth 6 Graduates 7 VBS 8 U.S. Spring Storms 9 Service in June 10 Financial Report 11 June Calendar

A publication of All Saints Lutheran Church, Port Orange, Fl.

From the Pastor’s IPad

Over the weekend I noticed something, and experienced something I

haven’t in a while. On Saturday evening I actually had a few minutes to

pause and notice the flowers in the flowerbed in the front of the church,

walk through our beautiful memorial garden free from anxiety of the

worship service about to begin and free of my thoughts about the most

pressing other thing I knew had to be done next. I even took a moment to

water those flowers in front, not as another thing I had to do, but as

thanks for what God had provided. The tension poured out of my body

like the water poured out of the hose. God had granted me a moment of

quiet and peace.

Perhaps it is just the time of year. Summer is almost here and for many

this is a time when we look forward to having these moments that refresh

our soul, renew our spirit, and rest our bodies and minds. Jesus took

many of those moments going up on a mountain to pray, stealing a

moment away from the crowds and even taking his disciples with him to

pray, rest and teach. It was important to the vitality of their ministry.

Just like summertime this is what our worship time is supposed to be like;

an experience of peace in God’s presence. This is what I believe you are

supposed to experience as you gather for our time in worship each week

so that you are continually refreshed, renewed and rested. I believe

worship, spending this time with God, is not to be another thing on the

check list to get done or to take time off from so you can get that rest, but

a time away from the checklist for just a little bit. It is important to your

health, your family, your vocation and every other part of your life.

Throughout the summer we will continue to gather, praise God, thank

God, be filled by His Spirit and carry out the mission He has called us to.

God’s calling is still there. He summons you to come be with Him.

I pray your summer is restful, refreshing and recreating, and you will let

your time with God in worship be a part of that.

Pastor Stan

What’s Inside

Coming Soon July 6 – 10, 2015

Vacation Bible School

Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus Was a Kid!


Council Highlights

5/12/15 Meeting

1. We are renewing our FEMA flood insurance, and are awaiting a quote from Brown & Brown for all other coverage. 2. The summer day camp has one opening left, and seven children will be attending camp at Luther Springs. 3. We hope to have a decision regarding our new staff person this month. 4. A male representative is needed, to attend the Synod Assembly June 18, 19, 20. 5. Change for Change in July will go to help disaster recovery in Nepal through Lutheran Disaster Response. 6. Vacation Bible School dates are July 6 through July 10. Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors!

Affirmation of Baptism +


On Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015 at the 10:30am service

John Chandler Parker

Has been instructed in the Christian faith and desired to make public affirmation of

his Baptism.

Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in John Chandler the

gift of your Holy Spirit; confirm his faith, guide his life,

empower him in his serving, give him patience in suffering and

bring him to everlasting life. Amen

A Summer at All Saints

June 8th – we are beginning our 3rd year of summer fun

at A Summer at All Saints! We have a capacity

enrollment with lots of new faces, two new counselors

(Ms. Mary Ellen Kite-Hernden and Ms. Hannah Lunt),

and a fun packed and educational summer schedule to

keep us very busy and entertained.

Additionally, seven of the boys will be attending three

days and two nights of Discoverers camp at Luther

Springs, thanks to your support of the Aunt Catfish’s

Pancake Breakfast!

We will keep you updated on our summer adventures –

look for pictures of our activities in the hallway, on the

bulletin board in the Parish Hall, and on Facebook!

Our first big field trip day is to the News Journal to

see the play –

How I Became a Pirate!

Stop by anytime we are at the church to

see what we are up to!


Phyllis King

LIKE us on Facebook at

After School at All Saints.

Visit our new website at


This month of May has been a more quiet and

spiritual month for the ladies of the WELCA. We had

so much going on, that it is good to kind of reflect on

what we have done with the Silent Auction for Relay

for Life, and all the outreach programs we do.

Rachel’s Day was canceled, however we will

reschedule a time when we can go forth with the

Pregnancy Crisis in Daytona Beach. This will be

announced as soon as we can. All The circles are in a

summer mode, and will meet again with a get

together breakfast in September. Ruth’s Circle will

have a luncheon meeting in June, to be announced.

We are urging all the ladies of WELCA to plan to

attend the Fall Gathering at Lake Wales in the fall.

The following is a short story, enjoy


Virginia Randolph was a pioneer in black education.

She began teaching in a rural school in 1892. As she

tried to instill high ethical standards along with the

“Three R’s” many parents resented it.

In fact, one mother bragged about whipping every

teacher at that school. She vowed Miss Randolph

would be next.

One day, Virginia saw the woman standing on the

porch with a long stick. She’d just finished reading 1

Corinthians 13 to her class.

“Children,” she began, keeping her voice steady,

“this morning I’m going to pray, ‘Lord have mercy

on the dear mother that came to school.” “So glad to

see you dear mother.” Virginia then led the boys and

girls in singing “I Need Thee Every Hour”.

She continued, “Now students, this has been the first

mother to visit school. She has two lovely children,

and you know the hand that rocks the cradle rules the

world. Don’t you feel proud? I’ll ask her to speak to


That mother was so touched, her eyes filled with


“I came for one thing and found another,” she said.

“I will never disturb the classroom again.” She kept

her promise and became a willing school worker.

Isn’t it amazing how love disarms hostility? It was

true in 1892 and is just as true more than one hundred

years later.

Joyce Murphy-Shipman

Relay for Life Update Thanks to the wonderful attendance at

our dinner and silent auction, the

generous contributions to our change for

change month and the purchase of our

hand crafted greeting cards, as well as independent

donations, your Relay for Life team now has

$4000.00 to give to The American Cancer Society. I

have learned that out of 49 teams in Port Orange, All

Saints is currently in 6th

place for giving! The top 10

teams will have their name on next year’s Relay for

Life t-shirts. So All Saints will be there! We will

continue to sell cards….Father’s Day cards are

coming out next…and the money from cards will

begin our fundraising for next year.

Thank you for your support in “the fight for the

cure.” Liz Clayton, Relay for Life Chairman

Patrick Rudnicky assisting with Pastor Wickett

and Lorrie Blalock on Sunday, May 17, 2015.

Thank you Patrick for your willingness to serve!


Spotlight on….Bud Gammill

Saint of the

Month I was born 4

years into the


farm in central Illinois. I guess

we were “dirt Poor” but we

didn't know it. When I was about

4, my Grandmother asked me what I wanted to be,

and I said, “I want to be as tall as the trees, (never

happened), fly airplanes, and live to be 100 (won't


We didn't have indoor plumbing or electricity until

1940 when we moved. I think we moved about 10

times before I left home. Dad had a service station

and I worked there from 13 until I went to the

University of Illinois at my Uncle's insistence, to live

in his basement and then work in a Frat house for my

meals. My Mother took $60 of her “egg money” for

the 1st semester's tuition, and I had $25 for spending

money for that semester. I had 2 semesters including

ROTC before being drafted into the KOREAN WAR.

My Sergeant asked if anyone knew how to March,

and I held up my hand and was immediately made a

Squad Leader. 6 months later, I was in Infantry

Officer School, then another 6 months in Flight

Training, then being sent to fly border patrol on the

IRON CURTAIN in Germany. I returned to U of I

and got my BS degree and got hired by United

Airlines where I met the “love of my life these past

54 years. She was a Flight Attendant and irresistible

and helped my study to get thru the training. I retired

after almost 33 years, lastly flying the Pacific in a

Boeing 747-400, with almost always 455 lives sitting

behind me. I know now that God brought us safely to

our destination. I have been retired now 22 years,

enjoying the life at the SPRUCE CREEK FLY-IN.

After visiting several local churches, we came to


traditional Lutheran church in which we were

married and attended in Illinois and were quite

comfortable within their traditional service. The

Lutheran affiliation has been our mainstay now for

54 years and evolved from the SWEDISH


Karen and I have 3 children, a married Daughter,

with 3 Grandsons in Illinois, an adopted son living in

Rice Lake, Wisconsin, and our 3rd

child, married and

living in Orlando.

Forty years ago, I served 11 years as Property

Chairman on the Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Council in Elgin, Illinois. During that same period, I

built our own house. It was quite an undertaking, to

say the least.

We enjoyed “God's Country” at Hayward, Wisconsin

in various cottages for 44 years, where there is 3

months of summer, clean water and lots of cold

weather and snow. We sold it a year ago, as we

couldn't keep it going. We are now full time Florida


I am once again serving on the Church Council and

have been a money counter for several years.

Bud Gammill

Coordinated by Marilyn Keller

Summer Help Needed!

Now that the summer months are

here, the yard crew would

appreciate extra help on Friday

mornings to keep our grounds

looking great. Some of our yard

crew members are snowbirds who leave for the

summer and all the rest of the crew is in and out with

summer travels. That means we now have a skeleton

crew on any Friday morning. If you can give any

amount of time on Friday mornings between 8 and 11

A.M we would greatly appreciate it. Due to the

summer heat we rarely stay until 11:00 so come

early! Thank you, Your Yard Crew

The 2015 Hurricane Season begins on June 1 and will continue until

November 30th

. In accordance with our

church policy and to not create an unsafe

situation for anyone, if a hurricane warning

has been issued for Volusia County on a

weekend, Saturday and Sunday worship services will

be cancelled. All Saints will follow Volusia County

Government hurricane guidelines and will close

when the public schools close.


Our Mission is, by God's grace, to foster lasting relationships with each other, build on our faith,

share our talents, and focus on a ministry of service to our church and community. Men’s Breakfast will meet on Saturday, June 13th

at 8:00 AM – all men of the congregation are

invited. We will continue our work as partners with

the City of Port Orange to provide upkeep on

Memorial Park adjacent to our property. Come and

join us and bring a friend.

Birthdays & Anniversaries Group will be

celebrating the third Tuesday, June 16th 1:00 PM

At Rossi’s Diner on Ridgewood, South Daytona.

Call Ginnie Radi at (760-0595) if you usually attend

and cannot attend, or if you haven't attended before.

The restaurant would like to know about how many

will be attending. All are welcome to join in this


Mixing Bowl (Pot Luck) will not meet again until


The Change for Change Recipients

Change for Change for this month will go to All

Saints VBS.

Change for Change the month of May went to Olga

Clarke Orphanage. The Evangelical Lutheran

Church in Suriname supports this orphanage in the

city of Nickerie. The orphanage is a foundation based

in Suriname and the Netherlands, receiving most of

it’s funding from donors in the Netherlands and the

government of Suriname. Over the years many

ELCA missionary sponsoring congregations have

assisted in small but meaningful ways to the Olga

Clarke Orphanage. Amount undetermined.

Gifts & Memorials Contributions to the Gifts and Memorials Fund

during the period of April 21, 2015 through May 20,



1 gift in memory of Avis Engert.

Set the Lord’s Table….

….Join the Altar Guild!

Wednesdays Together is in recession for the summer.

Thank you to all who volunteered their time to make

Wednesdays Together such a success.

End of Year Youth Party

at the Lehr home.


Graduates and Recognition

We want to recognize and honor our

graduates or others with special

achievements in our newsletter! If

you have someone in your family

who is graduating from high school or college, please

let us know.

You may complete the information below and return

it to the church office or place it in the offering plate

at any time. Or just call the office to share your

information. Thank you!!



From where:

If college, what degree?

Future plans (college attending in fall, jobs, etc.?)

Congregation Congratulations to:

Matthew LaFond who

Graduated from Spruce Creek High School on May

31. Matthew will be attending the George

Washington University in Washington DC this fall --

accepted into their Elliott School of International

Affairs as well as the GW Honors Program.

Nicole Lewis who graduated from Spruce Creek

High School on May 31. Nicole has been accepted to

Daytona State Colleges Nursing program for the fall

classes and has been employed at Panera Breads for

the past 2 years part time and working in all phases of


Taylor Lewis who just finished 3 years at UCF in

mechanical engineering school with an associate

degree. Next year he will receive a bachelor’s degree.

Taylor also has been hired by Disney into their

Mechanical engineering internship for the summer.

He was the only one interviewed and hired out of his


Larry and Ellie Riegner

Celebrates their First


June Birthdays

6/1 Gavin Capehart, Jay Linden,

Nancy Young

6/2 Kolby Neal

6/3 Lucille Schmieder,

John Wagner

6/4 Ron Trott

6/8 Irene Moody

6/9 Mike Cornforth

6/11 Diane Adams, Mel Krum, Beverly McMillian

6/12 Rita Worm

6/13 Vian Borg, MacKenzie Capehart, Sienna Osta

6/16 Rachel LaFond

6/18 Butch LeVere, Thomas Young

6/19 Patty Navarra

6/21 Nancy Trott

6/22 Zoe Sutherlin

6/23 Laurie Durant

6/24 Bob Wince

6/25 Audrey Goerke

6/27 Robbie Brooks

6/30 Janet Henkel-Fisher

June Anniversaries 6/7 Butch and Kathy LeVere

6/9 Alan and Mary Alyce Paul

6/13 Jack and Sandra Borowiecki

6/22 Mike and Patty Navarra

6/24 Bud and Karen Gammill

6/28 Royal and Joan Swanson

Music for Prayer and Meditation will be in recession for the summer.

Music will resume September 2, 2015.

Sponsored by the

Port Orange Ministerial Association.

For more information contact

June Flowers & Bulletins Given to the glory of God.

Don’t forget to sign up!

Flowers- $30.00 &Bulletins -$15.00


6/7 In celebration of Alan and Mary Alyce Paul’s

64th wedding anniversary.

6/14 Open

6/21 Open

6/28 In celebration of Roy and Joan Swanson’s 57th

wedding anniversary.


Hometown Nazareth - Where Jesus Was a Kid!

This year's Vacation Bible School theme will take us to the little town of Nazareth, where we will see what life might have been like for a boy like Jesus, growing up. VBS will be held from Monday, July 6, through Friday, July 10, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch is included! Registration forms can be picked up at the church office. PLEASE REGISTER so that we know how many children to plan for, for supplies, food, etc. We'll learn great songs, play fun games, visit "Mary's" house, the Synagogue School, the Carpenter Shop, the Market Place, and much more! The following items are needed to help make this great week a success. If you can loan or contribute the following supplies, it would be much appreciated! PLEASE LABEL the loaned items to assure their safe return. Electric drill with 3/16 drill bits Melons Light-grade sandpaper Canned salmon Water-color paints & brushes Baklava Cotton balls Onions String Honey Newspapers (to protect tables) Flatbread Toothpicks Cheese Thin lacing Fruit, esp. grapes & oranges Miscellaneous beads Bread Fruit-Loops Quick-growing seeds Extra-virgin olive oil Small peat pots Hand wipes & old washcloths & towels Potting soil with no fertilizer Mortars & pestles Balloons Herbs: mint, basil, rose petals, lavender Shallow plastic child's wading pool Wicker baskets - various sizes & shapes Scraps of wood For costumes: OLD bathrobes, blankets (Mexican, etc.), adult t-shirts (we'll cut the sleeves off), scarves, pillowcases Please bring these items to church and we will collect them in the back-right Sunday School room. THANK YOU!!!


U.S. Spring Storms The situation:

This spring has delivered several storms and severe weather events around the U.S. One significant event is severe flooding in Texas and Oklahoma as torrential rains wreaked havoc in parts of the two states during Memorial Day weekend.

The record rainfall caused flash flooding in normally dry riverbeds, and rivers rose so quickly that whole communities woke up after a night of rain to find themselves surrounded by water. Reports show that

Houston alone received 11 inches of rain in one day and the Blanco River is at more than triple its flood stage. The sudden onset of the rains and flooding has proven fatal, as 31 people have died and several more are missing. Streets and interstates are submerged, more than 4,000 homes are damaged or

destroyed, and there are piles of wreckage more than 20 feet high. For many cities in the area, this has been the wettest May, or even month, on record, and more rain is

in the forecast. Our response:

Through our congregations, synods and disaster affiliate organizations, Lutheran Disaster Response is working to assist those who are most affected by flooding. We are assessing the immediate and long-

term needs of those in the flooded areas, and we will act in coordination with our network of ELCA synods and social ministry organizations. We know that this will be a long road to recovery, and we will be there to assist those who have been affected through every phase of this disaster recovery process.

Your gifts are needed to begin relief efforts. What you can do: Give

Your gifts designated for "U.S. Spring Storms" will be used in full (100 percent) to assist those directly

impacted. - See more at:



Serving in June, 2015

Area Date June 6 & 7 June 13 & 14

Lectors 4:30 pm

10:30 am

Jan Hatridge

Bernie Becklund

Alice Hart

Gitta Falkenberg





Lorrie Blalock

Jan Hatridge

Patrick Rudnicky

Greeters 4:30pm


The Lewis Family

Bernie Becklund, Penny Kuhaneck




Bob Kleiber, Arlen Schneider

Jim & Rita Worm

Bob Kleiber, Arlen Schneider

Dick Falkenberg & Jay Linden

Altar Ginnie Radi, Regina Cerny,

Jan Hatridge

Regina Cerny, Jan Hatridge



Liz McCandless

Nancy Trott

Area Date June 20 & 21 June 27 & 28

Lectors 4:30pm


Jim Hart

Martha Prestipino

Dawson Singleton

Laura Wickett





Jan Hatridge

Laura Wickett

Laura Wickett

Larry Riegner

Greeters 4:30pm


Nancy and Ron Trott

Ginnie Radi

Martha Prestipino




Bob Kleiber, Arlen


Geoff & Georgia


Bob Kleiber, Arlen


Jim & Rita Worm


Jan Hatridge,

Laura Wickett

Regina Cerny,

Laura Wickett





Please contact these persons to say that you would also like to serve!

Lectors and Ushers-Rita Worm, 322- 9959 Altar Set-up-Regina Cerny, 304-9218

Assisting Ministers-Lorrie Blalock, 788-1385 Crucifers-Church office, 761-9129

Greeters-10:30 AM Beth Jones 756-6456

We would appreciate help with the Sunday morning fellowship coffee time. Please sign up to bring a plate of

your favorite goodies to share in the library. Homemade or store bought are welcome.

Call Nancy Trott (386)761-4007 to help with this ministry.

Thank you to those who have participated in this ministry


April, 2015 Financial Report


June, 2015 Calendar

Trumpet Deadline - We rely, encourage, and welcome information submitted to

“The Trumpet” for publication. However, in order to maintain consistency and unity

of church policy and to conform to layout requirements, the editor and staff reserve

the right to edit all material. Deadline for the July, 2015 issue is Sunday, June 21.


All Saints Lutheran Church

751 Dunlawton Avenue

Port Orange, FL 32127




Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday -10:30am

9:15am - Sunday school, Confirmation and Adult


In recession for the summer


Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Phone (386) 761-9129

STAFF Pastor: Stanley E. Wickett

Pastor Emeritus: Gerald B. VandeMark

Missionary: Rev. Kevin L. Jacobson (Suriname)

Song Leader: 4:30pm –Terri Adams

Accompanist: 10:30am – Terri Adams

Choir Director: 10:30am - Julia Hood

Church Administrator: Elizabeth B. McCandless

Child Care: Wanda Lee

Sexton: Lurana Coolbaugh

Weekday Childhood Ministries Interim Director:

Phyllis King

Trumpet Editor: Elizabeth B. McCandless