All Around the World, Workshops for Making Wooden...

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Transcript of All Around the World, Workshops for Making Wooden...

All Around the World, Workshops for Making Wooden Handplanes Are Here to Stay

This is what making your own tools looks like! David Fleming’s happy plane making students, l—r: Josh Owens,

Christine Lee, DJ Zor, Mo Kirdani with their new handplanes. David teaches

a host of workshops at his own shop as well as at

The Southwest School of Woodworking.

From Sharp & to the Point; A Shameless Shill

for Hock Tools, #4/2017

T his is our third article about schools that teach you to build your own wooden handplane, and this photograph from Da-vid Fleming shows us just what it feels like.

Schools generally do not offer these courses all the time. So, it is good to browse the Internet to check on your favorite school or schools in and around your location. Classes are listed with de-scriptions, dates, costs, and what you can expect. Woodworkers also vacation by taking such classes in places not so close to home. You might want to think about a bit of woodworking travel! Also, think about this: woodworkers who make their own handplanes (and other tools) find it extremely satisfying to use them. They feel pride in having built a tool for themselves. They discover that their wooden handplanes are more immediate and to-the-touch than metal planes. Of course metal planes have their many uses, but they are different. Wooden handplanes — especial-ly those molded to your own hands – are unlike generic manufac-tured metal planes. Your own wooden hand planes help you be-come facile, both at one with the tool and the work at hand. — Linda at Hock Tools

1. The Furniture Institute of Massachusetts, Beverly, Massa-


Perhaps you know Phil Lowe, who is

long considered one of the U.S.’s most

distinguished furniture makers and in-

structors, and whose Furniture Insti-

tute of Massachusetts’s schedule

sometimes includes a workshop on

making handplanes. The winter 2017

workshop was taught by Gloucester,

Massachusetts cabinetmaker John

Cameron, who studied with James

Krenov in 1993 and ’94.

According to John and FIM, “A hand-

made wooden plane is light, responsive

and capable of the finest smoothing

and shaping. In the Institute’s two-day

class, students employ basic wood-

working skills to transform a block of hardwood into a sensitive and lasting

tool. As planes are completed, students learn or refine their sharpening

Master furniture maker Philip Lowe, Director of The Furniture Institute

of Massachusetts.

and planing techniques, in-

cluding learning about a

plane’s overall mechanics,

which develops each stu-

dent’s ability to handily trou-

bleshoot and tune up any

plane. Basic woodworking

skills are practiced within the

workshop to help students

develop a high degree of ac-

curacy in their own wood-

working, making the plane

they made at The Furniture

Institute of Massachusetts a

particularly valued and long-

lasting woodworking tool.

Students become more

knowledgeable about a plane's mechanics, enabling confident trouble-

shooting and tuning of any plane.”

2. Southwest School of Woodworking,

Phoenix, AZ.

The Southwest School of Woodworking was

founded in 2013 by furniture-maker Raúl

Ramírez. By collaborating with other pro-

fessional teaching woodworkers, Raúl de-

veloped a school that provides a compre-

hensive woodworking curriculum. David

Fleming, who, like John Cameron in Massa-

chusetts, was a James Krenov student, but

in 1985 and ’86, leaves his own workshop

to teach SCFC’s wooden handplane work-

shops. David’s course description discusses

what he learned from Krenov, "Jim Krenov

talked about his wooden planes as instru-

ments, as sensitive in the hands of a craftsman as a fine violin is in the

hands of a master musician, and I agree with him. You can hold it and use

it in ways impossible (or at least awkward and uncomfortable) with a

standard metal plane. It responds to changes in pressure as you use it,

This Krenov styled wooden hand plane was made

at Phil Lowe’s Furniture Institute of Massachu-

setts with instructor John Cameron.

“Transform a block of hardwood into a

sensitive and lasting tool…”

Using a metal plane to get the wood-

en hand plane’s shape just right at

Southwest School of Woodworking.

and with your hands wrapped around the body of the tool the process of

planing wood becomes more of a sensory experience -- I would go so far

as to say a sensual experience. The two-day workshop includes building a

classic Krenov-style smoothing plane, fitted with an 0-1 Hock iron, along

with a 3 oz. brass adjusting hammer.

There’s nothing quite like the

feeling you get the moment that

first shaving exits the throat of a

new plane, made with your own


3. Mt. Diablo Unified School

District's Adult Education

Woodworking Program (MDAE),

Pleasant Hill, CA.

I’m not sure if this is a unique adult

education program, but the wood-

working program at MDAE is ex-

ceptional and far reaching in the

San Francisco Bay Area’s East Bay.

This program takes on much of the

promise of private and community

school programs in fine wood-

working, and reaches rather deep-

ly into its community. A full faculty

of woodworkers teach in this pro-

gram, which includes a Master Series taught by woodworking professional

Brian Condran, who in 1995 and ’96 also studied with James Krenov.

MDAE’s Master Series is designed for woodworker seeking to elevate their

woodworking skills beyond the hobby level.

Student made wooden handplanes at Southwest School of Woodworking.

A raft of student made wooden hand planes from Mount Diablo Adult Education Wood-working Program’s Master Series course

taught by Brian Condran.

4. Highland Woodworking, Atlanta, GA.

Jim Dillon teaches a bi-

monthly intro to hand

planes at Highland

Woodworking, a fa-

mous tool shop &

school for woodwork-

ers. He also teaches a

one-night workshop

where students build

the Hock Krenov-style

plane kit. It’s a quick

class, but students get

a good idea of the ba-

sics, and take home a

useful plane a professional helped them build. So, I say it’s a win-win.

On February 2, Jim sent me an email saying, “In my bimonthly 'using hand

planes' class, I show them all the steps in getting a rusty old flea market

Stanley running. Then I take out my Hock plane and show them how you

just check the sole for flatness, tap in the iron with a tiny hammer, and

start making shavings . . . always a pleasure to lower that intimidation

threshold with regards to a hammer-adjusted plane!”

So, yeah! Lots of fun and a lifetime tool to go along with it.

A newly built wooden handplane from one of Jim Dillon’s

workshops at Highland Woodworking.

Jim Dillon teaching at Highland

Woodworking. A white board

makes any workshop legit! Taken from a March 8, 2017 Jim Dil-

lon tweet: We had a great time at

@highlandwood last night thanks to

plane kits from @hocktools !

5. Centre for Fine Woodworking, Nelson, New Zealand.

Now, this could be a vacation! Tucked away in the coastal town of Nelson,

New Zealand, the Centre offers a wide selection of courses, including

weekend workshops, project-based short courses for beginners and inter-

mediate level, an 8-week beginners Intensive, master classes, guitar mak-

ing courses, and a full-time furniture makers’ program, or programme, de-


One of the approaches the Centre

takes to hand tool instruction is to

demonstrate the difference between a

standard plane blade and a Hock

blade. Students notice the difference

instantly; the extra thickness of the

Hock blade gives a depth of control

which is hard to achieve with a stand-

ard plane blade. The most interesting

part of this demonstration is to show

students how to look at what a tool of-

fers, and then, if it isn’t just so, that

this means there are problems to be

solved. In this case, Hock blades offer

a solution to standard blades.

According to the Centre’s Thorkild

Hansen, “A wooden plane offers more

stability than a metal plane as the

wooden body absorbs the vibration.

The pleasure of making your own

personalized hand tool is most satis-

fying - not only can you customize it

so it's visually appealing but you can

also create something for the exact

purpose of use, where a standard

plane or spokeshave just doesn't

quite do the job. In our plane making

classes, students choose what type of

plane they want to make - usually a

block, smoothing or shooting plane -

although a couple of students have made a radius plane as they were go-

ing to be attending one of David Haig's "Curvature" Master Class.

Detail from the top of a student-made plane from The Centre of Fine Woodwork-ing. Did I tell you the title of this newslet-ter includes the words, shameless shill?

Student-made plane from The Centre for Fine Woodworking. Wouldn’t you say that

this plane looks proud, ready for work, and happy to be on the bench? Plucky

as the Brave Little Toaster!

6. Etz Ladaat (Tree of Knowledge) School of Fine Woodworking,

Hazafon, Israel.

At Etz Ladaat, head instructor Nathan

Van't Hof thinks it important to learn

plane making because it gives you

freedom and control over your work,

which offers self-sufficiency, opens the

mind for innovation, and connects you

to the craft.

Another woodworker inspired by the

teachings and writings of James Krenov,

Nathan’s woodworking and his own teach-

ing follows suit, “we believe that honest,

true and individual work, where one can

create fine furniture with emphasis on de-

tails through a dialogue with oneself, the

material, the tools and the right relation-

ship between all those, creates the joy of

working with wood. Making tools in gen-

eral is very important to understand how

the tools work, and it allows one to more

deeply connect to the work-process. In

plane making even more so, because it is

a complex tool. Making it fit your own

hands and your posture is an amazing

learning experience in fine woodworking.”

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Hock Tools The Sharpening Blog

The Perfect Edge

Nathan Van’t Hof instructs students on

adjusting the blade in their Krenov

styled wooden handplane at Etz Ladaat

School of Fine Woodworking.

Student made wooden handplanes at Etz Ladaat. Different shapes and sizes

to fit each hand and working style.