All About Ethan Introducing Me! My Family My Pets Things I Like to Do My Favorite Books More.

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of All About Ethan Introducing Me! My Family My Pets Things I Like to Do My Favorite Books More.

All About Ethan

Introducing Me!

My Family

My Pets

Things I Like to Do

My Favorite Books


Introducing Me!

My name is Ethan. I am

nine years old. I have two

dogs, a bird, grasshoppers

and fish. I live in the woods. I

have lots of Beanie Babies.

My favorite hobby is going

biking down the hills. That's

all about me.

My Family

My dad works on airplanes. My mom is a business woman. My brother is in 7th grade at Post Middle School. I have a sister that is my twin.

My Pets

I have lots of pets at

home. My bird comes on my

finger sometimes. It’s really

cool. I feed my fish twice a

day. I have two dogs. Obsidian

the black dog is really smart.

She knows sit, shake, lay

down, come, stay, and “try to

get out“. She’s really smart.

Things I Like to Do

I like to go racing down the hills in the trails as fast as I can.

I like to go hiking up in our campsite. I like to hike down to the house at the top of the hill. My favorite hobby is making paths around in the woods and at the logs. I like walking around and try to catch grasshoppers in the grass. It’s really fun doing it in the grass. I like to play with the dogs and pet their tummies every day when I come home.

My Favorite Books

My favorite book is Harry

Potter. I read the first, the second,

and the third Harry Potter books.

My favorite author is Roald Dahl.

My favorite book is CHAMBER of

SECERITS. My other favorite

books are Holes and The Thief.

Things that are fun to play

I like to play computer games like Rampage. I also like to watch cartoons, science fiction, and other movies on TV. I like to type. At recess I like to play kickball or four square. It’s fun to play kickball and four square. I like to go to the library in town.