Alien abduction real

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A La Carte Project: Alien Abduction

Transcript of Alien abduction real

Alien Alien AbductionAbduction

By: Jasmine Underwood-KunewaBy: Jasmine Underwood-KunewaEng 101 Stacy TaylorEng 101 Stacy Taylor

Table of Contents

1 Definitions

2-3 First Indication

4-5 Inside Spaceship

6-8 Procedure

9 After Abduction

10 Works Cited

★ Alien Abductions: The alleged abduction of humans by extraterrestrial beings for purposes which are unclear, but may involve medical procedures, examinations and/or impregnation ("").

★ Abductee: A person who claims to have been abducted.

★ Hybrid: Half alien-half human beings.


The first indication that an abduction is about to occur, is an unexplained intense blue or white light that enters the bedroom.

A weird buzzing or humming sound, or

the sense of unusual presence

and the direct sighting of one or more aliens in the room is another


By this time, the abductee is feeling numb or paralyzed.

After the first initial contact, the abductee is “floated” down the hall, through the wall or windows of the house, or through the roof of the car.

The abductee is accompanied by one, two or more aliens who guide the abductee into the ship.

The alien craft vary in size from a few feet wide to several hundred yards wide. The ship is described of being silvery or metallic in color and a cigar-saucer, or dome shape.

White, blue, orange, and red lights radiates from the bottom of the craft in which is associated with the porthole like openings that ring the outer edge.

Once the abductee is in the ship, they find themselves in a small dark room, then later taken to a larger room.

“The larger room is brightly lit, with a hazy luminosity from indirect light sources in the walls. Computer like consoles and other equipment and instruments line the sides of the rooms” (Mack 29-45).

More alien beings are witnessed inside of the ships doing different tasks such as monitoring the instruments and helping with the abduction procedure.

The “greys” are the most common known species of aliens during

abductions. They are described as:

★The head is large.

★Eye’s are slanted, large and black.

★Nose is usually vague.

★Mouth is indicated by a small slit without lips.

★Arms are long and thin, and reach to the knees.

★Legs are short and thin.

“Communication between the aliens and humans is telepathic, mind to mind or thought to thought” (Mack 29-45).

The procedure begins with the abductee undressed or wearing only a single garment then layed down on a table. The aliens seem to “study” the abductees in a sense of taking over their mind by staring extensively into their eyes very closely.

The aliens would take skin, hair and other samples from the abductees body with the use of instruments. “Instruments are used to penetrate every part of the abductees body including the nose, sinuses, eyes, ears, other parts of the head, arms, legs, feet, abdomen, and genitalia” (Mack 29-45).

The most common procedure done on abductees, is the reproductive system. Alien beings will take sperm samples from men and remove or fertilize eggs of the female.

Some abductees experience being impregnated by the alien beings and later having an alien-human or human-human pregnancy removed.

The “hybrid babies” are later removed from the abductee and put into containers or incubators on the ships. Sometimes the aliens try to have the human mothers nurture their hybird babies.

“The aliens plan to colonize the earth with their new race and replace the human race” (Menkin).

Another related aspect of the alien abduction deals with the alteration of consciousness of the abductee.

The aliens are able to reach deeply into the emotional and spiritual lives of the abductees and change their perceptions of themselves, the world and their place in it.

Some abductees are shown horrific images of devastations that may occur to the Earth in the future by aliens. The abductees tend to believe this prediction and become frightened.

Others believe their duty is to inform other humans about these future predictions and believe if they don’t, they will be taken to another place to participate in the evolution of life in the universe.

After the abduction process, abductees are returned back to their previous place; bed or vehicle.

Sometimes abductees are returned by having their body faced in a wrong direction on the bed, or their pajamas on backwards or inside out and even garments or jewelry missing.

After the abduction, some physical features are found on the human body as in cuts, scars, scoop marks, and small fresh ulcers.

Throughout an abductees life, they may suffer from long term symptoms such as fear in needles, traumas, headaches nasal sinus pains, limb pains, gastrointestinal and urological-gynecological symptoms, and disturbances of sexual functioning.

Alien abductions have occurred for many years since the first recorded story of Antonio Villas Boas in 1957.

Aliens have no specific victim type but the phenomenons do occur within families, sometimes three to four generations.

Till this day, alien abductions still occur and scientist as well as psychologist, try to study the abductees to get a better understanding on the reasons for this occurence.

There is said to believe there is no physical evidence to account on for these alien abduction phenomenons but many people around the world come close to having the same feelings and descriptions of experiences. So why not believe them?

• "Alien Abduction." N.p.. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <>.

• "Aliens Everything You Want to Know." (2009): n.pag. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <http://>.

• "Alien Abduction Implant Illness Symptoms ." 12VN.Net (2012): n.pag. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <>.

• Christian Information Ministries, . "UFO'S and Alien Abductions." Christian Information Ministries (2003): n.pag. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <>.

• Coddon, Karin. UFO's. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomas Gale, 2005. Print.

Works Cited

• Dimitris, Hatzopoulos. "Alien Abduction Phenomenon." UFO Alien Abductions (2012): n.pag. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <>.

• Jacobs, David. "International Center for Abduction Research." n.pag. International Center for Abduction Research. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <>.

• Mack, John. Human Encounters with Aliens Abduction. New York, NY : Charles Scribner's Sons Macmillan , 1994. 29-45. Print.

• Menkin, Michael. "Aliens and Children Children's Encounter's with Real Aliens From Space." n.pag. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <>.

• Symbiot_manolo, . N.d. PhotobucketWeb. 6 Nov 2012. <[term]=alien&filters[primary]=images>.

Works Cited