#ALI SM Sept 30 Ottawa

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of #ALI SM Sept 30 Ottawa

  • 1. Putting the Social in Social Media: How to Engage YourEmployees Before YouEngage the Publicto Drive Innovationand Increase Productivity

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. the agenda p)introduction i) obstacles to engagement and innovation ii) how social media is tearing down silos iii) how to engage with tools for effectiveness iv) q&a 7. part i:obstacles to engagementand innovation 8. the ground is shifting social media is a disruptive technology 9. it's causing tension creating barriers to engagement and innovation 10. examples moving from, moving to, barriers,and rewards (e.g. innovation and engagement) 11. people are closedesp. those in authority from a world where ... 12. people are open to new ideas to a world where ... 13. reward(s):

  • ideas generation

14. cross pollination 15. healthy relationships 16. motivating people are open barrier(s):

  • can't contribute

17. group think 18. adversarial 19. draining people are closed movement tension 20. people arecontrolled by fear from a world where ... 21. people aregiven freedomand responsibility to a world where ... 22. movement tension reward(s):

  • fosters participation

23. rewards performance and calculated risks given freedom barrier(s):

  • kills participation

24. race to the bottom 25. rewards not making mistakes controlled by fear 26. info iscentralized, protectedandcontrolled from a world where ... 27. info isfreely distributedanduncontrolled to a world where ... 28. movement tension reward(s):

  • situationally adaptive

29. instantly attainable 30. serendipity of open freely distributed uncontrolled barriers(s):

  • heavy/slow process

31. difficult to access 32. reinventing the wheel centralized protected controlled 33. publishingthe messageis controlled from a world where ... 34. anyone can publish (or republish) the message to a world where ... 35. movement tension reward(s):

  • engaged voices

36. message focused 37. people connected by participation anyone can publish barrier(s):

  • lack of voice

38. process focused 39. people are disjointed publishingis controlled 40. information tools areimposed by the group from a world where ... 41. information tools are selectedby individuals to a world where ... 42. movement tension reward(s):

  • humanizing

43. life 2.0 44. seamless selected barrier(s):

  • just another #

45. work 1.0 46. time warp imposed 47. info is pushedw/o permission from a world where ... 48. peoplepull the infothey want to a world where ... 49. movement tension reward(s):

  • signal

50. asks you to opt in 51. filters saving time pull the info barrier(s):

  • noise

52. can't opt out 53. iterations wasting timeinfo is pushed 54. people work behindclosed doors from a world where ... 55. work is transparent to a world where ... 56. movement tension reward(s):

  • deep understanding

57. constant learning 58. anticipate issues 59. decisions can stand transparent barrier(s):

  • how and why obscured

60. no learning 61. often too late 62. poor decision making closed doors 63. peoplethink in isolation from a world where ... 64. peoplethink openlywith others to a world where ... 65. movement tension reward(s):

  • innovation

66. collaboration 67. work isn't so worky 68. supportive culture think openly barrier(s):

  • stagnation

69. disconnected 70. clock-watching 71. dysfunction think in isolation 72. dominated by theprofessional voice from a world that is ... 73. embraces thepersonal voice to a world that ... 74. movement tension reward(s):

  • real conversations

75. I think we should ... 76. passion spills over 77. leave wanting more personal voice barrier(s):

  • bureaucratic jargon

78. sense around the ... 79. dry posturing 80. boring / distracted professional voice 81. learning isadditional work from a world where ... 82. sociallearning is natural to a world where ... 83. movement tension reward(s):

  • free

84. accessible daily 85. omni-directional 86. fun learning is natural barrier(s):

  • costs money

87. requires approvals 88. uni-directional 89. boring additional work 90. part ii:how social media is tearing down silos 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. part III:how to engage with tools for effectiveness how to set the stage for user driven innovation, increased productivity and better retention 105. remove filters to the richness of the web 106. play safe appropriate technologies internally 107. build trust ask questions, try new things, build relationships 108. understand your goals make sure your team knows why you are doing it 109. build together create common frameworks 110. learn together take advantage of overlapping opportunities 111. establish guardrails let employees know where the organization stands 112. nurture interest be a principled enabler 113. focus on attitude don't generalize about generations 114. manage the challenges be proactive and consistent on all fronts 115. understand the risks social media is rendering the invisible visible 116. spend where it counts invest in the enterprise 117. tear down the firewall and party like it is 1989 118. 119. part iv:q&a 120.