Ali AlZaki

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Transcript of Ali AlZaki

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Kingdom of Bahrain

Open University of Malaysia (OUM)

Health Information Directorate (HID)Ministry of Health (MoH)   Kingdom of Bahrain

Student's name: Ali Abduljalil Abbas Alzaki

Student's ID: 51060221

Section: 3

Course: Fundamentals of ICT ( BMIT5103)

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary................................. ...........................


Introduction........................................................................ 4

The organizational chart of HID................................ ........ 5

HID resources in Ministry of Health.................................. 5

Business systems and their analysis.......................... ........ 11

Business critical applications........................................ .... 15

Major challenges and issues facing HID..................... ...... 19

The Business perception of HID in ministry of health.... 22

Conclusion and finding...................................................... 26

References....................................................................... ........28

Appendix....................................... ..................................... 29

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1.Executive Summary:

This report is about the IT department at Ministry of 

Health in Kingdom of Bahrain. It is known as HealthInformation Department (HID).

After the Introduction of the report, there is a chart of the

HID. After that there is an explanation of HID resources

(Data, software, hardware, network, and people).

Then, the report will describe the business systems

available in the Ministry of Health and how they are helping

the Ministry.

After that, the report will explain    in detail- many

Business critical application being Implemented and

 planned or lacking. Then, there is a description of major 

challenges and issues facing HID.

Finally, the report shows the result of the survey that

indicates the Business perception of HID in the Ministry of Health.

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Health Information Directorate (HID) is responsible for the

 planning, development, implementation, management and support of the Ministry of Health Information System. It serves as the primary

expert for Information Technology for approximately 6,800

employees working in the Ministry, as well as the management of 

information, including data & statistical exchange and publications

within the Bahrain Ministry of Health.


To provide the right information to the right people at the right time

in order to provide the best services and health outcomes at reasonablecost.


According to the Bahrain Health Strategy for the years 2002    2010

Health Information Directorate should achieve the following objectives:

·  To provide an information communication technology infrastructure

that will link and support transactions and information sharing between

government regulators, public healthcare organization and the peopleof Bahrain.

·  To provide a National Health Information Center that will provide

real time online analytical decision support tools to assist in the

improvement of daily operations and clinical practice, as well as data

warehouse decision support tools for analyzing retrospective

information that will assist in prospectively planning improvements for 

the quality of services provided.

·  Develop a program of process reengineering to support theimplementation of information and communication technology.

·  To provide an integrated healthcare provider system that will support

referrals and information sharing between private and public clinical

venues of tertiary, secondary, or primary care across the kingdom.

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·  To provide an insurance Based Funding System Software that

supports the provider/payer/regulator requirements.

3.Organizational Chart of Health Information

Department (HID)

4.HID resources in the Organization:

4.1: People:Human Resources are the single most important asset in

Bahrain. Therefore the Ministry of Health is committed to investingtraining and development of all its employees. 

According to Health statistics 2005 , about 82% of theemployees in HID are Bahraini.(Figure 1 )The Statistics also show that 63% of the employees (bothBahraini & non Bahraini) are Male.1 (Figure 2 )

1 Health Information Directorate, Ministry of health, Health statistics , 2005 . 

HID Director 


Customer &Technologymanagement 


Knowledge &ProgramManagement 

Administration Advisor 

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Table ( 1 ) Manpower in Health Information Directorate by Nationality and sex , Healthstatistics , 2005

Non - BahrainiBahraini Female


& Non   





& Non   











Figure ( 1 ) Manpower in Health

Information Directorate by Nationality -





Non - Bahraini

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Figure ( 2 ) Manpower in Health

Information Directorate by sex - 2005






4.2: Data:

a. Health Statistics:

Health Statistics Report contains statistics and health indicators,

which illustrate the Health Status and the commitment to facilitate the

  provision of health care services to all nationals and residents of 

Bahrain. The data presented in the reports are collected from all

Ministry of Health peripherals, Bahrain Defense Force, Private

Hospitals and other health institutes in the country by publication

group at Health Information Directorate. These data highlights the

  population characteristics, their demographic, epidemics and health

status. The directorate main concern is that the accuracy of the

 published data, on time and has a full coverage of the health status.

The report is available now on the MoH Intranet and the Ministry of 

Health web site, it is also available on CD.

Without reliable data, it is impossible to assess effectively the

impact of policies, programs or any interventions in the health sector.

Without the right indicators, important problems might not be

detected; without a system-wide scope, solutions with unintended

consequences might be developed. Therefore, World Health

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Organization (WHO) is continuously developing stronger norms and

standards for overall health information systems at national and sub

national levels, with a focus on quality of data, methods for data

collection and estimations to enable managers and decision makers

to:Assess health situation and trends;

Assess needs for health services;

Define and measure goals, objectives and targets of health


Define the functions of health care services and units;

Set priorities for the allocation of resources and, accordingly, plan

the health services;

Manage the health programs, monitor and evaluate their 

 performance, and assess efficiency of recourses usage;Supervise and run training activities for the staff;

Coordinate activities within the health sector, and with other 

sectors in the health related matters to avoid unnecessary duplication;

Control Communicable Diseases.

 b. Clinical Data (Radiology, Pathology, Medical Records, etc)

c. Administrative data (Financial, Personnel, Material Management,

Drug control, Laundry, etc)

4.3: Hardware & Network:

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Figure (3) : shows how HID connect to other department in Ministry of health.

MoH has implemented many Local Area Network (LAN) &

Wide Area Network (WAN)Infrastructure projects. These

implementations contributed to improving the availability and qualityof services by providing access to various systems. All buildings

within Salmaniya Medical Complex(SMC) are interconnected

through a fiber optic network underground. This minimized the

communication cost, and provides fast and reliable access to the

network resources. In addition, all departments are connected to and

managed from one central location through100Mbps Ethernet

network where all resources are maintained and supported by expert

 people.1 Other services (  Internet, Email, etc) In Addition, MoH

connected many remote sites such as Health Centers, Head Quarter offices, and External hospitals through Frame Relay and Leased lines


Also, MoH is part of the Government Data Network (GDN) that

connects all Bahrain Government Bodies and exchanges data. MoH

1 The official website of Ministry of health, (

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is using Microwave and Infrared technologies to connect to GDN,

which provide faster and cost effective solution.

·  Wireless Computing In Healthcare :

In coordination with Salmaniya Administration, HID has beenconducting presentations and hands trials on these technologies.

Presently, a 10MBPS wireless network has been setup at HID and a

Tablet PC and a Palm device are loaded with a sample health

application to illustrate the versatile and efficiency of this new


The Tablet PC is about the same size as a standard sheet of paper 

and much smaller and lighter than a laptop and can be used as a

 portable unit with a retractable keyboard or on its own with a digitalstylus (pen).

Key features are:

-  Flexible

The Tablet PC provides the full power and functionality of a PC or 

a notebook PC, with the additional options to use a digital pen or 

even voice recognition to take notes or /and enter data. Digital Ink technology also empowers handwriting- enabled applications,

allowing users to write and draw naturally, or convert their notes to

text and input information on the spot.

-  Mobile

Light weight (approximately = 1.5KG) and about the size of an A4 pad, the Tablet PC is both small and lightweight enough to carry

around. Of course, such technologies will be set as requirements of 

the MHIS (Ministry of Health Information System) Project. Indeed,

its foreseen by the healthcare industry that the introduction of these

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concepts would significantly improve the way we provide care to the


4.4: Software :

The current software packages are mainly covering the basic

functions such as Admission- Transfer and Discharge, Financials,

Radiology, Lab, Appointments, and Logistic services. Most of the

applications are handling data and are connected by point to point


Oracle :

RDBMS application using Oracle database: (the complete list is in

the Appendix)

-  Mother and Child Healthcare (MCH) :

The Mother and Child Health Care System are used to collect

information about mothers and children, such as BIO data,

appointment bookings, results, immunizations, and child screening &

abnormality etc. The main output of this system is statistical reports.

-  Catering System (CAT) :

The Catering System is used to keep track of the weekly requisition

and reception of food items at SMC and psychiatric hospital kitchens.

-  Daily Revenue Reporting System (DRR) :

The Daily Revenue Reporting System is used to produce daily reports

of all MOH services revenues.-  Drug Control System (DCS) :

The Drug Control System is used to register all drug pharmacies and

 pharmacists, issue and renew their licenses.

-  Licensure Registration System (LRS):

1 Heath Information Directorate , HIDINFO line , July/August 2003, Issue No. 82 Ministry of Health , Health Information Technology Strategy , 2nd Edition 2004, p11.

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The Licensure Registration System is used to register and issue

licenses to all nurses & doctors in Bahrain.

5.Business Systems and their analysis:

5.1: Web-based Systems:

a. Internet & Intranet :

- Internet : Internet website was developed with the aim of publishing

MoH services on the web. The website contains valuable information

about health services, facilities, activities as well as health education,

health conferences and health societies. Public information includes

health centers contact numbers, opening hours, medical checkup

guidelines for students and domestic workers and other information

required by the public sector.

-Intranet : MoH intranet web site has been launched since June 2001.

It serves as a mean of communication and exchanging information

  between MoH employees. The site is structured so that each

directorate/department should have their own section. Following are

the available sections: MoH main, A&E, DEM, HID, DMM, DT,MED, Nursing and Ophthalmology.

The features of web sites include: department history, services,

human resources, news, event calendars and photo galleries. Most of 

the sites also have business forms that can be downloaded and filled.

Others have on-line forms that can be filled and processed

electronically like that of the DEM as a way to speed business

 processes and cut down paper usage. MoH intranet is also an accurate

source for different publication and statistical information.Intranet website has been developed with the objective of 

communication and sharing of information. The intranet enables

MoH employees, departments and functions to get easier access to

quality information, improve speed of communication and reduce the

number of papers floating around. Most of the health functions have

web pages on the intranet.

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5.2: Health Messaging Services (HMS):

Short messaging services (SMS) is a web-based tool that

facilitates the communication easily with customers of anyorganization. It offers the ability to send and receive text messages

 between mobile telephones over cellular networks. One of the most

recent developments in this area is the emergence of multimedia

messaging service (MMS). Unlike SMS, MMS allows mobile phone

users to enhance their messages by incorporating sound, images and

other rich content.

Ministry of Health (MoH) has initiated Health Messaging

Services Project (HMS) to utilize SMS to send short messages to patients/staff of Ministry of Health. This service will enable MoH to

easily broadcast SMS messages to SMS capable devices of its


With HMS the patients/staff of MoH will be able to receive

SMS messages on their mobile for certain services such as:

1. Outpatient and Radiology Appointments.

2. Calling doctors/nurses for emergency.3. Informing patients about the readiness of their lab results.

4. Informing patients/staff of new services launched on MoH website.

5. Looking for Blood donation.

6. Informing mothers of their child vaccinations.

7. Informing patients of latest vaccinations available in Health


8. and others.

The HMS has many benefits to the patients/staff and theMinistry. It will improve the services of MoH provided to patients,

and will ease the communication between patients/staff and Ministry

of Health.

Groupware email service : Groupware email service was introduced

and Implemented successfully. Most of the departments including

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Head office have been connected through Groupware. This tool is

considered the standard for internal communication within the


5.3:Patient Information Management System (PIMS) :

responsible to support the MDIS (McDonnell Douglas Information

System) health applications. The following list are all applications

running at SMC and Health Centres. This system has nine application

,these application are:

a.  Patient Master Index (PMI) : The Patient Master Index System

includes patient registration, patient merge, patient deletion,

 patient search, medical files location update, CPR enquiry, alertand allergies registration as well as general reports. This

application is integrated to all MDIS health system.

 b. Admission, Transfer, Discharge (ATD) : The Admission,

Transfer and Discharge System consists of patients registration,

admission, transfer, discharging, study report, and bed

utilization review modules. All ATD modules are implemented.

The system provides statistical reports.

c.  Outpatient Appointment (OPD): The Outpatient Appointments

System is used for patients' appointments registration,

scheduling & rescheduling, as well as generating statistical


d. Accident & Emergency : The Accident and Emergency System

consists of patients registration, screening, doctor, and

treatment details modules as well as statistical reports.Currently, the registration module is implemented while other 

modules are not used.

e.  Pathology Modules: The pathology Modules are implemented in

different sections Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology,

Histology, and Cytology. The Pathology modules are used for 

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request registration, result entry, laboratory results printing and

inquiry as well as statistical reports modules.

f.  Waiting List System: The Waiting List System is a standalone

system that maintains pre-admission data of patients who are onthe operations waiting list. It is not integrated with Admission,

Transfer and discharge (ATD) system.

g. Radiology: The Radiology System includes radiology pre-

examination entry, post-exam entry, review entry, reporting

module and Film bag tracking (which is not used).

h. Blood Bank: The Blood Bank System consists of patient

registration, blood donors, cross match main modules andstatistical reports.

5.4 : Online Inventory Management System (OLIMS) and

Relational database management system (RDBMS):

OLIMS & RDBMS group is responsible for the following running


a.  Limited Private Practice (LPP): The Limited Private Practice

application is used to prepare payroll of all doctors and staff 

working in the Limited Private Practice.

 b. Road Traffic Accident System (RTA): The Road Traffic

Accidents System is used to issue invoices to insurance

companies for treatments of road traffic accidents injuries

serviced by SMC A&E.

c.  ORACLE Patient Master Index (OPMI): The ORACLE

Patient Master Index system is used as a database containing basic patient information, to establish a communication link 

  between H.I.D. ORACLE Systems and C.I.O. demographic

data and to establish a means of transferring Patient Master 

Index (P.M.I.) from the current MDIS platform into


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d. Student Immunization Registration System (SIRS).: The

Student Immunization Registration System is used to ensure

that all students in Bahrain receive the correct immunization

from disease, at the right time and to facilitate the

establishment of an Electronic Patient Record.

6.Business critical applications:

6.1 Healthy Governorates Program (HGP) : 

Healthy cities is about, by WHO definition, changing the ways

in which cities think about, understand and make decisions abouthealth (in its' broad content - physical, environmental, social and

economical aspects) based on partnership since health is

everybody's business and most statutory and non-statutory sectors

have a role to play in health development.

A healthy city is "one that is continually creating and

improving those physical and social environments

and expanding those community resources which enable people tomutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and

in developing to their maximum potential".

The main Goal:

The main goal of HGP is to improve public health by giving the

  priority to improve the level of health, environmental and social

services and conditions in the governorates.

The objectives:- To increase public awareness about health and environmental

 problems in the governorates.

- Enhancing community support and participation in conducting

situational analysis in different governorates, preparing plan of action

and implementing priority health and environmental

activities and projects.

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-Supporting and enhancing governorates ability to confront the

health, environmental and social problems by partnership and

cooperation developed between all governmental organizations, Non

Governmental Organization NGO's and community members.

 HGP Plan:

Healthy Governorates Programme will be implemented through a

 plan comprising six phases, taking into consideration the

WHO/EMRO Healthy Cities strategies, approaches and planning

 phases :

1. Preparation phase.

2. Planning and Organization phase.

3. Establishment phase.4. Expansion phase.

5. Consolidation phase.

6. Completed phase.

Geographically small and with a well-organized (though still

centralized health infrastructure

already in place], Bahrain represents a good opportunity to take a

Healthy Cities concept nationwide for the first time in the world. TheKingdom's HGP is a six-phase scheme which will be implemented in

one of the governorates in the initial phases of the programme

(Muharraq Governorate) and eventually encompass all five

governorates working towards one clear objective.1 

6.2 Ministry of Health Intranet Project : (lacking)

Lack of common information repositories cause different types of 

 problems that

1 Heath Information Directorate , HIDINFO line , March 2004 , Issue No. 11 .

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hinder communication between directorates and prevent increased

 productivity of each directorate which results in wasted time/efforts

for decision makers in accessing the right information at the right

time, as listed below:

There is no well-defined structure for making information available

to other directorates except by email or by a letter. Imagine how

much communication time, efforts, papers and money are wasted if a

message needs to be transferred to all these directorates to be posted

on their notice boards.

The current email application has its limitation, since it is just an

off-the-shelf office organizer package, and the user cannot use it to

run or access applications.

A lot of time and effort is wasted when asking for information from

other directorates.

Using different user interfaces to access applications requires a lot

of efforts and money to establish these interfaces.

Using different user interfaces will require different types of training

for users dependent on the application user interface.

The volume of paper (letters, faxes, notice board messages, etc.)

used to share information between the directorates is huge.1 

6.3 Pharmacy Management System:

 Project Objectives:

a.  Introduce greater control over the distribution and issue

of drugs.

 b. Monitor drug usage by cost, department, doctor, etc.

c.  Provide improved patient care by ensuring appropriate

Drugs are prescribed

1 Directorate of Training , Ministry of health, Healthcare Management CQI Projects Vol. 1    2002 , page 253.

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 Project Scope :

a. Phase 1 : December 2006 : Select and purchase third-

 party PMS

b. Phase 2 : July 2007: Implement at SMC Pharmacy and

all areas supplied by SMC Pharmacy.

c.  Future Project : Roll out to all MoH Health Centres and

external Hospitals.

 Interfaces   Future Requirements :

a.  ORACLE Inventory: Stock Movements and

Inventory (Drugs) .

b. Electronic Health Record: Patient Medical History.

c.  Drug Control System:  Drug and RegistrationDetails.

d. Order Communications: Prescription Ordering.

e.  Patient Billing System: Billing Information.


·  Within SMC (main campus) sites are connected via a

10Mbps fibre-optic LAN.

·  SMC is connected to remote MoH offices via a Multi-

Protocol Layer Switching (MPLS) 10 Mbps Cloud.

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·  SMC is connected to 18 remote medical facilities via a

MPLS 10 Mbps Cloud.

·  SMC is connected to five remote MoH medical facilities

via a 128Kbps Frame Relay (although there are plans to

upgrade these connections to the MPLS Cloud).

·  SMC is connected to three remote MoH medical facilities

via a 2MB ISDN dial-up line (although there are plans to

upgrade these connections to the MPLS Cloud).

·  SMC is connected to other Government Agencies (eg

Ministry of Finance and the Central Informatics Office

(CIO)) via a MPLS 20 Mbps Cloud.

7 Major challenges and issues facing IT

7.1 Reorganization of PIMS:

The (PIMS) Unit within the Health Information Directorate is

mainly responsible for the development, implementation and

maintenance of Application programs in all Directorates anddepartments within the Ministry of Health. The unit has a long

 backlog of systems that need to be delivered; but staff in the unit feel

that they are busy supporting existing Computer Application

Systems, and they cannot handle new assignments and projects due to

increased staff turnover and other administrative issues.

Recently the PIMS unit has faced a problem with increasing

staff turnover. Staff assignment for support and development is not

clear and not documented. Computer Application Systems fall under 

two major categories: Health and Administrative systems. Requests

are categorized into four main categories: Changes to existing

systems, reports, parameter changes, and new systems. Requests are

not recorded and information is scattered between staff. Users are

complaining about response time to attend to their requests. PIMS is

unable to meet user demands on enhancement, correction and

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delivery of new systems and lacks a clear picture on the overall

current and future workload.

7.2 Ineffective Communication Services:

The Ministry of Health (MOH) for the State of Bahrain employs

6,632 employees (1999-Health Statistics) and is responsible for the

 provision of Health care services and the management of supporting

  programs and organizations. In addition to the operation of one

General Hospital (Salmaniya Medical Complex), various hospitals

and Health Care Service units are geographically dispersed. Beside

the Health directorates, the Ministry also consists of different offices.

All these units need to communicate internally with each other andwith other Ministries, Suppliers, overseas, etc. The communication

  process could happen using different means of communication

through telephone lines, memos, circulars, mailing systems, messages

and through meetings minutes/agenda, etc.

Various problems were encountered due to the vast expansion of 

the Ministry services and increasing demands on quick 

communication. There are many complaints regarding thecommunication services such as letters are received late and the

information is already obsolete. More than one person is involved just

to send one letter that is delivered hand-to-hand.

Letters are often lost/misplaced due to either wrong addresses or 

names. Some expatriates write the address in their native languages

that the clerks find very difficult to read or understand. There are only

99 outgoing telephone lines (dial 9 facility serving 4,500 SMC staff).

A team was selected (roles identified using Belbin criteria) and

a simple questionnaire was developed to measure customer s

satisfaction and was distributed among 200 users. The outcome

showed that customers were not satisfied with the services provided.

Prior approvals from the superior are required in order to send mail

through a driver for hand delivery. All procedures at the post office

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are done manually, and chances of human errors are very high.

Hence, the teams main objective was to increase customer 

satisfaction from 30% to 70% and improve response time at least

20% by January 2001.

7.3 Achieving Adequate Health Records System:

It was defined that the pediatric health records for the inpatient

service at SMC are adequate by 38.6% for a studied criteria (i.e.

History, Physical Examination, Progress Note, Discharge Summary,

Medication Sheet, Computer Sheet, Clinical Impression, Order 

Sheet). The pediatric age group that is below 15 years constitutes

30.8% of total population in Bahrain, and they also constitute 15% of 

the total in-patient services at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC).

The junior residents fill the patients health record, followed by

assessment and plan by a senior resident with overall supervision of a

consultant. So far not much attention is given to ensure the adequacy

of patient health records for each patient admitted, though there is a

 policy that insures compiled and well-stored health record.

The improvement in the health record has a strong impact onthe patient health care and might limit unnecessary expenditure. The

team aimed to implement an adequate, accurate, timely and complete

medical record for each patient, which raises the standard of health

record to 85% in regard to completeness and accuracy within 5

months, and to create a mechanism that insures its continuity.

8 The business perception of IT

8.1 : Number of years working in the Unit :

The survey attempted to gauge business perceptions of IT

services in Ministry Of Health. The survey measured

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employees with different Number of years experience in

ministry of health (Figure 1)









Under 1 1-3 4-6 7-10 over 10

Number of Years


(Figure 4) show the number of years that employees work in ministry

of health.

The following two tables show how the employees rate the services :Strongl

y Agree





The Rate

2755-1-IT performs the required service right the first


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18731--IT provides its services at the time it promises

to do so 2674--1Employees in IT give you prompt service

4573-1-The behaviour of employees in IT instils

confidence in you

346511-Employees in IT have the knowledge to

answer your questions 1166231

IT understands our business priorities and

issues Table (2) table shows how the employees rate the services









The Rate

3764---How would you rate the overall service 

provided by IT? 

3553121How would you rate the systems and 

applications developed by IT? 453431-

How would you rate the reputation of 

IT in the Organization? Table (3) table shows how the employees rate the services

8.2 : The overall service provided by IT:

The survey shows that all employees are satisfied with the overall

services provided by IT. (Figure 2)

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Figure ( 5 ) Business perception of the overall services provided by IT










   1    (    v  e

  r   y   p  o  o

  r    )     2 3 4 5 6

   7    (    E   x

  c  e   l   l  e

  n   t    ) 

The rate




Figure ( 6 ) The rate of the relationship between IT and the rest of the Organization






7% 6% 1 (Adversarial)






7 (Harmonious)

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Figure ( 7 ) Business perception ofreputation of IT in the Organization








   1    (    v  e

  r   y   p  o  o

  r    )     2 3 4 5 6

   7    (    E   x

  c  e   l   l  e

  n   t    ) 

The rate




8.3: How the services provided by IT could be improved?

The opinions of the respondents vary in this question,

some of them said that the way is by implementing the right

technology at the right place. Others said by providing moreservices to the patients and Business units and encourage

every employees to use IT facilities.

In other word To provide the right information to the right

 people at the right time that will facilitate improvements to

MoH Staff and Services to produce the best health results.

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8.4  : What are you looking from IT?

Most of the employees said they want the IT to provide an

efficient and effective services.

8.5  : the relationship between IT and the rest of the


Most of the Employees are agree that the relationship

  between IT and the rest of the Organization is almost

Harmonious. Because most of them have chosed (in the

survey) the numbers 5-7. (figure 6)1 

9.Conclusion and finding:

In this Report, we have studied the Health Information

Department (HID) of the ministry of health in Kingdom of Bahrain


First of all , the report has shown the chart of the ITdepartment. After that , we have explained in detail the resources of 

(HID) in the organization and they are people, data , hardware

,software , and network. Then, the report has explained    in details-

the business systems and their analysis , such as Web-based

Systems , Health Messaging Services (HMS), Online Inventory

Management System (OLIMS) and Relational database management

system (RDBMS).

Also the report comprehended some of the Business critical

application the HID is implementing and planning like "Healthy

Governorates Program (HGP) " and applications that HID is lacking

such as "Ministry of Health Intranet Project" .Then the report

1There are other figures in the Appendix.

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mentioned to the major challenges and issues facing HID in the

Ministry of Health.

The last part of the project was about Business Perception of IT

(HID) in the organization, and we have dependent on survey results.And we have seen that the employees Generally are satisfied with the

overall services provided by HID.

According to the report we have got an important findings: 

1. Most of the employees (82%) of Health Information Department

(HID) are Bahraini and this indicates that Bahrain has a good number 

of citizen are professional and technical in healthcare and this is a

good signal.

2. The organization is increasing the systems they use in order to

cover the increasing needs of healthcare.

3. The website of the organization and the Intranet are playing an

important role. It contains valuable information about health services,

facilities, activities as well as health education, health conferences

and health societies.

4. The Organization employees are generally satisfied with the overall

services provided By Health information Department (HID).

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1. Health Information Directorate, Ministry of health, Health

statistics, Arabian Printing Press, 2005.

2. Heath Information Directorate , Ministry of Health,

HIDINFO line , July/August 2003, Issue No. 8

3. Heath Information Directorate, HIDINFO line, March 2004,Issue No. 11.

4. The official website of Ministry of Health


5. Health Information Technology Strategy, Ministry of 

Health, 2nd Edition 2004.

6. Directorate of Training, Ministry of Health, HealthcareManagement CQI Projects Vol. 1   2002.

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1.1 Software:Application Description

Birth Registration System

(MDIS  Birth system)

The Birth system support capturing the birth

information related to Child, Mother, Father,

Informer and in charge of delivery and printing

statistical reports.

Finance System (MDIS   


The Finance System is used by the Directorate of 

Finance to maintain financial information related to

all financial transactions conducted in the MOH. The

General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Budgeting andPurchase modules were implemented and used since

1994. Mid of 1998, this system has been partially

stopped and replaced by the FMIS (Financial

Management Information System) which offered and

supported by Ministry of Finance. Currently, the

following modules are used by the finance users:

Purchase order module

The part which is connected with

personnel system to print air ticket order

Posting Issue & Return with payroll

information to the GL

Health Center Statistical

System (HCS)

The health center statistical System is used to capture

information related to the services provided in the

health centers (Clerical, MCH, Nursing, Laboratory,

Pharmacy, Dental, and Radiology) and produce

monthly statistical reports using the Statistical

Analysis System (SAS).

Manpower Management

Information System


The Manpower Management Information System is a

human resource management system used to

manipulate manpower-related information in the

areas of recruitment, transfers and promotions, leave

processing, daily and monthly processing operations.

Time Attendance System


The Time Attendance System is used to capture

employees' attendance, overtime Control, and

produce the relevant payroll files for Civil Service


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Health Equipment

Control System (HECS)

The Health Equipment Control system is an

automated solution for maintenance management of 

medical equipment. The system handles Breakdown

maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Maintenance

contracts, Equipment tracking.


Figure ( 2 ) Non- Bahraini

Manpower in Health Information

Directorate by sex - 2005




Figure ( 1 ) Manpower in Health

Information Directorate by Nationality -





Non - Bahraini

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2.IT perception of IT

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Figure ( 3 ) Business perception : IT performs the

required service right the first time









   1    (   s   t  r

  o  n  g    l   y 

   D   i  s  a  g 

  r  e  e    )     2 3 4 5 6

   7    (    S   t

  r  o  n  g    l   y

   a  g   r  e  e    ) 

The rate



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Figure ( 5 ) Business perception : IT understands our

business priorities and issues







1 (strongly







7 (Strongly


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IT Quality of Service Survey

This survey is being administered in order to capture your assessment of 

the service provided by IT to different units in the organization.

Please answer as honestly as possible. All responses will be treated in the strictestof confidence and will only be used in aggregate form. Please do not write your

name anywhere on this form.

1. Background information

1.1 Brief description of your role/position


1.2 What Unit/functional area/Business unit do you work in?


1.5 In which unit do you work? 

PC [ ]

BG [ ]

XG [ ]

IG [ ]

FG [ ]

AG [ ]

CG [ ]CL [ ]

Others, please specify ____________ 

1.6 Number of years with the unit ? 

Under 1 year [ ]

1-3 years [ ] 

4-6 years [ ] 

7-10 years [ ] 

Over 10 years [ ] 

1.7 What is your grade (GM, SM, MM, GS1 etc.)? 


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