Algorithmic Game Theory...Algorithmic Game Theory Auction theory in practice Vangelis Markakis...

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Transcript of Algorithmic Game Theory...Algorithmic Game Theory Auction theory in practice Vangelis Markakis...

  • Algorithmic Game TheoryAuction theory in practice


  • Allocation rules and truthful mechanisms

    • We recall first some definitions we saw in previous lectures • Consider a mechanism with allocation rule x

    • Definition: An allocation rule is monotone if for every i, and every profile b-i, the allocation xi(z, b-i) to i is non-decreasing in z - i.e., bidding higher can only get you more stuff

    [Myerson ’81]• Theorem: For every single-parameter environment,

    - An allocation rule x can be turned into a truthful mechanism if and only if it is monotone

    - If x is monotone, then there is a unique payment rule p, so that (x, p) is a truthful mechanism


  • Myerson’s lemma and payment formula• For the payment rule, we need to look for each bidder at the allocation function xi(z, b-i)• For the single-item truthful auction:• Fix b-i and let b* = maxj≠i bj




    xi(z) Facts: • For any fixed b-i, the allocation

    function is piecewise linear with 1 jump

    • The Vickrey payment is precisely the value at which the jump happens

    • The jump changes the allocation from 0 to 1 unit

  • Myerson’s lemma and payment formulaFor most scenarios of interest•The allocation is piecewise linear with multiple jumps•The jump determines how many extra units the bidder wins




    xi(z)• Suppose bidder i bids bi• Look at the jumps of xi(z, b-i) in

    the interval [0, bi]• Suppose we have k jumps• Jump at z1 = w1• Jump at z2 = w2 – w1• Jump at z3 = w3 – w2• ...• Jump at zk = wk – wk-1

    z2 z3



  • Myerson’s lemma and payment formulaFor most scenarios of interest•The allocation is piecewise linear with multiple jumps•The jump determines how many extra units the bidder wins





    Payment formula• For each bidder i at a profile b, find all the jump points within [0, bi]• pi(b) = Σj zj × [jump at zj]

    = Σj zj × [wj – wj-1]• The formula can also be generalized for monotone but not piecewise linear functions

    z2 z3



  • Sponsored Search Auctions


  • 7

    What is sponsored search?Advertising slots

  • 8

    What is sponsored search?Advertising slots

  • 9

    How does it work?

    • For a fixed search term (e.g. ipod)– n advertisers– k slots (typically k

  • 10

    How does it work?– Bidders submit an initial budget which they can refresh weekly

    or monthly– Bidders also submit an initial bid which they can adjust as

    often as they wish – The auction selects the winners to be displayed– Different charging models exist: Pay Per Click, Pay Per

    Impression, Pay Per Transaction– Currently, most popular is Pay Per Click– A bidder is charged only if someone clicks on the bidder’s ad

  • 11

    The Actors• The Search engine:

    – Wants to make as much revenue as possible– At the same time, wants to make sure users receive meaningful

    ads and bidders do not feel that they were overcharged– Big percentage of Google’s revenue has been due to these


    • The Bidders:– Want to occupy a high slot and pay as little as possible

    • The Searchers:– Want to find the most relevant ads with respect to what they are

    looking for

  • 12

    Analyzing sponsored search auctions

    • We will focus on the bidders’ side• Model parameters for each bidder i

    – Private information: vi = maximum amount willing to pay per click = value/happiness derived from a click (private information)

    – Each bidder i submits a bid bi for willingness to pay per click (bimay differ from vi)

    – We will ignore the budget parameter • In many cases, it is large enough and cannot affect the game

    – Hence, we have a single-parameter problem

  • 13

    Analyzing sponsored search auctions

    • We will focus on the bidders’ side• Model parameters for each slot j

    – αj = Click-through rate (CTR) of slot j = probability that a user will click on slot j

    – Assume it is independent of who occupies slot j• We can generalize to the case where the rates are weighted

    by a quality score of the advertiser who takes each slot– The search engines update regularly the CTRs and statistics show

    that α1 ≥ α2 ≥ α3 ≥ ... ≥ αk

    – Users tend to click on higher slots• Validation also by eye-tracking experiments

  • 14

    Analyzing sponsored search auctions

    • How shall we allocate the k slots to the n bidders?• Most natural allocation rule: for i=1 to k, give to the i-th

    highest bidder the i-th best slot in terms of CTR– Remaining n-k bidders do not win anything

    • For convenience, assume that b1 ≥ b2 ≥ b3 ≥ ... ≥ bn• Expected value of a winning bidder i: αivi• Is this rule monotone?• Yes, bidding higher can only get you a better slot• Hence we can apply Myerson’s formula to find the

    payment rule• For each bidder i, let xi(bi, b-i) Î {0, αk, αk-1, ..., α1}

  • Myerson’s lemma for sponsored search auctions

    •Let’s analyze the highest bidder with bid b1•Suppose we have 3 slots and n>3 bidders





    • Look at the jumps of xi in the interval [0, b1]

    • Jump at b4 = α3• Jump at b3 = α2 – α3• Jump at b2 = α1 – α2Total payment:b4α3 + b3 (α2 – α3) + b2 (α1 – α2)

    b3 b2



  • Myerson’s lemma for sponsored search auctions

    •More generally, for the i-th highest bidder, there will be k-i+1 jumps

    •Under pay-per-click, no actual payment takes place at the end of every auction, unless there is a click by a user•Need to scale so that expected per-click payment is pi(b)•Proposed per-click payment to bidder in i-th slot: pi(b)/αi•By Myerson, no other payment can achieve truthfulness with the same allocation rule


  • 17

    Sponsored search auctions in practice

    • In practice most engines do not use the payment of Myerson’s lemma

    • But they use the same allocation rule• The Generalized Second Price Mechanism (GSP) - initial

    version:– The search engine ranks the bids in decreasing order:

    b1 ³ b2 ³ … ³ bn– The i-th highest bidder takes the i-th best slot– Every time there is a click on slot i, bidder i pays bi+1– There is also a reserve price (opening bid), initially the

    same for every keyword ($0.1), later became keyword-dependent

  • 18

    The Generalized Second Price Mechanism (GSP)

    • A better version:– The search engine keeps a quality score qi for each bidder i

    • Yahoo, Bing (till a few years ago): qi is the click-through rate of i (probability of a user clicking on an ad of bidder i)

    • Google: qi depends on click-through rate, relevance of text and other factors

    – The search engine ranking is in decreasing order of qi ´ biq1´b1 ³ q2´b2 ³ … ³ qn´bn

    – The first k bidders of the ranking are displayed in the k slots– Every time there is a click on slot i, bidder i pays the

    minimum bid required to keep his position, i.e. (qi+1´bi+1)/qi

  • 19

    The Generalized Second Price Mechanism (GSP)

    • Myerson’s lemma implies GSP cannot be truthful– Otherwise, its payment rule would coincide with the Myerson formula

    • The deployment of GSP was probably just an educated guess– As an attempt to generalize the Vickrey auction and use something

    simple that looked close to truthful!• Nevertheless...

    – For a long period, revenue from GSP was 95% of Google’s revenue– Still nowadays an important percentage of search engines’ revenue

    • Theoretical analysis of GSP: later in this lecture

  • Multi-unit auctions


  • Multi-unit Auctions

    Auctions for selling multiple identical units of a single good

    In practice:• US Treasury notes, bonds

    • UK electricity auctions (output of generators)

    • Spectrum licences

    • Various online sales


  • Multi-unit Auctions

    Online sites offering multi-unit auctions

    • US−

    • UK−

    • Greece−− Actually not any more…

    • …



  • Some Notation• n bidders

    • k available units of an indivisible good

    • Bidder i has valuation function vi : {0, 1,…, k} ® R§ vi(j) = value of bidder i for obtaining j units

    • Representation with marginal valuations:§ mi(j) = vi(j) – vi(j-1) = additional value for obtaining the j-th

    unit, if already given j-1 units

    § (mi(1), mi(2),…, mi(k)): vector of marginal values


  • Some Valuation Classes


    • In the multi-unit setting, a valuation vi is submodular iff" x ≤ y, vi(x + 1) - vi(x) ≥ vi(y + 1) – vi(y)

    • Hence: mi(1) ≥ mi(2) ≥ … ≥ mi(k) (decreasing marginal values)

    • A valuation vi is subadditive iff" x, y, vi(x + y) ≤ vi(x) + vi(y)

    • In many multi-unit auctions, bidders are asked to submit a submodular valuation

    - Makes sense due to the saturation of getting more and more units

    • Valuation compression: Even if bidders are not submodular, they would still have to express their preferences by a submodular function

  • A Bidding Format for Multi-unit Auctions• Used in various multi-unit auctions

    [Krishna ’02, Ch. 12-13, Milgrom ’04, Ch. 7]

    1. The auctioneer asks each bidder to submit a vector of decreasing marginal bids• bi = (bi(1), bi(2),…, bi(k))• bi(1) ≥ bi(2) ≥ … ≥ bi(k)

    2. The bids are ranked in decreasing order and the k highest win the units

    Simplified format in some cases: Uniform bidding, i.e., ask for a bid per unit + number of units demanded


  • Example


    b1 = (45, 42, 31, 22, 15)

    b2 = (35, 27, 20, 12, 7)

    b3 = (40, 33, 24, 14, 9)

  • Example


    # units







    winning bids losing bids

    (45, 42, 31, 22, 15)

    (35, 27, 20, 12, 7)

    (40, 33, 24, 14, 9)


    How should we charge the winners?


  • Pricing Rules


    1. Multi-unit Vickrey auction (VCG) [Vickrey ’61]− Each bidder pays the externality he causes to the others− Generalization of single-item 2nd price auction− Good theoretical properties, truthful, but barely used in


    2. Discriminatory Price Auction (DPA)− Bidders pay their bids for the units won− Generalization of 1st price auction− Not truthful, but widely used in practice

  • Pricing Rules (cont’d)


    3. Uniform Price Auction (UPA) [Friedman 1960]− Same price for every unit− Interval of prices to pick from:

    [highest losing bid, lowest winning bid]

    − This lecture: price = highest losing bid− For 1 unit, same as Vickrey auction− For ≥ 2 units, not truthful, but widely used in practice

    (following the campaign of Miller and Friedman in the 90’s)

  • Example Revisited


    # units







    winning bids losing bids

    (45, 42, 31, 22, 15)

    (35, 27, 20, 12, 7)

    (40, 33, 24, 14, 9)


    Interval of candidate prices for UPA = [31, 33]Uniform price = 31


  • Uniform Price vs Discriminatory?


    • Debate still going on for treasury auctions• DPA is thought to raise more revenue (no formal justification though)

    • UPA eliminates complaints arising from price discrimination (identical goods should cost the same!)

  • Equilibrium analysis of non-truthful mechanisms


  • 33

    Non-truthful mechanisms• As already seen, there are plenty of settings where the

    mechanism employed is not truthful– Sponsored search– Auctions for government bonds– Some types of auctions for telecom/spectrum licences (e.g., core-

    selecting auctions)

    • Why?– Low revenue often achieved by truthful auctions, e.g., by VCG – Complexity: Social welfare maximization may turn out too difficult

    to solve (which is a required step in VCG-based mechanisms)

    • [Ausubel, Milgrom ’06]: The lovely but lonely Vickrey auction– Chapter 1 in the book “Combinatorial Auctions”

  • 34

    Non-truthful mechanisms• How do we evaluate non-truthful mechanisms?

    – If the bidders are non-truthful, can we argue about the social welfare generated?

    • We can think of the equilibria as the most likely outcomes to occur– If these games are played frequently, players may end up at an

    equilibrium by adjusting gradually their strategies– Thus, we can take the social welfare or revenue achieved at an

    equilibrium as an evaluation metric

  • 35

    PoA in auctions• Consider an auction where vi = actual valuation function

    of bidder i– It can be either single or multi-parameter

    • Let b be a pure Nash equilibrium with resulting allocation: (x1,…, xn) = (x1(b),…, xn(b))

    • Social Welfare at b: SW(b) = S vi(xi)• OPT = Optimal welfare (as determined by the valuations)

    PoA = supb OPT/SW(b)

    Where the supremum can be either over all pure or over all mixed equilibria

  • 36

    PoA in sponsored search auctions• PoA can become unbounded in worst case• [Lahaie ’06 ]: PoA ≤ (min1≤i≤k-1 min{αi+1/αi, 1 – (αi+2/αi+1)} )-1

    – For pure equilibria, when we have k≥2 slots– Where recall αi is the CTR of slot i, and assume αk+1 = 0

    • For arbitrary auctions, the ratios of the CTRs can become arbitrarily high

    • In some cases, the click data fit well with an exponential decay model (geometric CTRs): αi ∝ 1/δi for a constant δ– [Feng, Bhargava, Pennock ’07]: δ = 1.428 using various empirical

    datasets– In these cases, PoA ≤ (min{1/δ, 1-1/δ})-1

    – Hence, low inefficiency under geometric CTRs

  • 37

    PoA in sponsored search auctions• One can also study PoA under restrictions on the set of

    equilibria under consideration• E.g., some “bad” equilibria arise when some players

    overbid and at the same time some high-valued players underbid

    • The no-overbidding assumption: Focus on equilibria where bi ≤ vi– Such bidders are also referred to as conservative bidders – Initiated in [Christodoulou, Kovacs, Schapira ’08], and assumed in

    several follow up works

    • Can PoA be better under no-overbidding?

  • 38

    PoA in sponsored search auctions• [Paes Leme, Tardos ’10]: Under no-overbidding

    – PoA ≤ 1.618 (= 1 + φ) for pure equilibria– PoA ≤ 4 for mixed equilibria

    • [Lucier, Paes Leme ’11, Caragiannis et al. ’11, ’15]:Currently best known:– PoA ≤ 1.28 for pure equilibria– PoA ≤ 2.31 for mixed equilibria

    • For lower bounds, it is known that PoA ≥ 1.259• Main conclusion: For conservative bidders, selfish

    behavior does not lead to socially bad outcomes

  • 39

    Revenue in sponsored search auctions

    • Could we have analogous guarantees for revenue instead of social welfare?– Harder problem…

    • But, some comparisons can be drawn between the use of GSP and VCG

    • [Varian ’05, Edelman, Ostrovsky, Schwarz ’07]: Focus on the class of “locally envy-free equilibria”– As a plausible class of equilibria that may arise– Analyzed for the simple version of GSP, without the personalized

    quality score qi– But their results can be stated for the more general setting as well

  • 40

    Revenue in sponsored search auctions

    • For convenience, rename the bidders so that the bidder occupying slot j has value vj and pays price pj– i.e., pj = bid of bidder in slot j+1

    • Definition: The profile b = (b1, b2,…, bn) is a locally envy-free equilibrium, if for a bidder at slot s, we have

    αs (vs – ps) ≥ αj (vs – pj) for every other slot j• This means no bidder is willing to swap her slot and price

    with those of another bidder• In fact, it suffices to check only the neighboring slots

    – Look only at slot s-1 and s+1 for the bidder at slot s– Thus the name “locally envy-free”

  • 41

    Revenue in sponsored search auctions

    • Main theorem in [Varian ’05, Edelman, Ostrovsky, Schwarz ’07]: (i) There exists a no-overbidding locally envy-free equilibrium

    where allocation + payments coincide with the VCG outcome(ii) The revenue at any locally envy-free equilibrium ≥ VCG revenue

    (at truthful profile)

    • Can be seen as a justification of why GSP is a better choice than VCG for sponsored search auctions

    • Although GSP was probably employed by accident, it was a rather good choice!

  • 42

    PoA in multi-unit auctions• A PoA analysis can be carried out for any other non-

    truthful auction• For multi-unit auctions, PoA can be affected by the

    phenomenon of “demand reduction”– [Ausubel, Cramton ’96]: Bidders may have incentives to hide their

    demand for items in order to achieve a better price

  • Example of Demand Reduction in UPA


    OPT = 3, SW(b) = 13/6 ⇒ PoA ≥ 18/13 for UPA• Revealing the true profile for bidder 1 results in a relatively high price• Demand reduction discussed further in [Ausubel, Cramton ’96]

    (1, 1, 1)

    (2/3, 0, 0)

    (1/2, 0, 0)

    Real profile

    (1, 0, 0)

    (2/3, 0, 0)

    (1/2, 0, 0)

    Equilibrium profile

  • PoA for pure equilibria


    Theorem:For the Discriminatory Price Auction (DPA), and arbitrarymonotone valuations for the bidders, PoA = 1• No need to assume no-overbidding• All pure Nash equilibria (when they exist) are efficient• Generalizes what holds for the single-item 1st price auction (recall your first homework!)• Existence of pure equilibria guaranteed under appropriate tie-breaking rules

    Can demand reduction create a huge loss of efficiency?

  • PoA for pure equilibria


    • OPT = 2k-1 • SW(b) = k• PoA ≥ (2k-1)/k = 2 – 1/k for UPA• Can it get worse?

    • The same is not true for UPA• Example: Consider k units and the profiles:

    (k, 0, 0,…,0)

    (1, 1, 1,…, 1)

    Real profile

    (1, 1, 1,…, 1)

    (0, 0, 0,…, 0)

    Equilibrium profile b

  • PoA for pure equilibria


    • For non-conservative bidders, it can get unbounded• The no-overbidding assumption in UPA:

    [Birmpas, Markakis, Telelis, Tsikiridis ’17]:For the Uniform Price Auction (UPA), and for

    – Submodular bidders – No-overbidding pure equilibria,

    PoA ≤ 2.18 – Tight example even for 2 bidders

    bi j( )≤ vi s( )∀i,∀s ≤ kj=1


  • PoA for mixed equilibria


    Remarks: - 3.146… = |W-1(-1/e2)| (Lambert W function)- Bounds hold both for standard bidding and for the simplified uniform bidding format- The same bounds also hold for Bayesian games (PoA for Bayes-Nash equilibria)

    [de Keijzer, Markakis, Schaefer, Telelis ’13]:For submodular valuations, the PoA for mixed equilibria is§ ≤ e/e-1 for DPA§ ≤ 3.146 < 2e/e-1 for UPA

  • PoA for mixed equilibria


    • Currently known lower bounds: ≈1.1 for DPA, 2.18 for UPA– Far from tight in the case of mixed equilibria

    • Our proof can be cast into the smoothness framework of [Syrgkanis, Tardos ’13]

    ß• Upper bounds carry over to simultaneous and sequential

    compositions of multi-unit auctions (e.g. combinatorial multi-unit auctions)

    • Similar approaches and techniques used in other types of auctions as well (e.g. item-bidding auctions)[Christodoulou, Kovacs, Schapira ’08, Bhawalkar,Roughgarden ’11, Feldman, Fu, Gravin, Lucier ’13]


  • Beyond Submodular Valuations


    • [Milgrom ’04]: Very little known (i.e., nothing) for non-submodular bidders

    Lemma: Subadditive valuations can be approximated bysubmodular functions, losing a factor of 2

    • Subadditive valuations: Valuation compression is needed for such bidders

  • Subadditive Valuations


    Theorem: For subadditive valuations, mixed PoA is at most:

    Auction \Bidding Standard bidding Uniform bidding

    DPA 2 2e/e-1

    UPA 4 6.292 < 4e/e-1

    - Uniform bidding: same technique as before, using the 2-approximation

    - Standard bidding: Adaptation of [Feldman, Fu, Gravin, Lucier ’13] into multi-unit auctions- Deviation constructed by sampling from the distribution of b-i

  • Conclusions on PoA

    • Take-home story: simple auction formats used in practice perform quite well w.r.t. social welfare

    • Upper bounds: – For pure equilibria, almost tight for sponsored search, completely tight

    for multi-unit auctions– Open if we can improve the bounds for mixed equilibria – PoA can also become even better if we focus on Nash equilibria in

    undominated strategies• Lower bounds:

    – Much harder to get


  • Examples of truthful auctions in practice


  • Spectrum Auctions• Deferred Acceptance Auctions initiated by [Milgrom, Segal

    ’14]• Motivated by the design of the FCC “Broadcast Incentive


    Broadcasters Mobile Broadband Providers

    Reverse Auction Forward Auction

    53§ Commenced on March 2016, closed on April 2017 for repurposing

    spectrum to align with consumer demand for broadband services

    Relinquishing spectrum rights

    Assigning new licenses

  • Basic Mechanism Design SettingMain features:§ A provider of some service or resources

    § A set of single-parameter buyers N = {1, 2, ..., n} interested in (some of) the resources

    § Each buyer has a valuation vi

    § For each buyer: need to make an accept/reject decision

    § Feasible solutions: Only specific subsets of buyers may be served simultaneously, due to problem constraints(e.g. interference constraints in spectrum auctions) 54

  • 1. Initially all bidders are active (A1=N)2. While accepting all active bidders in At is infeasible• Reject the bidder i with the lowest score • At+1 = At \{i}

    3. Remaining bidders are accepted and pay threshold prices

    The framework of Deferred-Acceptance Auctions

    § Backward greedy allocation algorithms§ They work in rounds, finalizing the decision for a single bidder in each

    round§ At = set of active bidders at round t§ Score of bidder i at round t:

    § non-decreasing in bi§ Possible dependence on the set At (but not on the bids of active



  • Properties of Deferred-Acceptance Auctions

    Incentive guarantees:• Not hard to show that DA auctions are truthful• In fact we can have much stronger incentive guarantees

    Definition: A mechanism is weakly group-strategyproof if: for any coalition S Í N, and any profile b-S, there is no deviation by S, such that all members are strictly better off, i.e., such that:

    ui(bS, b-S) > ui(vS, b-S), for every i Î S

    Lemma: DA auctions are weakly group-strategyproof


  • Properties of Deferred-Acceptance Auctions

    Further advantages of DA auctions:1. Practical and simple to implement as long as

    • Scoring function is simple• Checking feasibility of a solution is easy

    2. They admit an implementation as an ascending clock auction3. Using the ascending auction implementation:

    • Very easy to argue that truth-telling is a dominant strategy (obvious strategyproofness [Li ’15])

    • Privacy preservation: winners do not reveal their true value

    Possible limitations:1. They do not always guarantee a good approximation to the social

    welfare2. Same for other objectives (e.g. revenue)3. Solution returned may not be a maximal set w.r.t. problem

    constraints (drawback of backward greedy algorithms) 57

  • An illustrationRecall single-minded bidders from previous lectures• The auctioneer has a set M of items for sale• Each bidder i is interested in acquiring a specific subset of items, Si Í M (known to the mechanism)

    • If the bidder does not obtain Si (or a superset of it), his value is 0• Each bidder submits a bid bi for his value if he obtains the set


    • Motivated by certain spectrum auctions• Feasible allocations: the auctioneer needs to select winners

    who do not have overlapping sets

  • Single-minded biddersExamples



    41 =v

    },{1 baS =

    a b

    c d

    4 12 =v

    },{2 dbS =

    63 =v

    },,{3 dcaS =


    • In the examle above, the auctioneer can accept only 1 bidder as a winner

    • In the example below, the auctioneer can accept up to 2 bidders as winners

    41 =v 52 =v 13 =v 14 =v

    },{1 baS = },{2 dcS = },{3 caS = },{4 dbS =

    a b

    c d







  • A forward greedy algorithm for single-minded bidders


    • Order the bidders in decreasing order of bi/sqrt(si)• Accept each bidder in this order unless overlapping

    with previously accepted bidders

    si=|Si|[Lehmann, O’ Callaghan, Shoham ‘01]:

    This algorithm achieves• Monotonicity of the allocation (hence can be made truthful)• 1/sqrt(m)-approximation, where m = |M|• 1/d-approximation, where d = maxi si

    Final conclusion: truthful polynomial time mechanism with the best possible approximation to the social welfare

  • Coalitions under the forward greedy mechanism

    • The forward greedy mechanism is truthful but suppose players could also collude:

    • What would forward greedy do?1. Accept bid {c,d}2. Reject bids {a,c} and {b,d}3. Accept bid {a,b}4. Threshold price = 0

    41 =v 52 =v 13 =v 14 =v

    },{1 baS = },{2 dcS = },{3 caS = },{4 dbS =

    a b

    c d






    4 93 =v 94 =v


    • The coalition {3, 4} can change the outcome

    • Threshold price still 0• Both members better off!• Forward greedy is not group-


  • Scoring Functions for DA auctions

    iiiii svsv /),( =s


    tiitiii cvcv ,, /),( =s

    1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05

    ca e g



    • Can we achieve similar welfare guarantees with backward greedy algorithms?

    • How about a DA auction with scoring ?

    • Backward greedy can do much worse than forward greedy• Use conflict number ?

    • ci,t = number of conflicts with other bidders at stage t

  • Theorem 1: There exists a DA auction that achieves an approximation ratio of O(d)

    Theorem 2: There exists a DA auction that achieves an approximation ratio of O(Öm logm)

    Positive results for DA auctions

    [Dutting, Gkatzelis, Roughgarden ’14]:

    Main message:We can have comparable approximations as in forward greedy, but with stronger incentive guarantees!• And with a more complicated scoring function 63

  • Final conclusions• A wide range of applications• The full spectrum of incentive guarantees can be seen in

    practice – Non-truthful and bad equilibria (uniform price auction or sponsored

    search with overbidding)– Non-truthful and efficient equilibria (single-item first price auction)– Non-truthful and relatively efficient equilibria (sponsored search,

    uniform price auction, under no-overbidding) – Truthful (single-item Vickrey)– Weakly group-strategyproof (DA auctions)

    • The choice of mechanism deployed may depend on:– Traditions and practices used in a specific application domain (not

    always easy to switch to a new format)– Complexity considerations (simplicity is often a must)– Legal issues (there exist governmental auctions where social welfare

    w.r.t. reported bids needs to be maximized) 64