Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA)...

Post on 08-Sep-2018

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Transcript of Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA)...


rifty got the idea that if hen a horae without the e«>st of

it would be a great econoiny,luc« I the horse's food a little

ivi-ry day. Unfortunate-ly juataa the experimentprotniaed to tucceed, the

¦S\\ horse laid down anddied. Farm er- Hard-sense aaya Farmer Thriftyw i*"i fool. lUlt there are

people as uiuch worse

,1 1 Thrifty a!* it is more fooliah tom owrj body under starvationi, .: d your horae'a. But evenr

haa plenty t<> eat. Yea, but itIs eaten, it is what nouriah-ined tr. >tn food that decidea

>rj of starvation. It WOUldn'tmy good to ron a atack of

thi h a thraahing tnachineoul of gear that it didn't

iu oul of one head of wheat inThat'sjust tiie way with the dia-

,mach. It doesn't get the.! that ia eaten.

no medicine will so quicklyof digestion ana nutn-

and put the atomach in perfectn ler, aa Dr. Pierce'a Golden

overy. It makea pure,": blood, and puts the body

ii of perfect bealthm n natlpati >n «nd

iluring which time I empl yed phy-coald not reach mv c ae

ewell, of Emtaa 'I felt there waa no

¦-¦¦>;¦: "

C.oldeu Medical i>

tlth "

Pierce's Pleaaant Pelleti keeptluIthy.

.-'..r Grer Vift? Years

thi .'

cnres w?a<niarrhre*.. '. ilaaaant to the

--..,. f thel

ble. Boanraaad

ANNODNOEMSNT.ommodate tboso who a- pa»l I to

¦ oiu /. '3 in applyi,- |>4- agea for eat

pare i 'l;b h wil !>¦ k iiw .1

¦ in Price, ioclnDracitota or b

nn emb lies the. ui rtieip: p 4,;Oti. 0 '. * "-1 i

mem... ui

ura] unl healtbj '':»»J Warren M t B


I vun.- Hin r

to rclicvobj L-iizd not feel t It."

'"I ':



urffin CATARBH.tiigf'8 there

Ely's Cream Balmtbe and

:,.. ihe dlsetaifl'in in' r,:. It euri-p

"T, t

co d iu tbekl ..

.ii ldi Iabe >'

tri -. -pie* ii ov r

a aa ii %bta» [«,;. ¦< :¦ i: ', ii*

( >o a eeatria;.:¦ f d«Ii ! I

m% 1h, se "¦



¦/. . 50i, 10

ItrrM* with you whetbrr you mr.trnne'.tv>V_n__ibaero bablt. WU-TQltAt^_j| *>.¦?'

:__f_«^ I\*V^? !'ur. i i?S^^<?Qk\ _lk^XO TO5!!.%«' 'romk. .^r»T t "¦nJLaWy0,,r <lWn drwi'ii-t, who

.. ->fL8B |l__fc*^.illTouchforU8. TaJtc itwltn4)#IVlt£r"rwlll.patlrntl.T.t'prslstontly^Oru'_V__CW M^^box.Sl, usnallj «-ur<"»; 3 boxe8, ISW,H_P^«^>.1ir«n(<.i<lto(Miri..orwerffiin.l moncT.¦__*^Fl(rllneB.I»KlyC».,, rortrr.-l, »«w lork.

KI-.H i>kvu;k-.__

1 } < rHESEASON OF 1900Potomac Fish.tio s^^on wa wi 1 keep ou hand and

r 0 v d dailyAll of Potomac Fish.ndmahOa ,aod altad, which wo

.t loarawl m r'^o' rataa, qual t r Ruai-foarofdeMta whiea mt

a 0'.,,ponh4iid Ai/iKI^D> F> KV 7BGETABL ».

i>.< tfully. .1 J. M4TTH1i,h-'2m 1. . Vh-


IV ah andSalted i^h,.'¦if rorrivmg Vi*1, daily froiatbaahwaa of

,u., aa will m* IVJir'r«",. t suit cither f:e-b or MlM "7

experiemed paekaaa, . ^ -___

Coontrj oidara aoUeiteai and satl Kaetlon

D ,, v | DFIal! aa.a ¦. v 1 ia tbe inukoi.

C ID.arbari relaia9 ,.Vn -icct aairaaea to u-e

»i lloose fWl «'I'¦-

prl ar;


Q. rite U

:»iia*ul»iett-- niuMI'-r [C CO., 42~ K'ng M

iiY BUfiJ. C Mii»HOiN

BLI fl:.i, Lwii ,i»D TBI-WBXKLy '

--(!..¦ Bnildlng.810 .% 813 Princ* atTEBMS:

oaii.v Tbi-Weekly.l Year.$5 00 x Year.88 JO8 Months. 2 50 6 Montha. 1 608 Months. 1 25 3 Montha........ 751 Month. 43 1 Month. 251 Week. 10I tranaiont rulvertisamanr* mtut b. pald for

B advance.butract ad vertiaeri will not be allowad to ex-r-ood their apace unleas the exceaa ia pald foiot transient ratea, and under no circum-Uncea wiil they be allowed to advertlaaother than their legitimat. buxinees in th.vo contracted foi.

Marriage and death notloas moat b. pald foi>n advanoe.

Baolutionsin memoriam, of thanka, tributeiof respect, roaolutiona adopted by aocietieao: pevaona, unloas of "ublic ooncern, willonly be printed in th papar aa advertlaa-raontrh. Gazettx offic ia oonne.ted with th.i o o;> ono Excbanges. Adveitiaamanta, or-!< - t'nc paper, newa or any infoimationor b'lsiness can be aont by telenhona.

Snterad at tho Poatofflce i.lexandria, Vlrrtn.ia aa lecond-claaa matter.]

THE CEN8U8 ENUMERATORy.A uurnbi-r ol applicationa bavo been

M at from this city to Mr. R H (Hnn-

btiil, at Warrcnton, nuperviaor of cer-

eu* for the E gbth (Jongreeeional diaIriot, fcr po^itioos of cenaua enumer-

atora. The applicanta will learn tbeirlatf Bborlly, as the cenaua direclor willoi tiroi tbe i.ppomtmeuta by tbe lat of\i Pne succefa'ul onea will ihenbe fumshed the requiaite papeis andba compelled to etuay the censua sys-tt m, regulationa aud w*t>ea cloaely foribii y d^yj, ?! d maater it in tbat time,h forel ing otBci*lly competent.Bafora receiviog bia commi-»ion each

Hnuraerator will have to take an oathnr affirmatlon that be will failhfally

¦ argc h>1 the duliea required of himir,'! r tho law.T< coropenaation to be peH to enu-

merato is fixed r»y eection 16 of tho¦.C of March 3, 1899, and a mioimumrate of two centa for each liv-._g inbabitMt, two ceota foraen death, fil.eeu centa foreach farm, and twenty centa for each

.hlinnment of prcductive icduatry ia^rovidad ior all subdivisiona wbere-uch allowuiice «ball be deemed auffi-cien». Io other eubdivi'iona where

per CBpita ra' a are to be paid,, ling to the difficulty of enumera

o;*X'um rate will not exceed.. i foi each living inhnbitan

tbrt « cei.'.a hreaeb deatb, tweoty c?nie... eaob firtn a d thirty oaatl

for etcfa aatablrahmeni of producivi'i lua'ry, wbile io t-ubdiviaiona wber

m rate* are ca'abliabeil, baflagenee to the i.amre of the region to

v m i aud the tfonaity or ap«ra -

I atlameot, orotbtrooondar**«. ioent ibereio, the ooaptMa-illowed to ananaraton wiii te

uaothreenor m >re than a'xI per day of ;ea houra ac'uil

li work eacb. Except i.ime eaeea, no cbiin for

oi te or traveling expenee3 willr> dlowed o any enumerator and tben

ben authority has been previouai ^.rnted by tbe diiector of tbe cen-

au ...

Anv bi umerator who, witbont juatih-caoje, neglecta or refuaes to per-

no tbe du ies of bia poai'ion, ac-

i tiug t\n appoiotinent ar d q<iu!iiiyingI woia, or who commuuicatea to

,i: y pera'n not, aiiflnrze) to receivepime any inf jrma ioo gaired by

.;, i;i the parfonaaaea of bia dutie*',wiil be aubject t) a tiue of five buudreddollaraThe takiog of the cecau3 will begm

o Juo« 1, aad it ia verj importaut th'U

ple snuuld by ready to aDewer

(j:ie=tiDr.8 which the enuroer.itcr«will ba required to put The queatiocair fireacnbed by law and the valu < ofteatatietiea will depend chiefly uponoomuletenetaof tbe aoawera giveo.

L'riueobocm 15, Bbidk 13.EastOT,lale a amall town near Brockton,Maaa., h talking over the marriage of

i thirreen year old girl with a boy of

ti'i ci., ha wciidir.g lakiog place, more-

.jver, witb the iuil conaent of tbe par-»,laof botb brideand bridegroora. TheRev. W. L.Caffin.of the Unity Cburcb,at EiBtondale.performed tho ceremonyover a monlb ago. The bride waa DellaMurphy aud the bridegroom EarlWiilifl. Tbi< chilliah love atfair haatnen going on for about twoyeare. Tbegirl baa benti for twelve yeara tbe

adopted daughter of George Swett acdwife. Willib'aconataut talk of his fu-ure prospecta waa ao brigbt to the girltbat abe conaented to marry tbe boy.Tphv are now living witb the parentsof the bridegrooin.

LANGTBV WA8 AliANDONKP..Theu»,svs tbat Mra. Langtry'a huaband,

! Huzo de Bnthe, ia invalided at tbefront with dyreutery, haa it-arounedtbe sp:culation as',o what cauaed bia

departora ho aoon after bia marriage to

>e Jereey Lily.Tne gncral idea waa tbat Langlry

vsa tired of him, but people who kuow

iy that it waa juat tbe other way, andaal wh»«n be could not get her to payondry hills, especiaily one for a coatlyn n oile, de Bathe abandooed bia

:;.>ttuti(ul and oxperienced wife.

Dcaatr lH Blaadl Daa».,.l mcam ¦'. °

withoul it- Caacare^Candyt ii

n your blood aad rmd it clean. l>yUp tbaUzj liver and drivrngAll im

fron. tbe.l;>Hlv. Bapa today topunpl^s brnla, blotcbaa, blaekhi ida,

;.,.dtli:»t8ickl> bih-'u< c.mplexn.n !¦>¦ t .,.,:./

CaacareuT-Eoanty i»r toacaaU ADdrnr|iflfal aatiaUt'Uon sruarantaed loc 25c.50t

His liii- Was fcared.Mr. J. E LillVi a promiueDt citizan

of Hanmbal, Ido , Utely bad a wondt-r-fut tieliverance fr< m a frighlful deatb.In teliiog of it he akjt: "I was takenwith Typboid Fevertbal raniDtopneu-mouiii. My Iin 14- bi-came hardened. Iwa.-.- v.. .. I cuuldn't even Mt up inbed. NoiIu.ik iielp« (1 ine. I ezpected(o i-'joii dio of ( oii-umptioD. whea Iheard of Dr. Kion's New Discovery.One botile gave un rtt relief. 1 contiou-t (1 to u.-e i', .t.d now am woll and Btrom/.1 t-aii'i nay loo much iu itepraise." T; i-

marvelouu medicine isthnaurest u :dquicktat cure in the world for all Tbroataod Liuiki Trouble. Regular aize 60ceotH and $1.00. Trial bottlea free atE. S. Leadbettter & Bodb' Drug Store;t very bottle guaranteed.

"I usod K'o Icl Dyepi-psia Caroinmy familywith wonderfol reeults. It givrs immedltterelief, is plrasaut to take and intrulv tbe d\s-pepric's frieud," aa>s K Hartgtriok,Overieel, Mich. Digeet what you eat. Oan-not fail to core.

QUESTION AN8WERED.Yes, Auguat Flower Btill baa the

largeet f=ale of any mtd'cinein thecivi-liz-d world Your motbersaDd graod~mother* oev< r thought of uhidr any-thinu else for Ir.digestion or Bilioue-rjepp. Dooiora were ¦.carce, and theyseldcm heard c> AppandtfJtM. NervousProt-tration or Henrt failure.etc. Theyu.-eti AugutM Flower to elean out thes\8tem Hbd b op fermeniation of undi-taatad food, regulatc the actioD of tbeliver, sliuuulate the nervous aod organioacti 'ii of the t-yBtem, and that ia allthey look wheu feeling dull and badwirh healaches and otber aches. YouODly ueed a few dosee of Green'sAiiRual Flower, in liquid form, to makeyou eatisfied there ib nothiog eeriousthe matter with you. For eale byErnest L Allen, Claud M. Lennon,Warfield & Hall, Oharles O. Lenoon,W. F. Creighton A Co., and RichardGibdou.

How to have Doctor Bills.We have cavetl many -'octor billfl

.lioce we bexan using Cbamberlain'at'ough Remedy in our home. Wekeepa bottle open all tbe time and wheneverany of my family or mynelf betrin tocatch cold we begin to u-e the t'oughRemedy, and as a result *e never havefo send away for a doctor and iDCUr a

Inrge doctor bill, for Cbamberlain'aCoiJfh Remedy never faila to cure. Itit* certainly a medicine of great meritBnd arorth..D 6. Mearklk, GeneralMerchint and Farmer, Mattie. Bedfordcounty, Pa. For eale by all druggieta.To rcure tbe origi-.l witch b»« l salve,

sak for DeWitt's Witch Haial ealve, well';nown aba<eruin cure for pilea aud akin(li«eiws. Bcw*rt of worthloas counterfeita.Th«>v «»(» H»n?H">n«

BELUVITASWThis Complexion Treatmcra

is a guaranteed specific pet-a *:« fectly safe and sure initsac-

¦e, jK} tion, for the removal 3f var-m\W ^Ml> ious disorders of the ssattviz

/^Pimples, Blotcbca, Prtddef,Sunburn. Dlscolorttfroa. Ecze*

ma, Blackheads. Routbneas, Rcdneaa. aod r*gtorea tbe Bloom of Youtb to taded faces.Boxes containing 10 days' treatment 50c;30 days' treatment, $1.00; six boxes $5.00with positive written guarantee to produce theihovu results or checrfully refund $5.00 paid. Saotby mail on receipt of price. Send for circular.

Nervita Medical Co., ciloton & Jecksoa Sta.Scld by all Dru^Rists Cblca|«,"""

i old by Kdgar Warll"! I, jr.. Drug^iat, Aley1 ti 1 i». Va.

niBTOnairiP i»wso.ution.

1 he fi:m, hcretoforo exitting b'tweeo J. T.jl.W- ni anl John B. BeckhHtn nn'ler theflrm na_M 0' J.T it J. 0. BKCKHAM ia thia;. diaadved by ratiiual roneent. The busi-n<>*8 will be, haraa .-r, conduct-d under tbegamo Daaaa by John G. B' rkham. Ail per.¦Oaa havinj; ciairra ai.»inst th» aaid firm willp esent tho same to tho taid John G. B 'ck-ham for paTBMal nnd all perB.ns indtbt.d totho said Ii m wil Btttla the aame with thrsaid John G Btckham


Fiom i>11 our cuitomcra of the ol 1 firm 1re-p tfollr rtquc«t 'h ccrtinuance of theufavor^. I will (OMluftthitudne>8 under tbenamo of J. J\ « J 0. Ktckham.

pjl, >0 1 m _JOHN 0. B-CKUAM_W-. HAVE ADDED TO OUfi HOUf'EFDB-


Blue Enameled Ware.(yompletc 1 up, flrot <iuality and low prices.Wo corlaly inv te the ladiea to inapect

thi". br.iuch of our btninesj We deairo to

ktep evorythim. in thn line; alao a full line

of goodt in Glass ar d China.Call and look through our itore. It is a

p'.easure for us tJ show our goods.Bespec.'fully,

Oarter & Howard,4'.'3 kino HTtrrr

New Arrivals in TownEUCHR£ PBUH (i.ow line).PINKandK'D CANDLE 8HADES, 10tGA8 and BAN'QUET GLOBEU.OOMPLETE LINE FISH GI.OBE8f>ur aim ia lf carry a difJerant ttock from

others and not fill it up witb the aame wara

to be found in Dorartment Htorea. Polito at*tion and prompt aervico aaaurcd jroo. It is ¦

pieaaure to hare you ca'l and look at 001

constantly changing ttock.


FAII'BANK'S FAlliY bOAP Just receir-cd. Hcedistlav of same in north w u-

dowofi.iY store. J.C.M1LBUBN.

FINK LOT MA'JOH PBUNES for aale by<- ytTPl'Rai

¦ Or.Buu'sCOUGHnf

i ruiry..:

JiHlli :i t

£> li, ,' n i».k f.rdan-

CVtfllD C\*91 nwri JM




T>r. BJI'J Cosgti

A. C. METM A CO.. Baltimore. Md...-..¦¦




NO. 517 KING 8TBEET,Alexandria, Va,

Informs his frienda that he is piopared tefnrnish

FUIT8 IN THE LATEST STYLF8,at very reaaonable prices.He gnaranteeasatisfaction in every partka-

lar, and requeeta a call and inspection oiSamplea. mh5 8m

Jack FrostHfPttffl nri'

Age nor condition.

Take time by tbe forelrxk and provideyonraelf and boys with one of onr StJITH,OVEBCOATS or BEEFEBS They aremade in the I'oat of manrer and at pricoewithin the reach of a>).

Men's Suits, $5 to $15.Boys' Suits, $1.25 to$io.Men's Overcoats, $4 up,All tbe lateat tbadee and sty lea in light

colored Covert Overcoats from 87 to f 15.Boys' light colored Covert Overcoats

'roni 84.50 np.Boys' Beefera, with storm or velvet

collar. from #2.50 np.Suits and Overcoats made to or ler, flt

guarantead, from $13.50 up.A completa line of Gent's Farniahings

at loweat prieea.All goods marked in pla; ) liguros and

gnaranteed as repreaented Of money refanded.

R. Lee Field,One-Price Clothwr and Fiirnkher,


EASTERis now approaohing aud we «re preparnd, witbthe assistanc of a new cuttor whoee m rvceew. havo secured at big expense, to fnrciahtbe latest spring styles in

Fancy Worstedsat reaaonable prices. Send yonr order at one*v> as to avoid being disappointad.

Kobert T. Grimes,Merchant Tailorand Men''

Furnishings,322 King street, Alexandria. Va.




Knives and Forks.Iu Fact I Have Made a Beduction or Bon.6

of Them.Theae gwds ara made t> special order.

The Knives are made of the flne-t aceol andplutlng is of the celebrated No. 12 quality.Tbe Forks are solid nickle and plated on

e<iuality witb the KniveaEach Knifo and Fork is guam.t »od by me

and is stampsd with my name.

hi Dot. Dinner Kaivos.....$1.85£ Doa, Dinner Forks.$1.85Hi Doa Desaert Kuives.....rl.75Jfr Doa. Deesert Forks.f1 75




OWN TEBM-S.Onr 21 Jewel Bailroad Watch a specialty.

BepreeanUtiv. will be in A'.xandria evoryFBIDAY. Wrlte ua and we will aaU witbsamples All tranaactlons CONFIDENTIAL

Castelberg National Jewelry Co,,935 Penn Ave, Waahington, D. C. and 106

N. Eutaw 8t, Baltimore, Md.ian5 lyr

'i*</«««T *f



Leave your oHers at

OFFICE. 589 KING 8TBEET.We are paying special attention to orden

for family n*a.Office and Wbarve*. foot of Princsaa street.Teleobonea. Bcll and Hume, 57._


TL r~~~r.~ v u;n u~i-iJi£ i^CC.g*- *>¦. **»*« i-»ar»Ciy,National Biacnlt Company. Alexandria, Va,

Travolara' Loch, the great qnart cup goods,Animala, Lemon Nota, Zooa, Kxeeiaior BotterCrack^ra, Family Soda Biacuit, N. B. C. Pull¬man Oyater Crackera, FarinaOysterCrackers,Hill's Cream Biacuit, very fine.Onr line of staplas is unexcelled.Snap*.

Lemona, Oyater*. 8oda*, Watora, Penny Oakw.Do you know Uneeda Biscuit ? Uneeda

Jinger Wayf.r and Uie Araencan BaaatyOiafw 8aa#a ia paoy barrela


PEBCALES, bandsome aswrtment, 1 yardwide, beet mvke and latest patternsjat 124c

Percalea, pretty line, 1 yard Jwide, to ran at8c

Madraa, Bates Seeraucker, Langdel Zephyrand Amoskeag, A. F. C Ginghams, in lightplaids, ohecks and atripee, for waiats, faateolors, st 8 and lOo per yard.

Fine lino Dark Ginghama for dresaea st 8cPretty I ne Light Outings, for wrappers

and droscing **< ks, at 8 and lOe.Cherkedand itiipod Muslins, fall line, at

5, Oi, 8 and 10c.India Linena at all prices.Reronanta heavy Unbleached Cotton, 1

yard wide, 1 to 10-yard pieces, » bargain at5e.K.mnanta Unbleiohed Cotton, 1 to 10-yard

pieces, a bargain at 3JcBemnanti Bleached Cotton, Lare Cnrtains,

Cnrtainettea, 8crinu Ac.Latest stjle' Pulley"Belta in silk and satin,

25c.Fall line of GENTLEMEN'S FUBNI8H-

ING8.The ABM0B8rDE, a celebratod unbreaka-

ble Coraet. Gnaranteed to give satlafactior,or money refunded after two weeka' wear.

Gall and exsmipoFull line Umbrellas.






ThoroughbredJersey Cattle.

Will rffer at 1 p. ro. WEDNE8DAY, April18, 1800, at Qunston Ha'l Fsrm, near Guns-tin, V»..'28 HEADOFTHOBOrGHBBEDJET SEY CATTLE, some registered and allfr. m regietorei sto-k. (MILCH C0W8, .,sb-cock teitedj 11 Milch Cowa, mostly ycuog;14 Choice and Promising Heifers, 6 to 28months old, and tbree Extra Fine Bulls, twoof which 116 undcr 2 years and ooeis 5 yearaold.The celebratcd ST LAMBEBT 8TBAIN ia

largcly reprosented in this herd.It will p»y ycu to give this sale your at-

tcntion.TEBVS 0A8H.

If :u'crc-t-"l write for cataloguo giving fullinformOion as to ped'gree cf the stock andhow to get to tbe sale. Addrcas:

J08EPH 8PECHT,mhl4 lawt) Gooaton HaU. Gnnston, Va

By 8. H. ' nnt, Anctioneer.

BY VIBTUE of the authority of a daed oftiurt, dated Cctober 29,1896, and re-

eorded in deed book No 37, page 224 of tbeUnd records of the ci y of Alexandria, Vir-kfinix, and by direction of tba baard of dira«-tors of tho Mi r¦rantiio Bailwsy Pnilding andL'>an Aaaodatioi. of Alexandria, Vlrginia, thebeneflciary under faid tiust, dcfinlt havingbeen nitde in tho prov:sion« of the same, wiilffer for sale, st pablic auction, in front of

'h i Market Building in tbe city of Alexan-dii*. Vlrgivia. at 12 o'clock noon. oa

8ATUBDAY, MARCH 31, 1900,tho followieg property ; to wlt:ALL THaT L'T OF GROUND WITH

THE IMPBOVBMENTS, in tb. saidcity of AUxandria, Statsof Virgioia. boundedand de*crib*l aa lollowa; to wit: Beginningat a polnt on the rorth side of Wilkea streetsevonty (70) feet flve (5) inches west of Cr>iumhus stroet; thence weat with Wilkesstreat Uenty-nfne (29) feet flve (5) Inches;thence north parallel aith Colambna ttreetfcixty-four (04) feet two (8) inchea ; thenceeaat parslkl with Wilkea street tw.ntj-nine(29) feet (fi) inches; thence eotith parallelwith Colurabna street sixty-fotrr (04) feet twoinches to the b. ginning.Terms of Sale: t ash Con veyaucing at th.

cost of tbe parcbaaer.THOMA9 J. FANNON and I Tpolltae.ANTHONY W. ABM8TB0NG, ] lrn8lee8-

aabatti__By B F. Knox. Auctionoer.

BY VfhTUEof a deed of trust, doly re-

corded in liber Q. No 4, page 401, on.of the land records of Alexandria county,Va., and at the reqneat of the party securedthereby, the undersigued, trusteea, will aellat pablic acction, on tho premises, on

THUB8DAY,tbe 29th day of March, 1900,

at four o'clock p. m., the following describedresl eatate with the improvementa thereon,situate and being in the connty of Alexan¬dria, Va., being lota Nos. 10 and 17 in a cer-

uin plan of lota cahed 8T. ELMO, shown on

a plot thereof, which la daly recorded sruangthe Und records of Alexandria county in 11-bei 0, No. 4, page 402.Termaof 8ale: Caih.


mhl6 ta /

___PKOPOSjLLrfL,F~OBTHUNT, VA , Mar«h 27. 1900.-

Sealed Propoaals will be rectived heremtll 12 m., April 27,1900, for constructlngat this post 1 Lavatory. Informatlon fuin-ished on app'ication. Envelops. contamingpronosals should be indoraed "ProposaU forconstrociing Lavetory," iMm4 Vso,Johnson, Q M._mh27 4t-ap25 2t

DKPABTMB"T OF THE INTEBIOBCensas Offlcc Waabingtoo, D. C. March

23 19O0..Sealed propjaala (in dapIcat.)will be recaived il the U. 8. Ceoao. Oflw,Wsahmgton, D. C. unUI Apnl ., 1900, forfurnishingcaaes for seheda ea, eaaea for carda,Ublea for pauchioa and ubulating machinea,*ji for raillnga all to be of wood. Spacift.catioosaod b'na pnnu, giv.og detailed de-/rrintlon of the article. required. can h*. UtA

by applying at this office. W. B. Mebbiam,I);r«ctor of the Census. mh26 8t

QUALITY TELL8,.A earafuUy selectadstock of Nuta, Candiea, Figa, Oranges

0*»i*c Ac for aal. by_T. tt MJLBUBN

The qaeen (J tll Uble erackera iaHILL'S CREAM BISCUIT,

delieau:, cjiap aad Maraahl.g


Swan BrosNOS. 424-426 KING STREET.

One Price.

LADIES' UNDERWEAR PARLOR.We have just fitted up in the rear of our store a Ladies'

Private Uhderwear Parlor, where one can select underwear,ladies' dress skirts, and ladies' wrappers in perfect privacy.

LADIES' UNDERWEAR.In our new Ladies' Parlor we are showing a very stylish and

complete line of ladies' new mualin underwear, in plain andtrimmed, Lace and Hamburg. We invite your attention to thecompletencss of our stock and the prices of




LADIES' WRAPPERS.In our Ladies' Parlor will be found a choice assortment of

new ladies' wrappers, in light and dirk colors. The prices ofthese range from 69c up, and araong them will be found manypretty patterns.

LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS.In our ladies' Parlor wiM be found a beautiful line of new

Spring Dress Skirts, all of which are up to date in style, fit andworkmanship; we call your attention to the variety, pretty pat¬terns and low prices.

FANCY UNDERSKIRTS.We are showing an elegant line of Fancy Underskirtsjin

many pretty colors and patterns. The prices of tnese are un-

usually reasonable lor like quality.CORSETS.

Our lineof Corsttsconsists ot the best makes only, and judg-ing from the rapid growth of this department since we tookcharge of this business, our prices musJt be all ripht.


S^ffiTJ-JST BROS.,424-426 King street.

Washington Stores 1810 and 2808 14th st.CAN IDATKS._]

IBE9PECTFULLY «NN0UNCE mv«elf acandidate for rf.-a'ection to the office of

COMM'tNWEAI.TH'S ATT >BNEY. of tbiacity, snbjert to the action of tho demorraticoarty, at the primary eiectiou to bo heldApril 10th oextmh24 tpe LEON»BD MABBUBY.

IHEBEBY ANNODN E myaelf a candi-date for the office of CITY TBEASUBEB

of the city of Alex-ndne, Virginia, mbject tothe daeision of thedemocratic pr mary to boh* ld od April 10. 1900mh24 tpe___THO vtA* W. gOBINPON.

T3 THE V0TEB8 OF TBB CITY 01ALEXANDBIA..I respectfnlly ai .

noance myaelf a candidste for rc«olection ttheCLEBK8HIPOF THE COBPOBATIObCODBT, and aak the anpport of my friends a

the primary election when h«ild.nhl5 _JOHN 8 BEACH.


AND COBPOttATION COURTH of Alexardrifl city, aod aak the anpport of my frieodand fellow-citiaenaatthodemocraMc primar>mhlO WM.E. FENDALT-.

TOTHE V0TER8 OF ALEXANDBIA-1hereby annonnre myself as a candidat

fcr the offlee Of CITY 8EBOKANT, srjr |e<to the dedalon of the democratie prirmrjand promlse, if Hected, to do my dmy fa tr-folly withootfearorfavor Very reepectfoil>mh8 tf P?AN? °J 8PINK8 Jr.

rpo THK THE VOTEBS OF ATEXAN-X. DBIA CITY.- I aononnce myaelf a car

didste for re-alection to tho office of CITY8EB0EANT, sabject to the pr mary elertior.mh5 W. H. 8MITH, 8er*eant.


W.P.WOOLLS&SOiN,Wkoleaale and BeUil Dealen in



Fine Qld Wines and LiquorsOOB. BOYAL AND WOLFE 8T8

Jan5_-BISH POTATOES 70c per boaael at

W. P. WOOLLS A 80N«8.I

TBICTI Y FBEfcH E<iG8 reeeivbd daily16c per doaen. at



Schneider's PrincessBread.

Deiicions, nntritioo-, wholeaome and ebs'-Intrly paaVan-J elean lf yoo wbtb tbe verybeTt on yoir UWe. a* yoor groc*r for it,aad yon will wa.t no olber thereaftar. For«*le by all dealers at 5a a loai.

Manofactured aolely at the

ileiaodria Steam Bread Bakeiy.[mh201w]


You don't have to add swjar

The Key to Happiness"OurNewSouth"Flour.

.in the home, youugwomen, is in supplyingyour ta'le with UOODBREAD, deliciona Bollt.Oake and Pastry.Thia deairable resol*. can

be broacht aboot by using"Our NewHoath" Fbnr.Tbere is never any re-

aort tt tbe divorra conrtsin hcmea wbore it is used.

.ptr fry it tbe aezt time yon order.and,like thoosandi of otbera, yon will nevor bewithout itYOUR GROCER SELLS IT.

W. H. TENNEY & 80NS,Capital afills, 36th 4 Water Streeta.


¦ w**'""'iiMji'i'''"-wben ?he porchvea llonr for her broad. rakeaor naa'rf. Bhe ean n*v«i mak« »ny miaUkewhon hoosing tha 'Pride" floor, nude b?1m

Kinia wheat, auch as is mannfartnred at the'Olobe Mllla." Our flonr is aojurpaswl for

quality, fiavor aod atreogth.JNO. W. KMMKBT & 00,

Uoion atreet.Phonee.Bell 29, Home 148.

a_Un 8WEET aad eOl/E PICKLB8and Mu»tard, jost ia«ivad and for sala

,0 quantitiea U> Siil by hjjjjIJBK