
Post on 06-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Alex424

Chinese architectureBy Alexander Vyorst

Chinese past buildings and new buildings There are many different types of buildings in China.

Some are old and some are new. Examples of the old are the buildings in the Forbidden City. Examples of the new are the tall skyscrapers of Shanghai.

The first types of buildings were long and low. The second type were based on symmetry.

All of the buildings in the past had to be based on Chinese philosophies.

How buildings are made. There are tons of ways buildings are made:

Some buildings were made one to two stories high.

Some buildings were made from mud bricks and tiles, and others were made out of wood, cement or steel.

There are some that have curved roofs.

Some towers stacked roofs on each other.

History of Chinese buildings The biggest change in Chinese architecture was during the Han Dynasty when

Buddhism came. The buildings they made were called pagodas. Also some people in ancient China had some superstitions. They thought that bad luck [ghosts] would come, but it was also believed that ghosts could not turn corners.

So they put a wall which faced the main entrance,

so that you needed to make a turn and so bad

luck [ghosts] could not come in.

5 FACTS! The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace for almost 500 years from the Ming


This city was built in 1406 to 1420 and was made up of 980 buildings.

It is located in the middle of Beijing, the capital of China and it now houses the Palace Museum.

You would not get more courtyards if you were rich, but by your rank in society.

A Chinese farm house contains three rooms and one door which is off the middle room, the kitchen.

Recommendations for your building All windows and doors should face the south away from the north wind.

You should respect your carpenter because he can put hexes on your house if you do not treat him well.