Alena Bartonova, CITI-SENSE coordinator http ......Signal #1 Signal #2 High A1 Low...

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Transcript of Alena Bartonova, CITI-SENSE coordinator http ......Signal #1 Signal #2 High A1 Low...

Alena Bartonova, CITI-SENSE coordinator

CITI-SENSEFP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

CITI-SENSE consortium

CITI-SENSEFP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Our motivationCurrent situation

Compliance & regional monitoring: Few monitoring stations

Information systems: low awareness

No real-time data where people are

Absence of personalized data: - what does air quality mean to me?

In 2011, 458 000 premature deaths in Europe were attributed to air pollution

Europe: annual cost of health impacts for mortality/morbidity, 1.575 trillion USD

Citi-Sense Goals

Developing Citizens’ Observatories with a variety of micro sensors

Integrating data analysis across data types and cities

Empowering citizens to influence community policy & decision making

- what does air quality mean to me? - what can I do?

The Guardian


Development of sensor based Citizens’ Observatory Community for improving quality of life in cities

Contribute to and participate in environmental Contribute to and participate in environmental governance

Support and influence community and policy priorities and decision making

Contribute to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)

Technological enabler: ICT, sensor devices.CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Citizens’ observatories

Communities of users that will

share technological solutions, information products and services, and information products and services, and

community participatory methods,

thus complementing established environmental data and information systems and improving local environmental decision


CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

PerspectivesUsers Technologies:

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Static sensors located in kindergartens

Mobile sensors carried by volunteers

Monitoring air quality where people are

Data fused maps, air quality where you are Exposure to pollution, personalized information

Very interested

Not interested

Little interested

Are you interested in AQ?

Questionnaires and mobile apps to understand air quality perception


• Opinion on air quality and its effects on health• Accessibility and usefulness of air quality

information• Empowerment, who can improve air quality?

How?• How can we improve air quality information to

the public

GIS-surveyPerception where you arePeople as sensors




e R





ta Q


lity Ambient air

monitoring network and compliance

Supplement Air Monitoring


Community based






What data quality do we need?



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ta Q



based monitoring and


Education and Qualitative monitoring





Relative Deployment DensityAdapted from: Snyder et al. Env. Sci. Tech. 2013

New opportunitiesObservations at high resolutionMonitoring at points of interest

Low-cost sensor technologies

ChallengesinterestCitizen engagementPersonalized data

Data quality: error characteristics, long-term measurement capability

Maintenance of large sensor platform networks: sensor failures, data storage, data treatment, re-calibration.

Privacy and security: personal sensors (linked with position data)

Laboratory & Field

Challenge: Instrument performance and uncertainty

Validation and Calibration

Provide accurate and scientifically defendable information, fit for purpose. Otherwise data is useless.

Extensive evaluation of commercial low-cost platforms against CEN reference method analyzers

Results NO2: In laboratory r2 = 0.9In the field, the highest r2 was 0.51

22 out of 24 pods had r2<0.47 out of 24 pods had r2<0.2

The performance varies:

Performance of low cost sensor platforms

The performance varies:location, meteorological conditions, degradation of the sensor


PM10, PM2.5



15% 25% 15%


25% 50% 30%

Data quality objectives for ambient air quality assessment defined in the AQD 2008/50/EC

Sensors: What data quality do we need?Signal #1 Signal #2







Coarse Information

Low Low

A1(t) & A2(t) in the same segment -> Match score = 1A1(t) & A2(t) not in the same segment -> Match score = 0

Average for 24 pods (13.04.2015 to 24.06.2015)

Pollutant Match

NO2 0.5

NO 0.8

O3 0.3

CO 0.4

PM10 0.9

PM2.5 0.5

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

QuestionnairesKnowledge and views

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Air quality in your city?

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Air quality in your city?

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Air quality in your city?

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Air quality in your city?

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

A map for your city?

Create a static basemap for your city

Retrieve crowdsourced sensor observations at each hour (other data can also be used)

Modify the basemap with latest observations using geostatistical data fusion

Final result - hourly maps with the current best guess for the NO2/PM10/PM2.5 concentrations at all locations

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Lahoz, W. A., and P. Schneider (2014), Data assimilation: making sense of Earth Observation, Front. Environ. Sci., 2(16), 1–28, doi:10.3389/fenvs.2014.00016.

A map for your city?Examples - data fusion-based surface concentration field of NO2 for Barcelona, ES, and Oslo, NO, at 100 m spatial resolution.

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Platform & data flowsData


Access Citi-Sense Platform End Users


Web Portals



GEOSSStandardisationCITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

How open are the data and tools?

Data (processed) and information are open to everyone

Open source apps and widgets Open source apps and widgets with good documentation for further use (SMEs, students, universities,..)

Tools are easily adjustable (authorities)

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Citizens’ Observatories Toolbox

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Public front-end Air quality visualisation portal

multi-cities, multi-input

Citizens’ observatories portal

methods and tools


AQ literacy, CityAir App

Where-to-get sensors

Sensor output evaluation statistical package

AQ information maps

Public spaces - user evaluation toolkit

Educational activities for schools (ages 6-18)

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Engaging with the public

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Ljubljana Active dissemination e.g. leaflets,

baloon days, and much more Focus group discussions with LEO

volunteers Collaboration with schools Committed participants (Mayor also Committed participants (Mayor also

hosting one AQMesh)

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Ostrava Citizen collaboration

3 biomonitoring campaigns - citizens

Monitoring campaign -cyclists

Networking with community-driven initiatives

Educational program for schools Educational program for schools Kindergartens

Primary schools

Open days and Earth days

Public co-creation events Public seminars, conferences, open days

Interviews - citizens, authorities, NGOs

Awareness about air pollution Flyers, media campaigns, stands

National and international eventsCITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524


Anual Project in elementary schoolsand junior-high• Measurements• Perception• Perception• Understanding air pollution

• Panel about air quality in Haifa, with representatives of all stakeholder groups.

• Public air pollution info portal

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Barcelona CitizenSqKm & iSPEX collaboration

• external training in environmental monitoring• networking with community-driven initiatives

Public Events, e.g. ECSA conference Public Events, e.g. ECSA conference • Citizen Safari• Crowd & The Cloud

Social and traditional media campaigns• CityAir app promotion• CivicFlow questionnaire dissemination

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Edinburgh Jointly funded workshop

“Use of low-cost sensor technology to monitor air quality & engage citizens”• discussion sessions with sensors developers,

local Authorities, researchers and other stakeholders

Local Advisory Committee convened Local Advisory Committee convened • Representatives from local authority, NGO,

regulator and AQ researcher

Engaging with cyclists and general public • Flyers, media campaign, street team• CityAir app promotion• CivicFlow questionnaire dissemination

Local authority engagement to deploy sensors in city

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Belgrade AQ monitoring:

34 pods, 25 AQMesh & 9 EB700

360+ AQ literacy questionnaire

55% and more are very interesed in air quality For 60% and

50 volunteers – personal AQmonitoring for 1 week

• Marketing events, meetings & disscussions with stateholdes

• Activities for and with schools

• Collaboration with Municipality, Serbian EPA, etc…

• Contribution at media campaing

• Participation at conferences

air quality For 60% andmore air quality in

Belgrade is very bad

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524


CitizenSense & University collaboration

• training in environmental monitoring

• exchange about crowd sourcing of

environmental data environmental data

Children as Scientists

• CityAir app promotion

• CivicFlow questionnaire dissemination

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

Oslo Air quality monitoring in kindergartens

• 17 kindergartens from December 2015• Additional 35 kindergartens in June 2016

Citizen participation in monitoring air quality• 40 volunteers carrying a LEO unit for 1 week• Campaign “Colour the Oslo air” • Campaign “Colour the Oslo air”

to promote the CityAir app

Co-creation events: Focus Groups, Interviews and Open Events involving authorities, NGOs and citizens

Creating awareness about air pollution• Flyers, media campaigns, stands • Participation in the European Mobility Week

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

In summary: Public engagementin environmental governance

• Technologically enabled Citizens’ Observatories allow:

• Involvement of different actors/stakeholders -• Involvement of different actors/stakeholders -better results (decision-making, implementation)

• Different forms of public engagement – from collecting contributions only to active participationin problem framing, design, data collection, interpretation and implementing measures

• Technologies: fit for purpose

CITI-SENSE: FP7 R&I Grant agreement nº: 308524

For more information, please visit

CITI-SENSE projectGrant agreement nº: 308524

or mail to