
Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Alcoholism

Alcoholism Ana Hernández

Daniel CalderónDaniel Sánchez


Alcoholism is a disease that comes silently, the abuse of alcohol not only can cause damage to the body’s internal organs also can generate an addiction affecting drastically your lifestyle and the relationships with your family, your friends and your working relationship.

Key Works 1) BEER noun /bɪər //bɪr/ n •An alcoholic drink made from grain•A glass or container of this drink

2) HARMFUL adjective /ˈhɑːm.fəl//ˈhɑːrm-/ adj •Causing harm

3) ADDICTIVE adjective /əˈdɪk.tɪv/ adj •An addictive drug is one which you cannot stop taking once you have started Tobacco is highly addictive.•Describes an activity or food that you cannot stop doing or eating once you have started

4) PSYCHOLOGICAL adjective /ˌsaɪ.kəlˈɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl//-kəˈlɑː.dʒɪ-/ adj •Relating to the human mind and feelings•Of an illness or other physical problem) caused by worry or sadness•[before noun] describes a film or book in which there is a lot of attention given to the way people influence each other's behaviour

5)DETERIORATE verb /dɪˈtɪə.ri.ə.reɪt//-ˈtɪr.i-/ v [I] •To become worse

CONCLUSION Alcoholism is one of the most common problems we can find in our society for this reason we think is very important reflect on this issue, though is a social problem that maybe you never going to have around you, alcoholism can arrive to your life and it can change you, your lifestyle is going to be totally different and probably you never going to be the same person; although alcohol seems to be a great solution for the problems you have to realized it isn’t a real solution for your problems, alcohol don’t solve anything and in fact your life will be better if you try to avoid alcohol.Working in group help to people to work more efficient due to they combine their skills and make this better, the development of different works is easier and you can avoid mistakes because people around you can help you with some questions and doubts you have also they can help you to be focus in the activities you have to do.

Video The video talking about the signs of alcohol, the video shows the importance to have a good observation and be honest with yourself in order to realize you have the habit of drinking out of control.There are symptoms of alert about alcoholism, for example when you start to lie about how much are you drinking, also is a really bad symptom have mayor tolerance to alcohol because that means you’re starting to create an addiction.Living your life with alcohol shows that you don’t have a normal life; alcohol changes completely your personality and your social environment.

The Article The article talks about how children feel about the adults’ behavior when they are drunk.In a survey some children said they felt scared when adults drink, and half of children said they don’t mind about drinking alcohol; and this is important to get worried because that means its making a drinking culture.The article shows the impact of adult drinking in children, children see how adults change when they are drinking and this behavior influence children to drink alcohol when they were older.

Survey1. ¿What do you think

about alcohol?2. ¿Do not drink

alcohol regularly?3. ¿Believe that

alcoholism is a major cause of

death today?4. ¿Have you ever

been drunk?5. ¿On what occasions

do you drink more?6. ¿Who drinks?

Interviewed1. Yesith Leonardo

Torres HernandezEstudiante 18 años

2. Jairo Guzman Ospino

Estudiante 18 años

3. Andres Cortes Estudiante 18 años

4. Manuel Ricardo

Herrera Estudiante 20 años

5. Andres Sandoval Estudiante 19 años

Andres Esteban Barrera

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