Album Covers

Post on 02-Oct-2015

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Changing Album Covers

Transcript of Album Covers

PowerPoint Presentation

Everyday Leading LadiesPRACTICE INFORMED RESEARCHChanging British male album covers to leading ladies of society. State that Im doing the practice informed research, and the potential title is, Everyday Leading Ladies, that focus in on the changing of British male albums to everyday females of different races. Also the title of the project is still a working progress.

1MASH - UPSOxford Dictionary a mixture or fusion of disparate elements


Lessig Read Only Culture to Read Write Culture.

A new digital age. The album covers will be mash-up, and mash-up means a mixture or fusion of disparate elements, things that dont normally go together. Its like taking existing art and changing it to how you want to see it. Applying theory to why Im creating my work, appropriation comes into play; this simply means taking something for ones own use, typically without owners permission. And in the new digital age it has become easier for us to engage with changing works. Developing on from appropriation, Lessigs idea of Read Only Culture (consume passively from authority) has now developed into the Read Write Culture (relationship between producer/consumer, focus on digital age). This connects to my work because with the RW culture and technology the consumer can become more involved and produce art in how they see it.


Sacha Goldberger Super FlemishFirst initial inspiration.

Goldberger uses the idea of re-appropriation to create this piece of work.

Brings together 17th century painting and modern day marvel heroes together. (a mash-up).

Same meaning, noble and power. With mash-ups and Lessigs idea in mind, I got my first inspiration from artist Sacha Goldbergers Super Flemish. As you can see the work shows known superheros/characters presented a 17th century paintwork style. Mashing up old style art with modern day heros that dominant society. But I like how both elements show the power. Also, Berger has re-appropriated both old style paintings and superheros.


Tim Burton Burton is well-known film director.

Known for his dark, quirky style.

E.G. Edward Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland, Beetlejuice, and more.

Another inspiration from the beginning was Tim Burton, a famous film director, whom is recognized for his dark and quirky style. Burton has his style and when you see a film you know it is his, and I want to create this through my work, which led me to consider changing album covers.


USA 1st Amendment

Right to express opinions freely through speech, writing and other forms.

BUTwithout deliberately causing harm to others.

There are some limitations.

Through manipulating CD covers, I wanted to create my own style but also have that freedom to create something controversial.Developing on from my inspirations and ideas around mash-ups, I started to look at freedom of expression, as in the Read Write Culture/Mash-ups we can change and remix art in our own ways.Freedom of Expression is the 1st amendment of the USA, and means that you have the right to expression opinions freely through different forms, but without deliberately causing harm to others. Yet, over time there have been limitations that look into copyright. So with manipulating CD covers, I wanted to create my own style but also have that freedom to create something controversial. Especially, if Im changing album covers I need to consider the copyright laws.


Mcleod (2007) Mentions that intellectual property laws restrict creativity and expression of ideas.

Because I'm changing covers, do I have an issue?

The only thing that remains the same is the artist name on cover.

The test of originality and the work needs to show skill.

Copyright gives the automatic right to the author which applies when the work is fixed that is written or recorded in someway Intellectual Property Office. And it lasts 70 years after the death of the author. Mcleod (2007) Mentions that intellectual property laws restrict creativity and expression of ideas.So, because Im changing the album covers, I need to think I am breeching the law of copyright, but does freedom of expression allow me to change these covers. Also, with copyright to work you need to show skill, and test how original the piece you are creating is.Yes, Im changing album covers, but the only thing that remains the same to the original is the artists name on cover.


All albums chosen were from the British music scene.

Reflected my music? Sub-subconsciously.

All male artist, and male on the covers.

Change to females. From the beginning I wanted to manipulate album covers through the style of mash-up and creating my own style so you know its me (like Burton). But as I was looking for album covers to change I realized most were from the British music scene, and what I listened too (sub-conscious move?). Then I noticed they were all male albums, so I decided to change the album covers to females, and not manipulate them in own style (or that could be my style, changing from male to female).


One of the CD covers that I have changed. As you can see I used a white female with henna on her face as you dont usually asscoicate this with the white woman. Also, I have changed the title of the album but kept the artist name on there.8

These are some of the other covers Im changing.Dizzee Rascal Will be called Slut in the CornerThe Beatles Will change to Race Road (4 different women from different cultures)Arctic Monkeys A female will be smoking a tamponThe Rolling Stones Will have a womans cleavage changes to sticky breasts 9OUTPUT?

Still undecided area

Hard Copy Consider printing the covers out and placing them into CD cases.

Online Or should I place them online?

BUT Could I do both? Im still undecided in how to present the work when complete, I know an online version is obvious, but I think it would look nice to have a hard copy. Like print them in the size of vinyls or print them out to put into empty CD cases.


Testing the limits of copyright through mash-up.

Freedom of Expression, to recreate album covers.

Not causing hate speech, but wanted the viewer to do double take at the covers.

Tried to incorporate both theory and art into work.

I feel it shows that Im testing the limits of copyright through mash-up. And I like how Freedom of Expression, allows me to recreate album covers.Some of the content on the covers are a bit questionable, but I dont want to cause hate speech, but I do want the viewer to do double take at the covers. Have tried to incorporate both theory and art into work.


Still wondering about the output and presentation of work.

Is my work fully original? Or just a copy?

Personal View I feel the work may across as a feminist move, but thats not my intentions.

(Maybe depends on the person consuming it, but I dont want the work/me to come across as a feminist).

Still not sure about the output of my work, and is my work fully original? Or just a copy? Does it depend on the consumer? Personal View I feel the work comes across as a feminist move, but thats not my intentions. (Maybe depends on the person consuming it, but I dont want the work/me to come across as a feminist). 12CONCLUSIONS

With freedom of expression we can create art, even with copyright laws and limitations.

The new digital age can help with the creativity.

Question the representation of females in society and on CD cover.

How the consumer reacts to the work.

Just let people create, make art. With freedom of expression we can create art, even with copyright laws and limitations. The new digital age can help with the creativity. Question the representation of females in society and on CD cover. What I want people to take from this is, just let people create, make art.