Al Mannings Chakra Exercise

Post on 01-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Al Mannings Chakra Exercise

  • 7/26/2019 Al Mannings Chakra Exercise


    Step 1: Make the basic Cosmic Light Attunement (note: substitute the

    Middle Pillar for this). Feel the loving caress of the Cosmic Light as it

    beams down on you in a shaft of white brilliance. Let the Light ow into your

    mind cleansing it and !roducing an attitude of !ositive e"!ectation. Let the

    Light ow through your body# feel it rela" cleanse and heal your body.

    Step 2: $uild a mental image (thoughtform) of a magnifying glass in three%

    dimensional living color. Make it as bright and real as you can. &e will use it

    to focus the Cosmic Light in the same way you would use a real magnifying

    glass to focus the sun's rays and burn a hole in a !iece of !a!er. irect your

    mental magnifying glass to oat around behind you and !osition itself in the

    shaft of Cosmic Light to focus a good measure of Light on the base of your

    s!ine at your root center (note: I nd the magnifying glass image to be

    silly and distracting, so I instead imagine a warm spark or dot of

    light forming in my root chakra and igniting it I then ha!e it tra!el

    along the course of the beam of light mentioned in the remainder of

    the e"ercise). Feel the gentle warmth and tingling as the !urication

    !rocess begins# then feel the beautiful red ame of the root center as it grows

    and whirls# and as the center e"!ands feel a surge of vitality owing into

    your !hysical body. Feel the blood dancing in your veins while every cell of

    your body vibrates with fresh life energy. Acce!t this as a wonderful rst ste!

    in your balanced unfoldment and*

    Step #: Lift your focused Cosmic Light to your s!leen center. (For this

    !ur!ose you will nd the s!leen energy center along the s!ine about halfway

    between the root center and the solar !le"us.) Feel the brilliant orange ame

    of the s!leen center grow and whirl and as this center e"!ands feel the

    shar!ening of your mental faculties. Feel how much more readily you handle

    im!ressions and conce!ts whether they reach you through the +normal+ ve

    senses or from your !sychic rece!tors. Feel the orange ame washing away

    any blocks of an"iety resentment or confusion that may have been in the

    way of your clear thinking. Feel your mind getting shar!er and shar!er and

    acce!t this as an e"cellent second ste! in your balanced unfoldment.

    Step $: Lift your focused Cosmic Light to your solar !le"us center. Feel the

    bright yellow ame grow and whirl and as this center e"!ands feel your

    growing sense of as!iration and a !ositive ,uickening of your intuition and

    mood sensitivity. Feel the bright yellow ame setting u! magnets in your aurato attract !eo!le and conditions that are !ositive constructive and u!lifting

    and to re!el the other kind. -hus it hel!s you maintain your !oise and

    eectiveness in all situations and is another e"cellent ste! in your balanced


    Step %: Lift your focused Cosmic Light to your heart center and feel the

    gorgeous green ame begin to grow and whirl. /n0oy the richness of the

  • 7/26/2019 Al Mannings Chakra Exercise


    shading (feel it whether you see it or not) % from the !ale greens of new

    growth through the richer greens of love and givingness ri!ening to the

    dee! greens of the harvest abundance and !ros!erity. As the center

    e"!ands feel it reaching out to bathe all mankind with its goodness. -hat's

    !art of the natural givingness of the heart center but there is no danger of an

    energy loss. 1ou are !ositively connecting all of your centers to the 2nnite/nergy so there is all you can use or give away and always !lenty to s!are.

    2n s!are moments you may meditate on the symbolic balance of the heart

    center as a !oint of !ure love between the heat of the lower centers and the

    shar! coldness of the higher centers but in the e"ercise it is best to continue*

    Step &: Lift your focused Cosmic Light to your throat center and feel the

    s!arkling electric blue ame as it grows and whirls. As this center e"!ands

    feel the !owerful ow of healing creative energy 0ust tumbling and bubbling

    into your life e"!ression. Feel it directing the healing of your mind body and

    aairs and acce!t its creative !ower as the fresh solution to any immediate

    !roblems and the ins!iration to new undertakings. $ask in the s!arkling

    creative blue atmos!her and*

    Step ': Lift your focused Cosmic Light to your brow center. -ake a few e"tra

    moments to be sure the Light has time to cleanse and !urify the indigo ame

    then let it grow and whirl# as the center e"!ands feel it o!en the symbolic

    tra!door in the center of your forehead o!ening your com!lete rece!tivity to

    the higher !sychic realms. 3now that in the bright indigo ame you are

    !erfectly safe. 1ou are res!onsive and rece!tive only to the highest the best

    and the true. -hen feel the loving !resence of your s!irit teachers and loved

    ones who always draw near at this !oint in your e"ercise. 4reet your s!irit

    friends in love and invite them to !artici!ate in the fullest not only in the rest

    of the e"ercise but also in all of your life activities. /n0oy the beauty of the

    s!irit res!onse and*

    Step (: Lift your focused Cosmic Light to your crown center and feel the

    brilliant violet ame as it grows and whirls. Feel it whirling like a huge at

    violet diamond there in the to! of your head# as the center e"!ands feel it

    o!en a vorte" of rece!tivity to the tangible res!onse of your own highest

    conce!t of 4od. Feel it !enetrate not 0ust your !hysical body but the astral

    and mental as well and know that you can go out the vorte" 0ust as easily as

    the res!onses come in. $e ready to go out but rst*

    Step ): 5ause to feel all of your centers vibrating at a !eak of eectiveness.

    Feel the !ower in your aura. 1ou are bringing the 2nnite /nergy in through

    your centers letting it ow into your aura to clean and brighten it and ow

    forth from you as a stream of good. &hen you are in this condition you must

    have an u!lifting eect on everyone who comes near you and certainly

    nobody else's negativity can rub o on you. 2t would have to be burned u! or

  • 7/26/2019 Al Mannings Chakra Exercise


    at least washed away# it can't stick to that stream of good. -hus we strive

    always to kee! our centers +turned on+ and do nothing to diminish that

    !owerful energy ow. And it is from this ha!!y +turned%on+ condition that we

    seek the full !ower of the mystic e"!erience % not as an esca!e but to add

    richness meaning and eectiveness to all areas of your life.

    Step 1*: 6eturn your attention to your root center and will the beautiful red

    ame to well u! bright and !ure and begin to rise u! the ser!ent channels of

    your s!ine through each !sychic center in turn. Feel the !ower gather the

    energy the color the beauty and essence of each center as it rises blending

    them into a magnicent whole. As the energy reaches the crown center feel

    it com!lete a !erfect wheel of living aming color by blending the red and

    violet ames to !roduce the red%violet.

    Step 11: Let the energy e"!and right out the vorte" we o!ened in the to! of

    your head taking your consciousness along to the ceiling# let it e"!and again

    and again until you feel that your are touching your own highest conce!t of4od. Feel the loving res!onse from the 2nnite in its most !ersonal form. $ask

    in it and willingly share it in oneness with all that is. &hen you are ready to

    come back bring the oneness back with you and turn it into com!lete

    eectiveness in your every undertaking and !ositive ha!!y !eace in your

    environment. &hen you are +back+ give thanks for the 0oy and !rivilege of

    sharing the Light and for the fresh !ower of accom!lishment you feel with

    you forevermore.