Aktivér dit brand med content marketing

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Aktivér dit brand med content marketing

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different

saturations of the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background , 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

Insert client logo 1.  Select placeholder 2.  Choose Insert from top menu 3.  Choose Picture from file 4.  Select client logo 5.  Click OK

To view drawing guides 1.  Right click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’

2.  Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’

3.  Select OK

Aktivér dit brand med content marketing EPiSERVER Ascend 2015

Kristoffer Okkels, Lead Digital Business Developer Mikkel Olesen, Account Director

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Dagens program

1. Hvorfor aktivere sit brand med content?

2. Hvordan gør man?

3.  Inspirerende eksempler

4. Råd og anbefalinger

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Hvorfor aktivere sit brand med content?

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

The ultimate purpose of business is to create customers.

Peter Drucker, 1954

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

The ultimate purpose of business is to create customers.

Peter Drucker, 1954


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Engagement igennem hele kunderejsen

© Creuna


search investigate




find like love use

get support share


Purchase or other action

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images 1. Click on Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Click Increase Indent button to get predefined ‘quote-name’ font

Brandaktivering handler om at skabe indhold, oplevelser og services, der opfylder et behov hos forbrugerne og opfordrer til aktiv involvering.

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Brandet Hvad er vores DNA og hvilken position ønsker vi at opnå?


Hvilke uopfyldte behov og ambitioner

har vores kunder?

autentisk og relevant aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna


content marketing

brand ambassadors

influencer marketing

nye teknologier


social media activation

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Hvordan gør man?

© Creuna

Aktivér dit brand med content

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Definér hvad det er for en position, I gerne vil opnå eller cementere ved at aktivere brandet.

Brand Position

Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Lær kunderne, konkurrenterne og markedet at kende med surveys, interviews, social listening, search-analyser og desk research.


Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna






8. feb 9. feb 10. feb 11.feb 12.feb 14. feb 15. feb 16. feb 17. feb


er m




Her blev Marius dræbt

Rygter om at endnu en giraf skulle slås ihjel

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Identificér jeres kunders urealiserede behov. Dér, hvor I har potentiale til at skabe reel værdi og gøre en forskel.


Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Koncept Dramatisér brandets vision ved at synliggøre hvor og hvordan I skaber værdi for forbrugerne.

Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Eksekvering Giv konceptet vinger med en stærk kreativ eksekvering, der tager højde for både kontekst og timing.

Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Promovering Rå viralitet var et fænomen fra 00’erne, så investér for at opnå et passende reach. Uanset hvilke kanaler du aktiverer kampagnen på.

Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different

saturations of the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your

colour 4. Click OK

Inspirerende eksempler

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert client logo 1.  Select placeholder 2.  Choose Insert from top menu 3.  Choose Picture from file 4.  Select client logo 5.  Click OK

To view drawing guides 1.  Right click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’

2.  Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’

3.  Select OK

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Hvordan kan man som fødevare-brand differentiere sig på et mættet marked og skille sig ud fra tusindvis af andre opskrifts-sites?

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

Lader brandet træde i baggrunden ved at få influencers til at levere relevant og autentisk content.

Koncept & Eksekvering

Trods en hård konkurrence er der fortsat en stigende interesse for opskrifter blandt forbrugerne.


© Creuna

Målgruppen kræver inspiration i øjenhøjde – ikke nedsættende eller instruerende brand-snak.


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert client logo 1.  Select placeholder 2.  Choose Insert from top menu 3.  Choose Picture from file 4.  Select client logo 5.  Click OK

To view drawing guides 1.  Right click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’

2.  Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’

3.  Select OK

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Hvordan kan man etablere en relation til travle og ombejlede kokke, når man ikke har det direkte salg til dem?

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

Rollen som kokkenes digitale sparringspartner er en langtidsholdbar platform, der kan eksekveres på et væld af måder.

Koncept & Eksekvering

Køkkenansvarlige lever et travlt liv, men vil gerne udvikle sig fagligt og tilegne sig ny viden. De er dog kun modtagelige, hvis man kommunikerer på en måde, der anerkender deres kompetencer.

Indsigter & Behov

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert client logo 1.  Select placeholder 2.  Choose Insert from top menu 3.  Choose Picture from file 4.  Select client logo 5.  Click OK

To view drawing guides 1.  Right click on slide and select ’Grid and Guides...’

2.  Check ’Display drawing guides on screen’

3.  Select OK

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Hvordan aktiverer man sit brand, hvis man er en offentlig institution med et meget begrænset kendskab?

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu


© Creuna

Case video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYhznhhXdmM

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Udnytter ny teknologi, der sætter forbrugeren i centrum og aktiverer den passive tv-seer.

Koncept & Eksekvering

Nordmænd er patriotiske naturelskere.


Partnerskab med et traditionelt medie for at øge eksponeringen.


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Råd og anbefalinger

© Creuna

Aktivér dit brand med content

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

© Creuna

Aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Brandet Hvad er vores DNA og hvilken position ønsker vi at opnå?


Hvilke uopfyldte behov og ambitioner

har vores kunder?

autentisk og relevant aktivering af brandet

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the

Increase/Decrease Indent buttons found in the

Top-PowerPoint menu

En klar brand position er afgørende for succes med content

Udnyt muligheden og skab relevans på tværs af kunderejsen

Fortolk content i bred forstand – services er også content

Genbrug content på tværs af koncepter og målgrupper

Business casen er ofte god: tid brugt på brandet = rå værdi


© Creuna






Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Change background colour 1. Click on slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour and click OK

Make a new slide to add or change the icons by using graphics from www.iconmonstr.com

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different saturations

of the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones


© Creuna

creuna.dk info@creuna.com

company/creuna slideshare.net/creuna



Kristoffer Okkels, Lead Digital Business Developer Mikkel Olesen, Account Director