Aksa Neighbourhood Plans - Ashton

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Transcript of Aksa Neighbourhood Plans - Ashton

Great Homes Great Neighbourhoods Great People

Resource Housing Reg. No. 2111

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Your GREATNeighbourhoodPlan

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aksa Homes, part of the NewCharter Housing trust Group, aimsto provide ‘Great Homes, GreatNeighbourhoods, Great People’ byplacing customers at the heart ofeverything it does.

We are committed to tacklinginequality whilst promoting andstrengthening communities in theareas where you live. We wouldlike everyone to work togetherto improve and shape ourperformance and the standardof services that we deliver.

To do this we have developed aneighbourhood plan for each ofour new neighbourhoods. This oneis yours.

This plan identifies the main issuesthat affect your neighbourhoodand what we need to do to addressthem.

Customers and partners havebeen involved in putting thisneighbourhood plan togetherand they will be helping to monitorits progress every step of the way.

The plan will run for three yearsand will be reviewed annually.


Your Great Neighbourhood Plan

Customers andpartners have beeninvolved in puttingthis neighbourhoodplan together.

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The HolyTrinity and West Endneighbourhoods are to the west of Ashton-under-Lyne town centre.These neighbourhoods have agood mix of owner occupied, private and socialhousing, with a number of landlords. Both areas haveseen improvement and change in recent years.

Aksa Homes has a total of 37 homes in Ashton-under-Lyne, of which 15 are in the HolyTrinity areaand 22 in the West End area.

Both neighbourhoods are made up of two, three, fourand five bed homes with gardens. In theWest End area, the houses are adjacentto Stockport Road.The centre of theneighbourhood isTrafalgar Square. On

the north side of Stockport Road, thestreets areTrafalgar Street, Fitzroy Street,

Cambridge Street and Hamilton Street. On thesouth side of Stockport Road, the homes are ina listed building called theTwelve Apostles.

Our homes in HolyTrinity are situated mainly inUxbridge Street, with another three in PortlandStreet.These are built and designed as ‘lifetimehomes’, with ground floor bathing facilities.

Both neighbourhoods have good transport links toAshton-under-Lyne town centre, Hyde Road and thewhole motorway network.Ashton-under-Lyne has amain bus terminal and railway station with excellenttransport links to all local towns and major UK cities.The new Metrolink will make access to the city eveneasier. Guide Bridge railway station is also nearby.


Great place to live...

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We have identified a range of indicators that tellus about your neighbourhood, these indicators aredesigned to tell us how much support we need togive a neighbourhood and what specific areas arecausing the most problems so we can targetservices and resources to improve them.

We are using a simple rating of 5, 4, or 3 stars;5 stars being the best rating. This is to help you seehow your neighbourhood is performing in differentareas. Each individual indicator we have used has itsown star rating.

Down your streetHere is a map and list of streets inyour neighbourhood to give youan idea of exactly where yourplan covers.

What do we know about our homesand tenants in this area?


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Burlington Street

Cambridge Street

Fitzroy Street

Hamilton Street

Kenyon Street

Portland Street

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Street

Uxbridge Street

% of current arrears

The neighbourhood has some areas whererent arrears are a problem which means somehouseholds may be experiencing moneymanagement issues or difficulties adapting towelfare reform. This shows that some householdsmay need additional support.

average time to re-let a property

Generally our homes are let quickly.We had alimited number of empty homes become available.Some properties may take longer to re-let if lots ofrepairs are needed.

average number of repairs

The average cost of repairs per property issignificant and shows that many homes have issuesin terms of maintenance costs and the need forregular repairs. Property damage is also an issuewithin the neighbourhood.

tenancy turnover

On average people who move into theneighbourhood tend to stay in their homes fora relatively long period of time. This shows thatpeople are happy in their area.

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% of ongoing anti-socialbehaviour cases

The neighbourhood has a low level of anti-socialbehaviour or neighbour nuisance cases.This showsthat other than an occasional incident,Aksaresidents treat each other with respect.

Neighbourhood satisfaction

People’s general satisfaction with the neighbourhoodas a place to live is good but there are some thingsthat could be improved.


The neighbourhood has moderate levels of crimecompared to the other Aksa neighbourhoods.Although levels of crime are not high, peopledo not always feel safe in their neighbourhood.


The neighbourhood has some problems withemployment levels.This shows that some peoplein the area are having difficulty getting into workand may not be well qualified for the jobs thatare available.

Household income

The neighbourhood has quite low levels of familyincome compared with regional averages.Thisshows that a large number of families are deprivedand have difficulty in managing their money.

access to services

Residents have good access to a range of shops andservices and support on a range of issues is easy tofind in the neighbourhood.

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33% of our tenants in thisneighbourhood have six ormore people living intheir household.

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Local knowledge: What we know about your neighbourhood

the indicators we use at aksa point us in the right direction but we are really keen to hear from you.So, we conducted a questionnaire and managed to talk to the majority of our tenants in their ownhomes.

We also talked about specific issues with groups of tenant representatives and used focus groupsto look at areas of our service, for instance, repairs and maintenance.

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The appearance of both areas is generallygood, however, there are some issues aroundfly-tipping and litter.

There are some issues with noise, anti-socialbehaviour and pet or pest control.

The New Charter area office and Sure Startcentre provide a good resource for drop-inservices and community activities for lotsof people.

Untidy gardens both front and back tosome homes.

The neighbourhood is generally felt to besafe and secure.

Rubbish removal and recycling couldbe improved.

Community activities need tobe communicated better.


What our teamat aksa told us

The Aksa teamworks well with localTenant Panel representatives todevelop awareness and promotecustomer feedback on priorities.

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What you told us

On average the people we spoke to rate theneighbourhood 7 out of 10 as a place to live.While people are positive about the area, thereare still some issues that residents think need tobe looked at to improve quality of life.

Some of the best features identified about livingin the neighbourhood were: access to doctors,chemists and shops, property conditionand public transport.

The issues to improve are: quality of localfacilities, local schools and feeling safe in theneighbourhood.

People raised specific issues about:

Levels of vandalism

Poor estate cleanliness

Improvement required for accessto employment and advice

Improvement of green spaces is needed

Improve pathways to adult educationand training

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73% of our tenants in Ashton-under-Lynewould like to stay in the neighbourhood.


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Crime is an issue in some parts of theneighbourhood with low level anti-socialbehaviour from youths gatheringin communal areas and street corners.Also themisuse of drugs and alcohol are seen to have anegative impact on the area.

Levels of unemployment are higher in thisneighbourhood than inTameside generally.Many tenants have difficulty accessing trainingand employment with language barriers forsome people.

There is a high number of households on lowincome and benefits.Agencies expressedconcern about the impact the Government'swelfare reform is having within this particulararea.This is made worse by the potential forresidents to be victims of loan sharks and highstreet credit companies.

There are some health issues in theneighbourhood, particularly in terms of higherdeath and disability rates with links to coronaryhealth and unhealthy lifestyles. Provision of theright kind of services for young families remainsa priority.

Access to facilities are generally seen as goodin the neighbourhood. For example; early yearsfrom children’s services from Sure Start andother community partnerships.

What other organisations told us


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What we saw together

Poor appearance and untidyfront and rear gardens

Rubbish and refuse bags left on streets

Some specific areas have significantlitter issues

Enough parking for several vehicles

Evidence of vandalism


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Neighbourhood management

Review tenancy conditions and introducemore effective action for those in breach oftheir tenancy, including anti-socialbehaviour, noise nuisance, controlof pets, unkempt gardens.

Improve quality of life for residents andappearance of neighbourhood.

November 2013

Increase tenancy and neighbourhoodenforcement on activities that affectquality of life such as noise nuisance.

To reduce levels of anti-socialbehaviour and increase securityfor residents.

December 2013

Review how we let our properties. To ensure that homes are let to thosepeople/families in most need whilstplacing greater emphasis on communitycontributions.

August 2013

What? Why? When?

What do we need to do to make this a greater place?the aim of this section is to identify the activities needed to improve the quality of life in theneighbourhood based on what we have established and what you have told us. It is effectivelyan action plan which shows us what needs to be done in more detail.

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Aksa continues to promote quarterlyestate inspections and encourage greatertenant involvement to help with this.

Greater involvement from residents toensure issues of concern are addressed.

July 2013

Work in partnership with the policeand other agencies to target areasidentified as ‘hot spots’ for anti-socialbehaviour.

To reduce anti-social behaviour andincrease the feeling of security forresidents.

November 2013

Establish a home and street watch schemeand develop street representatives.

To increase the levels of surveillancein the neighbourhood and create asense of security.

October 2013

Work in partnership with the Group’sin-houseTenancy EnforcementTeam anddevelop a long term strategy toenforcement action and support.

To effectively manage anti-socialbehaviour complaints and ensureeffective housing management service.

January 2014

What? Why? When?

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What? Why? When?

Hold regular housing advice drop-insessions.

To offer a face-to-face service in theneighbourhood to help deal with issueslocally.

July 2013

Look at possible garden tool hireservice and gardening club.

To increase access to advice andequipment to maintain gardens.

February 2014

Introduce low cost garden service carriedout by Green Charter for tenants.

For those who require an extra helpinghand to look after their gardens.

September 2013

Develop a programme that offers tenantsthe opportunity to learn practical skills onbudgeting, for example, cooking healthymeals on a budget.

To provide more practical help forcustomers in managing money.

November 2013

Refer customers who may benefit fromadditional support in debt advice andmoney management via our CitizensAdvice Service Scheme.

To increase awareness of help andsupport to reduce debt and/orfinancial problems.

July 2013

You and your family

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What? Why? When?

Start our ‘Stepping into work’ employmentprogramme and set up a work club in theneighbourhood.

To provide help, support and guidanceto residents with training opportunitiesand finding work.

October 2013

Work with partners and local college toimprove sign posting to education services.

To promote training and adult education. February 2014

We aim to... increaseawareness of help andsupport to reduce debtand/or financialproblems.

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What? Why? When?

Develop a programme of worksidentified to improve the appearanceof the front of houses.

To improve the overall appearanceof homes.

February 2014

Develop a planting scheme for trees andshrubs in communal areas.

To encourage pride in the area andappearance of the neighbourhood.

March 2014

Publish planned maintenance programmesfor 2014.

To improve the standard of homes andensure when and what improvementsare planned.

April 2014

Great Homes events to be held topromote the repairs and maintenanceservice.

To monitor repairs and maintenanceservice and levels of satisfaction.

April 2014

Carry out an audit on recycling withTameside waste.

To ensure adequate provision fordisposal of household waste

October 2013

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What? Why? When?

August 2013

To ensure adequateprovision for disposalof household waste.

Carry out a review of people living in ourhomes and help people move to smallerproperties.

To ensure better use of homes andsupport residents who may be affectedby the ‘bedroom tax’.

Monitor Green Charter in-house groundsmaintenance service and encourage tenantsto get involved.

To ensure the service delivers to a highstandard and customer feedback isencouraged.

October 2013


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Community involvement

What? Why? When?

Develop and work with residents' groupsto provide support and address localconcerns.

January 2014

Develop a network of 'CommunityChampions' to lead on green recyclingand waste disposal projects.

February 2014

Work with partner organisations toidentify family support networks forthose with young families.

October 2013

Introduce a youth group to offerdiversionary activities, where youngpeople help other residents to developservices.

December 2013

Obtain feedback on specific services andother community issues to work withcommunity groups.

To promote recycling and to ensurecorrect disposal of household waste.

To improve the quality of supportservices for young family households.

To build upon communitycollaborations, increasing respectand inter-generational links.

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What? Why? When?

Develop a training programme to offersupport in accessing services/benefitson line.

To prepare and support residents toaccess online services and advice.

November 2013

Establish community activities andleisure facilities in the area.

To raise awareness of services andcommunal activities to promote takeup of these services.

December 2013

We aim to... raise awareness of services and communalactivities to promote take up of these services.

Set up a neighbourhood ServiceImprovement Group to provide a systemfor bringing customer views to staff.

Consult with customers on theidentification of locally agreed servicestandards – the Aksa standards.

January 2014

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What next?

A great start!

aksa Homes is making a start on the different issues outlined in your Neighbourhood Plan.Our partner, New Charter Housing trust Group, is also involved in helping improve your area.

Some work has already started but we will be reviewing the plans regularly through the year so keepan eye out for updates. In your great neighbourhood plan, as well as in our other five Aksa Homesneighbourhoods, we would like to mark the start of a new phase of activities aimed at ensuring that allour neighbourhoods are great places to live.

In the meantime, if you have any comments or suggestions or would like to get involved in helping us toachieve change in your neighbourhood then please contact us.You can do this by ringing 0161 620 2992or contacting us via your preferred method.

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Ages of our residents livingin Ashton-under-LyneAges of our residents living in Ashton-under-Lyne

age profile of our residents


Neighbourhood fact file

Here are some facts and figures about the people andhomes that make up your neighbourhood.




60 & over2.3%

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37Properties by type

Houses 37

Number ofproperties ownedby aksa Homes =

ethnicity of our residents

Ethnicity of our residentsliving in Ashton-under-Lyne

ethnicity of our residents

Ethnicity of our residentsliving in Ashton-under-Lyne




Other 2.4%

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We hope the actions outlined in your great neighbourhood plan willmake a great difference to you, your family and neighbours.

You have told us what matters most to you to improve the appearanceof your neighbourhood and your quality of life.

We believe that the key to success will be to continue to work togetherwith you to achieve this.

Final thoughts


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Contact us


aksa Office (Connect)0161 620 2992

anti-social behaviour hotline:0800 027 052224 hours a day

aksa Office:Aksa HomesAksa House2 Medtia SquarePhoenix StreetOldhamOL1 1AN





Head Office:New Charter GroupCavendish 249Cavendish StreetAshton-under-LyneOL6 7AT

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