Air Transpo

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Air Transpo

History of Air TransportationPresented by:Presented by:Jessa Anne R. BorreJessa Anne R. BorreBSN IIIBSN IIITheThe Man Wanted To Be Like Bird And Man Wanted To Be Like Bird And Be On To FlyBe On To Fly..1793- First Hot Air Balloon Flown1793- First Hot Air Balloon FlownOn November 21, 17! "ilatre de #o$ier and Mar%&i' d(Arlande' made the )ir't manned balloon )li*ht )rom "ari'. their balloon +a' ,reated by Mont*ol)er brother'. On it' )ir't )li*ht, the balloon 'ored !,--- )eet.Fren,h re,onnai''an,e balloon Fren,h re,onnai''an,e balloon L'IntrpideL'Intrpide o) 17./, the olde't o) 17./, the olde't e0i'tin* )lyin* devi,e, in the e0i'tin* )lyin* devi,e, in the 1eere'*e',hi,htli,he' M&'e&m1eere'*e',hi,htli,he' M&'e&m, , 2ienna 2ienna The t+o Hindenburg-class airships +ere 3a''en*er ,arryin* ri*id air'hi3' b&ilt in 4ermany in the 1.!-' named in honor o) "a&l von 1indenb&r*. They +ere the la't '&,h air,ra)t ever b&ilt, and in term' o) their len*th and vol&me, the lar*e't air,ra)t ever to )ly. 5&rin* the 1.!-', air'hi3' like the Hindenburg ,la'' +ere ,on'idered by many the )&t&re o) air travel, and the lead 'hi3 o) the ,la'', L6 12. Hindenburg, T17 W#841T B#OT17#T17 W#841T B#OT17# Wilb&r and Orville Wri*ht invented the +orld(' )ir't air3lane +hi,h +a' ,om3letely done in the year 1.-! and )le+ on 5e,ember 17 o) that year. The air3lane la'ted in the air )or only 12 'e,ond' at a hei*ht o) 12- )eet +hi,h Wilb&r the older brother had )lo+n. Why Did The Wright Brothers Invent The Why Did The Wright Brothers Invent The Airplane ?Airplane ?- It is claimed that when the Wright Brothers were young boys, their father brought an object that he asked them to identify. However, the brothers could not. Their father then released the object and it flew insiring the two young boys. !ilton, the boys" father, e#lained to them that the small model was called a helicoter. This romted $rville and Wilbur to vow that someday they would also fly. %o, in all robability the Wright Brothers went on to invent the airlane because of this childhood e#erience that fascinated them."ro*re'' *oe' on and ma''ive "ro*re'' *oe' on and ma''ive 3rod&,tion, World War 88 91.!.:3rod&,tion, World War 88 91.!.:1.;