air pollution

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of air pollution

Contribution of Textile Industry in Air PollutionMuhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14What is Air Pollution?Air ollution is the introdu!tion of !hemi!als" arti!ulate" or biolo#i!al material that !ause harm or dis!omfort to humans or other li$in# or#anisms" or dama#es the natural en$ironment into the atmoshere%Categories of Air PollutionAir ollution is !ate#ori&ed by the emissionsCarbon di oxideAerosol fumes and #asesToxi! #ases'mo(e and )ustAir Pollution In Textile Industry*Textile industry is one of the ma+or sour!e in the in!rease of air ollution #lobally in #eneral or in de$eloin# !ountries in arti!ular%The textile industry is la#ued by air ollution roblems ,hi!h must be resol$ed% In arti!ular" smo(e and odor arisin# in the ro!ess re-uire abatement%Air ollution !ontrol te!hnolo#y is a$ailable today ,hi!h ,ill ser$e the textile industry ,ell%Emissions from Textile ProcessingPollutant Parti!les * Comes From*.il mist" $isible lume and or#ani! arti!les%A!id mist)ust and /int0nittin#" lubri!atin# oils" heat ro!esses" !alendarin# dryin# and !urin#%Carboni&ation of ,ool and sray dyein#12atural and syntheti! 3bers sinnin#%Ma+or Air Pollution In Textile*The ma+or air ollution roblem in the textile industry o!!urs durin# the 3nishin# sta#es" ,here $arious ro!esses are emloyed for !oatin# the fabri!s% Coatin# materials in!lude lubri!atin# oils" lasti!i&ers" aints and ,ater reellent !hemi!als essentially" or#ani! !omounds% su!h as* oils" ,axes or sol$ents% In the textile Air ollution roblem is also done by the !reation of 4.Cs 5$olatile or#ani! !omounds6" ,hi!h ta(e the form of $isible and in$isible smo(e but abo$e all an ob+e!tionable odor%2e!essary stes to Control it*It !ontrolled by installin# any suitable APC methods" be!ause a $ariety of APC methods are a$ailable% Wet E'P 5ele!tro stati! re!iitators6 '!rubber" )ry E'P 5ele!tro stati! re!iitators6 3ber 3lter Pollution Control in 'innin# mill by*Maintainin# m7! artsMaintainin# hardness of rubber !otsMaintainin# 89:Cy!lone 3lters" Cloth 3ltersPollution Control in Wet ro!essin# unit by*Ele!trostati! re!iitator'!rubber.xidi&er;eneral !ontrol*1% 9ei#ht of !himneys* should not be less than