Air End Serial Number Locations - DoosanPortablePower · Location of serial number on over and...

Post on 25-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Air End Serial Number Locations - DoosanPortablePower · Location of serial number on over and...

Page 74

Air End Serial Number

Non Duplicating Serial Number Manufactured in US Year of Manufacture Air End Product Code

Please note airend serial numbers which contain “RU” or “U” were built by Doosan Airend Rebuild.

Page 85

Air End Serial Number Locations

Location of serial

number on single

stage airend

Location of serial number on

over and under airend

Locations of serial numbers on two-stage high

pressure airend

Page 86

Air End Serial Numbers

Small to Medium Air Compressors

Page 87

Air End Serial Number LocationsLarge Air Compressors