Air and Water Stable Ionic Liquids

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  • 8/11/2019 Air and Water Stable Ionic Liquids


    Air and water stable ionic liquids in physical chemistry

    Frank Endres* and Sherif Zein El Abedinw

    Received 12th January 2006, Accepted 24th February 2006

    First published as an Advance Article on the web 17th March 2006

    DOI: 10.1039/b600519p

    Ionic liquids are defined today as liquids which solely consist of cations and anions and which by

    definition must have a melting point of 100 1C or below. Originating from electrochemistry in

    AlCl3 based liquids an enormous progress was made during the recent 10 years to synthesize ionic

    liquids that can be handled under ambient conditions, and today about 300 ionic liquids are

    already commercially available. Whereas the main interest is still focussed on organic and

    technical chemistry, various aspects of physical chemistry in ionic liquids are discussed now in

    literature. In this review article we give a short overview on physicochemical aspects of ionic

    liquids, such as physical properties of ionic liquids, nanoparticles, nanotubes, batteries,

    spectroscopy, thermodynamics and catalysis of/in ionic liquids. The focus is set on air and water

    stable ionic liquids as they will presumably dominate various fields of chemistry in future.


    When one of us (FE) gave a lecture with the title In situSTM

    investigations of metal electrodeposition in room temperature

    molten salts on a Bunsenkolloquium in 1999 in Germany,

    one person from the audience asked how an STM can be

    operated in a molten salt at high temperatures. This question

    was unexpected at that time and the speaker (FE) answered as

    diplomatically as possible that these salts are liquid at room

    temperature, as mentioned in the title of the lecture. Never-

    theless, this question made clear that such liquids were hardly

    known at that time in electrochemistrynot too surprising

    if one takes into account a worldwide output of maybe 50

    papers per year in 1999 in the field of room temperature

    molten salts/ionic liquids. The lecture was commented as very

    interesting but unusual and a few people in the audience

    expressed an opinion that these liquids will never be employed

    in any technical process for the forthcoming 100 years. In the

    Molten Salt Community (maybe 2030 groups worldwide)

    on the other hand, these room temperature molten salts

    were regarded as uncommon and as a curiosity for a while,

    maybe because they need more chemistry than simple metal

    halides. The experience of many colleagues working with these

    liquids showed that the expression molten salt has always

    been associated with high temperature, as we also had to

    learn. It was about in the middle of the 1990s when it was

    decided in the community to replace the term room tempera-

    ture molten salt by ionic liquid, and an ionic liquid is

    defined today as a liquid consisting solely of cations and

    anions with a melting point of 100 1C and below. Although

    any high temperature molten salt is an ionic liquid, too, this

    novel term for the room temperature liquids clearly made a

    distinction, and we ourselves were never asked again how

    an in situ STM can be operated in molten salts at high


    As we will show below, the output of papers with the

    expression ionic liquid started to increase about 2000, and

    in the following years even technical processes were intro-

    duced. The most famous one might be the BASIL-process

    from BASF (biphasic acid scavenging utilizing ionic liquids)

    where the side product of an organic reaction is an easy to

    process ionic liquid instead of a less favourable solid in the

    conventional process. Fortunately, it took only a few years

    since 1999 until the first commercial process was introduced.

    In 2005 there were more than 1500 peer reviewed papers

    containing the expression ionic liquid or ionic liquids,

    and from 1995 to 2005 we found more than 4300 papers.

    About 30% of these papers deal with any aspect of physical

    chemistry. When we got the invitation to write this review

    article we had to make a selection, and we are well aware

    that other authors would probably have selected different

    topics. As we focus on several aspects of interface electro-

    chemistry in our own research field we summarize more or

    less completely the state-of-the-art of nano-electrochemistry

    and electrodeposition in air and water stable ionic liquids.

    Furthermore, we introduce the physical properties of ionic

    liquids, nanoparticles, nanotubes, batteries, spectroscopy,

    thermodynamics and catalysis of/in ionic liquids. We focus

    on air and water stable ionic liquids, as in our opinion they will

    dominate various fields of chemistry in the futurenot at all

    surprising if one takes into account that theoretically 1018

    different ionic liquids are possible. The AlCl3-based ionic

    liquids, with which the research began seriously in the 1980s,

    will rather survive in electrochemistry, e.g. for the electrode-

    position of aluminium and its alloys. We hope that with

    our review article an inexperienced reader will get a starting

    point to find his own way in the physical chemistry of ionic


    Faculty of Natural and Materials Sciences, Clausthal University ofTechnology, Robert-Koch-Str. 42, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld,Germany. E-mail:; Fax: 0049-5323-722460w Permanent address: Electrochemistry and Corrosion Laboratory,National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.

    This journal is c the Owner Societies 2006 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006, 8, 21012116 | 2101

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  • 8/11/2019 Air and Water Stable Ionic Liquids


    1. Introduction

    1.1 A brief history

    The early history of ionic liquids began in 1914 when the first

    report of a room temperature molten salt was reported by

    Walden.1 He reported the physical properties of ethylammo-

    nium nitrate, [C2H5NH3] NO3, which has a melting point of

    12 1C, formed by the reaction of ethylamine with concentrated

    nitric acid. Then, Hurley and Weir2 stated that a room

    temperature ionic liquid could be prepared by mixing and

    warming 1-ethylpyridinium chloride with aluminum chloride.

    In 1970s and 1980s, Osteryoung et al.3,4 and Hussey et al.57

    carried out extensive research on organic chloridealuminium

    chloride ambient temperature ionic liquids and the first major

    review of room temperature ionic liquids was written by

    Hussey.8 The ionic liquids based on AlCl3 can be regarded

    as the first generation of ionic liquids.

    The hygroscopic nature of AlCl3 based ionic liquids has

    delayed the progress in their use in many applications since

    they must be prepared and handled under inert gas atmo-

    sphere. Thus, the synthesis of air and water stable ionic

    liquids, which are considered as the second generation of

    ionic liquids, attracted further interest in the use of ionic

    liquids in various fields. In 1992, Wilkes and Zaworotko9

    reported the first air and moisture stable ionic liquids based

    on 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation with either tetrafluoro-

    borate or hexafluorophosphate as anions. Unlike the chloro-

    aluminate ionic liquids, these ionic liquids could be prepared

    and safely stored outside of an inert atmosphere. Generally,

    these ionic liquids are water insensitive, however, the exposure

    to moisture for a long time can cause some changes in their

    physical and chemical properties. From our experience, we

    have found using in situ scanning tunneling microscopy that

    the undried ionic liquid [BMIm] PF6 attacks the gold

    substrate, and its aggressiveness increases with the increase

    in water content. This is due to the formation of HF as a result

    of decomposition of the ionic liquid in presence of water.

    Therefore, ionic liquids based on more hydrophobic anions

    such as tri-fluoromethanesulfonate (CF3SO

    3 ), bis-(trifluoro-

    methanesulfonyl) imide [(CF3SO2)2N] and tris-(trifluoro-

    methanesulfonyl) methide [(CF3SO2)3C] have been

    developed.1012 These ionic liquids have received extensive

    attention not only because of their low reactivity with water

    but also because of their large electrochemical windows.

    Usually these ionic liquids can be well dried the water contents

    below 1 ppm under vacuum at temperatures between 100

    and 150 1C.

    The histogram of Fig. 1 shows the increase of the number of

    publications on ionic liquids during the last decade up to now.

    As seen, the average number of publications in the last decade

    is about 40 papers per year while in 2004 about 1000 papers

    and in 2005 about 1500 papers were published. This reflects

    the increased interest in ionic liquids in general.

    Beside Osteryoung, Wilkes, Hussey and Seddon who are

    pioneers in the field of ionic liquids, there are several scientists,

    e.g. Rogers, Welton, Wasserscheid, MacFarlane, Ohno, End-

    res, Davis, Jr, Abbott, and others, who entered this field

    having a strong impact in introducing the ionic liquids in

    many applications.

    Rogers is one of the highly cited authors in the field of ionic

    liquids. He focuses on the synthesis and characterization of

    environmentally friendly ionic liquids as green solvents. He

    measured and published physicochemical properties data for

    many ionic liquids with the aim of providing data to start

    evaluating the use of ionic liquids in a variety of processes.

    Also, he works on the development of new materials from

    cellulose utilizing ionic liquids.

    Welton has published many papers dealing with the appli-

    cations of ionic liquids as solvents for synthesis and catalysis.

    He focuses on how the ionic liquids interact with solute species

    to affect their reactivity and he works on replacing environ-

    mentally damaging solvents with more benign alternatives. He

    is also the author of one of the most cited papers13 which was

    cited 1719 times up to November 2005.

    Wasserscheid is an active member of the ionic liquid com-

    munity and focuses on the preparation and characterization of

    ionic liquids for use in the biphasic catalysis. For example, he

    could show that the use of hexafluorophosphate ionic liquids

    allows selective, biphasic oligomerization of ethylene to 1-

    olefins. Together with Welton, he edited a very important

    book entitled Ionic Liquids in Synthesis which presents the

    synthesis and physicochemical properties of ionic liquids as

    well as their use in catalysis, polymerization, and organic and

    inorganic synthesis.14

    MacFarlane works on the synthesis of new air and water

    stable ionic liquids with the purpose of employing such ionic

    liquids as indicators for sensing and displaying an environ-

    mental parameter such as humidity. This process is controlled

    by the colour change of the ionic liquids where they are

    synthesized with either a coloured cation or anion, so that

    the ionic liquids themselves are sensors. Also, he has published

    many papers on the use of ionic liquids in electropolymeriza-

    tion and in batteries.

    Fig. 1 Publications containing the phrase ionic liquid or ionic

    liquids in the title; abstract and key words; determined by ISI web

    of science; as a function of time.

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    Ohno concentrates his work on the synthesis of a series of

    polymerizable ionic liquids and their polymerization to pre-

    pare a new class of ion conductive polymers. For example, he

    prepared polymer electrolytes with high ionic conductivity and

    good elasticity by mixing nitrite rubber (poly(acrylonitrile-co-

    butadiene) rubber) with the ionic liquid N-ethylimidazolium

    bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide. Quite recently, he edited a

    book entitled Electrochemical aspects of ionic liquids which

    introduces some basic and advanced studies on ionic liquids in

    the field of electrochemistry.15

    Davis, Jr introduced the concept of task-specific ionic

    liquids (TSILs) in the field of ionic liquids. TSILs are ionic

    liquids in which a functional group is incorporated enabling

    the liquid to behave not only as a reaction medium but also as

    a reagent or catalyst in some reactions or processes.

    Abbott has recently developed a range of ionic compounds,

    which are fluid at room temperature. These ionic liquids are

    based on simple precursors such as choline chloride (vitamin

    B4) which is cheap and produced on a multitonne scale and

    hence these ionic liquids/deep eutectic solvents can be applied

    to large scale processes for the first time. Using these liquids, a

    number of applications are now under development such as

    electrodeposition of metals, electropolishing and ore processing.

    We ourselves (Endres and Zein El Abedin) started about 10

    years ago to study nanoscale processes at the interface elec-

    trode/ionic liquid using in situ (electrochemical) scanning

    tunneling microscopy (in situ-STM). We could show for the

    first time that Ge, Si, Se, Ta and Al can be electrodeposited in

    high quality in air and water stable ionic liquids. Presumably

    many more elements and compounds can be made electro-

    chemically. Some recent results of the nanoscale electrodepo-

    sition in water and air stable ionic liquids will be presented.

    2. Physical properties of ILs

    2.1. Conductivity

    Ionic liquids have reasonably good ionic conductivities com-

    pared with those of organic solvents/electrolyte systems (up to

    B10 mS cm1).16 At elevated temperatures of e.g. 200 1C a

    conductivity of 0.1 O1 cm1 can be achieved for some

    systems. However, at room temperature their conductivities

    are usually lower than those of concentrated aqueous electro-

    lytes. Based on the fact that ionic liquids are composed solely

    of ions, it would be expected that ionic liquids have high

    conductivities. This is not the case since the conductivity of

    any solution depends not only on the number of charge

    carriers but also on their mobility. The large constituent ions

    of ionic liquids reduce the ion mobility which, in turn, leads to

    lower conductivities. Furthermore, ion pair formation and/or

    ion aggregation lead to reduced conductivity. The conductiv-

    ity of ionic liquids is inversely linked to their viscosity. Hence,

    ionic liquids of higher viscosity exhibit lower conductivity.

    Increasing the temperature increases conductivity and lowers


    2.2. Viscosity

    Generally, ionic liquids are more viscous than common mole-

    cular solvents and their viscosities are ranging from 10 mPa s

    to about 500 mPa s at room temperature. The viscosities of

    some popular air and water stable ionic liquids at room

    temperature are: 312 mPa s for [BMIm]PF6;17 154 mPa s for

    [BMIm]BF4;18 52 mPa s for [BMIm]TF2N;

    10 85 mPa s for

    [BMP]TF2N.12 The viscosity of ionic liquids is determined by

    van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding. Electrostatic

    forces may also play an important role. Alkyl chain lengthen-

    ing in the cation leads to an increase in viscosity.10 This is due

    to stronger van der Waals forces between cations leading to

    increase in the energy required for molecular motion. Also, the

    ability of anions to form hydrogen bonding has a pronounced

    effect on viscosity. The fluorinated anions such as BF4 and

    PF6 form viscous ionic liquids due to the formation of

    hydrogen bonding.19 In general, all ionic liquids show a

    significant decrease in viscosity as the temperature increases

    (see,e.g., ref. 20).

    2.3. Density

    Ionic liquids in general are denser than water with values

    ranging from 1 to 1.6 g cm3 and their densities decrease with

    increase in the length of the alkyl chain in the cation. 21 For

    example, in ionic liquids composed of substituted imidazolium

    cations and CF3SO3 anion the density decreases from 1.39 g

    cm3 for [EMIm]1 to 1.33 g cm3 for [EEIm]1, to 1.29 g cm3

    for [BMIm]1 and to 1.27 g cm3 for [BEIm]1.22 The densities

    of ionic liquids are also affected by the identity of anions. For

    example, the densities of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium type

    ionic liquids with different anions, such as BF4, PF6, TFA and

    Tf2N are 1.12 g cm3,23 1.21 g cm3,10 1.36 g cm3 23 and 1.43

    g cm3,10 respectively. The order of increasing density for

    ionic liquids composed of a single cation is: [CH3SO3]



    o [CF3CO2]

    o [CF3SO3]

    o [C3F7CO2]



    2.4. Melting point

    As a class, ionic liquids have been defined to have melting

    points below 100 1C and most of them are liquid at room

    temperature. Both cations and anions contribute to the low

    meting points of ionic liquids. The increase in anion size leads

    to a decrease in melting point.24 For example, the melting

    points of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium type ionic liquids with

    different anions, such as [BF4] and [Tf2N]

    are 15 1C25 and

    3 1C,10 respectively. Cations size and symmetry make an

    important impact on the melting points of ionic liquids. Large

    cations and increased asymmetric substitution results in a

    melting point reduction.26

    2.5. Thermal stability

    Ionic liquids can be thermally stable up to temperatures of

    450 1C. The thermal stability of ionic liquids is limited by the

    strength of their heteroatomcarbon and their heteroatom

    hydrogen bonds, respectively.24 Wilkes et al.27 reported that

    the ionic liquids 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium tetrafluoro-

    borate, 1-butyl-3-methyl-imdazolium tetrafluoroborate and

    1,2-dimethyl-3-propyl imidazolium bis(trifluorosulfonyl)imide

    are stable up to temperatures of 445, 423 and 457 1C,

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    respectively. Our experiences shows that such high tempera-

    tures are only tolerated by most liquids for a short time. Long

    time exposure to such high temperatures inevitably leads to

    decomposition. Most of the ionic liquids have extremely low

    vapour pressures, which allows to remove water by simple

    heating under vacuum. Water contents below 1 ppm are quite

    easy to achieve with most of the liquids.

    2.6. Electrochemical window

    The electrochemical window is an important property and

    plays a key role in using ionic liquids in electrodeposition of

    metals and semiconductors. By definition, the electrochemical

    window is the electrochemical potential range over which the

    electrolyte is neither reduced nor oxidized at an electrode. This

    value determines the electrochemical stability of solvents. As

    known, the electrodeposition of elements and compounds in

    water is limited by its low electrochemical window of only

    about 1.2 V. On the contrary, ionic liquids have significantly

    larger electrochemical windows,e.g., 4.15 V for [BMIm]PF6at

    a platinum electrode,28 4.10 V for [BMIm]BF428 and 5.5 V for

    [BMP]Tf2N at a glassy carbon electrode.12 In general, the wide

    electrochemical windows of ionic liquids have opened the door

    to electrodeposit metals and semiconductors at room tempera-

    ture which were formerly obtained only from high temperature

    molten salts. For example, Al, Mg, Si, Ge, and rare earth

    elements can be obtained from room temperature ionic li-

    quids. The thermal stability of ionic liquids allows to electro-

    deposit Ta, Nb, V, Se and presumably many other ones at

    elevated temperature.

    3. Electrosynthesis in air and water stable ionic


    In this section we will report on the use of some popular air

    and water stable ionic liquids such as, ZnCl2/[EMIm] Cl,

    [EMIm] BF4, [BMIm] BF4, [BMIm] PF6, [BMP] Tf2N,

    [BMIm] Tf2N and choline chlorideMCl in electrodeposition

    of metals and semiconductors in the bulk phase. Furthermore

    we will introduce nanoscale processes at the interface elec-

    trode/ionic liquid as well as in electropolymerization. We focus

    solely on the novel air and water stable liquids, as in our

    opinion they will be of significant interest for several aspects of


    3.1. Electrodeposition of metals and alloys

    Katayama et al.29 have reported that a room temperature

    ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate

    ([EMIm]BF4) is applicable as an alternative electroplating

    bath for silver. The ionic liquid [EMIm]BF4 is superior to the

    chloroaluminate systems since the electrodeposition of silver

    can be performed without the risk of aluminium codeposition.

    Electrodeposition of silver in the ionic liquids 1-butyl-

    3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIm]BF4) and

    [BMIm]PF6 was also reported in ref. 30. It was furthermore

    stated that Cd,31 Cu32 and Sb33 can be electrodeposited in a

    mixture of 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate

    ([EMIm]BF4) and [EMIm]Cl. Recently, Sun et al. have de-

    monstrated that compound semiconductors such as indium

    antimonide (InSb)34 and cadmium telluride (CdTe)35 can be

    electrodeposited in the Lewis basic 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazo-

    lium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid [BMIm]BF4. InSb is a

    IIIV compound semiconductor and CdTe is a IIVI semi-

    conductor, both are widely used in many fields such as

    electronic devices and solar cells.

    It was stated in ref. 36 that titanium can be electrodeposited

    in thin layers of maybe 5 nm at room temperature in the ionic

    liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethylsulfo-

    nyl) imide [BMIm] Tf2N. With all refractory metals the

    challenge in depositing micrometer thick solely metallic layers

    is to avoid the growth of non-stoichiometric subhalides.

    It has been shown that ionic liquids can be formed

    by the combination of zinc chloride with pyridinium-,37

    dimethylethylphenyl-ammonium-, 38 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazo-

    lium chloride [EMIm]Cl and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium

    chloride [BMIm]Cl.3941 These ionic liquids are quite easy to

    prepare and do not decompose in the presence of water and

    air. It was reported42 that the potential limits for a basic 1 : 3

    ZnCl2[EMIm]Cl ionic liquid corresponds to the cathodic

    reduction of [EMIm]1 and anodic oxidation of Cl, giving

    an electrochemical window of approximately 3.0 V. For acidic

    ionic liquids that have a ZnCl2[EMIm]Cl molar ratio higher

    than 0.5 : 1, the negative potential limit is due to the deposition

    of metallic zinc, and the positive potential limit is due to the

    oxidation of the chlorozincate complexes. As a result of this

    fact, the electrodeposition of Zn and its alloys is possible in

    the Lewis acidic liquids. It was shown that Lewis acidic

    ZnCl2[EMIm]Cl (in which the molar percentage of ZnCl2 is

    higher than 33 mol%) are potentially useful for the electro-

    deposition of zinc and zinc containing alloys.4345 Huang and

    Sun have reported that PtZn alloy,46 iron and ZnFe alloy,47

    tin and SnZn alloy,48 cadmium and CdZn alloy49 can

    be electrodeposited in Lewis acidic ZnCl2[EMIm]Cl ionic


    Abbott et al.50 have reported the synthesis and character-

    ization of new moisture stable, Lewis acidic ionic liquids/deep

    eutectic solvents made from metal chlorides and quaternary

    ammonium salts which are commercially available. They have

    shown that mixtures of choline (2-hydroxyethyltrimethylam-

    monium) chloride [(H3C)3NC2H4OH)Cl] and MCl2(M = Zn,

    Sn) give conducting and viscous liquids at or around room

    temperature. These liquids are easy to prepare, they are water

    and air insensitive and their low costs enable their use in large

    scale applications. Furthermore, they have reported51 that a

    dark green, viscous liquid can be formed by mixing choline

    chloride with chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate and the

    physical properties of this liquid are characteristic of an ionic

    liquid. The eutectic composition is found to be 1 : 2 choline

    chloride/chromium chloride. From this ionic liquid chromium

    can be electrodeposited efficiently to yield a crack-free depos-

    it.51 Addition of LiCl to the choline chloride/CrCl3 6H2O

    mixture was found to allow the deposition of nanocrystalline

    black chromium films.52 The use of this ionic liquid might offer

    an environmentally friendly process for electrodeposition of

    chromium instead of the currently used chromic acid based


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    3.2. Electrodeposition on the nanoscale

    Almost 10 years ago we started for the first time with in situ

    STM studies on electrochemical phase formation in ionic

    liquids. On the one hand, there was no knowledge on the

    local processes of phase formation in ionic liquids at all; on the

    other handdue to wide electrochemical windowsthese

    systems give access to elements that cannot be obtained in

    aqueous solutions, such as Al, Ge, Si, Ta and many more.Especially in the rapidly growing field of nanotechnology

    where semiconductor nanostructures will play an important

    role, we see a great chance for electrodeposition of nano-

    structures in ionic liquids. For this purpose the electrochemical

    processes and the factors that influence the deposition and the

    stability of the structures have to be understood on the

    nanometer scale.

    3.2.1. Germanium. Germanium is an elemental semicon-

    ductor with an indirect band gap of 0.67 eV at room tempera-

    ture in the microcrystalline phase. Furthermore, quite in

    contrast to metals, its crystal structure is determined by the

    tetrahedral symmetry of the Ge atoms so that the diamond

    structure is thermodynamically the most stable one. Germa-

    nium can hardly be obtained in aqueous solutions as its

    deposition in water is always accompanied by hydrogen

    evolution. In contrast to the microcrystalline element nano-

    crystalline Ge rather seems to be a direct semiconductor, 53 and

    it is regarded today as a promising candidate for infrared

    sensors. However, almost all studies on the production or

    characterization of germanium nanoclusters or quantum dots

    were performed up to now under ultrahigh vacuum conditions

    e.g. by molecular beam epitaxy. For any technological appli-

    cation such demanding experimental conditions are a bit

    disadvantageous. Thus, our motivation was to find a way

    how to make (nanocrystalline) germanium by electrochemical

    means. In situ STM and in situ tunnelling spectroscopy are

    valuable tools for analyzing the growing structures on a

    nanometer scale.

    Fig. 2 shows the typical cyclic voltammogram of high purity

    and water free [BMIm]PF6saturated with GeCl4. For a better

    comparison we have calibrated the processes vs. the germa-

    nium overpotential deposition that we observed in this system.

    As seen, we observe two main reduction peaks below the open

    circuit potential (OCP) and several oxidation peaks for elec-

    trode potentials above the OCP. The reduction peak at 500

    mVvs. Ge corresponds to the reduction of Ge(IV) to Ge(II), the

    rising cathodic current at 0 V vs. Ge is correlated with the

    electrodeposition of elemental germanium that can even be

    seen with the naked eye as a black deposit formed on the

    electrode surface. The oxidation peak at 1000 mV is clearly

    correlated with Ge electrooxidation whereas the peaks above

    1500 mV are also observed if the CV is cycled between

    1000 and 3000 mV vs. Ge. These redox processes are

    correlated with the electrooxidation of the gold substrate.

    Fig. 2 shows furthermore a series of STM pictures where,

    together with the STM scan (from top to bottom) a cyclic

    voltammogram was run on Au(111) from GeCl4 saturated in

    [BMIm]PF6 with a scan rate of 10 mV s1. Fig. 2a shows a

    typical Au(111) surface at 1200 mVvs. Ge. It is characterized

    by 250 pm high gold terraces and some gold islands. The

    electrode potential at the top of the STM picture of Fig. 2b is

    1000 mV vs. Ge, it is 0 V at the bottom: it is quite evident

    that islands grow on the gold surface at potentials positive

    from the bulk deposition. Thus the deposition of Ge on

    Fig. 2 Cyclic voltammogram and a set of STM pictures recorded simultaneously on Au(111) in the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium-

    hexafluorophosphate, saturated with GeCl4.

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    Au(111) begins in the underpotential deposition regime. As we

    have pointed out in more detail in ref. 54, the underpotential

    deposition of Ge starts at the steps of the terraces at 1000

    mV, then 150 pm high Ge islands start to be deposited at 950

    mV and at about 750 mV vs. Ge we observe 250 pm high

    islands, presumably the result of alloying between Au and Ge.

    Still in the UPD regime a completely closed monolayer forms

    on the gold surface, as evidenced in Fig. 2b. The STM picture

    of Fig. 2c (taken within a potential range from 0 to 1000 mV,

    from top to bottom) shows the formation of a rough, thin Ge

    layer on gold surface. The thin Ge layer we obtain under these

    conditions can be ascribed to the relatively high potential scan

    rate which does not provide enough time for a massive bulk

    deposition. In the reverse scan, the rough Ge layer is stable in

    the potential range between 1000 and 0 mV, as revealed in

    the STM picture of Fig. 2d. In the potential range between 0

    and1000 mV, the Ge layer redissolves producing holes in the

    gold surface, which can be seen from a closer look at the STM

    picture of Fig. 2e (arrows in Fig. 2e). This is typical for surface

    alloying between deposit and substrate. On further potential

    scan (from 1200 to 2200 mV) gold oxidation occurs which

    starts first at the steps as can be clearly seen in the STM picture

    of Fig. 2f.

    The STM pictures of Fig. 3 show the formation of triangularly-

    shaped Ge islands in [BMIm]PF6 saturated with GeBr4 as a

    source of germanium on Au(111). As seen in Fig. 3a, at a potential

    of200 mVvs. Ge a rough and coherent layer of Ge is observed.

    In the upper left quarter of the picture a triangularly shaped island

    is imaged, its height is between 0.6 and 1 nm and does not seem to

    be complete. If the electrode potential is reduced to 0 V, islands

    of about 5080 nm in diameter and with heights of up to 1.5 nm

    have formed and they start growing vertically very slowly, Fig. 3b.

    Upon further reducing the electrode potential the islands grow

    both vertically and laterally and finally merge.

    Fig. 3 (a) UPD covered Au at200 mVvs. Ge. The layer is coherent but rough. (b) Islands with heights of up to 1.5 nm form at 0 mV vs. Ge.

    (c) Height profile of the triangular islands.

    Fig. 4 In situ IUtunneling spectra of an approximately 200 nm thick

    Ge layer and gold substrate.

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    The current/voltage tunneling spectrum of an approxi-

    mately 200 nm thick layer obtained at a potential of250

    mVvs. Ge is presented in Fig. 4. As can be seen in the original

    paper55 the surface is rough on the nanometer scale and some

    individual islands rise above the surface with heights of some

    nanometres. The I/U tunneling spectrum on such a Ge film

    shows a band gap of 0.7 0.1 eV, in good agreement with the

    band gap of 0.67 eV for intrinsic microcrystalline bulk Ge at

    300 K. In contrast to water, ionic liquids have due to their

    wide electrochemical window the benefit that no electroche-

    mical side reactions like e.g. hydrogen evolution occur. Thus

    the band gap can be reliably measured in situ under electro-

    chemical conditionsa challenge in aqueous solutions.

    Not only Ge layers can be obtained but also Ge nanoclus-

    ters can be made by adjusting the experimental parameters. In

    ref. 56 we could show that with GeCl4concentrations of about

    5 103 mol l1 narrowly distributed nanoclusters can be

    electrodeposited on Au(111).In situcurrentvoltage tunneling

    spectroscopy on 10 nm thick clusters has clearly shown a band

    gap of 0.7 0.1 eV, and there seems to be a metal to

    semiconductor transition with increasing layer thickness.

    3.2.2. Silicon. Silicon is one of the most important semi-

    conductors as it is the basis of any computer chip. There were

    several approaches in the past to electrodeposit silicon in

    organic solvents.5759 However, the authors report on a dis-

    turbing effect by water that can hardly be avoided in organic

    solvents. Furthermore, there were studies on the electrodepo-

    sition of silicon in high temperature molten salts.60 It was

    reported by Katayama et al.61 that silicon can also be electro-

    deposited in a low temperature molten salt. In this study the

    authors employed 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorosi-

    licate, and at 90 1C they could deposit a thin layer of silicon.

    However, this film reacted with water to form SiO 2 so that

    evidence whether the deposited silicon species was elemental or

    even semiconducting is missing. Recently, we have shown that

    silicon can be well electrodeposited on the nanoscale in the

    room temperature ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide saturated with SiCl4.62 This

    liquid exhibits on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)

    an electrochemical window of 4 V, which is limited in the

    anodic regime by the degradation of HOPG, in the cathodic

    regime by the irreversible reduction of the organic cation,

    Fig. 5.

    If the SiCl4 saturated ionic liquid is investigated, a strong

    reduction current sets in at an electrode potential which is 600

    mV positive from the cathodic decomposition limit of the

    liquid on HOPG. After having passed the lower switching

    potential the anodic scan crosses the cathodic one at 2000

    mV vs . Fc/Fc1 which is typical for nucleation. Approaching

    an electrode potential of 400 mV vs. Fc/Fc1 a strong

    oxidation current starts which is in part correlated to the SiCl4reduction process beginning at 1600 mV vs. Fc/ Fc1 and in

    part correlated to HOPG oxidation as with SiCl4in the liquid

    a similar oxidation behaviour is observed if the scan is started

    from the open circuit potential towards positive potentials.

    Fig. 6 shows a high-resolution SEM picture of an electro-

    deposited silicon layer on gold substrate. As seen, the deposit

    contains small crystallites with sizes of around 50 nm. Often

    the deposit keeps its dark appearance even under air. The

    EDX analysis gave as a result only gold from the substrate and

    silicon, but no detectable chlorine. This proves that obviously

    elemental silicon was electrodeposited which is subject to some

    oxidation under environmental conditions.

    Fig. 7a shows the STM picture of an about 100 nm thick

    silicon layer that was electrodeposited at 1600 mV vs. Fc/

    Fc1, probed under potential control with the in situ STM. Its

    surface is smooth on the nanometer scale. Fig. 7b shows an in

    situ current/voltage tunneling spectrum of HOPG (curve 1)

    and of the 100 nm thick silicon layer (curve 2). The spectra are

    all over the surface of the same quality. Whereas the tunneling

    spectrum of HOPG isas expectedmetallic, for the silicon

    deposit a typical band gap is observed. An evaluation of the

    Fig. 5 (1) Electrochemical window of [BMP]Tf2N on HOPG with the

    ferrocene/ferrocinium couple. (2) Cyclic voltammogram of SiCl4saturated in the same ionic liquid. Scan rate each: 10 mV s1.

    Fig. 6 SEM micrograph of electrodeposited silicon, made potentios-

    tatically at 2.7 V vs. Fc/Fc1.

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    band gap gives a value of 1.0 0.2 eV. This value is quite

    similar to the value that we observed for hydrogen terminated

    n-doped Si(111) in an ionic liquid.63 The value of microcrystal-

    line silicon in the bulk phase at room temperature is 1.1 eV. Inthe light of these results, it can be concluded that elemental,

    intrinsic semiconducting silicon was electrodeposited from the

    employed ionic liquid.

    3.2.3. Tantalum. Tantalum has unique properties that

    make it useful for many applications, from electronics to

    mechanical and chemical systems. Many efforts have been

    done to develop an electroplating process for the electrodepo-

    sition of Ta. High temperature molten salts were found to be

    efficient baths for the electrodeposition of refractory metals.

    To the best of our knowledge, until now no successful

    attempts have been made for Ta electrodeposition at room

    temperature or even at low temperature in ionic liquids. We

    present here the first results of tantalum electrodeposition in

    the air and water stable ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methyl-pyrroli-

    dinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide.

    Fig. 8 shows the cyclic voltammogram of ([BMP]Tf2N)

    containing 0.5 M TaF5 on Au(111) at room temperature. As

    shown, two reduction processes are recorded in the forward

    scan. The first one starts at a potential of0.5 V with a peak at

    0.75 V, it might be correlated to the electrolytic reduction of

    Ta(V) to Ta(III). The second process starts at a potential of

    1.5 V and is accompanied by the formation of a black

    deposit on the electrode surface. This can be attributed to

    the reduction of Ta(III) to Ta metal simultaneously with the

    formation of insoluble tantalum compounds. The anodic peak

    recorded on the backward scan is due to the dissolution of the

    electrodeposit which, however, is not completely reversible. At

    E > 1.5 V the anodic current increases as a result of gold

    dissolution. The deposit obtained only loosely adheres to the

    surface and it can easily be removed by washing with acetone.

    We also performed the electrodeposition of Ta at different

    temperatures of up to 200 1C. It was found that the mechanical

    quality and the adherence of the electrodeposits improve at

    200 1C. Moreover, the quality and the adherence of the

    electrodeposit were found to be improved upon addition of

    LiF to the electrolyte.64 The SEM micrograph of the Ta

    electrodeposit (Fig. 9a) made potentiostatically at 1.8 V in

    ([BMP]Tf2N) containing 0.25 M TaF5 and 0.25 M LiF on Pt

    electrode at 200 1C for 1 h shows a smooth, coherent and

    dense layer. XRD patterns of the electrodeposit clearly show

    the characteristic patterns of crystalline tantalum, Fig. 9b.

    In situ STM measurements under potentiostatic conditions

    can give valuable information on the electrodeposition of Ta

    in the employed ionic liquid ([BMP]Tf2N). The STM picture

    of Fig. 10a shows a typical surface of gold on mica substrate

    (Au(111)) in the ionic liquid ([BMP]Tf2N) containing 0.5 M

    TaF5 at open circuit potential. As seen, the surface is char-

    acterized by terraces with average step heights of about 250

    pm, typical for Au(111). By applying a potential of1.25 V

    (vs. Pt) the nature of the surface changes, as seen in the STM

    picture of Fig. 10b. A rough layer of Ta forms rapidly and

    some triangularly shaped islands with heights of several

    nanometers grow above the deposited layer. With ongoing

    time, these islands grow vertically and laterally and finally

    merge together to a thick layer.

    The 3-D STM picture of Fig. 11a shows the topography of

    the electrodeposit, with a thickness of about 300 nm. In order

    to investigate if the in situ deposit is metallic or not, current/

    voltage tunneling spectroscopy was performed. A typical in

    situ tunneling spectrum of the 300 nm thick layer of the

    electrodeposit at different positions is shown in Fig. 11b.

    Fig. 7 (a)In situSTM picture of an about 100 nm thick film (600 nm

    200 nm). (b) In situ current/voltage tunneling spectra of HOPG

    (curve 1) and of the silicon electrodeposit (curve 2) on HOPG.

    Fig. 8 Cyclic voltammogram of 0.5 M TaF5 in ([BMP]Tf2N) on

    Au(111) at room temperature. Scan rate 10 mV s1.

    2108 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006, 8, 21012116 This journal is c the Owner Societies 2006

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    TheIUspectrum clearly exhibits metallic behaviour with an

    exponential-like rise of the current revealing that the electro-

    deposited layer might be elemental Ta. Together with the in

    situmeasurements we can conclude that the reduction of TaF5in ([BMP]Tf2N) leads to an at least 500 nm thick layer of

    metallic tantalum.

    3.3. Electrosynthesis of conducting polymers

    Conducting polymers have attracted considerable attention as

    new materials for the development of numerous electrochemi-

    cal devices such as batteries, supercapacitors, sensors, electro-

    chromic devices, electrochemical actuators and light emitting

    diodes.65 These polymers can either be prepared by chemical

    or by electrochemical polymerization. The electrochemical

    synthesis offers some advantages, such as the generation of

    polymers in the doped state, the easy control of the film

    thickness. Furthermore, electropolymerization is an easy and

    rapid method.

    Recently attention has been directed to the potential benefits

    of using ionic liquids as solvents for the electrochemical

    synthesis of conducting polymers. Sekiguchi et al. reported

    the polymerisation of pyrrole, thiophene and aniline66,67 in

    1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate. Mac-

    Farlane and co-workers used the ionic liquids 1-butyl-3-

    methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, 1-ethyl-3-methyl-

    imidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide and 1-butyl-

    1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide,

    both as the growth medium and as an electrolyte for the

    electrochemical cycling of polypyrrole films. The polymer films

    grown in the ionic liquids show higher conductivity and better

    mechanical behaviour than those prepared in conventional


    The synthesis of poly(3-(4-fluorophenyl)thiophene) in the

    ionic liquids 1-ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoro-

    methylsulfonyl) imide and 1,3-diethyl-5-methylimidazolium

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide was reported.69 Also, there

    are some recent studies on the synthesis of poly(3-(4-fluoro-

    phenyl)thiophene) in ionic liquids.7073 MacFarlane and

    Fig. 9 (a) SEM micrograph of the electrodeposit formed potentios-

    tatically on Pt in ([BMP]Tf2N) containing 0.25 M TaF5and 0.25 LiF

    at a potential of1.8 V for 1 h at 200 1C. (b) XRD patterns of the

    deposited layer obtained potentiostatically on Pt in ([BMP]Tf2N)containing 0.25 M TaF5 and 0.25 LiF at a potential of1.8 V for

    1 h at 200 1C.

    Fig. 10 (a)In situ STM picture of Au(111) in ([BMP]Tf2N) contain-

    ing 0.5 M TaF5at the open circuit potential (0.2 V). (b)In situSTM

    picture of the electrodeposit obtained at a potential of1.25 V.

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    co-workers reported the electropolymerization of thiophene,

    bithiophene and terthiophene using the ionic liquids 1-ethyl-3-

    methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide and 1-

    butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide

    as the growth medium and supporting electrolyte.74 They

    reported also the synthesis of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy) thio-

    phene in the same ionic liquids.75 Quite recently we reported

    the synthesis and characterization of poly(para)phenylene inthe ionic liquid 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tris(pentafluo-

    roethyl) trifluorophosphate.76,77

    4. Synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles

    There are some studies available in the literature on the

    synthesis of stable crystalline nanoparticles in ionic liquids

    which are now emerging as an important class of catalysts for

    various reactions. Metal nanoparticles have unique electronic

    properties, chemical reactivity and potential applications due

    to the quantum size effect which is derived from a dramatic

    reduction of the number of free electrons in nanoparticles

    smaller than 5 nm.

    It was reported78 that very fine and stable nanoparticles of

    Ir(0) and Ru(0) with 2.02.5 nm diameters can be synthesized

    in the dry ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluor-

    ophosphate by chemical reduction. The presence of water

    causes the partial decomposition of the ionic liquid with the

    formation of phosphates, HF and metal fluorides. The isolated

    nanoparticles can be redispersed in the ionic liquid, in acetone

    or used in solventless conditions for the liquidliquid biphasic,

    homogeneous or heterogeneous hydrogenation of arenes un-

    der mild reaction conditions (75 1C and 4 atm).78 Moreover,

    these catalytic systems can be recovered and reused several


    Stable, isolable Pt(0) nanoparticles of 23 nm diameter and

    with a narrow size distribution can be easily obtained via

    decomposition of Pt-organometallic precoursors, e.g.,

    Pt2(dba)3 (dba = bis-dibenzylidene acetone), in 1-butyl-3-

    methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ionic liquid.79 These

    nanoparticles are recyclable catalytic systems for the solvent-

    less or biphasic hydrogenation of alkenes and arenes under

    mild reaction conditions. The catalytic activity of the Pt

    nanoparticles is higher than that obtained for the classical

    PtO2 catalyst under the same reaction conditions.79

    Itohet al.80 reported the synthesis and functionalization of

    gold nanoparticles modified with ionic liquids based on the

    imidazolium cation. The obtained gold nanoparticles can be

    used as exceptionally high extinction dyes for colourimetric

    sensing of anions in water via particle aggregation process.80

    Gold and platinum nanoparticles with diameters of 23.5 and

    23.2 nm, respectively, can also be synthesized using novel

    thiol-functionalized ionic liquids (TFILs).81 TFILs act as a

    highly effective medium for the preparation and stablization of

    gold and platinum nanoparticles, thus becoming highly dis-

    persible in aqueous media.81

    Zhou and Antonietti reported on a low temperature synth-

    esis of crystalline TiO2 nanoparticles in ionic liquids.82 TiO2

    nanoparticles of 23 nm diameter and with surface areas of

    554 m2 g1 were obtained by stoichiometric hydrolysis of

    titanium tetrachloride in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetra-

    fluoroborate (water-poor conditions) at 80 1C.82 This material

    is expected to have potential in solar energy conversion,

    catalysis, and optoelectronic devices. The simplicity of the

    preparation method reflects the advantage of the use of ionic

    liquids since they facilitate direct synthesis of crystalline

    species under ambient conditions.

    Quite recently it was demonstrated that nanorods, hyper-

    branched nanorods and nanoparticles with different CoPt

    compositions can be synthesized in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazo-

    lium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide.83 To get more infor-

    mation on the synthesis of functional nanoparticles and other

    inorganic nanostructures we would like to refer to the mini-

    review of Antonietti.84

    5. Carbon nanotubes

    Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in 1991 by S.

    Iijima85 they have attracted considerable attention due to their

    unique properties. Carbon nanotubes are long graphitic thin

    Fig. 11 (a)In situ 3-D STMpicture of about 300 nm thick layer of the

    electrodepsoit. (b) In situ IUtunneling spectrum of the electrodeposit.

    2110 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006, 8, 21012116 This journal is c the Owner Societies 2006

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    cylinders which, if simplified, can be regarded as a sheet of

    graphite rolled into a cylinder. They can have a single cylind-

    rical wall (SWNTs) or multiple walls (MWNTs), cylinders

    inside the other cylinders. Carbon nanotubes are currently

    being studied in an effort to understand their novel structural,

    electronic, and mechanical properties and to explore their

    huge potential for many applications in nanoelectronics,86

    and as actuators87 and sensors.88 Electrodes composed of

    carbon nanotubes have generated much interest because of

    their high conductivity, large surface area89,90 and their ability

    to facilitate catalytic processes.91

    Recently, carbon nanotubes and ionic liquids have gener-

    ated great interest in many areas. It was found that the use of

    ionic liquids as electrolytes for electrochemical applications

    involving carbon nanotube electrodes has proved possible and

    advantageous.92 The good electrochemical behaviour of car-

    bon nanotube electrodes in ionic liquids, coupled to the wider

    electrochemical window and nonvolatility of these electrolytes,

    suggests new approaches for the design of capacitors, batteries

    and electromechanical actuators.92

    It was shown that some ionic liquids exhibit unexpected

    strong interactions with carbon nanotubes, forming ionic gels

    after grinding together.93,94 Usuiet al.95 prepared ionic nano-

    composite gel electrolytes by dispersing carbon nanotubes into

    the ionic liquid [EMIm] Tf2N and assembled dye-sensitized

    solar cells (DSCs) using these electrolytes. They found that the

    energy conversion efficiency of DSCs prepared using such

    ionic electrolytes improved.95 Wallace et al. reported the

    mechanical properties of carbon nanotube electrodes in the

    ionic liquid [BMIm] BF4.96 They found that the ionic liquid

    interacts strongly with the carbon nanotubes affecting the

    mechanical properties of the electrodes. It was also reported

    that carbon nanotubes can be doped by ionic liquids. 97

    6. Batteries

    Lithium batteries are used widely in portable electronic devices

    and electric vehicles. They show the highest energy density

    among the applicable chemical and electrochemical energy

    storage systems (up to 180 Wh kg1). It is necessary that

    solvents for the electrolytes in Li-batteries are aprotic because

    of the requirements of wide electrochemical windows up to the

    cathodic limit of Li/Li1 potential. As known, the aprotic

    organic solvents are usually volatile and flammable. Therefore,

    the use of ionic liquids as electrolytes in Li-batteries is very

    promising. Matsumotoet al.98,99 applied several kinds of ionic

    liquids consisting of quaternary ammonium cation and imide

    anions to the classical lithium cell and they found that the

    ionic liquid 1-propyl-1-methylpiperidinium bis(trifluoro-

    methylsulfonyl) imide is the most promising candidate as the

    electrolyte base. Nakagawa et al.100 reported that the use of

    the binary electrolyte [EMIm]BF4LiBF4 shows high thermal

    stability and better electrochemical performance. Batteries

    using the ionic liquid [EMIm]Tf2N containing LiTf2N show

    better performance and low self-discharge.101 The self-dis-

    charge of the cell after 2000 h is less than 5% per month,

    which means that little corrosion and degradation of cell

    components take place.101 MacFarlane and co-workers102

    investigated the ionic liquid [BMP]Tf2N containing LiTf2N

    for use as an electrolyte in Li-batteries. It was reported that the

    ionic liquid [EMIm] Tf2N shows a good electrolyte perfor-

    mance in Liair batteries.103 A new ionic mixture composed of

    LiTf2N and acetamide was prepared and characterized as an

    electrolyte for Li batteries, too.104 The LiTf2N/acetamide

    mixture is liquid at room temperature between the molar

    ratios of 1 : 2 and 1 : 6, and it can be suggested for potential

    applications as lithium battery electrolytes.104

    7. Spectroscopy

    Many papers were published on the spectroscopy of ionic

    liquids using several spectroscopic techniques, such as infrared

    (IR), ultraviolet (UV), optical Kerr effect (OKE), ultraviolet

    photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), mass spectroscopy (MS),

    Raman, fluorescence, in order to study the molecular and

    electronic structures, molecular dynamics and possible inter-

    actions. Some available results from the literature will be

    presented in this section.

    7.1. IR and Raman spectroscopy

    There are some IR and Raman spectroscopy studies in ionic

    liquids. In these studies, information was provided in order to

    understand at molecular level the general interactions that

    exist in ionic liquids.

    Talaty et al.105 measured IR and Raman spectra of a

    series of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate

    ([C24Mim]PF6 ionic liquids and correlated the results with

    those obtained from calculations. These ionic liquids have

    common Raman CH stretching frequencies that may serve as

    possible probes in studies of ionic liquid interactions. Hydro-

    gen bonding interactions were observed between the fluorine

    atoms of the PF6 anion and the C2 hydrogen on the imida-

    zolium ring, and between PF6 anion and the H atoms on the

    adjacent alkyl side chains.105

    In situ Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption

    spectroscopy (FT-IRAS) was utilized to study the molecular

    structure of the electrified interphase between the ionic liquid

    [EMIm]BF4and gold substrate.106 The feature in the FT-IRA

    spectra suggested that [EMIm]1 is adsorbed at the interphase

    and orients vertically with the molecular axis in the imidazo-

    lium ring nearly parallel to the electrode surface in a potential

    range of1.3 V to0.6 Vvs. Ag/Ag1.106

    Tran et al.107 employed near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR)

    technique for the noninvasive and in situ determination of

    concentrations and structure of water absorbed by the ionic

    liquids [BMIm]BF4

    , [BMIm]PF6

    and [BMIm]Tf2

    N. It was

    found that absorbed water interacts with the anions of the

    ionic liquids; [BF4] provides the strongest interactions and

    [PF6] the weakest. In 24 h, [BMIm]BF4 can absorb up to

    0.320 M of water, whereas [BMIm]PF6 only absorbs 8.3

    102 M of water107 at the same time. Furthermore, they

    demonstrated that it is possible to use the NIR technique

    not only to characterize aggregation of surfactants in ionic

    liquids but also to determine kinetics and to identify products

    of reactions in ionic liquids as well as in microreactors

    provided by micelles in ionic liquids.108 NIR spectroscopy

    technique was used for sensitive and direct determination

    of critical micelle concentration (cmc) values of various

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    nonionic surfactants in the ionic liquids [BMIm]PF6 and


    Raman investigation of the ionic liquid 1-propyl-1-methyl-

    pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide ([PMP]Tf2N)

    and its 2/1 mixture with LiTf2N was reported.109 The results

    showed that the [Tf2N] anions have only a very weak

    interaction with the [PMP]1 cations, sterically shielded, but

    strong coordination to the Li1 cations.109

    7.2. UPS, UV and fluorescence spectroscopy

    Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) is one of the

    powerful methods to probe the electronic structures of materi-

    als. However, it is usually difficult to apply to liquid samples

    due to their high vapour pressure. The usually extremely low

    vapour pressure of ionic liquids gives rise to applying the UPS

    technique to study electronic structures of ionic liquids, even

    under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Yoshimura et al.110

    studied the electronic structures of the ionic liquids

    [BMIm]BF4, [BMIm]PF6 and [BMIm]Tf2N by UPS with syn-

    chrotron radiation.110 They found that the top of the valence

    states in the liquids is derived from the organic cation, althoughthe highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) of the

    isolated anions are higher than that of the isolated cation. 110

    The optical properties of [BMIm]PF6, [BMIm]BF4 and

    [EMIm]BF4 were recently investigated.111,112 The results

    showed that all imidazolium-based ionic liquids have signifi-

    cant absorption in the entire UV region and a long absorption

    tail that extends into the visible region. Furthermore, they all

    exhibit a very interesting excitation wavelength dependent

    fluorescence behaviour. Billard et al.113 demonstrated the

    importance of the purity of the ionic liquid [BMIm]PF6 in

    spectroscopic studies and showed that purification procedures

    suppress the absorption in the range 250300 nm and beyond.

    Fluorescence spectroscopy is a very useful technique toinvestigate molecular dynamics, molecular association, and

    microstructure within organized media. Recently, fluorescence

    techniques have been employed to characterize physicochem-

    ical properties of ionic liquids. Using fluorescence technique,

    Pandey and coworkers114116 reported that the physicochem-

    ical properties of [BMIm]PF6 are altered by the addition of


    Alvaro et al.117 investigated the energy, hydrogen, and

    electron transfer reactions within [BMIm]PF6. They observed

    slow molecular diffusion and low oxygen solubility within this

    relatively high viscosity IL, as well as an increase in the lifetime

    of radical ions and the triplet excited state. During the

    investigation of the possibility for cellulase catalyzed reactionsin ionic liquids, Rogerset al.118 studied enzyme stability within

    1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride using a fluorescence


    7.3. OKE spectroscopy

    There are a few studies on the use of optical heterodyne-

    detected Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy (OHD-

    RIKES) to probe experimentally the intermolecular and or-

    ientation dynamics of ionic liquids. Quitevis and co-workers119

    reported a study of the effect of the alkyl chain length on the

    low frequency (0250 cm1) spectra for a homologous series of

    the ionic liquids 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoro-

    methylsufonyl)imide, [CnMim]Tf2N, n = 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10.

    The study of the temperature dependence of the low-frequency

    spectrum of [C5MIm]Tf2N was also reported.120

    Using OHD-RIKES, Giraudet al.121 investigated the ultra-

    fast solvent dynamics of some ionic liquids, [BMMIm]Tf2N,

    [BMIm]PF6, [BMIm]Tf2N, [BMIm]TfO and [OMIm]Tf2N, by

    studying the effects of cation and anion substitution on the

    low-frequency spectra. It was found in all five samples that the

    signal is due to vibration of the imidazolium ring at three

    frequencies around 30, 65, and 100 cm1 corresponding to

    three local configurations of the anion with respect to the


    7.4. Mass spectroscopy

    Electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS) was used

    to detect both the cations and anions of the ionic liquids as

    well as their solubility in water.122,123 It was found that in

    addition to the main peaks of the parent ions, fragmentation

    products are observed upon increasing the cone voltage,

    whereas aggregates of the parent ions with one or more ionicliquid molecules are observed upon decreasing the cone vol-

    tage. The main fragmentations of most studied ionic liquids

    were due to the loss of butene molecule.123

    Dyson et al.124 reported a dilution method for analyzing

    ionic liquids and catalysts dissolved in ionic liquids by ESI-

    MS. Jackson and Duckworth125 showed that the ionic liquids

    could be analysed without dilution using ESI-MS. They also

    demonstrated that ionic impurities or dissolved additives,

    especially those that are solvent reactive, could be detected

    overcoming the limitations of the dilution method.

    Laser desorption/ionization (LDI) and matrix-assisted laser

    desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectroscopy are both

    methods which allow the investigation and characterization ofionic liquids. Tholey and co-workers126 used (LDI) and

    (MALDI) mass spectroscopy to characterize five different

    ionic liquids as well as studying the analysis of amino acids,

    peptides and proteins dissolved in these ionic liquids. Li and

    Gross127 tested some ionic liquids as MALDI matrices for

    quantification of peptides and proteins. Armstrong et al.128

    introduced a class of specially designed ionic liquids that are

    capable of absorbing laser light and transferring protons to the

    analyte as matrices for MALDI mass spectroscopy.

    8. Thermodynamics

    Up to now, a number of papers have been published on the

    thermodynamic properties of ionic liquids. In this section we

    present some available literature data on the thermodynamic

    properties of ionic liquids.

    Thermodynamic activity coefficients are a measure of the

    deviation from ideal behaviour in liquid mixtures. Activity

    coefficients at infinite dilution can be directly used for the

    selection of solvents for extractive distillation, liquid extrac-

    tion, solvent-aided crystallization, and even chemical reaction.

    Activity coefficients at infinite dilution give a direct measure of

    interactions between unlike molecules in the absence of

    solutesolute interactions.

    2112 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006, 8, 21012116 This journal is c the Owner Societies 2006

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    Gas chromatography is widely used for determining ther-

    modynamic properties of pure substances or solvent properties

    of binary mixtures. Using inverse gas chromatography, Mute-

    let and Jaubert129 determined the activity coefficients for 29

    polar and non-polar compounds (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes,

    cycloalkanes, aromatics, alcohols) in the two following ionic

    liquids: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium octyl sulfate ([BMIm]1

    [C8H17OSO3]) at 323.15, 333.15, 343.15 K, and 1-ethyl-3-

    methylimidazolium tosylate ([EMIm]1[C7H7SO3]) at 323.15 K.

    Heintz and co-workers130 determined the activity coeffi-

    cients at infinite dilution gNi of the linear and branched C1

    to C6 alcohols, acetone, acetonitrile, ethylacetate, alkylethers,

    and chloromethane in the ionic liquid 4-methyl-N-butyl-

    pyridinium tetrafluoroborate by gas chromatography using

    the ionic liquid as the stationary phase. The partial molar

    excess enthalpies at infinite dilution HE,Ni of the polar solutes

    in the ionic liquid can be derived from the temperature

    dependence of the limiting activity coefficients. According to

    the GibbsHelmholtz equation, the value of HE,Ni can be

    directly obtained from the slope of a straight line derived

    from the following equation:

    @ln g1




    whereR is the gas constant.

    Vapourliquid equilibria (VLE) of binary mixtures contain-

    ing ethanol, propanol and benzene in the ionic liquids

    [BMIm]Tf2N131 and [EMIm]Tf2N

    132 were studied and the

    activity coefficients of these solvents in the ionic liquids were

    determined from VLE data.

    The suitability of a solvent for separating mixtures of two

    components is defined as selectivity and can be determined

    using the equation:

    S112 g11


    where SN12 is the selectivity, gN

    1 and gN

    2 are the activity

    coefficients of components 1 and 2, respectively, in infinite

    dilution in an ionic liquid.

    The SN12 values obtained for different binary mixtures

    indicated that the ionic liquid [EMIm]tosylate can play an

    important role for separation of aromatics, chloroalkanes and

    alcohols from alkanes.129 To get more information on the

    thermodynamics of non-aqueous mixtures containing ionic

    liquids we refer to a recently published review article. 133

    9. Catalysis

    Nowadays, ionic liquids are widely used in catalysis not only

    as solvents or reaction media but also as catalysts, or catalyst

    activators. As there are a number of excellent reviews134137 on

    the application of ionic liquids in catalysis and biocatalysis, we

    give here only a few examples of the use of some air and water

    stable ionic liquids in catalysis.

    MacFarlaneet al.138 reported that dicyanamide based ionic

    liquids, [BMIm][dca] and [EMIm][dca], act as active base

    catalysts in the acetylation of alcohols. A suspension of

    palladium nanoparticles can be formed by reducing a solution

    of palladium acetate in the ionic liquid [BMIm]PF6 with H2.

    This recyclable catalytic system was used for the hydrogena-

    tion of alkenes,139 see section 4.

    Welton and co-workers140 demonstrated the possibility of

    using a thermally controlled ionic liquid N-octyl-3-methylimi-

    dazolium tetrafluoroborate [C8C1Im]BF4)water biphasic or

    homogeneous system for hydrogenation of but-2-yne-1,4-diol.

    The ionic liquid [C8C1Im]BF4is immiscible with water at room

    temperature, but fully miscible at the reaction temperature of

    80 1C. When the system is cooled to room temperature, it

    separates into two phases and the product is removed with the

    water phase and the catalyst remains in the ionic liquid. Favre

    et al.141 reported that a wide range of ionic liquids based on

    imidazolium and pyrrolidinium cations and weakly coordinat-

    ing anions (such as BF4 , PF

    6 , Tf2N, TfO) proved to be

    efficient solvents for the biphasic rhodium catalyzed hydro-

    formylation of 1-hexene.

    Several aromatic aldehydes were oxidised in the ionic liquid

    [BMIm]PF6 using the catalyst Ni(acac)2 (acac = acetylaceto-

    nate) as the oxidant.142 The catalyst and ionic liquid could be

    recycled after extraction of the carboxylic acid product. The

    same catalytic system, ionic liquid and oxidant, was also used

    for the oxidation of ethylbenzene forming ethylbenzene hy-

    droperoxide.143 Namboodiri et al.144 reported the oxidation of

    styrene to acetophenone ,the Wacker oxidation, in the ionic

    liquids [BMIm]BF4and [BMIm]PF6using PdCl2as a catalyst.

    Seddon and Stark145 reported the oxidation of benzyl alcohol

    to benzaldehyde in imidazolium based ionic liquids by oxygen

    and a palladium acetate catalyst source.


    In this review article we have tried to give an overview on the

    importance of ionic liquids in physical chemistry and wesummarized literature until the end of 2005. Whereas ionic

    liquids were regarded as relatively new until about 2000 the

    situation has changed dramatically throughout the recent 3

    years. In 2005 there were about 1500 peer reviewed papers on

    ionic liquids. The still rising interest in ionic liquids in various

    fields of chemistry will surely lead to a rising output of papers,

    stimulating further studies. It can be expected that ionic

    liquids develop to a main stream in various fields of chemistry

    and physical chemistry in the near future. We ourselves are

    very curious to see the future developments in this field and we

    are looking forward to many more papers dealing with these

    fascinating liquids.

    List of some abbreviations

    Abbreviation Name

    [BEIm] 1-Butyl-3-ethylimidazolium

    [BMIm]BF4 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium


    [BMIm]PF6 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium


    [BMIm]Tf2N 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide

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