AIHFS Oct-Dec 2014 newsletter

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This is our quarterly agency newsletter for October through December 2014.

Transcript of AIHFS Oct-Dec 2014 newsletter

Greetings from Ashley Tuomi, Executive Director...

Oct 2014-

Dec 2014

Inside this issue:

Avoiding Identity Theft 2

Healthy Start 3

Winter Squash 4

Fall into Health 5

Summer Sweat Lodges 5

Dream Seekers Youth 6

Sacred Bundle 7

ESW Walk-In Hours 8

Upcoming Events 8

Advisory Council 9

Access is the Answer 10

Agency Needs & Wants 10


As some of you may have heard, AIHFS experienced sewer flooding along with

many other businesses and residents in the area. I want to commend our

wonderful staff and others for stepping up during this difficult time and ensuring

that our clients needs were still addressed. We had minimal down time and were

able to get most services fully restored in a little over one week. The cleanup

process is complete and we have now moved into the restoration period which is

going take some time while we deal with our insurances. We ask for your

continued patience as we shift things around to accommodate for space issues.

In other news we were just awarded another year of CMS funds to continue our

ACA Navigator program and we will be expanding and adding more staff to help

enroll individuals in health insurance through the marketplace and other available


We’ve had a busy few months here at AIHFS. In this issue, you will see the

adventures that the Dream Seekers youth group went on and read about the

summer sweat lodges that were held for community members. We have a lot of

other upcoming activities that I am hopeful you will be able to participate in. One

of the things that I am most excited about is the Native American Heritage Day

upcoming on September 27th in Westland. We are very excited and honored to be

collaborating with North American Indian Association of Detroit on this event. I

hope to see all of you there!

Ashley Tuomi

Executive Director

Aanii from


Chi-Miigwetch! Niawen’kó:wa ! Thank you! A special miigwetch to all of the volunteer support and donations we received

after the flood. Your kind words and support over the past few weeks are deeply appreciated. We are also grateful to the GM Foundation for the mini-grant we

received after the flood.

Also Niawen’kó:wa to the First United Methodist Church of Northville, the Rotary Club of Saline GM Women’s Club for their generous donation of

backpacks and school supplies.

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Avoiding Identity Theft By Scott Bowden

Limit the personal information you store on your

computer. When the computer asks to remember

your password, say no. Hackers (people who steal

information electronically) use specific programs

to gain access to passcodes on your computer

which can be secretly installed with one click to a

“harmless” website or download of media (music,

videos, computer software, etc.).

Shred all documents that you do not need which

have your personal information on it. If there is

any information with that has your social security

number, bank account number or anything else,

rip it to pieces! That is information identity thieves

dream of gaining access to.

Create strong passcodes. Do not use the same

strong passcode for your financial accounts as you

use for other accounts. Keep those separate. Do

not leave passcodes out for anyone to see it. Keep

them in a safe place!

● Be careful of unsecured Wi-Fi. We all know that

free Wi-Fi is great. However, hackers can gain ac-

cess to that Wi-Fi connection quickly & easily, then

use that to get personal information from you.

● Check your credit scores or bank reports

regularly. Report any suspicious activity to your

bank or financial institution immediately. The long-

er you wait the more trouble you could be in.

● On social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Insta-

gram, etc.) if there is anyone asking for your per-

sonal identifiable information to gain access to

something, DO NOT give them that information.

It is important to note that no one can prevent all identity theft from happening, but the tips provided above can help lower the risk of you being a victim. Please be careful of your personal information at all times!

Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? Today it is easier than ever to steal someone’s personal information and use it to purchase items without your permission. In 2013 alone, studies show that over 13.1 million people were victims of identity theft! With technology evolving and criminals becoming smarter on how to gain access to very personal identifiable information (social security number, credit card information, etc.) it is important that you become more aware on how to help protect yourself against one of the fastest growing crimes in America: IDENTITY THEFT! Here are some helpful reminders to help protect you from identity theft:

AIHFS Board Member Karen Marshall received the Distinguished Service Award from the Michigan Primary Care Association on August 5th. Miigwetch for all you do for AIHFS and the community Karen!

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By Carmen Mendoza King, Community Health and Family Wellness Intern

Eating traditional, earth-grown foods with a variety of colors is best to do for good health at any season. While the colors of seasonal fall foods deepen and darken like the colors of the leaves on trees, we can still find a variety of colorful, nutritious and hearty foods to eat during the preparation for winter. When we eat fruits and vegetables, we are bringing in all of the elements that helped the plants grow—sunshine, water, and earth—into our bodies to help us grow strong and protect us from illness and disease. Amongst the traditional foods that that are ripe and ready to eat in fall are the 3 sisters—corn, beans, and squash. These three “sister” plants are planted together because they work in cooperation to help each other grow and thrive; their interdependency is a reminder that we reflect on how we rely on each other and our communities to help us grow and be healthy. Beans (mashkodesimin) contain protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals (such as magnesium, folic acid, and iron). Eating foods high in fiber contributes to healthy digestion since fiber rich foods help with regular elimination of body waste, (lowering the risk of digestive issues such as constipation, and lowering ones risk for colon cancer). Antioxidants found in beans lower the risk of heart disease and cancers such as colon cancer. *Mashkodesimin cooking tip: presoaking dry beans and straining out the water they were soaked in before cooking them can help make them more easy to digest, and cooking beans with aromatic garden herbs such as cilantro, oregano, and/or epazote can also help make beans easier to digest (resulting in less gas after digestion). Beans also have a low glycemic index (helpful with managing insulin dependence and diabetes).

Corn (mandaamin) contains Vitamin C, antioxidants such as beta-carotene, which lower the risk of cardiovascular/heart disease, and B Vitamins that can help stabilize blood sugar levels. Corn is also a good source of fiber and protein, which can help with digestion, can therefore lower the risk of colon cancer. *Mandaamin, like many other natural earth-based foods, has been threatened by GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) which are heavily treated with chemicals, can hurt people who work in agriculture, all plants, animals, insects, and are changing natural foods that our ancestors ate. If it is available and affordable, try to find corn that is non-GMO or organic from gardeners and farmers, farmers markets or stores, or from Kirk Schuyler call him at Home: (313) 406-3753 or by Cell: (313) 525-9425. Prices are $15 for 2 quarts/$25 for 4 quarts. Squash (agosimaan) Vitamin C and antioxidants found in orange-colored vegetables such as squash and pumpkin help protect us against heart disease and cancer. One of these antioxidants found in squash and many other orange-colored earth-grown foods, beta carotene, can also contribute to healthy development of the fetus during pregnancy. Winter squash and pumpkin are both high in Vitamin A, which helps boost the immune system, protecting us and helping our bodies be stronger to recover from viruses and illness. Winter squash is also high in B Vitamins, which can help with balancing blood sugar levels and preventing type 2 diabetes. Wild Rice (manoominike) is a complete protein with complex carbohydrates (“good” carb) that provides

fiber, vitamins and minerals.

*For more information about cooking classes at AIHFS contact Shiloh Maples or Martha Hinojosa (313) 846-6030 ext. 1401

Native Healthy Start-Family Spirit Celebrating the Harvest Season with Traditional, Healthy Foods

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Now that fall is upon us, a wide variety of squash is available in our gardens and at the grocery. Whether you like butternut, acorn, or pumpkin all varieties of squash are healthy traditional choices and can be cooked several ways. Squash is rich in essential nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, and fiber. Below you’ll find a low-fat Baja Butternut Squash Soup recipe that is packed with delicious flavor—and it’s a one pot meal, which means less cleanup afterwards!

Baja Butternut Squash Soup Makes: 10 servings, about 3/4 cup each Serving Size: about 3/4 cup Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Preheat oven to 350°F. Cut squash in half and seed. Place the halves on a baking sheet, cut-side down. Bake until tender when pierced with a knife, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Scoop out flesh when cool enough to handle. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add celery, onion and carrot and stir to coat. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low and cook, stirring frequently, until soft, 8 to 10 minutes. Stir in the squash flesh, cumin, chipotle/cayenne. Add broth and simmer, covered, until the vegetables are very tender, 20 to 25 minutes. Puree the soup with an immersion blender or a regular blender (in batches) until smooth. (Use caution when pureeing hot liquids.) Season with salt and pepper. Serve with a small spoonful of yogurt and sprinkle of chives (or parsley).

Per serving: 55 calories; 1 g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 10 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 4 g total sugars; 2 g protein; 3 g fiber; 534 mg sodium; 212 mg potassium. Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (160% daily value), Vitamin C (20% dv)




Winter Squash—a delicious and inexpensive way to eat By Shiloh Maples

1 1/2 pounds (1 medium sized squash) butternut or other winter squash 1 teaspoon canola or vegetable oil 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 small onion, diced 1 carrot, chopped 1 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4-1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle chile or cayenne 6 cups vegetable broth 1 teaspoon sea salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt 2 tablespoons snipped fresh chives or chopped parsley (optional)

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“Healing Journey”

Summer Sweat Lodges By Amy Smith

Renewal, reinvigoration and release are often the adjectives AIHFS community participants use to describe the power of Sweat Lodges. In the process participants find the unexpected laughter, fellowship and pure joy. The Lodge gives the participants not what they request but what they need. I was given what I needed, twice at the Sweat Lodges AIHFS hosted in July and August along with other AIHFS community members. In both experiences, we participants enter the Lodges with shared anticipation but exited lighter. Although in both sweat lodges I experienced community and healing, each sweat lodge conductor brought a different ceremonial style. The July lodge provided opportunity for both men and women to participate in separate lodges and share a communal meal. New to the AIHFS community, I enter the Lodge reserved but exited with openness and a sense of belonging. As one fellow participants observed while we shared in our gifts of food, I had a glow…for me the glow was not only on the outside but on the inside. Not only did I feel the glow that July night but I experienced a little different glow at the August women’s lodge led by Bea. Bea continued to teach the fundamentals of leadership/participation with a large circle of women present. Women were open about the reasons for their participation and were placed in groups to enter the Lodge according to need and medicine for healing. Afterwards we shared our experiences over wonderful food and continued our fellowship. Again the Lodge provided me with what I needed, not neces-sarily what I wanted. This Fall I look forward to participating in another sweat lodge continuing my healing journey and sharing the experiences with others in the community. If you have not experienced the power of the Sweat Lodge, please consider joining us at the next sweat lodge. First timers and veterans are all welcomed and will be given what they need for their journey, not necessarily what they want.

Want to learn more about what’s going on at AIHFS? Follow us on the web!

aihfsmich @AIHFS_Detroit

Fall into Health and Wellness

As we transition into the cooler season is can be hard to keep up with diet and exercise. Join us at AIHFS where we care about the health of our community. We work to build clients’ self-esteem so that they feel more in control of their lives. Clients leave AIHFS knowing their own strengths and weaknesses, and equipped with the tools to enhance their diet, exercise regimen, and self confidence. Come visit our Nutritionist/Fitness Coaching Specialist, Michele Ramsey. Call (313) 846-6030 to make your appointment today!

“Moving You Is What We Do.”

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Dream Seekers Fun Summer Adventures! By Joe Reilly

The Dream Seekers summer youth program took place in July and was packed with fun and challenging adventures, traditional cultural teachings, arts, crafts, and special trips. 20 youth participated in the 3-week day camp and learned about their Native American cultures with our talented staff and interns, guest teachers and elders, and through the Gathering Of Native Americans (GONA) curriculum. The Dream Seekers had a lot of fun experiencing new things and taking healthy risks on our many field trips. We rode the waves and the water slide and floated down the lazy river at the Red Oaks Waterpark. We went to the Walled Lake High Ropes Course where we tried many different challenges that were 40 feet in the trees,

including the frightening “leap of faith” and the zip line. We visited the Lake St. Clair Metropark and explored the wetlands together in a giant canoe. We paddled by a muskrat lodge and ate cattail roots before enjoying some time on the beach. We also loved learning and practicing archery in Patton Park. We hope to continue to cultivate and encourage the spirit of adventure, cooperation, teamwork, and respect as we begin another school year of youth group programs. We wish everyone a fun and safe return to school and we look forward to seeing you in the fall!

Please join us on Tuesday October

7th from 5 -7pm for our Dream

Seekers Youth Program Kick -Off and

Family Fun Night. Enjoy drumming,

dancing, and great food while you

sign up for the upcoming school

year programs. Native American

youth of all backgrounds ages 8 -17

are welcome to sign up.

For more information please contact

Martha or Shiloh at 313 -846-6030

ext. 1401.

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Minobimaadiz Baagosenmaang- Wellness and Hope Screenings are still happening! Youth ages 10-24 be sure to ask about being a part of the GLS project and get Screened! Make an appointment with ESW today– eligible youth will receive a $20 Meijer Gift Card

Break the Silence

We know that suicide statistics affect Native people at higher rates, especially in the age ranges of 10-24. A large part of this project has been to promote awareness around these facts and about the resources that are available for those who may be at risk. Check out some of the ways we have been working on Breaking the Silence! —> 1. Check out our new Facebook page– The purpose of this page is to have a space where resources are shared and a lot of neat projects that are happening across Indian country for mental wellness. 2. Mural Project— We have a new mural at AIHFS! The youth took an active role in the painting and

planning process. We have had two events where we have celebrated the mural which is a link be-tween culture and suicide prevention.

3. New Awareness Films— We have been doing a lot of prevention work, but we have now begun to share our stories around suicide. It is an issue that affects us all. We worked with Chris Yepez [Sacramento Knoxx] to create 3 short films to share the stories of members in our community as well as from the artist Daniel Vallie who helped with the mural. The films will be released on our Sacred Bundle Healing Helpers Page very soon, so be sure to follow us and stay tuned!

Call Christy Bieber– GLS Program Coordinator for more information on upcoming efforts and events (313-846-6030 X1217)

Sacred Bundle Suicide Prevention Project


The Sacred Bundle Program is soon coming to a close. We have been finishing up our last programs for the summer. The Dream Seekers youth participated in an amazing summer camp, where they got to enjoy trips, and learn cultural teachings and crafts. A special thank you to all the elders and guests who shared knowledge and time with all of us during the camp. The core values were from the G.O.N.A. curriculum and rooted in preventing substance abuse, bullying and suicide by engaging in Native cultural teachings and humor.

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New Walk-In Hours! By Deirdre King

To better serve new and current clients in the Department of Emotional and Spiritual Wellness (ESW), we are excited to announce Monday through Friday Walk-In Hours! No appointment is necessary to see a Qualified Mental Health Provider any day of the week from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Walk in hours are on a first come first serve basis. Come see an ESW provider during the Walk-In Hours for any of the following: Beginning ESW services at AIHFS, Individual and Family Counseling, Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling, Residential Treatment referrals and other referrals, or to receive information on any of our ESW programming, including Wraparound. Walk in hours are especially helpful for clients that prefer flexible times during the day to see an ESW Provider, or those who may be experiencing urgent issues and need to see a provider within the same day. If you would like to visit an ESW provider during walk-in hours, just check in at the clinic reception and the next available provider will meet with you. If you would like to see a specific provider, please contact clinic scheduling ahead of time to check that provider’s availability. ESW walk in hours will not be available from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. the first Friday of every month, as AIHFS is

closed for staff training during that time.

Upcoming Community Events!

Community Advisory Council (CAC)

I would like to begin this quarter’s article with a friendly reminder that we are always looking for additional members to be a part of our Community Advisory Council. The only requirement is that you have a commitment to this community and are willing to dedicate a couple of hours the third Thursday of every month to attend. Community feedback is valuable! Here are some of the things we discuss at our meetings: At our CAC meeting in June, Rosebud Schneider presented on the latest happenings in our AIHFS Healthy Start program. It is now called Healthy Start-Family Spirit which also means they have expanded services! You can contact them regarding any of these programs: WIC (Women, Infants, Children), Fresh Food Share, Childbirth Classes, and Fitness Classes here at AIHFS. Their phone number is 313-846-6030x1300. Look for their article in this newsletter. In July, Will Hartmann presented on his plan to write his dissertation on findings within our department of Emotional and Spiritual Wellness. Will Hartmann, a Doctoral candidate from the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan, has been associated with AIHFS for several years. He has worked with Dr. Joe Gone, also of University of Michigan Dept. of Psychology, as they have been meeting with Traditional Healers, Elders and AIHFS with respect to the integration of traditional healing methods with conventional western methods. Will plans on shadowing the counselors to gather his data. We hope this leads to useful information that benefits our community and other American Indian communities, too. As of the writing of this article, we have not yet had August’s CAC meeting but we plan on having a Talking Circle with a suggested focus around depression. I will try to report out on this in the next newsletter without breaking the sacredness of that Talking Circle. By the time you read this, the colors of fall will have begun to appear as Mother Earth prepares to slow down with winter approaching. Enjoy the colors, I know I will! John Marcus

ph 313-846-6030 x1403


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Congratulations, Employees of the Month!

June - Martha Hinojosa

July - Tina James

August – Bill Dial

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Agency Needs & Wants

Support AIHFS by helping with the following:

Donations to support rebuilding our main entrance ramp ($150,000) and the AIHFS parking lot ($60,000)

Chi-Miigwetch and Niawen’kó:wa (Many Thanks) for your support!

Since the first community health centers were founded nearly fifty years ago, health centers have become the nation’s largest primary care network, collectively serving more than 22 million patients in more than 9,000 communities in the United States. They provide high-quality, cost effective primary, and preventative health care to low income and medically underserved communities across the state of Michigan. In addition to primary care services, health centers provide a comprehensive range of services that enhance access to care and well-being including behavioral health and health education support services.

Health care centers expand access to primary and preventative care that improves health and lowers costs. These efforts keep patients out of costlier health care settings, coordinate care amongst different health providers, effectively manage chronic conditions, and save $1,200 per patient per year- a total annual savings of $24 billion to the entire health care system. In addition, federal health center funding generates over $113 million in economic impact alone and provides over 800 jobs in Michigan.

Health centers are currently facing a significant loss of federal funding in the years ahead, which would immediately reduce access to care in our community. The Affordable Care Act established the Health Center Trust Fund to finance the federal health center program, but in fiscal year 2011, Congress voted to slash the fund by $600 million annually. This year faces a looming funding cliff- a potential 70% reduction in health center program funding set to take place in 2016. Support is needed for the continued support of the Health Centers program to ensure local health centers can continue delivering access to primary and preventative health care services beyond 2015. The National Association of Community Health Centers is seeking continued federal funding to maintain and expand the reach of community health centers, including the authorization of the trust fund from 2016-2020. To learn more about the mission and accomplishments of Community Health Centers please visit the web site of the National Association of Community Health Centers at To learn how you can help protect America’s Health Centers visit

Healthcare centers, like AIHFS, save $1,200 per patient

per year and provide over 800 jobs in Michigan alone.

Access is the Answer: Support Continued Funding for

Community Health Centers by Michelle Saboo

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How to Support AIHFS!

Only with your support can AIHFS continue to try to meet the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental well being needs of Native American families and other underserved populations in Southeastern Michigan.

Additionally, as a 501(c)(3), your generous support is tax-deductable.

Won't you make a donation today to help us get closer to meeting these needs?

To donate by check or money order, please send payable to:

American Indian Health & Family Services P.O. Box 810, Dearborn, MI 48121-0810

To donate online:


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Missed this newsletter in your mailbox? Fill this out and be added back on our mailing list! To receive the newsletters, please complete the following form and submit to any AIHFS staff member or mail to: 4880 Lawndale, Detroit, MI 48210. If you change your address, please let us know. We want to keep

you updated on all the events at American Indian Health and Family Services.

Cut here.

This Issue’s Native Quote:

“We have to do that. We have to be thankful. That's what we said. Two things were told to us: To be thankful,

so those are our ceremonies, ceremonies of thanksgiving. We built nations around it, and you can do that, too.

And the other thing they said was enjoy life. That's a rule, a law- enjoy life- you're supposed to.”

― Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Onondaga and Seneca Nations of the Haudenosaunee

(Iroquois Confederacy)

American Indian Health & Family Services, Inc

P.O. Box 810 Dearborn, MI 48121

Clinic Hours: Monday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 12:00 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Clinic: 313-846-6030

Services Provided at AIHFS

Medical Services Women's Care Maternal Health Diabetes Health & Education Substance Abuse Counseling Behavioral Health Counseling Dream Seekers Youth Program Parent Support Program Tobacco Cessation Native Healthy Start

Insurance Enrollments Health Education & Outreach Immunizations & Flu Shots HIV/AIDS Testing & Referrals Sweat Lodge Community Garden Dental Referrals Annual Events Fitness Classes Visit us at:

Here at

American Indian Health we offer great care & services

for your health care needs.

If there is anything we can be more helpful with, please let us know!

Return Service Requested

Seeking Board Members! The AIHFS Board of Directors is looking for new members! If you have a passion for the Native Community, Wellness program and services,

Accounting, Finance, Development or Fundraising, please consider applying!

In order to be considered please submit letter of intent and resume to:

American Indian Health and Family Services, ATTN: Nickole Fox

PO Box 810, Dearborn, MI 48121 and/or email: