Ai saturday presentation (final)2

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ai saturday presentation (final)2

STARTUPS Unleashing human potential

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do”…




It needs to change…

10 Signs You Should Invest In Artif icial Intel l igence

1. Major Companies Investing Big Money in AI

Google,Microsoft, Baidu, Ebay, Yahoo and Facebook also have multiple large active AI developments underway, and the race seems to be on to acquire systems, and the creative minds behind them, by these companies

2. Artificial Intelligence Is Rapidly Advancing

Pushed along by Moore's Law, artificial intelligence is only just starting to fulfill it's long-hyped potential

According to the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), that investigated the current size and past growth of the AI field, as much as 10% of all computer science research is currently directed towards AI.


3. Arguably the World's Smartest People Are Working in AI

Marvin Minsky - In 1959 Minsky and John McCarthy founded what is now known as the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Minsky is the grandfather of artificial intelligence, and is still working in the field.

Ray Kurzweil - Kurzweil is an inventor, author of multiple books including The Singularity Is Near and  How to Create a Mind. He is well-known for developing the idea of the technological Singularity . Kurzweil is now Director of Engineering at Google

Demis Hassabis -  Hassabis was a child prodigy in chess, and a master by age 13.  He has studied both computer science and neuroscience and is one of the founders of  Deep Mind, a company recently purchased by Google that uses machine learning and systems neuroscience to build powerful general-purpose learning algorithms. 

Steve Omohundro - Omohundro is known for his research on Hamiltonian physics, dynamical systems, programming languages, machine learning, machine vision, and the social implications of artificial intelligence. He is featured in James Barrat's Our Final Invention.

Ben Goertzel - Goertzel started college at age 15 and has been involved in many artificial intelligence and transhumanist projects.  His research work encompasses artificial general intelligence, natural language processing, cognitive science, data mining, machine learning, computational finance, bioinformatics, virtual worlds and gaming and other areas. He is mainly involved with OpenCog, an open-source software initiative aimed at directly creating Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

4. There is Still So Much Room For Improvement

Just try talking to Siri or Google Now, and you will soon be confronted with the limitations of the software. Undoubtedly artificial intelligence development has come a long way, but there is a lot of work to continue.  This represents an opportunity space for people who can identify the trends and the organizations that are making the biggest leaps.

5. Narrow Systems Can Be Employed In Any Nearly


6. AI Will Be Incorporated More and More Into Other

Software The licensing of AI systems by apps, software and

operating systems represents a big way traditional software will change in the next few years.  Along with breaking the paradigm of mouse and keyboard interaction, rich, accurate and meaningful AI interaction will bring new levels of productivity to digital work.

Working with natural language, users will be able to perform 'superfunctions' where the AI takes over and performs much of the 'grunt work.' Competitive advantage may be made for first movers, or for systems that employ better AI subsystems.

7. Robotics Developing Rapidly

Globally, robotic sales are rapidly increasing. China is said to have increased robotic purchases by over 30 percent per year for the last three years.

Robots can be easier for workers to program and interact with.

Now, more advanced robots are gaining enhanced senses, dexterity, and intelligence, thanks to accelerating advancements in machine vision, artificial intelligence, machine-to-machine communication, sensors, and actuators.

8. AI is Needed To Meet the Demands of Big Data

The shear scale of information growth has reached the point where humans simply cannot handle it without the aid of intelligent computer systems.

AI could be the missing link for the companies struggling to get their arms around big data.

9. AI Development is Accelerating In Tandem With Breakthroughs in

Neuroscience There are two separate billion dollar projects now running with

major focuses on computational neuroscience: the US BRAIN Init iative and the European Human Brain Project .  Both of these projects, along with the countless other advances being made in neuroscience continue to impact the development of artificial intelligence.

One example of the relationship between neuroscience and artificial intelligence is the development of neuromorphic computing.

10. If You Can't Beat Them...

Sophisticated software tools can be used to augment the talents of highly skilled employees, and as more knowledge worker tasks can be done by machine, it is also true that some types of jobs could become fully automated.

The combinatorial effects of artificial intelligence are already being experienced in nearly every industry.  As the systems continue to progress, the effects will increase dramatically.

Thank you!Gary A. Fowler
