aHsgelu~nlrnu$~nlsGl~~~~~~~~fl~U d.p%aa'-

Post on 15-Apr-2022

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Transcript of aHsgelu~nlrnu$~nlsGl~~~~~~~~fl~U d.p%aa'-

1933-1945 aHs"gelu~nlrnu$~nlsGl~~~~~~~~fl~U d.p%aa'- Pi*

1933 The Good Neighbor Policy - 4 &lnoJ

The Bank Holiday - 6 %.JlflU

The First Hundred Days (9 hltW - 16 %jUlUU)

The Emerency Banking Relief Act - 9 ~UlflU

The Economy Act - 20 hlFlU

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) - 31 ihJlFlU

The Johnson Debt Default Act - 13 LWIUU

The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) - 12 II~klfllflU

The Agricultural Adjustment Act - 12 Ytt)Wllfl¶.l

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) - 18 WqMlmfW

The Public Works Administration (PWA) - 13 ?@lfJU

The Home Owners’ Loan Corp&ation (HOLC) - 13 %plfJU

The Banking Glass - Steagall Act - 16 ~~WIUU

The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) - 16 &jUlUU

The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) - ~alftll

The Civil Works Administration (CWA) - 8 Wqt6fWU

~~~naloJ~Ulw"ua"Ml~~l~~~~~~~~~~ - 16Wq&hl(lU

The Montevideo Pact - 26 6'u3lW.J



The Philippines Independence Act - 24 hIflU

The Trade Agreement Act - 12 &plfJU

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) - 28 %pOflU

The Second Hundred Days (LUYIUU - i?WlflU)

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) - 8 I¶JWlUU

The National Youth Administration (NYA) - 8 lU?4lUU

The Resettlement Administration (RA) - 1 YKpfWXJ

The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) - 11 %‘@tftIftu

HI 483 ’ 137


The National Labor Relations Act - 5 fl'SfQlflU

The Social Security Board (SSB) - 14 dWl'fllJ

The Wealth Tax Act - 30 %tlfl¶.J ’

The Neutrality ,Act - 31 n"WlfllJ

Gll~~n5lu~ea'Ia~~~ - 3 vp=mU

~$Ull5=nlPrnQUnl55'~U~~UlU~U The Washington Disarmament Treaty of

1922 It% The London Naval Treaty of 1930 - 15 oJf15lfloJ

The Adjustment Compensation Act - 24 UflSlW

The Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act - 29 fpJfllw'P~

The Neutrality Act - 29 fpllw'UIf

l"osolQs"l~,lsl~llaa~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~- GmlaJ

The Undistributed Profits Tax Act - 22 &plUU

nan5laJtlals~~o;r%Uarlllu - flsnp1nnr

loosu~rla=~0n~lgUw~~~~~l~~~~~fl~~~fl~~ -Pyltw

~~UasUlPltSUvjolm~~~~~~"~~U~~~~~~~l~ - 26Wt]Fi'h~U



The Neutrality Act - 1 Wf)El~lt?9J

~qU~=W=~~~UPrP~~~lUUl~~~~~~~ -7 mqp-n.!

The Farm Security Administration (FSA) - 22 ftsft~%%.J

The United-States Housing Authority (USHA) - 1 f%fJlUU

The Panay Incident - 12 ~U’walt%j

The Second Agricultural Adjustment Act - 16 f)¶Jfll'%d

luosUiiTn5lwua~:saUQ~~~~~~ - 13 c&laJ

The Revenue Act - 27 WpfllnU

The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act - 24 u'$UlUU

The Fair Labor Standards Act - 25 ~fplClU

The Munich Agreement - 30 f+iUUlClU

The Declaration of Lima - i%‘u?lnIJ

138 HI 483


~~1~115=fliPra~e7Tlo~~~~~q~~~a~~~~~~~ - 10 %y10u


The Alien Registration Act - 29 ?JQUlUU

The Act of Havana - 30 fG~QlflU

m0rnr~~n~ou~w~~~1~~~oq~ (8 n'winnr - lot+jainU)

The Ogdensburg Agreement - 18 ?WlfW

nM~~0n&llti~d0w'wl@l5o CThk-mhflqM - 3 thJl0U

The Selective Training and Service Act - 14 t%MllUU

bn~=~nsrlun,iElao?w4~0a~iu - qaitw

d¶J~a0~lU%u~60vJ~nl- rYumloJ

The-Four Freedoms - 6 UflJlRU


The Lend-Lease Act - 11 %JlW

aM~~slu~n,~~giu~~~u~m-nlualaun” - 9 wiu'w

The Hyde Park Declaration - 20 LULnUU

6U05U$q5lU~&J - 22 @UlUU

HI 483 139

140 HI 483

HI 483 141


Franklin 8. Roosevelt1 8 8 2 - 1 9 4 5 ; N e w Y o r kDemocratIn office: 1933-1945

,!Qhe~ Franklin D. Roosevelt Admiistntio~.-


Fianklhi D. Ron.s.&t:]&n N&e Gamerkenly A: Wallacetipmi.s~TmC!o&lI HullLiward Rl Steitinius; Ji

Will iam H. Woodin.Henry Moqenthau, Ji.

George fl. Dem‘Henry A. Wood&g.Henry L. StimronHomer S. OlmmirqFrank MurphyRobert H. JackmFrancis Biddlc

\James A. FarleyFrank C. Walker

CIaude A. SwansonCharles EdisonFrank KnoxJames V. Forraral

Haro ld L. Icker

Henry A. WallaceClaude R. Wickard

Daniel C. RoperHarry L. Hopkins

Jesse JonesHemy A. Wallace











1933-19391939-19401940- 19451 9 4 5

Sccrttary of Labor Frances ,Perkinr 193311945

HI 483

HI 483 143

Workers in the CCC

1 4 4 HI 483

Tbfa pi* ‘rham. drqnght-vlctlm faxmen l twwkonaWPAmdpwjoct


HI 483 145

146 HI 463

HI 483 147

Frances PerkIns (1882- 1965) The first w~nwn cabi.

net member, she served OS secretory oflabor under Roosevelt

1 4 8

The Sit-Down Strike,

HI 483

At the rg36 Pan-American Cm~ference in Buenos Aires FDR personally played the “Good Neighbor.”

HI 483 1 4 9

HI 483 151

Hitler and Mussolini in Berlin !

152 HI 483

b G RX A- Tf-.-4.-...l . . - - -


The German Advance, 1939-1942

156 HI 483

‘While Japanese envoys talked peace with Nulf.warships .were s&aeaming toward Pearl Htibor.

JAPAN LAUNCHES ATTACK ON OUR FLEET AT PEARL HARBORLike an electric shock, the surprise bombing of Pearl lParbor by Japanese planes q~ Decem.

the Unlted States into World War II. Three American battleships- thatthe attack are shown here.: the V.S.S. ‘West Vlrginla,” ‘Tennessee, and

HI 483 157

Women ot Waf

158 HI 483



World War II I” the Pdc~fic

HI 483

This is a map of World War II campaigns in the Pacific. The dotted line shows the huge armJapaa conquered early ia the war. Arrows show how and where Americans took the otbsi~eand forced’the Japanese back to their home islands.

President Franklin Roosevelt (seated second from left) is shown signing the United NationsDeclaration in 1942. This was the lrst step taken to organize the United Nations. Wadingare tke representatives of 26 nations who also signed.

HI 483161



HI 483

The Big Two British Prime Minister Winston Churchill andUS. President Franklin D. Roosevelt meet at the CasablancaConference in Morocco.~anoary 1943.


At meerlngs such N ihlsone during the fall ofI943 In Teheran. Iran.Roosevelt (cenrer) metwith Russlan~Pqn~er Jo-

seph Stalin (left) and Brir-Ish Prime Minister Wln-ston Churchill.


HI 483 1 6 3

THEY PLANNED STRATEGY~eaerel of the .hy Dwight Eistmhower(matter) confers ivith British Field MarshaMontgomery and U.S. General Onw Brrdlq,

FDestroyer-Bases Deal

164 HI 483

The BattleshIp West Virginia Wrecked at PearlHarbor

NORMANDY BEACH, I944Operatfon Overlord. on June 6. 194h. succeWi~lly landed Rve divlslons of Allled t,c,ops InNormandy.

HI 483 165

166 HI 483

HI 483 1 6 7