AH Rome

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of AH Rome

Ancient Rome

What are some of the aspects of Etruscan art?How did it influence the Romans?

What are some of the main aspects of Roman architecture?What did influences did Roman architecture produce?

What are the main periods of Roman art?Who is seen as one of the most influential emperors?

What event allows us to know so much about ancient Rome?Who was the last great emperor of the Late Empire? 

What are the main aspects that brought on the end of the Roman empire?


753 BC : Traditional date for the founding of Rome by Romulus, Romulus killed his brother Remus in a fight: Rome as a kingdom

509 BC–27 BC Roman REPUBLIC

March 15, 44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinatedJulius Caesar had adopted his nephew OctavianOctavian becomes Augustus Caesar and considered the greatest Emperor

27 BC – IMPERIAL ROME - beginning of the Empire:


Late second century – LATE EMPIRE

Early fourth century – Constantine as Emperor, introduction of Christianity

Etruscan Temple Architecture

Capitoline wolf

Apollo of Vei


Atrium and peristyle, House of the Silver Wedding, Pompeii, early 1st century A.D.

Roman bedroom- CUBICULA

Insula (Roman Apartment buildings  Ostia Italy, (reconstruction), 2nd century A.D.

Canopus, Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, A.D. 125–135.

Reconstruction of the FORUM, Rome, c. A.D. 98–117

Forum of Augustus

Basilica Ulpia, Forum of Trajan AD 98-117

Forum of Trajan (model), shows the Basilica Ulpia, 2 libraries (one Greek and the other Latin), the Column of Trajan, and the Temple of the Divine Trajan

Markets of Trajan

Baths of Caracalla - Rome

Flavian Amphitheater also known as The Coliseum, Rome, A.D. c. 72–80

Temple of Portunus, (formerly known as the Temple of Fortuna Virilis) Rome, late 2nd century B.C.

West side of the Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace), Rome, 13–9 B.C.

South side of the Ara Pacis, showing a detail of an imperial procession.

< Greek ParthenonIonic Frieze

Trajan's Column, Trajan's Forum, Rome, dedicated A.D. 113.

three lowest bands of Trajan's Column

Arch of Titus, Rome, A.D. 81

Relief from the Arch of Titus, detail showing The Spoils of the Temple of Jerusalem Exhibited in Rome 

Arch of Constantine, Rome, c. A.D. 313.

A Young Flavian Woman , c. 90 B.C.


Augustus of Prima Porta , early 1st century A.D

Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius (before restoration), A.D. 164–166

Colossus sculpture of Constantine, from the Basilica of Constantine, Rome, A.D. 313.

First Style Fresco Painting, Pompeii Villa

Second Style Fresco Painting

Third Style Fresco Painting

Fourth Style Fresco Painting

Villa of the Mysteries, near Pompeii, c. 65–50 B.C.

Still Life , from Herculaneum, c. A.D. 50.

Hercules Strangling the Serpents , House of the Vettii, Pompeii, A.D. 63 - 79.