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AGROFORESTRY - EKONOMI HIJAU – PERUBAHAN IKLIM GLOBAL. FOTO: smno.kampus.ub.jan2013. Green Economy What is the Green Economy?. The “green economy” refers to economic sectors that are focused on environmental sustainability. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




FOTO: smno.kampus.ub.jan2013

Green EconomyWhat is the Green Economy?

The “green economy” refers to economic sectors

that are focused on environmental sustainability. The green economy seeks to address the interdependence of

human economic development with the health of the

natural ecosystem.


''Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: ''Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka


Mereka berkata: ''Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya

dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?''.

Tuhan berfirman: ''Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui'‘




‘The Black economy’: pembangunan ekonomi yang bertumpu pd bahan bakar

fosil seperti batubara, minyak bumi dan gas alam.

“The green economy” bertumpu pd pengetahuan ekologi-ekonomi

dengan tujuan menyelaraskan hubungan ekonomi-manusia dengan ekosistem- alam serta MINIMUM dampak

negatif akibat kegiatan ekonomi terhadap lingkungan

Ecological economics is a transdisciplinary field of academic

research that aims to address :

the interdependence and coevolution of

human economies and natural ecosystems

over time and space


Fokus issue:

1. Intergenerational equity,

2. Irreversibility of environmental change,

3. Uncertainty of long-term outcomes,

4. Sustainable development

Nilai ekonomi dari natural-capital dan ecosystem-services

sangat penting dalam ecological-


Ecological economists may begin by estimating how to maintain a stable

environment before assessing the cost in

dollar terms.

Tujuan utama Ecological-Economics

(EE) :

Mengimplementasikan pemikiran dan praktek


ke dlm realita biofisik, seperti hukum

termodinamika dan sistem biologis.

Sumbangan Agroforestry bagi kesejahteraan manusia :

1. the planetary endowment of scarce matter and energy,2. the complex and biologically diverse ecosystems that provide

goods and services directly to human communities:

3. micro- and macro-climate regulation, 4. water recycling, 5. water purification, 6. storm water regulation, 7. waste absorption, 8. food and medicine production, 9. pollination, from solar and cosmic radiation, 11. the view of a starry night sky, etc.



AGROFORESTRY adalah: ………………

… intensive land management that optimizes the benefits

(physical, biological, ecological, economic, social) arising from ………..

biophysical interactions created when trees and/or shrubs are deliberately

combined with crops and/or livestock.

Empat Kategori Jasa-jasa Sistem Agroforestry:

1. Provisioning services • food (including seafood and game), crops, wild foods, and spices • water • pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, and industrial products • energy (hydropower, biomass fuels)

2. Regulating services • carbon sequestration and climate regulation • waste decomposition and detoxification • purification of water and • crop pollination • pest and disease control

3. Supporting services • nutrient dispersal and cycling • seed dispersal • Primary production

4. Cultural services • cultural, intellectual and spiritual inspiration • recreational experiences (including ecotourism) • scientific discovery

Enam Metode Utama dalam Valuasi Jasa-jasa Sistem Agroforestry:

Avoided cost Services allow society to avoid costs that would have been incurred in the absence of those services (e.g. waste treatment by AGF habitats avoids health costs)

Replacement cost Services could be replaced with man-made systems (e.g. restoration of the Catchmenrt Watershed cost less than the construction of a water purification plant)

Factor income Services provide for the enhancement of incomes (e.g. improved water quality increases the commercial take of a fishery and improves the income of fishers)

Travel cost Service demand may require travel, whose costs can reflect the implied value of the service (e.g. value of ecotourism experience is at least what a visitor is willing to pay to get there)

Hedonic pricing Service demand may be reflected in the prices people will pay for associated goods (e.g. coastal housing prices exceed that of inland homes)

Contingent valuation Service demand may be elicited by posing hypothetical scenarios that involve some valuation of alternatives (e.g. visitors willing to pay for increased access to national parks)

HASIL – HASIL AGROFORESTRYProduces salable products

Provides value-added opportunitiesDiversifies risk

Increases property valuesIncreases crop yields & livestock production

Eligible for cost-share & land rental payments


• Improves water quality … SWM- Sustainable Water Management

• Improves wildlife habitat• Increases recreational and hunting

opportunities• Reduces noise, dust, & odors• More beautiful and pleasant place to work

Sustainable Water Management: SWM

SWM is based upon the principles , namely:

1. Freshwater is a finite and valuable resource that is essential to sustain life, the environment and development.

2. The development and management of our water resources be based on a participatory approach, involving users, and policy makers at all levels.

3. Women play a central role in the provision, management and of water resources.

4. Water has an economic value and should therefore be seen as an economic good.

Water's vital role for the environment and humans is linked to five main functions :

1. Maintaining human health : clean water is essential for maintaining human health;

2. Maintaining environmental health: the health of aquatic ecosystems is essential for fish/seafood supply, is a major determinant of biodiversity, and provides for many other vital goods and services;

3. Supporting two production functions : a) biomass production, necessary for the supply of food, fuel wood and timber; and b) economic production, since industrial development has traditionally been "lubricated" by easy access to water;

4. Supporting two carrier functions : a) water plays an active role in diluting and transpiration wastes; and b) in the natural erosion and land processes of the global water cycle;

5. Psychological function, which makes water bodies, water views, fountains and so on fundamental components of human preferences and desires. Water also plays a role in many religions and cultural activities.

SUMBER AIR : HUJAN"Dan Yang menurunkan air dari langit menurut kadar (yang diperlukan) lalu Kami hidupkan dengan air itu

negeri yang mati, seperti itulah kamu akan dikeluarkan (dari dalam kubur)."

(Al Qur'an, 43:11)

Diperkirakan dalam satu detik, sekitar 16 juta ton air menguap dari bumi.

Angka ini menghasilkan 513 trilyun ton air per tahun. Angka ini ternyata sama dengan jumlah hujan yang jatuh ke bumi dalam satu tahun.

RAIN WATERAl A’raaf : 57.

Dan Dialah yang meniupkan angin sebagai pembawa berita gembira sebelum kedatangan rahmat-Nya (hujan); hingga apabila angin itu telah membawa

awan mendung, Kami halau ke suatu daerah yang tandus, lalu Kami turunkan hujan di daerah itu, maka Kami keluarkan dengan

sebab hujan itu pelbagai macam buah-buahan. Seperti itulah Kami membangkitkan orang-orang yang telah mati, mudah-mudahan kamu

mengambil pelajaran.

Al Furqoon : 50. Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mempergilirkan hujan itu diantara manusia supaya mereka mengambil pelajaran (dari padanya); maka

kebanyakan manusia itu tidak mau kecuali mengingkari (nikmat).

Green water is a very important resource for global food


About 60% of the world staple food production relies on … green water. The entire meat production from grazing relies

on green water, and so does the production of wood from


In drylands almost the entire food production depends on

green water (the relative importance of irrigation is

minor) and most of the industrial products, such as cotton, tobacco, wood, etc.

Pengelolaan Air Hijau


Green water is ignored …

by engineers because they can't pipe or pump it,

by economists because they can't price it, and

by governments because they can't tax it.


Green water credits, however, are an opportunity to address this disparity while enhancing ecosystem services for both farmers and downstream stakeholders.

The International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) is pioneering green water credits, which it describes as:

A mechanism for direct payment to people in rural areas in return for water management activities which are presently un-recognized and unrewarded.

Benefits to poor people drive this initiative which, at the same time, safeguards water resources and food security for everyone.

With funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), ISRIC is developing a proof-of-concept project that creates financial incentives for farmers in

the developing world to better manage green water.


ISRIC is taking three steps to implement green water credits:1. Quantification of the resource and how it can be optimized by

land use and management;2.Valuation of its various uses and the costs of floods,

sedimentation, and the diseases caused by a lack of clean water – enabling benefit cost analysis;3. An agreed mechanism to:

a. Specify optimum management and its water benefits;b. Negotiate a fair price;

c. Establish that the work is done;d. Collect and pay credits.


Rainwater harvesting is the gathering, or accumulating and storing, of rainwater.

Rainwater harvesting has been used to provide drinking water, water for livestock, water for irrigation or to refill aquifers in a

process called groundwater recharge.

Rainwater collected from the roofs of houses, tents and local institutions, or from specially prepared areas of ground, can make

an important contribution to drinking water.

Agroforestry incorporates technology from agriculture and forestry. Both areas of expertise are needed, neither can be ignored if an

agroforestry system is to provide the desired benefits.

Here, you do this.It involves trees!

Here, you do this!It involves


Agriculture Forestry

We group agroforestry practices in five categories:

Alley cropping, Silvopasture,

Forest farming, Riparian forest buffers, and



Alley Cropping

Alley cropping systems provide a way to lower risk by diversifying production.

In alley cropping an agricultural crop is grown simultaneously with a long-term tree crop to provide annual income while the

tree crop matures. Fine quality hardwoods like walnut, pecan, and oak are preferred species, and can produce high-value lumber or veneer logs. When

nut-bearing trees are used they can provide an intermediate product for sale.

In addition to improving annual cash flow, these systems also protect annual crops, reduce soil erosion, and provide wildlife

habitat. Most row crops and grains have been shown to grow well in an

alley cropping system.


• Diversify farm enterprise• Reduce erosion

• Improve water quality• Protect crops

• Improve utilization of nutrients

• Enhance wildlife habitat• Improve aesthetics

• Store carbon

WaNuLCASWaNuLCAS merupakan singkatan


“Water, Nutrient and Light Captured in Agroforestry Systems”,

…… model yang mensimulasikan penggunaan air, hara dan cahaya

dalam sistem agroforestri.

Diagram model WaNuLCAS yang tersusun atas 3 komponen yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman yaitu air, hara dan cahaya

dalam sistem agroforestri.

Bagaimana model mendefinisikan pola ruang?

Bagaimana model mendefinisikan pola temporal?

Menguji peranan akar pohon sebagai ‘jaring penyelamat hara’

Pengaruh total panjang akar

terhadap efisiensi pohon dalam mengurangi pencucian N(fungsi jaring

penyelamat hara) pada berbagai jumlah curah


Proses yang terjadi dalam sistem agroforestri

Hasil simulasi WaNuLCAS untuk sistem budidaya

pagar, (1) pencucian N (g m -2), (2)pertumbuhan

perakaran (total panjang akar) jagung di tanah lapisan atas

(cm cm -3), (3) kebutuhan

N jagung, dan (4) kebutuhan N pohon.

Produksi tanaman semusim dan hasil pangkasan pada sistim budidaya pagar

Interaksi antara tanaman tahunan dengan tanaman

semusim pada sistem agroforestri

(a = naungan; b = kompetisi akan air

dan hara; c = daun gugur


Pohon berguna dalam menambah C

tanah dan hara lainnya serta sebagai "jaring

penyelamat" hara yang tercuci ke lapisan bawah

(d = pohonberperakaran dalam).

Bentuk–bentuk kompetisiantar tanaman:

(A) spesies A secaralangsung menghambat

pertumbuhanspesies B atau sebaliknya,

(B) interaksi tidak langsung yaitu denganmerubah lingkungan

pertumbuhan, (C) interaksi tidak

langsung yaitu denganmenstimulir

pertumbuhan musuh(hama+penyakit) bagi


Interaksi Pohon-Tanah-Tanaman

Interaksi positif (a), netral (b dan c),

negatif (d)

antara komponen penyusun



Pemandangan di dalam tanah

yang meununjukkan peranan penting liangyang terbentuk dari

akar pohon yang telahmati.

Jenis Pohon yang cocok dengan Tanah Kapur

Acacia auriculiformisAlbizia falcataria

Albizia lebbekAnacardium occidentale

Artocarpus communisArtocarpus heterophyllus

Cassia siameaCeiba petandra

Dalbergia latifoliaGmelina arboreaMangifera indica

Melaleuca sppParkia speciosa

Peronema canescensPithecellobium lobatum

Sterculia foetidaSwietenia macrophylla

Swietenia mahagoni




1. Water2. Carbon3. Nitrogen4. Soil pH, Ca, Mg,

K and P


1. Tree fallows2. Alley cropping3. Agro-silvo-pastoral4. Shade trees5. Windbreaks

NERACA AIR DALAM SISTEM AGROFORESTRIPg = Curah Hujan Total Rs = Aliran Air LateralIt, = Intersepsi Pohon Ic = Intersepsi Tanaman SemusimPt, = Hujan Lolos Tajuk Pohon Pc = Hujan Lolos Tajuk Tanaman SemusimFt, = Kecepatan Infiltrasi di bawah Pohon Fc, = Kecepatan Infiltrasi di bawah Tanaman SemusimRt = Limpasan Permukaan di bawah Pohon Rc = Limpasan Permukaan di bawah Tanaman SemusimEt = Evaporasi Tanah (dari bawah pohon ) Ec = Evaporasi Tanah (dari bawah tanaman semusim)qt, = Kadar Air Tanah (dibawah pohon) qc = Kadar Air Tanah (dibawah tanaman semusim)Tt = Transpirasi Pohon Tc = Transpirasi Tanaman SemusimDt = Drainasi dibawah Pohon Dc = Drainasi dibawah Tanaman Semusim

Neraca air dalam model WaNuLCAS

(1) Infiltrasi, (2,3,4) Redistribusi

air dan larutan dalam profil tanah, pengisian kembali air tanah (2) dan drainasi atau

pencucian kelebihan air dari dasar profil tanah,

(5) Evaporasi tanah, (6) Penyerapan air oleh akar

pohon dan tanamansemusim,

(7) Kesetimbangan hydraulik melalui akar pohon,

(8). Tanda (signal) kekeringan yang

mempengaruhi pembagian air ke batang/akar,

(9) Aliran larutan lewat jalan pintas (bypass flow)

Model Serapan air dari tanah

Siklus harian hitungan serapan air.

Dalam sistem agroforestry

Sustainable AgroForest Management : SAM

AgroForest management is the branch of forestry concerned with the overall administrative, economic, legal, and social aspects and with the essentially

scientific and technical aspects, especially silviculture, protection, and forest regulation.

This includes management for aesthetics, fish, recreation, urban values, water, wilderness, wildlife, wood products, agroforest genetic resources and

other agroforest resource values .

Management can be based on conservation, economics, or a mixture of the two.

Techniques include timber extraction, planting and replanting of various species, cutting roads and pathways through agroforests, and preventing fire.

Pengelolaan Agrohutani Lestari:Yakni agrohutan yang sehat secara EKOLOGI serta produktif secara


Sustainable Agroforest management (SAM) is the management of agroforests according to the principles of sustainable development.

Sustainable agroforest management uses very broad social, economic and environmental goals.

Sustainable Agroforest management as:The stewardship and use of agroforests and agroforest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfill, now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions, at local, national, and global levels, and that does not cause damage to other ecosystems.

Seven key elements of sustainable agroforest management are:

1. Extent of agroforest resources 2. Biological diversity

3. AgroForest health and vitality 4. Productive functions and agroforest resources

5. Protective functions of agroforest resources 6. Socio-economic functions

7. Legal, policy and institutional framework.

Sustainable Agriculture Management (SAgM)Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals: environmental

stewardship, farm profitability, and prosperous farming communities. Sustainable agriculture refers to agricultural production that can be

maintained without harming the environment.

Sustainable Agriculture Management (SAgM)

It has been defined as follows:“the term sustainable agriculture means an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will, over

the long term:Satisfy human food and fiber needs

Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends

Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and

controls Sustain the economic viability of farm operations

Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.”

Forest Farm ManagementForest farming is an agroforestry practice characterized by the

four "I's"- Intentional, Integrated, Intensive and Interactive management of an existing forested ecosystem wherein forest

health is of paramount concern. It is neither forestry nor farming in the traditional sense.

Forest farm management principles constitute an ecological approach to forest management through efforts to find a

balance between conservation of native biodiversity and wildlife habitat within the forest and limited, judicious utilization of the

forest's varied resources.

Sustainable griculture and Farming systems:

1. A sustainable farming system is a system in which natural resources are managed so that crop yields do not decline over time.

2. A sustainable farming system is a system in which natural resources are managed so that the stock of natural resources do not decline over time.

3. A sustainable farming system is one that satisfies minimum conditions of ecosystem stability and resilience over time.

4. A concept related to sustainable farming systems is HNV farming systems, which are likely to be of importance from a nature-conservation point of view.

5. Sustainable agriculture is organized so that the necessary support services (credit, extension, and input supply) are guaranteed.

6. Sustainable agriculture is a system guaranteeing equality, i.e. distributional and welfare aspects are given due attention through institutions that make farmer participation possible, that are concerned about the poor and that are administered with a bottom-up approach.

7. A sustainable farming system is not unduly constrained by the socio-cultural environment or the policy-institutional environment.


1.Productivity - Land - Soils2.Profitability

3.Stability 4.Diversity 5.Flexibility

6.Time-dispersion 7.Sustainability

8.Complementarity and environmental compatibility

PENGELOLAAN LAHAN LESTARISoil quality is defined as “the capacity of a soil to function

within ecosystem boundaries to sustain biological productivity,

maintain environmental health, and promote plant and animal


Suitability Evalution

of Land & Soils

Constraints & Limiting Factors

Best Management Practices

Principles of Sustainable Land Management: SLM

land should be managed to deliver a wide range of benefits beyond food

and fibre production.

These include: wildlife and distinctive landscape character; opportunities

for public access; and flood protection and water management.

Principle 1. Multi-functionality:

Land management should reflect the principles of sustainable development.

Land management should:Safeguard the primary environmental resources

of air, soils and water; Contribute to long term robust and adaptable

rural economies; Maintain and enhance landscapes, countryside

character, biodiversity, historic and cultural values;

Support rural communities - especially the people whose livelihoods depend on it, directly

or indirectly.

Principle 2. Sustainability:

Principles of Sustainable Land Management: SLM

Land management must be integrated with rural development.

Land management underpins other parts of the rural economy, for example by supplying

products directly and indirectly (by maintaining the landscape) upon which

rural tourism is based.

Businesses based on land management provide business for other rural firms.

Principle 3.Integration:

a framework which can reflect regional and local needs and aspirations.

People should have a greater voice in shaping land management to deliver

public benefits - while still reflecting the fact that most land will remain in private

ownership.These four principles of sustainable land management guide and inform our work.

Principle 4. Subsidiarity:

Foto: smno.kampus.ub.juli2012