Agroecology: a “launchpad” for...

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Agroecology: a “launchpad” for innovation?


Name : Tarek SolimanOrganisation: Food innovation program- WikiExpo project


Bsc. International Agriculture, Cairo University

Msc. Plant protectionMediterranean agronomicinstitute, Bari, italy

Msc. Agroecology and ruraldevelopment, ISARA, NMBU, SLU

Food Innovation programThe Journey Summer School 2

What is agroecology?

Most accepted definition:

“the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems, provides a framework to assess the complexity of agroecosystems”

Altieri 1995

The Journey Summer School 3

Agroecology Principles

• Enhance the recycling of biomass.

• Enhancement of functional biodiversity.

• managing organic matter and by enhancing soil biologicalactivity.

• Minimize losses of energy, water, nutrients and geneticresources.

• Diversify species and genetic resources in the agroecosystem

• Enhance beneficial biological interactions and synergies. The Journey Summer School 4

Wait, there is more…

Agroecology has been used as a frameworkfor promoting the right to food, according to a 2012 by the UN special rapporteur.

With all the imbalance caused by the agri-industrial model, agroecology as a science, practice and social movement, is offering an alternative that focuses on smallholders.

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“Application of technical, organizational, or other forms of knowledge to achieve positive novel changes in a particular situation. “ Czech Conroy , 2008

• Technological• Societal e.g. Peasant to Peasant• Institutional. Creating linkages between producers and service


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Innovations are notnecessarily “new”

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MILPAS in MexicoThe Journey Summer School 8

Rice, ducks, azola and fish in ChinaThe Journey Summer School 9

Boars and acorn treesThe Journey Summer School 10

Landscape management in rice plantations, the Philippennes

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And vineyards in Cinque terre in Italy….

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Introducing the Five seedsof disruption

Source: Presentation by Miriam Leuk Avery

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PRODUCTIONCore st ra tegy

Diversi ty for resi l ience

• Intercropping, agroforestry, cover crops, push-pul l .

• Maintaining populat ion balance between pests-natural enemies.

• Seeds: Selected by farmers.

• Maintaining soi l fert i l i ty through soi l microbiota and managing Organic matter .


Presentation Notes
The core strategy of production is Intensification – and has been for millennia.

AgroforestryThe Journey Summer School 15

Diversity per se is not the goalThe Journey Summer School 16



Core strategySeasonal i ty

• Eating seasonal , cul tural ly/ terr i tor ia l ly embedded diet .

• Adequate port ions.

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The core strategy of eating over the past decades has been convenience. People spending less and less time with their food.



Core strategyProducer-Consumer


Participatory guarantee systems

Community cupportedagriculture

Urban farming (allotment plots)

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DISTRIBUTION has long valued efficiency – and many assumptions and policies around food have echoed that strategy.

Participatory guarantee systems

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Preserve with minimal processing

core strategy

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Standardization in food manufacturing is the bedrock of brands – consistent experience and quality has been essential since -

Fermentation: minimal processing

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Preserves from Potager du Roi, Versailles.The Journey Summer School 23



• Farmers’ markets• Alternative food networks

• “Farm to Fork”

core strategy:Know your producer

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All of this is closely related to the core strategy of SHOPPING - centralization

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Farmers’ market in Porto Alegre, Brasil.

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Core strategy: return to the roots!


Health care: Grønn omsorg!

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Research: Modern science in synergy with traditional knowledge

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Is it realistic?

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Real challenge: From end users of knowledge to contributors in the

knowledge lifecycle

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Btw thank you for listening and enjoy your lunch

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