agricultura Presentacion luirro............

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of agricultura Presentacion luirro............


Fourt Fourt-MONTHPractice English IIEngineer Oscar Garcia

Group practice 4# Student: Luis Roberto Vásquez Hernández

Azadón: hoes = I have hoes

Piocha: pickaxe = I have not pickaxe

tractor: tractor = my tractor does not work

Maiz: corn = I have planted corn

Limones: lemons = I want to sell lemons

vacas: cows = cows are fat

Gallina: Hen = three hens were stolen farm

Plantas: plants = I need to fertilize plants

Cerdos: pigs = you have to feed the pigs

caballos: horses = I have two horses

Herramientas: tools = we need tools to work

Melon: melon = they have large plantations of melon

Rastrillo: rakes = she has many new rakes

Fertilizante: fertilizer = I need to buy fertilizer

Cultivo: cultivation = we have to go check the cultivation

sombrero: hat = you have a new hat

Botas: boots = we need to buy new boots

Plagas: plague = corn has plague

Tierra: land = I need to work the land

Fumigar: fumigate = you must fumigate the plants

Transplantar: transplating = it should transplanting plants

Pollo: chicken = I like chicken

Valvula: valves = the should check valves

Maleza: weeds = in the cultivation of beans there are many weeds

Toro: bull = oscar has a bull

Ganado: cattle = I have a large cattle

Florear: florear = I can florear

Flores: flowers = she likes flowers

Podar: prune = the prune the tree

Aboneras: aboneras = in school there aboneras

Plateo: plated = I have to do Plated trees

Frutas: fruits = must sell the fruits

Verduras: vegetables = we must harvest the vegetables

Cabras: goats = the teacher must feed the goats