Agony Letter

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Alhough File Fine "dreams dreams " level is omitted according to the slimming of the syllabus of September 2013 ,the "Agony Letter" appears in the productive tasks of this level. So teachers have to deal with it without refering to "if type 2" .Such lesson is very important for our learners since they are teenagers and writing such letters will help teacher understand and approach their learners more and more.

Transcript of Agony Letter

File five: Dreams, Dreams. Reading and WritingFourth Level Agony Letter Lesson Focus: ! Which aspects of language are you teaching: e.g. grammar point(s), aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc ), vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc) functions (polite requests, apologizing.)? !In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: "Function: Writing agony letter(Seekingfor advice) "Grammar: Simple present tense + If type 1+ conjunctions of {similarities-result-opposition-conclusion} "Vocabulary related to: "#$%&'(%)* )+(%,+- ,# -%.(* (./+ )#',.0+1 Objectives / Assessment: #SWBAT by the end of the lesson, students will be able to : 1)Ask for advice(Write agony letter) Required material and/ or resources: The manuals flashcards (p133) &Script page 133 134 and 135. Time RationaleInteiactionPioceuuieSwbat Who aie my leaineis. Difficult Situations &Unpleasantexperiences Difficult Situations &Unpleasantexperiences Difficult Situations &Unpleasantexperiences Difficult Situations &Unpleasantexperiences 2%3+ 4 Teachei- stuuents stuuents - teachei stuuents -stuuents Teachei - stuuents stuuents - teachei teachei - stuuents stuuents -stuuents File SNS4 level 5%)67'8 : The teacheigieets his leaineis anu welcomes them, he tiies to inteiact with his leaneis about theii uaily life school. 9)%.0:,#)6.03 : !"# leaineis aie inviteu to inteiact about the caitoon on page 1SS,the teachei may help them by asking the following questions. ;1What uoes the pictuie iepiesent. 41What uo the wiitings show. .,*;8;