Agile Wordpress

Post on 27-Aug-2014

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Wordless and Wordmove, Torino Coding Society, 24/02/2014

Transcript of Agile Wordpress

Agile WordPress

@Pioneer_Skies @mukkoo

Torino Coding Society 24/02/2014

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a CMS based on PHP

and MySQL. Features include a plug-in architecture and a template system.

WordPress is used by more than 18.9% of the top 10 million websites as of

August 2013. WordPress is the most popular blogging system in use on the

Web, at more than 60 million websites.

It was first released on May 27, 2003, by its founders, Matt Mullenweg and

Mike Little, as a fork of b2/cafelog. As of February 19, 2014, version 3.8 had

been downloaded more than 20 million times.


Why WordPress?

✓ CMS standard

✓ So many plugins!

✓ Huge community

Lots of freedom!

Freedom is good.

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused


Always mix PHP and HTML

1 <div id="content" class="site-content" role="main"> 2 <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?> 3 <?php /* The loop */ ?> 4 <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> 5 <?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?> 6 <?php endwhile; ?> 7 8 <?php twentythirteen_paging_nav(); ?> 9 10 <?php else : ?> 11 <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'none' ); ?> 12 <?php endif; ?> 13 </div>

Source: twentythirteen/index.php, line 20

You can mix PHP and Javascript...

1 <?php $header_image = get_header_image(); ?> 2 <style type="text/css" id="twentythirteen-admin-header-css"> 3 .appearance_page_custom-header #headimg { 4 border: none; 5 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 6 -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 7 box-sizing: border-box; 8 } 9 </style>

Source: twentythirteen/custom-header.php, line 143

and you can mix PHP and CSS.

Write everything in functions.php

Source: twentythirteen

๏ 3 filters

๏ 6 actions

๏ 15 functions

๏ 527 lines

Okay, this works.

3 months later...

Our story

Everyone is different

Every client has different needs.

Every team has different tools.

Every project is unique.

It’s very cumbersome to pass a project made

by a developer to another developer.

Developer Lock-in Theorem

A developer can work on a project

if and only if he has built it.

The problems we had

We have a team of 6 developers. That

means lot of different people with very

different coding styles.

We couldn’t move across projects quickly

and be agile and dynamic.

We needed conventions

We needed a more structured organization,

a “framework”: always know where to put

files and where to find them.

A better workflow

We want to make projects repeatable

and familiar. We like familiar.

Style guides, Wikis, Docs

๏ Kind of hard to write

๏ Very easy to forget

๏ Very easy to ignore

We needed something else!

So we made Wordless.

✓ Default theme structure

✓ Initializers and helpers

✓ Better frontend tools

Wordless, a WordPress plugin

awesome_theme├──── index.php├──── assets│ ├──── fonts│ ├──── images│ ├──── javascripts│ └──── stylesheets├──── config│ ├──── initializers│ └──── locales└──── theme ├──── assets │ ├──── javascripts │ └──── stylesheets ├──── helpers │ └──── README.mdown └──── views ├──── layouts └──── posts

Folder structure Rails tree

Why Wordless is good

✓ Every Wordless theme has this same,

identical structure

✓ You always know where to find things

✓ Conventions are good <3

config/initializers├──── backend.php├──── custom_post_types.php├──── default_hooks.php├──── hooks.php├──── login_template.php├──── menus.php├──── shortcodes.php├──── thumbnail_sizes.php└──── wordless_preferences.php

Wordless initializers

Every customization is isolated in its own file

Wordless helpers

✓ link_to, image_tag, video_tag, truncate

✓ placeholder_text, placeholder_image

✓ latest_posts_of_type

✓ latest_posts_of_category

Wordless ships with 50+ default helpers:


Wordless supports

✓ HAML for writing beautiful HTML

✓ SASS for writing concise CSS

✓ CoffeeScript for writing safer JavaScript

Your production server will just use PHP,

HTML, CSS and JavaScript. No worries!

Wordless automatically compiles

all these great languages for you.


A small language which compiles to HTML, which fundamental principle is:

“Markup should be beautiful”

HAML makes markup templates faster to write and easier to read.

<div id="content"> <div class="left column"> <h2>Ciao TCS!</h2> <?php $info = "Siete caldi?"; ?></p> <p><?php echo $info; ?></p> </div> <div class="right column"> <ul> <li class="post highlight"> <img src="one.jpg" /> </li> <li class="post"> <img src="two.jpg" /> </li> <li class="post"> <img src="three.jpg" /> </li> </ul> </div></div>

HTML#content .left.column %h2 Ciao TCS! - $info = "Siete caldi?" %p= $info .right.column %ul %img(src="one.jpg") %img(src="two.jpg") %img(src="three.jpg")



An extension of CSS3 which compiles to CSS and adds nested rules, variables and mixins.

Compass is a SASS framework which adds many mixins for browser compatibility.

div.button{ margin: 2em 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000; filter: progid: DXImageTransform. Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=10); opacity: 0.1;}div.button span{ text-align: right;}li{ -webkit-border-radius: 25px; -moz-border-radius: 25px; -ms-border-radius: 25px; -o-border-radius: 25px; border-radius: 25px; font-family: serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em;}

CSSdiv.button margin: 2em 0 +box-shadow(#000, 0, 0, 5px) +opacity(0.1) span text-align: right

li +border-radius(25px) font: family: serif weight: bold size: 1.2em

SASS & Compass


A little language that compiles to JavaScript, which main motto is:

CoffeeScript takes the good parts of it and makes you write better, safer and faster code.

“It’s just JavaScript!”

var fill = function(container, liquid) { if (container == null){ container = "cup"; } if (liquid == null){ liquid = "coffee"; } return "Filling the " + container + " with " + liquid + "...";};

var result = [], ingredients = ["coffee", "milk", "syrup", "ice"];

for (i=0; i<ingredients.length; i++) { result.push(fill(ingredients[i]));}


fill = (container = "cup", liquid = "coffee") -> "Filling the #{container} with #{liquid}..."

ingredients = ["coffee", "milk", "syrup", "ice"]result = (fill(elem) for elem in ingredients)


Compiled CoffeeScriptvar elem, fill, ingredients, result;

fill = function(container, liquid) { if (container == null) { container = "cup"; } if (liquid == null) { liquid = "coffee"; } return "Filling the " + container + " with " + liquid + "...";};

ingredients = ["coffee", "milk", "sugar", "ice"];

result = (function() { var _i, _len, _results; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = ingredients.length; _i < _len; _i++) { elem = ingredients[_i]; _results.push(fill(elem)); } return _results;})();

Why we use it

<?php $the_query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'recipe', 'posts_per_page' => -1)); if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); ?> <h2> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a> </h2> <p class="content" id="recipe-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/flour.jpg" class="alignleft" />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. </p> <?php endwhile; } else { ?> <h4><?php echo __('No posts found'); ?></h4> <?php } wp_reset_postdata();?>


- $the_query = latest_posts_of_type( 'recipe' )- if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) - while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) - $the_query->the_post() %h2= link_to(get_permalink(), get_the_title()) %p.content(id = "recipe-#{get_the_ID()}") = image_tag('flour.jpg', array('class' => 'alignleft')) = placeholder_text(20)- else %h4= __('No posts found')


Why Wordless

✓ Wordless makes themes familiar

✓ Wordless makes you more productive

✓ Wordless lets you use better tools

WordmoveCapistrano for Wordpress

To install, test and implementa computer system or application.


✓ 46% freelancer

✓ 78% uses FTP for deploying

✓ 76% worked live on production

✓ No common approach for database

via Smashing Magazine |

WordPress usage

Bad habits

Manual tasks

Good habits


Bad habits

No conventions

Shared practices

Good habits

Bad habits

Late deploy & Live coding

Deploy early, deploy often

Good habits


$ gem install wordmove

$ cd ~/dev/blog

$ wordmove init


vhost: "http://wpday.local"

wordpress_path: "/home/welaika/sites/wpday.local"


name: "wpday"

user: "root"

password: "root"

host: "localhost"


vhost: ""

wordpress_path: "/var/www/"


name: "wpday"

user: "welaika"

password: "p4ssw0rd"

host: "localhost"


user: "welaika"

password: "sshpass"

host: "”

Is SSH an expensive dream?

Keep calm and use FTP.

It is supported as well :)

Let’s move your code

$ wordmove push --all

$ wordmove help push


wordmove push


-w, [--wordpress]

-u, [--uploads]

-t, [--themes]

-p, [--plugins]

-l, [--languages]

-d, [--db]

-v, [--verbose]

-s, [--simulate]

-e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT]

-c, [--config=CONFIG]





vhost: "http://wpday.local"

wordpress_path: "/home/welaika/sites/wpday.local"




vhost: ""

wordpress_path: "/var/www/"






vhost: ""

wordpress_path: "/var/www/"





$ wordmove push -t -e [demo | production]

$ wordmove help pull


wordmove pull


-w, [--wordpress]

-u, [--uploads]

-t, [--themes]

-p, [--plugins]

-l, [--languages]

-d, [--db]

-v, [--verbose]

-s, [--simulate]

-e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT]

-c, [--config=CONFIG]



Good to know!

✓ DB serialized arrays translation (cForms anyone?)

✓ DB deploy over FTP? Yes, we can!

✓ Invoke wordmove from anywhere in your project tree

WORDMOVE✓ Fully automated, only one command to deploy

✓ Frequent and fast deploy... on multiple environments

✓ Push and pull operations

✓ If it doesn’t work, than fix it!

✓ Alessandro Fazzi @Pioneer_Skies

✓ Filippo Gangi Dino @mukkoo

✓ weLaika


Open Source