Agile 2012 inside out leading change from the middle

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Transcript of Agile 2012 inside out leading change from the middle

Inside-OutLeading change from the middle using lean tools and


Monday, August 20, 12

About Me

Monday, August 20, 12

Ed KraayAgile Coach at Yahoo!

Monday, August 20, 12

My Story

• 2003: new development manager, team of 5

• My boss:

• Expert in craft of development (did file system and kernel work in MS OS/2)

• Believed in not telling people how they should work - mentor, facilitator

• 2004: Let me try out Agile in 2004

Philip LjubicichMonday, August 20, 12

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InfluenceMonday, August 20, 12

About you

Monday, August 20, 12

How many of you are going through an agile

adoption at the moment?

Monday, August 20, 12

How many of you are in organizations larger than

500 people?

Monday, August 20, 12

How many direct of you have one or more direct


Monday, August 20, 12

How many of you are more than three levels

from the CEO?

Monday, August 20, 12

Middle Management: Anyone two levels

below the CEO and one level above line

workers and professionals

Monday, August 20, 12


• Introductions

• Some Data

• What is Middle Management’s Role Anyway

• Key Point and Actions

• Lean Management Principles

• Apply the model

Monday, August 20, 12

Some data

Monday, August 20, 12

25% of companies surveyed have greater than 500 employees

up from 5% in 2006

*State of Agile Development Survey Version One 2011

Monday, August 20, 12

67% of initial champions in

management layer

*State of Agile Development Survey Version One 2011

Monday, August 20, 12

27% “lack of management support” as barrier to change

*State of Agile Development Survey Version One 2011

Monday, August 20, 12

26% “general resistance to change” as a barrier

to adopting

*State of Agile Development Survey Version One 2011

Monday, August 20, 12

What’s going on here?

Monday, August 20, 12


Monday, August 20, 12

Told to go agile “Top Down” and resists?

Monday, August 20, 12


Monday, August 20, 12

Middle management are champions but lacks support from upper


Monday, August 20, 12

We will focus on the top first case.

Monday, August 20, 12

All In

Stealth Mode

Top DownLe

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Bottom Up


Public Display of


Types of Agile Adoption - Mike Cohn:

Typical Agile Adoption Change Strategy

Monday, August 20, 12

All In

Stealth Mode

Top DownLe

vel o

f Cha





Bottom Up


Public Display of


Types of Agile Adoption - Mike Cohn:

what happens to middle management?

Typical Agile Adoption Change Strategy

Monday, August 20, 12

Creative Commons

Monday, August 20, 12

What is middle management’s role in an agile organization?

Monday, August 20, 12

Monday, August 20, 12


Monday, August 20, 12


Remove roadblocks

Coaching and


Input/advice on features and

technical difficulties

Training and skills


Stay abreast of industry and technology developments

Performance evaluations and

career development

Recruit, hire, build teams

Decide and Assign Tasks

Track tasks and what

people are doing

Make commitments to mgmt on what team can do

Weekly status reports

Do Don’t Do

Weekly staff


Work across teams

Monday, August 20, 12

Derby on Middle Managers

• Want to do a good job, may not know how

• Little training in management

• Peers perceive them differently now

• They are responsible for results over which they have no direct control

• They are pulled from demands from above and below

• They receive little support from above and below

• They have little training in system thinking

Monday, August 20, 12

Key Point

Monday, August 20, 12

Middle management is essential to succeed

with agile adoption in large companies

Monday, August 20, 12

Your role must shift from fire-fighter to mentor and guide.

Monday, August 20, 12

Problems present opportunities for you to mentor, serve and lead.

Monday, August 20, 12

Lean management and social science can help

encourage these behaviors

Monday, August 20, 12

What you need to do

1. Use the six sources of influence to encourage management to change your behaviors.

2. Pick a problem solving tool (A3, Current Reality Tree and use it to teach system thinking)

3. Find a mentor and mentee

Monday, August 20, 12

Benefits if you do this

• Less firefighting

• Build up your organizational immune system

• You will frustrate the teams less - more engagement, lower attrition.

• You will impress your boss - making it possible to increase your influence across the organization.

Monday, August 20, 12

Lean Management

Monday, August 20, 12

"In almost all the mechanic arts the science which underlies each act of each workman is so great and amounts to so much that the workman who is best suited to actually doing the work is incapable of fully understanding this science.."


Monday, August 20, 12

Monday, August 20, 12

Monday, August 20, 12

“The greatest waste … is failure to use the abilities of people…to learn about their frustrations and about the contributions that they are eager to make.”

“Out of the Crisis” 1982 – Ch.2 -Principles for Transformation-, page 53


Monday, August 20, 12

Lean Management

• Workers have a head as well as hands

• Leaders role is to mentor and coach through problem solving

• Team / Management create the standard

Monday, August 20, 12

Managers at Toyota

Facilitator Coach

Bureaucrat AutocratAut




HighTrue North

Yes, but how?

Adapted from Jeffrey Liker: Toyota Way

Monday, August 20, 12, August 20, 12

Through Problem Solving

• Firefighting?

• 6 month Six Sigma Analysis Projects?

Monday, August 20, 12

Lean “Tools”

• Root Cause Analysis

• Ishikawa Diagrams

• Cause and Effect Diagrams

• A3 Problem Solving Reports

• Value Stream Mapping

• Kaizen Workshops

Tools can be of value, but the point is not the lean tool, the point is to train problem solving

Monday, August 20, 12


Diagrams 5 Why’s

A3 Reports

Monday, August 20, 12

Cause and Effect Diagrams

Monday, August 20, 12

Value Stream Maps

Monday, August 20, 12

And yet, there is a problem -- how to

sustain these changes?

Monday, August 20, 12

Fortunately, much work on this in the last 7

yearsDavid Mann Mike Rother

Monday, August 20, 12

Lean Management

Visual Control

Daily AccountabilityProcess Leader Standard Work

go see

Monday, August 20, 12

David Mann, Creating a Lean Culture, Lean Aerospace Initiative Plenary Conference 2005

Leader Standard Work

Monday, August 20, 12

David Mann, Creating a Lean Culture, Lean Aerospace Initiative Plenary Conference 2005

Monday, August 20, 12

Visual Controls

David Mann, Creating a Lean Culture, Lean Aerospace Initiative Plenary Conference 2005

Monday, August 20, 12

Coaching Kata




plan do check

plan do check

plan do check



Go See

Establish target

conditionMonday, August 20, 12

Everyone at Toyota has a mentor

Monday, August 20, 12

The Five Questions*

1. What is the target condition? (The challenge)

2. What is the actual condition now?

3. What obstacles are now preventing you from reaching the target condition? Which one are you addressing now?

4. What is your next step? (Start of next PDCA cycle)

5. When can we go and see what we have learned from taking that step?

*Rother, Mike (2009-08-11). Toyota Kata : Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results (Kindle Locations 2260-2265). McGraw-Hill. Kindle Edition.

Monday, August 20, 12

How does this fit with software teams

• Tiered Daily Standups

• 9:30 - 10:00 Teams Meet, 10-10:15 Portfolio Management Meets

• Purpose - Blockers escalated

• Benefit - Solve problem when they are easy to solve

Monday, August 20, 12

How does this fit with software teams

• Visual Controls

• Kanban Boards

• Burn up Charts

• Build Monitors

Monday, August 20, 12

How does this fit with software teams

• Leader Standard Work

• Team Lead Leader Standard Work - Note standups they go to, impediments that were raised

• Daily Accountability Process

• Impediments with Owners

• Backlog of A3 Improvement Proposals

• Go and SeeMonday, August 20, 12

How to make change stick.

Monday, August 20, 12

Marshmallow Test

Monday, August 20, 12

identify key behaviors -> get results you want, sustain the change

Monday, August 20, 12

Step 1• Identify a vital behavior

• Think of “positive deviance”

• A scenario where you or a manager you coached exhibited positive behavior

• Usually in an environment where you typically exhibited a negative behavior

Monday, August 20, 12

Identify Vital Behavior

• Think of a behavior for management that, more than anything else, will help you succeed.

• They are usually challenging or outside your comfort zone.

Monday, August 20, 12

Six Sources of Influence

Visit your Default Future

Surpass your limits

Harness peer pressure

Find strength in numbers

Invert the Economy

Change the environment

Will Skill




Monday, August 20, 12

What will make the behavior motivating?

• Visit your default future. What happens if you don’t change?

• Really visit it.

Monday, August 20, 12

Six Sources of Influence

Visit your Default Future

Surpass your limits

Harness peer pressure

Find strength in numbers

Invert the Economy

Change the environment

Will Skill




Monday, August 20, 12

What do you need to learn?

• Do a skill scan.

• Brainstorm at least 3 skills with your neighbor that would help you achieve your vital behavior.

Monday, August 20, 12

Six Sources of Influence

Visit your Default Future

Surpass your limits

Harness peer pressure

Find a coach, social network

Invert the Economy

Change the environment

Will Skill




Monday, August 20, 12

Who can you ask to motivate or coach you?

• Identify “enemies” or people who keep you from exhibiting the behavior you want to see

• Brainstorm ways to turn these enemies into friends.

Monday, August 20, 12

Six Sources of Influence

Visit your Default Future

Surpass your limits

Harness peer pressure

Find a coach, social network

Invert the Economy

Change the environment

Will Skill




Monday, August 20, 12

Who can you turn to to improve your skills

and hold you accountable?

• Identify a peer, mentor or a coach

• Make the commitment to talk with them about supporting you

Monday, August 20, 12

Six Sources of Influence

Visit your Default Future

Surpass your limits

Harness peer pressure

Find a coach, social network

Invert the Economy

Change the environment

Will Skill




Monday, August 20, 12

What incentives can you offer?

• Be careful. As Dan Pink’s work shows, incentives can reduce our desire to complete complex work

• Think of non-monetary incentives

• What about donating to a non-charity in 30 days if you don’t keep up with your behavior?

Monday, August 20, 12

Six Sources of Influence

Visit your Default Future

Surpass your limits

Harness peer pressure

Find a coach, social network

Invert the Economy

Change the environment

Will Skill




Monday, August 20, 12

How can you make you environment conducive to excercising your vital

behavior? • Identify 3 things with your neighbor that

you can do to make the physical environment more conducive to lean leadership.

Monday, August 20, 12


• Mann, David. "Creating a Lean Culture Process Focus and Leader Standard Work." Lecture. Lean Aerospace Initiative Plenary Conference. 23 Mar. 2005. LAI MIT. Lean Advancement Initiative, 28 Mar. 2005. Web. 15 Aug. 2012. <>.

• Mann, David. Creating a Lean Culture: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions. New York: Productivity, 2005. Print.

• Patterson, Kerry. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.

• Rother, Mike. Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness, and Superior Results. New York: McGraw Hill, 2010. Print.

Monday, August 20, 12