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Volume 85How to Make Certain Your Roof is Season-Proof

Winter is just around the corner and you count on your home to protect you from the elements. But how can you be sure that your house is ready to fend off the relentless attacks of the elements? Start with the roof. Even if you performed maintenance earlier in the year, now is better than waiting until the weather turns, or worse yet; you experience trouble first-hand.

Visual Examination Begin the exam by visually inspecting the roof from the ground. What you’re looking for are piles of leaves, twigs, and debris on the roof deck. Check to see if the gutters and trim look straight and unbent to you, and check for unsightly stains on the shingles.

Equity doesn’t advise going up on the roof and performing an inspection yourself. You’re asking for trouble. Experienced, professional roofing contractors are licensed and know all of the safety rules as well as what to look for when inspecting a roof. A contractor knows all about the elements of a roof system and how to check their condition.

When to do the Inspection The time to perform the inspection is when temperatures are above freezing and the storms have yet to come in. A roofing crew will experience fewer interruptions, and there’ll be less chance for leaking. If work needs to be done (such as replacing shingles) that work needs to have temperatures over 50° or the asphalt shingles won’t seal properly. Temperatures near 70° are best for that type of work. That’s a solar radiance temperature, not the actual temperature.

Cold Weather Maintenance If you find yourself forced to perform maintenance in cold weather, some roofing contractors will try to install a roof when temperatures are low, but the sun is out. It’s risky to do so as certain roofing materials must have time to thaw if they’ve been stored in freezing temperatures. Manufacturer instructions are absolutely necessary for cold weather installation or you might find yourself paying a lot more than you had originally budgeted.

Hot Weather Maintenance Summer is notorious for extremely hot days. Roofers, however, are still able to work. It will be necessary for you to coordinate schedules with that of the roofing crew. During those hot days roofers usually start work early in the morning and often end by 2:00pm. The heat is just too much to endure.

Use Your Real Estate Agent If you don’t have the time to get bids from multiple contractors. Reach out to your real estate agent as it is more than likely that the agent has contacts in that area who are trusted vendors. It’ll save you time and money.

10 After-School Activities and Games for

AGENT NAMEEquity Real Estate(555)

Inside This IssueHow to Make Certain Your Roof is Season-Proof10 After-School Activities and Games for KidsHow to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."- Benjamin Franklin

Eye on the Economy: Existing Home Sales ImprovingExisting home sales increased 2.4% in July, tallying the fourth consecutive month of increase. While the pace of existing home sales remains 4.3% below the July 2013 rate, the steady improvement for resale is positive news for the homeowner.

Buying a Multigenerational Home(MCT) – Suppose you’re buying a home. And suppose, too, that you have an elderly parent or an adult child who’d like to live in your


KidsSchool's out for the day. But what should you do with the kids? Time to come up with some fun, creative ways to keep the kids entertained until dinnertime.

Of course, homework is waiting, but is it better to have kids start on it as soon as they get home? Or should they blow off a little steam before settling in? Experts agree that whether your child should play before or after homework depends on the child and what works best for your family, regardless of age.

Parenting expert Linda Williams, author of "Parenting From the Heights," says that when a child gets to play should depend on each child, but "age is irrelevant in that decision. I do think you need to set up some expectations about when it will be done. It doesn't have to be the same every day."

While your kids might be happy to plop in front of the TV, that doesn't allow for physical or mental exercise. Public school teacher and blogger Chelly Wood believes that "it's important for kids to get at least one hour of play time after school, regardless of age. That's 'real' play time, not computer play, video game time or TV time."

For fun suggestions, here are 10 creative after-school activities for kids.

And if you hired an after-school sitter, share them with her so she can enjoy them with your children too.

Recycle Objects Grace Hawthorne, consulting associate professor at Stanford's Institute of Design and creator of the construction toy Paper Punk, suggests taking something from the recycling bin and making it into something else.

"Transform a cereal box into something that flies or into a mask," Hawthorne recommends. "Use the cereal box as a prompt to think through where the box came from and how it was made. This activity is great for understanding the world in which we live, how things are made, environmental awareness, art/design, making, manual dexterity, engineering, etc."

Design a Comic Strip This is a great indoor activity for kids of all ages, and is sure to get the creative juices flowing as children invent characters and story lines. Artistic drawing skills can be honed by drawing and coloring characters and scenes. Measuring the strip boxes can also add an educational element to the activity.

Pick up Sidewalk Chalk "Draw with sidewalk chalk," suggests Marina Koestler Ruben, author of "How to Tutor Your Own Child." Add an

home with you. Why not buy a home together as a family?

Late Summer is Perfect for Planting Around Your PropertyRecently a chat with Ed Hume ( some ideas about the best things to put into the ground this fall came up. You can enjoy the beauty and bounty of your property into the winter and well into next season...

Why the School District Should Impact Your Home SearchBuying a home in a good school district can result in resale advantages, offer protection from market fluctuation, and provide a great education. Real estate experts in markets across the country share what you should know about a school district’s impact.

Affordability Approaches Pre-2004 Norm as Prices FirmHousing affordability dipped slightly in the second quarter of 2014 as several markets saw a firming of home prices, according to the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Opportunity Index (HOI). Nationwide, the second quarter HOI was 62.6—i.e., 62.6% of the new and existing homes sold during the quarter were affordable to a family earning the U.S. median income of $63,900.

Finding the Right Home Things to avoid when looking at properties.


educational slant to this popular activity by, "do[ing] homework math problems in chalk on the driveway."

Become a Scientist Grab a notepad and pencil and head outside. Whether in your backyard, a park or a playground, spot a squirrel, chipmunk, bird or other animal and "pretend you're a scientist and track an animal, noting what it does from minute to minute," suggests Koestler Ruben.

Play Improv Games "Improv games are effective for teaching initiative and expression," Hawthorne says. "They are physical and can be done indoors or outdoors."

She suggests playing the "I am a tree" game: "Someone stands in the middle of the circle and says 'I am a tree,' then a second person jumps in and adds to the scene and says 'I am the picnic lunch under the tree' then a third person joins in and builds on the scene with 'I am a hornet on the lunch.' The first person leaves the circle and picks either the picnic or the hornet to take out of the circle, then the cycle repeats as the scene continues to be constructed and deconstructed."

Or have your child pick up a hula hoop and figure out how many things she can act out with it.

Weave a Basket A great activity for older kids that can be done indoors or outdoors, making a basket can help with dexterity and provides an active creative process, as kids gather the materials.

"Basket-making materials can include construction paper, grass reeds or even recycled plastic products," says Wood.

Get started with these easy instructions on how to weave a basket. Once the basket is made, send the kids outside to pick berries or collect rocks, autumn leaves or other natural treasures in the basket. Use these as creative inspiration: bake a pie, paint a pet rock or create leaf rubbings.

Create Sheet Art Got an old sheet lying around? Koestler Ruben suggests you bring it outside and paint on it. The kids can create murals or make a flag using non-toxic fabric paint. If the weather is icky, protect the floors with a drop cloth and bring the fun indoor or work in the garage.

Play Board Games Williams finds board games are a great way to allow children to have fun, learn and get in some family time.

"The value in board games, [is they] develop the attention and focus of the child," she says. "They've got to stay with the game. It really is important for children to learn disappointment; they need to lose. Not all the time, but some of the time."

Games with dice are also great for allowing children to work on their math

Finalizing the deal on the first go is the worst mistake that the buyers can make while finding a house.Overlooking the damages in the house is another common mistake that home buyers tend to make.Underestimating the Commute is not a good idea while judging a house.Putting emotions before judgment can prove to be disastrous when it comes to choosing a house.Not relying enough on the agent’s perspective is another big mistake.

Did You Know?According to the Georgian calendar, September is the ninth month. But, on the Roman calendar, it was the seventh month. September has had 29 days, and 31 days; but, since the time of the emperor Augustus, it has had only 30 days. The Autumn Equinox is September 22.



Stage a Scavenger Hunt Have kids search for all sorts of items, indoors or out. If you have a large group, break them into smaller teams. Make the clues easier for the younger kids and vaguer for the older ones.

Do Something Nice Are your neighbors celebrating or have they been sick or out of town? No reason is really necessary to have your kids do something nice for someone else. Bake cookies, make a card, plant some flowers in a pot -- the possibilities are endless.

Williams has a "Drive By Bakery," which involved baking a treat, tipping the recipient off with a phone call that a delivery is waiting in the driveway. Her kids would hand the treat off from the car window and they would drive away.

"It's got to be modeled and it's got to be taught, being nice, thinking of others, doing something for others," Williams says.

(Retrieved from, Marcia Hudgel is a writer living in Cleveland, Ohio.)

How to Winterize Your Sprinkler SystemWinterization is an important part of maintaining a properly running lawn sprinkler system. Where you live plays a big part in which steps you will need to follow. If you live in a region that is temperate - i.e., it either never

Beef Stew VIRecipe Courtesy of

Total Time: 2 hours 20 minutesPrep: 20 minutesCook: 2 hoursYield: 10 servings

Ingredients2 lbs. cubed beef stew meat3 tbsps. vegetable oil4 cubes beef bouillon; crumbled4 cups water1 tsp. dried rosemary1 tsp. dried parsley½ tsp. ground black pepper3 large potatoes, peeled & cubed4 carrots, cut to 1” pieces4 stalks celery, cut to 1” pieces1 large onion, chopped2 tsps. cornstarch2 tsps. cold water

Recipe by Paula

Read the directions on the following website:

Another FactSeptember Gemstone: SapphireSeptember Flower: Morning Glory

The definition of a Harvest Moon is: the full moon closest to the fall


freezes or only freezes for an hour or two at a time when it does - there are far fewer steps involved when it is time to winterize your irrigation system.

In this how-to guide to winterization, we will take a look at the steps involved in winterizing your sprinkler system in a cold climate. As a part of that, we will examine two different methods for removing the water from pipes and sprinklers: using drain valves and the blow out method. Finally, we will outline what needs to be done for those of us in more temperate climates. When you have finished reading this article, you will have the knowledge necessary to successfully winterize your lawn sprinkler system - and you'll understand why most experts agree that a sprinkler system blow out is the most recommended method to use.

Step 1 – Turn Off the Water First things first: when the time to winterize your system rolls around, you’ll need to shut off the water at the main valve before doing anything else. By necessity, the shut off valve for your sprinkler system needs to be located in a place where it can’t freeze up; this should have been done when the system was originally installed.

Step 2 – Shut Down the Controller Here’s where things get a little less cut-and-dry. Automatic systems have a controllers—or timer—that regulates when they turn on and off. Depending on what kind of controller you have, you may either choose to set it to “rain mode” or disconnect the power from it altogether.

Solid State Controllers: A solid state controller usually has digital time displays and generally use up a lot less electricity and power than their mechanical counterparts. Disconnecting the power from your sprinkler system controller means having to reset all of its associated settings when spring returns—not necessarily the simplest task in the world.

Solid state controllers tend to use very little electricity, though, so leaving them on—but in “rain mode”—will not cause a major spike in your electric bill. Therefore, if you have a solid state digital controller, use the “rain mode” setting and save yourself a lot of frustration down the line.

“Rain mode” means that your controller stays on, maintaining its settings, programming, and keeping the time, but the valves simply don’t come on. They can save you a great deal of time when it comes to winterization.

Step 3 – Remove the Backflow Preventer and Take Care of Risers Next, you will need to remove the backflow preventer from your lawn sprinkler system. Once it’s removed, drain all water from it and store it someplace safe. Although you can always reinstall it once it’s drained, that’s usually a task best kept for the springtime.

While there’s a chance that you’ll be able to siphon water out of your irrigation system’s risers, chances are that you’ll have to pump it out. If so,

equinox. The Harvest Moon was thus named because it rises within a half-hour of when the sun sets. In early days, when farmers had no tractors, it was essential that they work by the light of the moon to bring in the harvest.

This moon is the fullest moon of the year. When you gaze at it, it looks very large and gives a lot of light throughout the entire night. No other lunar spectacle is as awesome as the Harvest Moon.

Movie TriviaGremlins (1984)Hoyt Axton, who plays inventor Rand Peltzer, was a renowned folk singer/songwriter in the 1960s. His most famous song, The Pusher, was covered by Steppenwolf and used in the soundtrack to Easy Rider.

Important September Events

German troops invaded Poland, starting World War II in Europe, September 1, 1939.

U.S. Department of the Treasury established, September 2, 1789.

Japan's surrender in World War II first celebrated as Victory over Japan (V-J) Day, September 2, 1945.

First Labor Day celebrated as a legal public holiday, September 3, 1894.

Great Britain signed Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary


a wet/dry shot vacuum is your best option; use duct tape to make the hose narrow enough to work properly.

Valves that are installed above ground should be drained of water and stored somewhere safe. Some people choose to use pope heating cables on their backflow preventers and above ground valves. Keep in mind, though, that even when used properly such arrangements can fall victim to power outages and serious damages to your irrigation system can occur.

Removing a Backflow Preventer: As noted previously, removing your sprinkler system’s backflow preventer and storing it for the season is a smart move when you’re completing the other steps involved in winterization. How do you remove a backflow preventer though? With any luck, the one that you have is held in place with union connections. In this case, you’ll just need to uncouple them on either end of the backflow preventer, just before the bends in the piping. Once it’s removed, storing it will be simple. You can use insulation on the exposed ends of the pipe to keep them safe from harm—and to keep critters and debris from inadvertently getting in.

If you don’t have union connections in place, though, you’re in for a little bit more work. The people who have the biggest trouble removing their backflow preventers are the ones whose system doesn't use union connections. In this case, you'll have to cut the backflow preventer out manually. It's definitely more work, but the good news is that once that's done, it's done. When spring rolls back around, you can reinstall the backflow preventer for your irrigation system using union connections; the next time you need to winterize your lawn sprinkler system, it will be considerably easier.

Step 4 – Removing Water From the Pipes and Sprinklers Now comes the most important step of the winterization process: removing all of the water from the system's pipes and sprinklers so that it doesn't freeze, expand and burst everything. There are a few different ways of approaching the problem: using a shop vacuum to suck all of the water out (a very time-consuming and aggravating process), draining the water out via the system's drain valves or using air to blow all of the water out (also known as a sprinkler system blow out). Since using a shop vac is so inefficient, we will only take closer looks at how to use the drain valve method or the blow out sprinkler system method.

The Drain Valve Method: In order to explain the process more clearly, we will highlight the pertinent facts and steps involved in using the drain valve method to drain the water from your lawn sprinkler system in small, easy to grasp sections below.

Location - It's critical to have properly placed drain valves. Basically, you will need a drain valve at every low point in your

War in America, September 3, 1783.

First Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia, September 5, 1774.

Massachusetts Bay Colony established, September 6, 1628.

President McKinley shot by an assassin, September 6, 1901.

Blitz of London in World War II began, September 7, 1940.

First permanent white settlement in what is now America founded in St. Augustine, Fla., September 8, 1565.

Italy announced its surrender in World War II, September 8, 1943.

California became the 31st state, September 9, 1850.

Russians launched first rocket to the moon, September 12, 1959.

Great Britain and its American colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar, September 14, 1752.

Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner" during the attack on Fort McHenry, September 14,


piping system. Additionally, a drain valve is needed at every high point that doesn't have a sprinkler so that air can escape; otherwise, the water won't drain.

Organization - If you're using manual drain valves, do yourself a favor and clearly mark down where each valve can be found on an easy-to-read chart. Keep the valves in a box and store it somewhere where it will be easy to find when it's needed.

Strategy - When your lawn sprinkler system was installed, optimally the remote controllers were placed just above the lowest point in a circuit. That way, you can install the drain valves at the same place as the controllers, making it much easier to winterize properly. About 1/4" of slope is needed per foot to drain the pipes effectively; in the best case scenario, you'll only need one drain valve per lateral.

Automatic Drain Valves - You can streamline your winterization process by using automatic drain valves. Assuming they are on the ends and the low points of your sprinkler system, automatic drain valves work to drain excess water when the pressure gets below 10 psi. Activate a station to release the pressure and to get the automatic drain valves going. You'll find that they save you a great deal of time and frustration when the time to winterize your irrigation system rolls around.

Water In The Valves - Since water won't drain all the way out of the valves, it will be necessary to remove them. Although it's possible to take them apart and dry them manually, it is not a practice recommended for the average, everyday DIYer. Choose valves with unions to make removal easier. After removing the valves, cap the ends to keep garbage and pests out.

Water In The Sprinkler Heads - Sprinkler heads with built-in check valves don't drain completely; neither do side inlet sprinklers. If you're unsure what kind you have, remove a sprinkler's cap to see if there's water down in the sprinkler body. If so, you'll need to remove it and shake it out thoroughly. Otherwise, you could try using a wet/dry shop vacuum to suck the moisture out.

The Blow Out Method: Although we will be outlining how a sprinkler system blow out works, it is best to have a professional perform this kind of work for you. In fact, hiring a professional to conduct winterization work is the best way to go, if possible.

Get The Right Equipment - To conduct a sprinkler system blow out, you will need a very large air compressor. At minimum, you should use a 50 cubic feet per minute compressor to get the job done right. Anything smaller will make the job inefficient - and may even make it impossible. Make sure the compressor has a pressure


U.S. forces under Gen. Winfield Scott took control of Mexico City, September 14, 1847.

President McKinley died in Buffalo, N.Y., of gunshot wounds inflicted by an assassin. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt succeeded him, September 14, 1901.

Congress passed the Selective Service Act, providing for the first peacetime draft in U.S. history, September 14, 1940.

The Soviet space probe Luna 2   became the first manmade object to reach the moon as it crashed onto the lunar surface, September 14, 1959.

Mexico's War of Independence began, September 15, 1810.

British Army became the first to use military tanks, September 15, 1916.

Pilgrims sailed from England in the Mayflower, September 16,


regulator valve with an accurate gauge. If possible, try renting different sizes and kinds of air compressors until finding one that works the best - then purchase it so you don't have to rent it again every time you winterize.

Remove The Backflow Preventer - Most likely (and preferably) your backflow preventer will be located just after the irrigation shut off valve for your lawn sprinkler system. If you have an anti-siphon valve, remove the whole valve.

Connect The Air Compressor - On the downstream side of the system, connect the air compressor to the backflow preventer riser.

Turn On The Valves - Always turn on your valves one by one, using the automatic controller, when you blow out sprinkler system. Begin with the last valve - or the one at the highest elevation. Open manual valves by hand. If you've removed the anti-siphon valves, you will need to connect the compressor hose to the downstream part of the valve risers.

Turn On The Air Compressor - With this step, taking your time is key! Gradually increase the pressure without letting it exceed 50 psi. If the air coming out of the air compressor becomes dangerously hot, you may need to install a length of hose between it and sprinkler system connection, so be prepared.

Blow The Water Out - Keeping a close eye on the air pressure and temperature, allow the water to blow out. The first valve will generally take the longest; after that, things should proceed rather quickly. Don't allow air to blow out any longer than necessary - i.e., as soon as the water has been effectively blown out, turn off the air compressor.

Move On To The Next Valve - Turn off the valve that you just worked on, and proceed to the next one following the same steps. Repeat the same sprinkler system blow out as outlined above on each of valve circuits; with anti-siphon valves, remember to move the air compressor on to the next valve riser.

Repeat The Entire Process - For optimal results, perform the exact same blow out sprinkler system process again. Warning: do not turn off all the valves when the compressor is running - it could blow up your lawn sprinkler system.

Blow Out Main Line Section - If your irrigation system has a mainline section that is upstream from the backflow preventer, hook up your air compressor to the blow out fitting near the sprinkler system shut off valve; blow out the water through the backflow preventer riser.

Tie Up Loose Ends - When the sprinkler system blow out is


Selective Service Act establishing military draft passed by U.S. Congress, September 16, 1940.

Constitution of the United States signed, September 17, 1787.

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day in the U.S. September 17.

Quebec surrendered to the British, September 18, 1759.

Washington laid cornerstone of the Capitol, September 18, 1793.

First Battle of Freeman's Farm in the Revolutionary War began, September 19, 1777.

George Washington's Farewell Address published, September 19, 1796.

President James A. Garfield died of assassin's shot, September 19, 1881.

President Abraham Lincoln issued preliminary Emancipation


complete, set the automatic controller to "rain mode" or disconnect power from it. Place threaded caps over the anti-siphon valve fittings, backflow preventer risers - over anything that might allow pests or garbage to get in.

Connecting The Air Compressor To The Backflow Preventer Riser If you've never connected an air compressor to the backflow preventer riser on your irrigation system before, it's important to learn. Otherwise, winterization via blowing out the system will be impossible. Most of the time, you just need to look for a hose tap, quick coupler or hose bib that is after your irrigation shutoff valve and backflow preventer. You can connect your air compressor hose to this for the easiest, most straightforward time. If there is no tap or other convenient option present, install a tee fitting just past the main line. Then put a threaded metal nipple and cap on the extra leg; you can use this as a connection to the air hose. You'll want to use a metal nipple and cap because the pipe can get very hot at the point of the connection due to the speed at which the air is being blown.

Connecting the compressor air hose to the nipple and cap end of the tee fitting isn't always a cut and dry procedure; it usually requires a bit of ingenuity, and the precise size fitting that you will need to connect the compressor hose to the tee fitting depends on the model of air compressor you're using and other variables. It's safe to assume that a standard fitting won't do the job; a bit of trial and error is usually necessary. Once the right fitting is found, though, it's as simple as screwing the air compressor hose onto the tee fitting. The threads from the tee fitting should fit with the threads on the metal nipple - that will be your ultimate goal, anyway.

Otherwise, another way of going about this process is unscrewing one of the test cocks and threading a male air hose fitting onto it. Simply attach the female end of the air hose to the male end of the line and you'll be good to go. A bit of trial and error is something necessary when the time to winterize rolls around, so don't be surprised if you have to make several trips to the hardware store to get everything working the right way. Be sure to organize all of the equipment and tools that you use to make the process easier next year.

Winterization for More Temperate Climates The best news about how to winterize your irrigation system in a temperate climate is that the water does not need to be drained from underground pipes. It simply doesn't get cold enough to freeze that deep down in such climates. That means that you can avoid performing a sprinkler system blow out, having to use drain valves or using a shop vac to suction the water out.

As easy as it may be to winterize a lawn sprinkler system in a temperate climate, there are still steps that must be followed. The water supply must still be shut off (as outlined in section one) and you will also need to shut down the timer or controller as well. As mentioned before, the timer may be set to "rain mode," especially if it is a solid state, digital display controller.

Proclamation, September 22, 1862.

John Paul Jones, commanding the Bonhomme Richard, defeated the British ship Serapis in the Revolutionary War, September 23, 1779.

Columbus sailed on second voyage to America, September 25, 1493.


Doing this can save you a great deal of time and means that you won't have to reprogram the entire thing when spring rolls back around.

Gear-driven rotor sprinklers that are above ground must be drained, or the water can freeze, expand and damage them. If the water doesn't drain out on its own, a drain valve will need to be installed on the sprinkler supply line. Otherwise, you can remove the rotors and shake them out thoroughly; in that case, you should then store them for safekeeping until spring.

Above-ground piping will need to be insulated properly to ensure that it survives the colder time of year. Self-sticking foam insulating tape works the best for this kind of application. Similarly, foam insulating tubes work very well for this purpose.

A Note About Backflow Preventers Whether you live in a temperate or a cold climate, you can save yourself a lot of hassle - and make winterization much easier - by insulating your irrigation system's backflow preventer. In cold climates, occasional late and early season freezes occur and can damage your equipment. Using a small amount of self-sticking foam insulating tape - without blocking the drain outlets or the air vents - should be sufficient. Otherwise, try using some R-11 fiberglass insulation. Wrap it around the backflow preventer, then use duct tape to secure a plastic bag around the whole thing. Don't secure it too tightly - just tight enough to keep it from blowing off.

Practice Makes Perfect As outlined above, it is easy to see that winterizing your irrigation system doesn't have to be an impossible task. Doing it yourself can save you a great deal of money, and with every passing season you will become more skilled at it. Having the right equipment and parts can also help tremendously; you can find the best controllers/timers, for example, by visiting Remember, also, that once you've insulated all of your pipes and backflow preventers properly, you will be set for some time and won't need to repeat the process every single year.

(Retrieved from