Age of Exploration. Europeans Explore the New World… But what’s their motivation?!? “To serve...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Age of Exploration. Europeans Explore the New World… But what’s their motivation?!? “To serve...

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  • Age of Exploration
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  • Europeans Explore the New World But whats their motivation?!? To serve God & His Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness, and to grow rich as all men deserve to do so - Dias
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  • Motivation = The 3 Gs GOD Spread Christianity by fighting Muslims and converting non- Christians GLORY - Become Famous for discovering new routes GOLD- (Thanks M.L.! ) - Find gold, become wealthy
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  • Motivations: Europeans wanted to cut-out the middle man wanted to find a direct route to Asia to get spices/goods Europeans wanted to spread Christianity
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  • How Was Exploration Possible?!? Caravel Large vessel (Thanks N.S) with triangular sails to effectively sail against and with the wind Astrolabe Used to measure the stars and figure out latitude and longitude Magnetic Compass Taken from the Chinese to track direction
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  • On To The New World!!!! Portugal: Leads the way! Prince Henry creates navigation schools mapmakers, shipbuilders, & captains all together to perfect craft Portugal reaches Coast of North Africa Bartolomeu Dias Reaches tip of South Africa in 1488 Vasco de Gama Reaches Southwest coast of India in 1497 Ferdinand Magellan- took 260 men to circumnavigate the world in 1519. Crew takes 3 years to return to Portugal with only 18 survivors. Magellan died
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  • On To The New World!!!! Spain also wanted to establish a trade route to Asia: Christopher Columbus Sails West across Atlantic Ocean and reaches an island in the Caribbean France, England, and the Dutch eventually join the race to find land in the new world China and Japan policy of isolationism
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  • Effects of Exploration?? Colonization of the Americas North/South America Colony: Lands that are controlled by another nation How can we make the Mother-Country Rich????
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  • Columbian Exchange Definition: The widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations, communicable diseases, technology and ideas between the American and Afro- Eurasian hemispheres following the voyage to the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492
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  • Columbian Exchange Ships from the Americas would send items to Europe, Asia, and Africa Ships to the Americas would bring new items to the new world Favorable balance of trade selling more goods than bought
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  • Impacts of Columbian Exchange: Capitalism an economic system based on private ownership and the investment of resources, such as money, for profit. Joint-Stock Company Modern Day Corporation many investors buying shares of stock in a company Mercantilism- an economic system in which colonies exist to increase wealth of the mother country. Wealth= Power
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  • Did exploration cause the infamous Triangle Slave Trade?
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  • The Middle Passage Middle Passage- the name given for the horrendous ocean journey from Africa to the Americas. People who were enslaved were densely packed. Many died along the way.
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  • Triangle Slave Trade Facts Estimated 10 Million people were kidnapped into slavery Used as a cheap source of labor Lasted throughout the 16 th to 19 th centuries Approximately 15-25% died during the Middle Passage