Age of Darkness #1: Comic Book Review

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Transcript of Age of Darkness #1: Comic Book Review

Friday, 13 December 2013 05:32

‘Age of Darkness #1-2:’Comic Book ReviewWritten by Simply Jack, Fanboy Comics Contributor

So anyway. My editor was all, “Hey, Simply Jack. You should totally

review Age of Darkness #1 and 2,” and I was all, “Nah.” And, she was

all, “But it’s co-written and illustrated by Joanna Estep. She’s a big up

and comer who just graduated but still managed to do Tokyo’s Pop

Road – which is cool.” And, I was all, “Busy, no.” And, she was all,

“It’s got zombies.”

And now, I’m reviewing the two comics. They’re actually one, as they

come in this cool issue #1 and issue omnibus, so one fewer trip to the

comic book store on this, fearless reader. As my editor already told

you, this appears to be Joanna Estep’s brainchild, as she co-writes

(with Don McLiam) and co-illustrates (with Leonardo Colapietro) the

books. This is a pretty hardcore chick. I went overboard on research

and went to Wikipedia (which is a lot if you’re me), and she not only

has a page (epic!), but it’s impressive. She is “a recent graduate with

degrees in Graphic Design and Japanese” (‘cause Japanese, that’s

why), so she’s all smart and talented. Plus, she’s done Tokyo’s Pop

Road, which is awesome. She’s on her way to Ron Burgundy-esque

“kind of a big deal,” And now, you know that.

Age of Darkness is a zombie flick of a comic. Post apocalyptic,

survivors, struggle with hopelessness, blah, blah, blah, sequel, blah,

blah. But wait, the creators totally have a different spin. And, it’s kind

of awesome. You know how you watch UFC to see people kick a--?

You know how you (guiltily) like the first 2.5 Resident Evil’s (movie)

primarily because Mila kicks a--? You know how that YouTube video of

the bus driver decking the fat girl is awesome, because he kicks a--?

You get it. Anyway, the survivors in this comic? Yep. They kick a--.

Superiorly (that is now a word) armed, the good guys are looking to

make contact with other groups. Superiorly trained (See?), they mow

down zombies the way I can plow the Pringles. (It’s impressive.)

Superiorly (This is the last one.), they’ve got brains in the way of a

small, stereotypical hacker man who is like all Bill Gates on tech – but

smaller, oddly enough. These guys may have made contact with a







Fanboy Comics - ‘Age of Darkness #1-2:’ Comic Book Review

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repeating radio signal to go somewhere – and they go. And, I don’t

spoil stories, so I’m done.

But, yes, based on the theme of this review, you can assume they kick

a--. It’s good. Why? Because it’s a bit Running Man (the movie,

where he kicks a--) meets The Walking Dead (the comic, which didn’t

suck like the show) meets Resident Evil (because zombies are boring

and this has demony things, too). Those three paradigm-shifting works

of art rarely meet, but they do here. And, that’s why you’ll buy it.

Good talk. Go.

Simply Jack, FanboyComics Contributor

Favorite '80s Comic Series:

Strikeforce Morituri

Favorite '80s Hairstyle: Mullet (also,


Favorite Decade: '80s

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Fanboy Comics - ‘Age of Darkness #1-2:’ Comic Book Review

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Fanboy Comics - ‘Age of Darkness #1-2:’ Comic Book Review

3 of 3 12/13/2013 7:29 PM