
Post on 06-Dec-2015

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about crystal agate

Transcript of Agate

Green Moss Agate ... Want To Create Grounded Balance In Your Life?

19Beautiful Blue & Green Moss Agate

Green Moss Agate has a number of excellent qualities... including grounding excess spiritual energy, down through the base and earth chakra to Mother Gaia.

It resonates a lovely heart based vibration, that most of you will find useful to have in your life.

It has balanced enduring energy and grounding ability... with sound metaphysical properties that are known to aid abundance and prosperity and stimulate creativity.

This green stone may assist you to correct imbalances between the two sides of the brain... and it is a quite spiritual stone.

The vibration of this stone brings you strength and courage, and will help to lessen fear and stress and may aid you to attract nature spirits.

Where Does It Come From

This green stone may be found in a number of places in the world, although stone from certain locations is more well-known. Moss Agate is found in Australia, Russia, India and in the USA. Montana Moss agate is well-known and comes from the Yellowstone River... but much of this stone is a red color as the soil there has a lot of red in it.

While this stone may be green... it also commonly has blue, yellow, brown, black, white or red in the stones. Sometimes these other colors are the dominating color in a stone rather than the green color of the heart based Green Moss Agate.

The green stones may be in a variety of shades, from deep dark green through to the medium and lighter green stones. Sometimes the green color is most obvious in the lovely branching and often delicate dendritic inclusions within these crystals... many that look like Moss, hence the name.

Balance and Spiritual Grounding

This stone has an excellent quality that helps you to correct imbalances between the left and right sides of the brain and it may stimulate your spiritual grounding capabilities. This aids you to move forward with your life using a more united and balanced thought process.

The vibration it embodies can help you to carry forward your intentions... as it will enhance the energy that you put into particular circumstances. It has a strong action within the heart chakra, which aids emotional healing, stability and courage. It is an excellent stone to aid anyone who has been feeling fearful, stressed or anxious. Using Green Moss Agate is known as one of the ways to get relief from stress.


The left hand side of the brain governs your logical and rational thought processes, and the right hand side governs the intuitive creative side of the brain. If you feel that you lack creativity or that you need to be able to embrace the logical side of your nature more... this delightful green stone may benefit you.

It not only releases any stress or anxiety that these imbalances cause... but is known to ameliorate the imbalance as well... regardless if it is the intuitive or rational part of you that needs bringing towards the center. It is an excellent stone for anyone who needs help to enhance your creativity... as it releases blockages and also relieves any fear that these blockages may have caused.

Why Would You Use It

This green stone will assist you to make a better connection with the earth... and may allow you to make a spiritual connection with the nature spirits. Green Moss Agate has a lovely energy that encourages members of the Devic kingdom ... the elemental creatures that like to live close to your home... to aid you.

This green crystal may aid you to allow yourself to be open to developing specific psychic gifts. Using these gifts may make contact with nature spirits easier.

This stones connection with earth energy is quite grounding... particularly when you have been doing meditation or other spiritual work. At these times it is easy to become ungrounded... so having a piece of this stone is very helpful.

It will help you to take that excess energy down through the base or root chakra to the earth star chakra for grounding with Mother Gaia. This is absolutely essential if you have allowed yourself to become ungrounded, and need to regain your normal balanced state.

Wearing Moss Agate

This attractive green stone is on thebirthstone list by month... as it is aJanuary & September birthstone.

You can also find this crystal on thezodiac birthstones list... as it is both an Aquarius, Cancer and Virgo birthstone.

It is possible to buy quite lovely pieces of Moss Agate jewelry  fairly easily... and you may find pieces of this stone made into birthstone jewelry as well.

Lovely Moss Agate beads in a variety of colors other than green look attractive combined with the green Moss Agate beads. Wearing them this

way is an excellent way to keep this stone on your body.

Gold Over Sterling Silver

Arizona Turquoise, Moss

Sterling Silver Moss Agate

PendantPrice: $145.99

Sterling Silver Moss Agate Stud

EarringsPrice: $133.99

Sterling Silver Moss Agate

PendantPrice: $150.99

Sterling Silver Citrine, Moss Agate Stud


Agate BraceletPrice: $178.99

Price: $125.99

How To Use It

This green stone has been used since ancient times by farmers who recognized that by having this stone on or about their body that it ensured a better harvest. If you are a gardener, a botanist or a 'greenie' of any sort... having one of these stones on or about you may be beneficial.

Green Moss Agate is an excellent stone to help you to better understand the planet and may help you to make contact with nature spirits who may guide you with information about what action to take.

These ideas may come to you via an increase in what may be termed intuitive thought processes... and this green stone has a strong ability to aid you to develop your intuition that may specifically aid you to help the planet.

This is a strong stone to bring an increase in abundance and prosperity in a general way in all areas of your life.

Green Moss Agate may aid you to achieve your goals when you have been working to a plan such as a regular exercise or weight loss regime. It is also known to help to manifest an increase in money... and works well in combination with the golden stones for this purpose.

It may particularly help gardeners to bring about more abundant harvests from what they plant. Lovely Moss Agate bowls made from the stone are quite common and may be one way to keep the stone close to you more easily. An alternative is to slip a piece of the stone in your pocket... as the important thing is to keep it close to you.

Who Should Use It

This green crystal has an excellent energy to aid you to recuperate from lengthy illnesses. Green Moss Agate is highly effective if you have been unwell for a length of time and are now ready to permit yourself to heal.

It has strong healing ability to aid your body to heal from interminable drawn out illnesses. This green stone is also known to aid your circulation and your lymphatic and immune systems.

It has some effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory and may help to make the healing of colds and flu happen more quickly. As it was said to be helpful to use during childbirth... it was known as a birthing stone as it aids midwives and doctors to ensure the safe delivery of the child.

How Will It Help You

Green Moss Agate  is a sweet stone to have in your vicinity, due to its heart based energy. It will be most helpful if you use it to aid any of the specific areas that you require assistance with.

By attracting the help of the nature spirits where you live... you may find that your surroundings become a more pleasant place to be.

Keep the stone on your body or close to you to boost the effect of its excellent qualities in your life... including grounding any excess spiritual energy down to Mother Gaia.

Its properties that aid abundance and prosperity and creativity will aid your quality of life. If you are at all stressed, its energy will bring you strength and courage, as it will help to lessen fear and stress.

Combining It With Other Stones

Stones such as Merlinite ,  that aid you to attract nature spirits... see image right... are great to combine with it.

If you are a gardener, a farmer, a greenie, or simply desire to make contact with the elementals that live near you, there are some specific stones that may be combined with Green Moss Agate to attract members of the Devic realm.

Specific stones that work well with it are Green Apophyllite, Green Aventurine, Red Muscovite, Rainforest Jasper,Prasiolite... aka Green Amethyst, Staurolite also known as Fairy

Crosses,Seraphinite, Amegreen or the green Muscovite known as Fuchsite.

Amegreen Crystal Seraphinite Crystal Fuchsite Stone

Staurolite aka Fairy Crosses

Prasiolite aka Green Amethyst

Australian Rainforest Jasper

If you wish to bring an increase in the abundance in your life... you may choose to use it with the Golden stones and many of these are also excellent stones for enhancing creativity. Stones such as Yellow Citrine Crystals, Amber, Yellow Apatite orGolden Labradorite  are examples of some of the golden stones that may work in both areas.

Natural Citrine Golden Gem Apatite Amber

To accentuate any specific area that you wish this stone to work more effectively within, you may choose to use it with other stones that aid that area... including any of the specific chakra stones. To enhance your courage, you may choose to combine them with Preseli Bluestone, Dravite, Tigers Eye, Tiger Iron or Rhodochrosite.

Tigers Eye StonePreseli Bluestone


You may choose to combine it with other strong grounding stones if you feel you are ungrounded, including Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline or Dravite Brown Tourmaline.

Black TourmalineDravite Brown

TourmalineBlack Obsidian Stone

Fire Agate... Creates An Impermeable Protective Shield

Why would you choose to use Fire Agate? This stone has a powerful vibration that sharpens your desire to take action, even when you're not sure what the best course to take should be. It can help you to feel fully grounded and physically aware, and it quickens the fire in your spirit and makes you aware that being alive feels great!

54Crackled Fire Agate

This fiery stone has a protective energy quite unlike most other stones. The vibration of this crystal brings through the flow of spiritual energy... and this flows through your entire being.

Its energy resonates within you... firing a spiritual blaze, yet its vibration is quite calming, and brings through feelings of safety and security.

This crystal has a powerful energy that aids you if have been working on your spiritual growth, as it aids authentic spiritual practices. This beautiful agate is known for its action to create a powerful shield around the body, that confers psychic protection.

Want To Send Negative Energy Back?

If you want to send negative energy back, this stones energy works to return any unwanted or negative energy back to the person who sent it to you. It also helps you in a variety of other areas... as by centering your energy more strongly within the lower three chakras, it helps to stimulate your sexuality and creative abilities.

Its energy will assist you if you like to work with high crystal energy stones, particularly if you feel lethargic or spaced out after doing spiritual work. This stone's strong grounding vibration will help to prevent the side effects of too much high vibration energy.

This crystal is potent to utilize as a preventative measure when you become aware that someone could be using thought forms to attack you. The individual who has been carrying out this sort of psychic attack, may not mean it to cause the level of harm that it has the potential to do.

Grounds Your Into The Physical, Restores Vitality

Some people like to use high crystal energy stones to escape from life... but doing this may mean that you are unable to truly achieve your potential or remember why you came here to earth at this

time. If you feel like this, start to use this beautiful crystal along with your other stones, to help you to fully ground yourself into the physical, and restore your vitality.

Fire Agate is unique in that not only does it send negative energy backto where it came from... but it allows the person who sent it to be 'spiritually' aware of the type of harm that they have been doing to you.

This crystal may also serve to lighten the amount of fear that you might be feeling when an attack of any sort is happening to you.

It has a soothing energy that makes you feel calm, safe and secure. It may be beneficial to keep a piece of this stone on this can help you to feel more relaxed and confident that this will not happen to you.

Where Does It Come From ... Fire Agate Meaning

Fire Agate stones are quite diverse and there can be a range of colors found within different crystals. The meaning of its name is inspired by the way these colors sometimes occur, in a way that may remind you of the flames of a fire.

The colors in the stones vary considerably... but many are very beautiful, and some have quite amazing and beautiful swirling colors in them.

Various colors can occur, and this depends on exactly what the particular stone is made up of.

Basically they consist of layers of iridescent Limonite or Goethite within an individual stone, with some having shades of brownish red, green, blue and orange colors in the stone.

Deposits of this stone have been found in Czech Republic, Iceland, Morocco, India, USA and Brazil. It is said that the stones from Brazil are the highest quality, although there have been many very beautiful stones found in the USA.

Why Would You Use It

This stone will take any excess and negative energy down via your lower chakras, through the base chakra to the earth star chakra for grounding to Mother Gaia. For anyone who has been working with highly spiritual high vibration stones and is ungrounded... Fire Agate will bring you spiritual grounding as well as psychic protection.

This is also a stone that will benefit you if you feel that you are not comfortable living here on this earth at this time. It helps to move energy through the body, which may help to enhance poor circulation... and it may aid in the increase of your energy levels, general vitality and zest for living.

Fire Agate stones are easy to buy, and are highly beneficial stones to use on a daily basis. They will help to ground you more fully... and assists you to remember why you came here to earth at this time.

How Will It Help You

This fiery stone is highly stimulating to the reproductive region and may aid fertility in both men and women. It aids depression and may help with fear relating to sexual intimacy. By charging the lower chakras with energy, this is a powerful stone to aid procreation.

Fire Agate works strongly through thesacral chakra  to revitalize this area of the body physically.

Some users have reported that it is known to increase passion... and to increase the level of desire and emotional happiness in personal relationships.

It aids many types of sexual problems including impotence... and as it assists the circulation, this may benefit you in this area.

Not only does it stimulate procreative energy... but it also aiding Divine inspiration to flow through the entire body and inspires and enhances creativity.

It is a strong stone for the all of the chakras that are below the heart.

The solar plexus area governs the will-power, and this stone is said to help to stimulate action in anyone who has been feeling lethargic and a little jaded about life.

It helps you in quite a few different ways. It awakens the base chakra as well as the sacral chakra... to assist sexuality and stamina. Within the solar plexus chakra it helps you to allow yourself to be divinely guided to take the right actions to manifest the things you desire, and this may include manifesting money.

How To Use It

These attractive and vibrant crystals are on the Zodiac Birthstones list... so you will find them available in range of different styles.

They are a Cancer birthstone as well as a Leo and Aries birthstone, and they are a highly protective and attractive stone.

The most common stones that are used in Fire Agate jewelry  are the stones with a blaze of lovely bright color through them.

These include the bright greens and oranges caused by layers of iridescent Limonite. It is best to keep these stones within the area below the heart, and the easiest way to achieve this is

to wear a Fire Agate pendant, bracelet or ring.

One of the best ways to use this stone is to keep a piece of it on your body for long periods of time. The easiest way to do this is to wear jewelry made from this stone. They are often very beautiful and make lovely stones to wear.

Sterling Silver Crab Fire Agate

PendantPrice: $116.99

Sterling Silver Crab Fire Agate

PendantPrice: $184.99

Sterling Silver Crab Fire Agate

PendantPrice: $67.99

Sterling Silver Crab Fire Agate

PendantPrice: $70.99

Sterling Silver RARE Fire Agate

RingPrice: $113.99

Sterling Silver RARE Fire Agate Hook EarringsPrice: $109.99

Sterling Silver Crab Fire Agate

PendantPrice: $127.99

Sterling Silver Crab Fire Agate

PendantPrice: $170.99

Sterling Silver RARE Fire Agate Hook EarringsPrice: $98.99

Sterling Silver RARE Fire Agate

PendantPrice: $272.99

Helps You Feel Safe and Secure

This unusual variety of Agate has a lovely energy that brings through qualities that make you feel that its good to be alive! The vibration of this stone is will assist you as they allow you to feel safe and secure.

Fire Agate  is so calming while invigorating you, so that you feel good to be alive. Its unique protective quality forms a shield around the body... for psychic protection, and will return negative energy back to where it came from.

It is a highly spiritual stone and its flame energy is like the spiritual flame that evolves from genuine spiritual practices.

This is an excellent stone to wear for long periods as its vibration working quite potently within the lower three chakras. This aids a variety of areas... including sexuality, creativity and will-power while aiding you to feel you feel safe and secure.

Crackled Fire Agate

Crackled Fire Agate has a slightly different energy to the other stones... and is said to be even more strongly protective. These crystals embody an impressive spiritual energy... that is highly stimulating energetically.

This stone is the pre-eminent stone to take negative energy directed at you... such as psychic attack... and returning it back to where it came from.

It builds an impermeable shield of protection around the body, and returns any type of psychic attack back to where it came from.

The spiritual vibration of this stone is at a higher level and may resonate within the higher chakras.

Its ability to aid manifestation is strong, and particularly so if you wish to manifest anything of a more spiritual nature.

Combining It With Other Stones

This is a strong stone for manifestation so it may be used with any of the Golden stones. There are quite a range of stones to use with it to manifest... so check out the list on my page on how to manifest money. The list of golden stones includes the lovelyGolden Yellow Apatite, Yellow Labradorite, Brazilianite, Sunstones, Citrine andAmber.

Golden Labradorite Gemmy Golden Apatite Amber Wand

Sunstones Natural Citrine Yellow Brazilianite

To aid its strong psychic protection and spiritual groundingabilities you may combine it with any of the grounding or protection stones... or with earth chakra stones.

This includes Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Black Diopside,Sardonyx, Tourmilated Quartz aka Tourmalinated Quartz, Smokey Quartz andDalmation Jasper.

Shungite StoneBlack Tourmaline

PendantBlack Obsidian

Tourmalinated QuartzSmokey Quartz

TransmitterDalmation Stone

Use it with any of the stones from the sacral chakra to aid sexuality, or for enhancing your creativity, including Orange Carnelian, Cinnabar Crystals, Red Jasper orZincite. Many of the sacral chakra stones are also base chakra stones or solar plexus stones... and it will also combine well with other stones from these groups.

Orange Carnelian Cinnabar Crystals

Blue Lace Agate... Soothing Nurturing


Blue Lace Agate will boost your ability to communicate... especially the thoughts and feelings that you receive from your higher self. It is an excellent emotional healing stone... with strong metaphysical properties.

Its energy resonates within the throat chakra bringing a lovely sense of tranquility... as it alleviates anger and nervous tension.

It is a soothing and nurturing stone, that will bring you calmness and peace of mind. It is an excellent stone for you if you need to boost your ability to express yourself... when you sense that it is required.

Boosts Communication Especially When Speaking

This is a quietly beautiful stone that works primarily within the throat chakra. The vibration of this stone has a strong effect on your ability to communicate freely. Blue Lace Agate helps you to connect to your higher self. Once connected it assists the flow of easy communication... to encourage you to understand yourself from a higher spiritual perspective.

It allows you to first access spiritual thoughts and feelings... and then express them in a truthful yet peaceful way. If you discern that you are not being heard, it will give you a greater degree of confidence to 'speak your truth' when you feel that you need to.

It will help you to clarify your thoughts... so that the person you are communicating with will clearly understand your point of view... and exactly what you want them to understand.

If you have found in the past that you have the propensity to speak without thinking... or find it hard to stop talking... this stone will calm your communications. Its energy also resonates within the heart chakra... and this resonance changes your communications to embody your heart's desires.


By this ability to tap into the vibration of the heart... it smooths the flow of pure positive feelings... and it is very effective to aid emotional healing.

This is lovely soothing stone to wear on the body... or to simply hold in your hand during meditation.

Tumblestones can simply be put in your pocket... so you can keep their vibration within your aura.

Where Does It Come From- Blue Lace Agate Meaning

38Blue Lace Agate

This stone is easily available... and has been found in South Africa and Romania.

It is a type of blue Chalcedony stone... and the meaning of its name relates to the very attractive lacy bands of either white, grey or darker blue colored lines, which run through the pale blue stone.

It may also have tiny sparling druzy crystals, but the average stone is simply the lovely pieces that you can readily find selling as tumblestones and as crystal jewelry.

Why Would You Use It ... How Will It Help You

If you like using positive affirmations, this crystal helps to amplify teh enrgy, and it is an excellent asset to use if you do any healing using sound, like using crystal bowls or any energy work using the spoken voice... such as EFT tapping. It is an aid for inner child healing, and it will help you to release old bitterness. It is excellent to help you to release anger that may have been stored in the body from past experiences.

Wearing Blue Lace Agate may benefit you, as the vibration of this blue stone may aid you to speak out, without fear of judgment.

It will assist you to speak freely and release any feelings associated with the opinions of others.

Emotionally it aids you to express your feelings, so it encourages you to let go of old emotions, especially related to childhood trauma.

It will assist you to heal... emotionally, mentally and spiritually... as well as healing the physical body. It's energy will benefit the glandular system... particularity the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is said to heal arthritis and assist the healing of disorders within the skeletal

system... especially within the bones of the neck and throat area.

Blue Lace Agate is one of the more powerful healing stones for those whose spiritual development method is speaking affirmations.... or if you are doing EFT tapping. If you would like to learn more about how to use EFT or meridian tapping, check out my article on structuring EFT tapping, on my health site.

How To Use It

When using this stone, your ability to manage all varieties of communication is strongly improved... including communication psychically. Through its capacity to aid you to make contact with spirit... it assists you to communicate with your spirit guide... and other beings within the spiritual realm, and aid you to contact the angels.

Blue Lace Agate has an ability to facilitate smooth communication on all levels, and may help you to get answers to your questions, from your guides, regarding specific information you desire to find out from them.

This is an excellent stone to wear at the throat, as it is a strong stone for spiritual communication.

It is reasonably easy to buy jewelry made from this stone, as they are on the list of birthstones for specificzodiac signs . They are both a Pisces and a Sagittarius birthstone.

It is possible to buy lovely Blue Lace Agate jewelry ... including Blue Agate rings and pendants. By wearing a pendant that keeps the stone within the throat chakra... this is highly useful to aid your communication abilities.

When using it during meditation, it will first clear the throat chakra, then connect to the third eye , then continue up through the crown chakra to help you to make a connection to your higher self and the spirit world.

Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate

Omega Clip Earrings

Price: $140.99

Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate

Stud Star Earrings

Price: $82.99

18 Inch Blue Lace Agate Gold

Over Sterling Silver NecklacePrice: $670.99

20 Inch Blue Lace Agate

Sterling Silver Necklace

Price: $606.99

Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate

PendantPrice: $77.99

Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate


Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate


Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate

Stud Earrings

Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate


Sterling Silver Blue Lace Agate


Price: $193.99 EarringsPrice: $120.99

Price: $218.99 Price: $70.99 Price: $102.99

Blue Lace Agate  is a lovely stone to ease any sense of agitation or upsets you may be feeling. Its quiet calming energy is a stone for anyone who wants to allow their vibration to lift.... while elevating their communication abilities. It may assist you to heal old unresolved issues.

Combining It With Other Stones

By using it combined with Preseli Bluestone or Amazonite, it will aid you to more easily speak the truth. Use it with blue throat chakra stones, such as Blue Aragonite ,Arfvedsonite, Blue Calcite, Pink Thulite, Blue Topaz, Larimar or Aquamarine stones, to enhance and strengthen its action to aid your communication abilities.

Preseli Bluestone is what Stonehenge is

made of.

Larimar Crystal also known as Blue Pectolite.

Aquamarine, a soothing, compassionate energy.

Use it with Dumortierite and/or Iolite stones, as this may help to heighten your psychic communication abilities. To boost your ability to communicate with the angels, use it with blue anhydrite also known as Angelite, see image below or with Stellerite... both excellent choices to combine with it in meditation.

Dumortierite helps to boost psychic gifts

Deep Lavender Blue Iolite, vision and


Blue Anhydrite aka Angelite connects you

with angels