After WWII The Cold War 1945-1991. Yalta Conference Met off of Black Sea before end of WWII to...

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Transcript of After WWII The Cold War 1945-1991. Yalta Conference Met off of Black Sea before end of WWII to...

After WWII

The Cold War


Yalta Conference

Met off of Black Sea before end of WWII to discuss outcome

USA (FDR), Soviet Union (Stalin), & Britain (Churchill)

Soviets wanted buffer zone so don’t get invaded (Poland)

Want to weaken Germany (break into 4 parts)

US & Britain don’t agree (start WWIII) but US needs Soviet help with Japan so agree, but Soviets have top give new nations free elections

The United Nations

Formed with 51 countries that met in San Francisco to prevent conflict

Based in NY today Five countries led-

USA, Britain, France, USSR, China

Fate of Great Britain

Had to pay back Lend Lease fall into depression

Oust Churchill (blame for depression)

PM Atlee Socialist Can’t afford to keep empire India independence 1946 Then Burma, Australia,

Canada Does not want atomic bomb

Arab-Israeli Conflict

UN sectioned off to make two countries to create a Jewish homeland for refugees from Holocaust

First War 1947-1948 750,000 Palestinians

misplaced-still a controversy today

Fate of US

We become world power We have atomic bomb 1952 get Hydrogen bomb Capitalist Truman President until

1953 Dwight Eisenhower “Ike”

President 1953-1961

Fate of Soviet Union

Stalin dies 1953 Khrushchev becomes

leader Communist Mad we did not tell them we

had atomic bomb & feels they had to fight the eastern front without help (most causalities)

Does not keep promise from Yalta

Get atomic bomb 1949 Get Hydrogen bomb 1953

Welcome to the

Cold War!!!!

Fate of Germany

Sectioned into 4 parts East Germany went to

USSR West to France, GB,

USA (We eventually combine to make West Germany)

Split capital of Berlin in Soviet zone as well

Berlin Airlift

First conflict of Cold War Soviets block supplies from coming into Berlin so they would gain complete control

June 1948-May1949 US & Britain airlift ~ 13,000

tons of supplies Afterward became East

Germany & West Germany

Berlin Wall 1961

Built in 1961 under JFK

Separated East from West Berlin

Fell in Nov 1989 Symbol of the Cold

War & Fall marks the beginning of the end of the Cold War

Berlin Wall

In 1960s Fall in 1989

Red Scare -Senator Joe McCarthy

Vows to rid of spread of communism because he “has a list of names” to get elected

HUAC-House Un-American Activities Committee-investigated suspected communist

Hollywood Ten McCarthyism

Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

Accused of selling bomb secrets to Soviets

Tried & executed 1953 Ethel re-executed Targeted because they

were Russian immigrants (shows shift in discrimination)

NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization

United States Canada United Kingdom France Italy Netherlands Norway Iceland Denmark Belgium Luxemburg Portugal

Warsaw Pact

Soviet Union Albania Czechoslovakia Hungary East Germany Poland Romania Bulgaria

The Iron Curtain

Churchill states “An iron curtain has descended upon the Continent”

The Eastern Bloc

Satellite Nation: appears to be an independent nation but really is ruled by another.

Soviets had areas around them as satellite nations during the Cold War.


Leader Josip Tito Split from Stalin 1948 Was an Ally in WWII so

independent Communist but not part

of Stalin’s satellite nations

Yugoslavia divided in 1992 after ethnic wars

Communist China

China became communist in 1949

Mao Zedong (1949-1976) controversial leader

China is in transition today

The Space Race

In 1957 Soviets launch Sputnik

First earth orbiting artificial satellite

Starts Space Race in Cold War

Changes US school curriculum

And so it begins…

Truman Doctrine: 1947 Truman fears Soviets will not live up to their agreements at Potsdam Conference and begins policy of containment

NSC-68: signed in 1950 by Truman quadrupled the amount spent on defense and stated ~20% GDP go to defense

It’s a Cold War with Hot Zones…

Conflicts will break out in:-Korea-Vietnam-Latin America-The Middle East Why?-Containment: US policy to stop

the spread of Communism-Domino Theory: fear that if one

country falls to communism their neighbor will too


99 Red balloons-1984