After World War I nationalist movements in European colonies increased as a result of A.The fear...

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After World War I nationalist movements in European colonies increased as a result of

A. The fear that colonists might be pulled into another costly war.

B. The lack of financial support from Europe.

C. The fear that European nations would demand more resources to rebuild after the war.

D. The colonists’ belief that they had earned their freedom by fighting in the war.

D. The colonists’ belief that they had earned their freedom by fighting in the war.

Which of the following was a cause of the US stock market crash in 1929?

A. Increasing speculation in the stock market

B. Economic troubles brought on by the high cost of maintaining colonies

C. Government regulation of the economy

D. Lack of confidence in the government

A. Increasing speculation in the stock market

Which of the following tactics did Joseph Stalin use to further his plan for economic modernization?

A. He worked to improve political rights for women.

B. He loosened government control of industry.

C. He instituted a policy of collectivization of small farms.

D. He encouraged capitalist ideas and beliefs.D. He encouraged capitalist ideas and beliefs.

During the 1930s how were Germany and Japan similar?

A. Both joined an alliance with the Soviet Union.

B. Both established colonies in the Pacific.

C. Both had Communist governments.

D. Both built up their military forces.D. Both built up their military forces.

What factor played a key role in widespread disillusionment with Germany’s post-World War I government?

A. Lack of industrial growth

B. The spread of communism

C. Lack of democratic reforms

D. Economic crisisD. Economic crisis

Which of the following is an example of German aggression prior to World War II?

A. Germany remained neutral.

B. Germany reclaimed and militarized the Rhineland.

C. Germany gave up control of Austria.

D. Germany signed a treaty with Russia.D. Germany signed a treaty with Russia.

What was the goal of the policy of appeasement?

A. To demand payment of reparations

B. To set up democratic government in Italy

C. To prevent war with Germany

D. To ensure the neutrality of Britain

C. To prevent war with Germany

What event triggered World War II?

A. Germany invaded Poland.

B. Italy attacked North Africa.

C. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

D. Germany and the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact.

A. Germany invaded Poland.

What British leader encouraged the British to keep fighting during the Battle of Britain?

A. George Marshall

B. Franklin Roosevelt

C. Winston Churchill

D. Neville Chamberlain

C. Winston Churchill

Which battle was a turning point in the war in the Pacific?

A. Battle of El Alamein

B. Battle of the Bulge

C. Battle of Midway

D. Battle of Stalingrad

C. Battle of Midway

The Nazis implemented the Final Solution in order to

A. Leave the British with no Allies.

B. Conquer all of Europe.

C. Defeat the Soviets.

D. Kill Europe’s Jews.D. Kill Europe’s Jews.

What country suffered the greatest number of casualties in World War II?

A. Soviet Union

B. Japan

C. United States

D. Great Britain

A. Soviet Union

What two countries emerged from the war as the world’s most powerful nations?

A. The United States and Japan

B. Great Britain and the United States

C. The Soviet Union and Germany

D. The United States and the Soviet Union

C. The Soviet Union and Germany

In order to prevent the outbreak of future wars, the Allies created the

A. Final Solution.

B. Policy of appeasement.

C. Potsdam Conference.

D. United Nations.D. United Nations.

Which of the following was a cause of the Cold War?

A. The Soviet Union set up Communist governments in Eastern Europe.

B. The United States refused to force Germany to pay reparations.

C. Soviet officials were charged with war crimes during the Nuremberg trials.

D. The United States refused to loan money to the Soviet Union after the war.

A. The Soviet Union set up Communist governments in Eastern Europe.

The goal of the Truman Doctrine was to

A. Permanently divide Europe between East and West.

B. Rebuild the war-torn nations of Eastern Europe.

C. Prevent the spread of communism.

D. Remove Stalin from power in the Soviet Union.

C. Prevent the spread of communism.

What effect did the Cold War have on the nations of Europe?

A. To protect themselves from future attacks, European nations developed the most powerful armies in the world.

B. The high cost of the Cold War forced European nations to seek more colonies.

C. Europe was slow to rebuild after the war as a result of Cold War tensions.

D. It divided Europe into two competing alliances - NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

D. It divided Europe into two competing alliances - NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

US efforts to prevent the spread of communism led it to become involved in conflicts in all of the following places except

A. Southeast Asia.

B. Australia.

C. Central America.

D. Africa.

B. Australia.

All of the following are results of the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War except

A. The Cuban missile crisis.

B. The development of a nuclear arms race.

C. The creation of Israel.

D. The Red Scare.

C. The creation of Israel.

Command economies differ from market economies in that

A. Command economies rely heavily on barter.

B. Market forces determine economic decisions.

C. Governments make most economic decisions in command economies.

D. Command economies produce more goods.

C. Governments make most economic decisions in command economies.

What was the result of uprisings in Eastern Europe in the 1950s and 1960s?

A. They led to democratic reforms in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

B. They resulted in a Soviet crackdown on political protest in Eastern Europe.

C. They encouraged the United States to support rebellions in Eastern Europe.

D. They led the Soviet government to grant equal rights to women.

B. They resulted in a Soviet crackdown on political protest in Eastern Europe.

In what way did an economic crisis in the 1980s affect Soviet policies?

A. It increased Cold War tensions with the United States.

B. It forced a Soviet crackdown on Eastern European nations.

C. It encouraged the Soviets to seek an alliance with Great Britain.

D. It forced the Soviet government to introduce some capitalist practices.

D. It forced the Soviet government to introduce some capitalist practices.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 has become a symbol of

A. The Cold War.

B. Germany’s economic collapse.

C. The collapse of communism.

D. Ethnic tensions in Eastern Europe.

C. The collapse of communism.

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has been chiefly involved in conflicts in

A. The Middle East.

B. Southeast Asia.

C. Eastern Europe.

D. Africa.

A. The Middle East.

Who was a key figure in the independence movement in India?

A. Benazir Bhutto

B. Mohandas Gandhi

C. Mao Zedong

D. Indira Gandhi

B. Mohandas Gandhi

What was the cause of fighting in Vietnam in the 1940s and early 1950s?

A. The Vietnamese opposed the division of the country into North and South.

B. The United States had tried to colonize Vietnam.

C. Communist China had invaded Vietnam.

D. The Vietnamese wanted their independence from France.D. The Vietnamese wanted their independence from France.

What was the main result of the Chinese Civil War?

A. Japan invaded China.

B. Communists took over the Chinese government.

C. China was divided into two countries.

D. The United States sent troops to China to prevent the spread of communism.

B. Communists took over the Chinese government.

“If we combine a planned economy with a market economy, we shall be in a better position to liberate the productive forces and speed up economic growth.”

Deng Xiaoping, interview, 1985

A. Economic growth

B. The end of communism

C. Reunification with Taiwan

D. The creation of a planned economy

A. Economic growth

According to the quote above, what did China hope to gain from its economic reforms?

How did Japan change in the years following World War II?

A. The power of the emperor was strengthened.

B. Its economy experienced unprecedented growth.

C. Its population declined dramatically.

D. It lost markets fro its goods.

B. Its economy experienced unprecedented growth.

What impact did World War II have on independence movements in Africa?

A. African natives gained political strength by ruling the colonies during the war.

B. The cost of the war made European nations more determined to hang on to their colonies’ wealth.

C. Independence movements gained strength as European countries lost power after the war.

D. The atrocities of the war led many Africans to oppose foreign control.

C. Independence movements gained strength as European countries lost power after the war.

Why might African colonies with large European populations have faced more difficulty in gaining independence?

A. The United States often sent aid to support European settlers.

B. European governments did not want to force their people to pay taxes.

C. European settlers often supported independence movements.

D. European settlers did not want to give up their land.D. European settlers did not want to give up their land.

What African country was torn apart by ethnic conflict and genocide in 1994?

A. Ghana

B. Kenya

C. Rwanda

D. South Africa

C. Rwanda

The Zionist movement, immigration into Palestine, and the Holocaust led to

A. The creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

B. The Persian Gulf War.

C. The Iranian Revolution.

D. The OPEC oil embargo.

A. The creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

All of the following have been major factors in conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East since 1945 except

A. The Arab-Israeli dispute over Palestine.

B. The region’s large oil reserves.

C. The growth of Islamism.

D. The building of the Suez Canal.D. The building of the Suez Canal.

Which of the following was a cause of the Cuban Revolution?

A. US business interests supported Castro.

B. Military leaders wanted more power.

C. Cuba’s poor were unhappy with their political and economic situation.

D. Cubans wanted independence from Spain.

C. Cuba’s poor were unhappy with their political and economic situation.

During the Cold War, the United States became involved in Latin America in order to

A. Support the rights of the poor.

B. Gain valuable natural resources.

C. Stop the spread of communism.

D. End the rule of brutal dictators.

C. Stop the spread of communism.

What led to the rise of military dictatorships in South America?

A. Economic problems

B. The desire to limit the power of the rich

C. Growing distrust of the United States

D. Democratic reforms

A. Economic problems

What political reform has helped bring change to many Latin American nations?

A. The introduction of one-party rule

B. Improvements in trade and production

C. The return of democratic governments

D. The rise of military dictatorships

C. The return of democratic governments

The process by which countries are linked through trade and culture is known as

A. Urbanization.

B. globalization.

C. International cooperation.

D. Free trade.

B. globalization.

Which of the following is a result of global trade?

A. Developed countries support the spread of democracy.

B. Developing countries can participate in trade.

C. The global economy has declined.

D. Trade restrictions have increased.

B. Developing countries can participate in trade.

Countries around the world pledged to respect human rights in the

A. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

B. North American Free Trade Agreement

C. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

D. Camp David Accords

A. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Since 2001 governments have responded to terrorist attacks in all of the following ways except

A. Strengthening transportation security.

B. Improving intelligence services.

C. Increasing border security.

D. Creating new systems of alliances.D. Creating new systems of alliances.

How have the improvements in information technology affected the world?

A. They have led to increased global warming.

B. They have allowed almost instant communication between countries.

C. They have increased the trade gap between developed and developing countries.

D. They have led to increased urbanization.

B. They have allowed almost instant communication between countries.