After test Barcelona 20160303

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of After test Barcelona 20160303

Performance ModellingMatemáticas y sentido común

import randomimport timeimport requests

class Speaker(object):

def __init__(self): born = "Avilés - Asturias" studies = "Applied Maths and Computability" jobdescription = "Performance Jedi" company = "Telefónica I+D" team = "Product Engineering" project = "AWAZZA" talks = [VLC Testing, DevopsDays, WebPerfDays, Velocity]

def talk(self): start_timer = time.time() r = requests.get('') latency = time.time() - start_timer self.custom_timers[‘After Test 2016'] = latency

if __name__ == '__main__': speech = Speaker() print trans.custom_timers

Almudena Vivanco (@MrsDaehin)

Users vs request• ¿cuánto aguanta nuestra plataforma?

SCENARIOS: Identify the scenarios that are most commonly executed or most resource-intensive

WORKLOAD MODEL: User Session Duration in average. It is important to define the load levels that will translate into concurrent usage, overslapping users, or user sessions per second.

USER SCENARIO: Navigational Path, including intermediate steps or activities, taken by the user to complete a task. We will call it User Session from now on.

THINK TIMES: User thinktimes → Pause between pages during a User Session depending on the User Type*

User Types: Identify the User … new, revisiting or both.

Performance Acceptance Criteria: Response time, System load, Throughput ...

METRICS: Only well-selected metrics that are analyzed correctly and contextually provide information of value.

DESIGN TEST: Using your scenarios, key metrics, and workload analysis …

RUN TEST: the load simulation must reflect the test design

ANALYZE RESULTS: Find bottlenecks, memory leaks, cpu hogs, bad sofware design …

The Maths behind


“mi tiempo medio de respuesta está bien."


Afterwards … in PROD ...

PerformanceIt's not just about adding more


Apdex Indext = acceptable response timesatisfied = response time < t

tolerating = t < response time > 4tfrustrated = response time > 4t

Apdex [t] = (satisfied + tolerating/2)/total requests

• Percentiles• Moda• Media• Mediana• Desviación Estándar


Matemáticas y Sentido Común

Distribución de Poisson

Modelando el uso de la aplicación

Identificar el objetivo de la prueba• Volumen de tráfico?• Escala?• Picos de carga?• Robusto?

EstadísticasSesiónPáginas VistasFlujoDispositivoLocalizacion

Modelización y Jmeter


Jmeter Test Plan

User Defined Variables

Functional Test Mode

User defined Variables at Test Plan level to be used from Jenkins

User Behaviour in JMeterOnly Once Controllers

Cache Management

Cookie Management

Header Manager

Think Times

Jmeter in Cloud commercial tools





